Music Curriculum Document: Grade 5 Ongoing Student Learning Expectations Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.5.1 Steady beat Sing a varied repertoire alone and eighth note with others sixteenth note Tempi Steady beat Andante eighth note and sixteenth note Moderato patterns Major tonality Variety of tempi (e.g., andante, Dynamic level moderato) Pianissimo Major tonalities Mezzo piano Dynamic levels [e.g., pianissimo Mezzo forte (pp), mezzo piano (mp), mezzo Forte forte (mf), forte (f), and Fortissimo fortissimo (ff)] Crescendo Change in dynamic levelsDecrescendo crescendo and decrescendo ¾ meter 3 4 and meters 4/4 meter 4 4 countermelody countermelodies M.1.5.3 Refine correct techniques Vocal exploration Found sounds Body percussion Classroom instruments Posture-vocal and instrumental Breathing Phrasing Articulation M.1.5.4 Demonstrate and respond to simple conducting patterns Vocal exploration Found sound Body percussion Posture Breathing Phrasing Articulation Conducting pattern Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary M.1.5.5 Read eighth note and sixteenth note patterns Variety of tempi (e.g., andante, moderato) Major tonalities Dynamic levels [e.g., pianissimo (pp), mezzo piano (mp), mezzo forte (mf), forte (f), and fortissimo (ff)] Change in dynamic levelscrescendo and decrescendo 3 and 4 meters eighth note sixteenth note Tempi Andante Moderato Major tonality Dynamic level Pianissimo Mezzo piano Mezzo forte Forte Fortissimo Crescendo Decrescendo ¾ meter 4/4 meter 4 4 M.1.5.6 Identify notes written on the lines and spaces of the treble clef and bass clef Note Line Space Treble clef Bass clef M.1.5.7 Apply knowledge of symbols and terms in reading music Repeat sign Treble clef Bass clef Bar line and double bar line Time signatures Fermata Simple key signatures Symbol Term Repeat sign Treble clef Bass clef Bar line Double bar line Time signature Fermata Key signature Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 2: Creative Expression Students shall demonstrate creative expression through music. M.2.5.4 Improvise Physical education connections Respond to music through movement (e.g., traditional and improvised conducting patterns) Strand: Music Content Standard 3: Critical Analysis Students shall listen to, analyze, describe, and evaluate a variety of music. M.3.5.1 String instrument Name the Instrument web site Identify musical instruments by sight Brass instrument and sound Woodwind instrument ml Percussion instrument String Electronic instrument Brass Woodwind Percussion Electronic M.3.5.3 Demonstrate appropriate etiquette as a performer and an observer Etiquette Performer Observer Assessment Strand: Music Content Standard 4: Connections Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of connections between music and other disciplines. Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary M.4.5.1 Respond to music from various cultures, historical periods, and/or events (e.g., world music, folk music, jazz, spirituals) Listening Singing Moving Playing World music Folk music Spiritual Jazz M.4.5.2 Identify connections Between music and the other fine arts (e.g., theatre, ballet) Between music and disciplines outside the arts (e.g., social studies) Theatre Ballet Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Ongoing SLEs Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment Quarter 1 Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Quarter 2 Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.5.2 Steady beat Play a varied repertoire alone and eighth note with other sixteenth note Tempi Steady beat Andante eighth note and sixteenth note Moderato patterns Major tonality Variety of tempi (e.g., andante, Dynamic level moderato) Pianissimo Major tonalities Mezzo piano Dynamic levels [e.g., pianissimo Mezzo forte (pp), mezzo piano (mp), mezzo Forte forte (mf), forte (f), and Fortissimo fortissimo (ff)] Crescendo Change in dynamic levelsDecrescendo crescendo and decrescendo ¾ meter 3 4 and meters 4/4 meter 4 4 M.1.2.7 Identify symbols and terms Repeat sign Treble clef Bar line and double bar line Fermata Symbol Term Repeat sign Treble clef Bar line Double bar line Fermata Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Quarter 3 Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.5.2 Steady beat Play a varied repertoire alone and eighth note with other sixteenth note Tempi Steady beat Andante eighth note and sixteenth note Moderato patterns Major tonality Variety of tempi (e.g., andante, Dynamic level moderato) Pianissimo Major tonalities Mezzo piano Dynamic levels [e.g., pianissimo Mezzo forte (pp), mezzo piano (mp), mezzo Forte forte (mf), forte (f), and Fortissimo fortissimo (ff)] Crescendo Change in dynamic levelsDecrescendo crescendo and decrescendo ¾ meter 3 4 and meters 4/4 meter 4 4 M.1.5.8 Notate Eighth note and sixteenth note patterns 3 and 4 time signatures 4 4 Eighth note Sixteenth note Time signature Strand: Music Content Standard 2: Creative Expression Students shall demonstrate creative expression through music. M.2.5.2 Compose Compose a four-measure phrase phrase Assessment Strand: Music Content Standard 3: Critical Analysis Students shall listen to, analyze, describe, and evaluate a variety of music. Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary M.3.5.2 Recognize musical form Theme and variations Musical form Theme Variation Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 4: Connections Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of connections between music and other disciplines. M.4.5.3 Career opportunity Research career opportunities in Performance music (e.g., business, education, Music therapy performance, music therapy, technology) Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Quarter 4 Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.5.2 Steady beat Play a varied repertoire alone and eighth note with other sixteenth note Tempi Steady beat Andante eighth note and sixteenth note Moderato patterns Major tonality Variety of tempi (e.g., andante, Dynamic level moderato) Pianissimo Major tonalities Mezzo piano Dynamic levels [e.g., pianissimo Mezzo forte (pp), mezzo piano (mp), mezzo Forte forte (mf), forte (f), and Fortissimo fortissimo (ff)] Crescendo Change in dynamic levelsDecrescendo crescendo and decrescendo ¾ meter 3 4 and meters 4/4 meter 4 4 M.1.5.8 Notate Eighth note and sixteenth note patterns 3 and 4 time signatures 4 4 Eighth note Sixteenth note Time signature Assessment Strand: Music Content Standard 2: Creative Expression Students shall demonstrate creative expression through music. Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary M.2.5.1 Improvise rhythmic variations on familiar melodies Improvise Rhythmic pattern melody M.2.5.2 Compose a four-measure phrase Compose phrase Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment M.2.5.3 Arrange Arrange familiar songs using musical Expression expression Strand: Music Content Standard 3: Critical Analysis Students shall listen to, analyze, describe, and evaluate a variety of music. M.3.5.2 Musical form Recognize musical form Theme Variation Theme and variations M.3.5.4 Evaluate performances and compositions using a studentgenerated rubric Evaluate Performance Composition Rubric rubric