AP Human Geography 3rd quarter project due 30 March Notable Geographers and their Models/Contributions You will create a poster (for the bulletin board, that is not free standing) for one of the notable geographers or ideas listed below. On your poster you must have the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of model/theory – Print/Write it big so we can see it across the room. Geographer’s name and credentials/qualifications + The year their model was created and where What their model is supposed to explain regarding geography? A visual of their model or theory – use color, make it big (Can be printed) Cite/explain a real world example (can be from the time period of the creation of Model/Theory) Strengths of Model/Theory >Strengths of the model in Human Geography Weaknesses of Model/Theory > Weaknesses/Issues with the model 3 Sources http://www.csiss.org/classics/ Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/ap-human-geography-coursedescription.pdf APHUG course guide Geographers/Theories 1. NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION/ Five Themes of Geography 2. MAPPING/ Ptolemy 3. MAPPING/ Arno Peters 4. MAPPING/APHUG World Regions(closer look) p. 11 APHUG Course Guide 5. MAPPING/Geographical Information Systems 6. AGRICULTURE/J. Von Thunen 7. CLIMATE/Vladimir Koppen (classification) 8. CULTURE/Carl Sauer 9. CULTURE/Colin Renfrew 10. CULTURE/Gimbutas Indo-Europeans 11. INDUSTRY/Alfred Weber 12. INDUSTRY/August Losch 13. INDUSTRY/Harold Hotelling location 14. INDUSTRY-DEVELOPMENT/Immanuel Wallerstein World system thesis 15. INDUSTRY-DEVELOPMENT/Walter Rostow 16. POLITICAL/Alfred Mahan sea power 17. POLITICAL/Halford Mackinder 18. POLITICAL/Nicholas Spkyman geopolitics 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. POPULATION/ A. R. Omran public health POPULATION/Ernst Ravenstein POPULATION/Ester Boserup POPULATION/Norman Borlaug POPULATION/Thomas Malthus POPULATION/Wilber Zelinsky migration POPULATION/ John Snow public health POPULATION/Warren Thompson Demographic transition model 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. URBAN /G. Zipf city rank size URBAN/ E. Griffin & L. Ford Latin America URBAN/Alonso & Ricardo URBAN/Chauney Harris and E. Ullman URBAN/Ernst Burgess URBAN/Homer Hoyt URBAN/Joel Garreau edge cities URBAN/John Borchert transportation URBAN-SERVICES/Walter Christaller