Music Curriculum Document: Grade 4 Ongoing Student Learning Expectations Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.4.1 Steady beat Sing a varied repertoire alone and whole note with others whole rest four sixteenth notes Steady beat triplet whole notes, whole rests, four Tempi sixteenth notes, and triplets Accelerando Variety of tempi changes (e.g., Ritardando accelerando, ritardando) More complex melodic patterns Pentatonic major scale Pentatonic minor scale (e.g., pentatonic major and Dynamic level minor scales) Pianissimo Variety of dynamic levels [e.g., Mezzo piano pianissimo (pp), mezzo piano Mezzo forte (mp), mezzo forte (mf), Fortissimo fortissimo (ff)] Duple meter Duple and triple meter Triple meter Partner songs M.1.4.2 Play a varied repertoire alone and with others Steady beat whole notes, whole rests, four sixteenth notes, and triplets Variety of tempi changes (e.g., accelerando, ritardando) More complex melodic patterns Variety of dynamic levels [e.g., pianissimo (pp), mezzo piano (mp), mezzo forte (mf), fortissimo (ff)] Duple and triple meter whole note whole rest four sixteenth notes triplet Tempi Accelerando Ritardando Dynamic level Pianissimo Mezzo piano Mezzo forte Fortissimo Duple meter Triple meter Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary M.1.4.3 Demonstrate correct techniques Vocal exploration Found sounds Body percussion Classroom instruments Posture-vocal and instrumental Breathing Phrasing Articulation Performance skills Vocal exploration Found sound Body percussion Posture Breathing Phrasing Articulation Performance skills M.1.4.4 Demonstrate and respond to simple conducting patterns Conducting pattern M.1.4.5 Read whole notes, whole rests, four sixteenth notes, and triplets Variety of tempi changes (e.g., accelerando, ritardando) More complex melodic patterns (e.g., sol-mi-la-do-re/5-3-6-1-2, steps, skips, leaps, repeating tones) Variety of dynamic levels [e.g., pianissimo (pp), mezzo piano (mp), mezzo forte (mf), fortissimo (ff)] Duple and triple meter whole notes whole rests four sixteenth notes triplets tempi accelerando ritardando melodic patterns dynamic levels pianissimo (pp) mezzo piano (mp) mezzo forte (mf) fortissimo (ff) Duple meter triple meter M.1.4.7 Identify symbols and terms Bass clef Da capo (D.C.) Dal segno (D.S.) Coda Symbol Term Bass clef Da capo Dal segno coda Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 2: Creative Expression Students shall demonstrate creative expression through music. M.2.4.3 Folk dance Physical education connections Respond to music through movement Square dance (e.g., folk and square dances, Choreograph choreograph a song) Strand: Music Content Standard 3: Critical Analysis Students shall listen to, analyze, describe, and evaluate a variety of music. M.3.4.1 String instrument Name the Instrument web site Identify musical instruments by sight Brass instrument and sound Woodwind instrument ml Percussion instrument String Electronic instrument Brass Woodwind Percussion Electronic M.3.4.3 Demonstrate appropriate etiquette as a performer and an observer Etiquette Performer Observer Assessment Strand: Music Content Standard 4: Connections Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of connections between music and other disciplines. Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary M.4.4.1 Respond to music from various cultures, historical periods, and/or events (e.g., folk music, spirituals, patriotic songs, Arkansas songs) Listening Singing Moving Playing Folk music Spiritual Patriotic song Arkansas song Instructional Strategy/ Resources Arkansas state song- First Arkansas marching song Songs of Arkansas- Assessment M.4.4.2 Identify connections Between music and the other fine arts Between music and disciplines outside the arts Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Quarter 1 Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment Essential Vocabulary Quarter 2 Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment Ongoing SLEs Student Learning Expectation Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.2.7 Symbol Identify symbols and terms Term Repeat sign Repeat sign Treble clef Treble clef Bar line Bar line and double bar line Double bar line Fermata Fermata Strand: Music Content Standard 2: Creative Expression Students shall demonstrate creative expression through music. M.2.2.2 Compose Compose short rhythmic patterns Rhythmic pattern Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Quarter 3 Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.4.6 Line Name the lines and spaces of the Space bass clef Bass clef Strand: Music Content Standard 2: Creative Expression Students shall demonstrate creative expression through music. M.2.4.2 Compose Compose short melodic and rhythmic Melodic pattern patterns using musical expression Expression Strand: Music Content Standard 3: Critical Analysis Students shall listen to, analyze, describe, and evaluate a variety of music. M.3.4.2 Musical form Lesson teaching rondo using Viennese Musical Clock Recognize musical form rondo rondo musical-clock-lesson.htm M.3.4.4 Evaluate music using a teachergenerated rubric Evaluate Rubric Rubric Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Quarter 4 Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.4.6 Line Name the lines and spaces of the Space bass clef Bass clef M.1.4.8 Notate whole notes, whole rests, four sixteenth notes, and triplets duple and triple meter time signature bass clef Whole note Whole rest Four sixteenth note Triplet Duple meter Triple meter Time signature Bass clef M.1.4.4 Demonstrate and respond to simple conducting patterns Strand: Music Content Standard 2: Creative Expression Students shall demonstrate creative expression through music. M.2.4.1 Improvise Improvise more complex melodic and Melodic pattern rhythmic patterns (e.g., question and Rhythmic pattern answer) Question and answer M.2.4.2 Compose short melodic and rhythmic patterns using musical expression Compose Melodic pattern Expression Assessment Strand: Music Content Standard 3: Critical Analysis Students shall listen to, analyze, describe, and evaluate a variety of music. Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary M.3.4.2 Recognize musical form rondo Musical form rondo M.3.4.4 Evaluate music using a teachergenerated rubric Evaluate Rubric Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment