ACP Blueprint Grade 3 Music Semester 1, 2015–2016 Test Code Year Form 7531 15 3 Last Revision Date: 05/28/2015 TEKS/SE No. of Items % of Test 1. Foundations: Categorize and explain a variety of musical sounds, including those of children and adult voices. 3.1A 2 7% 2. Foundations: Categorize and explain a variety of musical sounds, including those of woodwind, brass, string, percussion, and instruments from various cultures. 3.1B 4 13% 3. Foundations: Use known music symbols and terminology referring to rhythm; melody; timbre; form; tempo; and dynamics, including mezzo piano and mezzo forte, to identify musical sounds presented aurally. 3.1C 2 7% 4. Foundations: Read, write, and reproduce rhythmic patterns using standard notation, including four sixteenth notes, whole notes, whole rests, and previously learned note values in 2/4 and 4/4 meters as appropriate. 3.2A 6 20% 3.2B 3 10% 3.2C 4 13% 7. Historical and Cultural Relevance: Identify music from diverse genres, styles, periods, and cultures. 3.5B 3 10% 8. Critical Evaluation and Response: Exhibit audience etiquette during live and recorded performances. 3.6A 2 7% 9. Critical Evaluation and Response: Recognize known rhythmic and melodic elements in aural examples using appropriate vocabulary. 3.6B 2 7% 10. Critical Evaluation and Response: Identify specific musical events in aural examples such as changes in timbre, form, tempo, or dynamics using appropriate vocabulary. 3.6C 2 7% SE Descriptions 5. Foundations: Read, write, and reproduce extended pentatonic melodic patterns using standard staff notation. 6. Foundations: Identify new and previously learned music symbols and terms referring to tempo and dynamics, including mezzo piano and mezzo forte. Total 30 Note: Strikethrough text indicates specified content not measured for this assessment. Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.