
Learning FRQ
Imagine that you have a pet penguin named Perry that you want to train to walk in
'figure 8s.' How would you teach Perry figure 8s using Classical Conditioning and/or
Operant Conditioning? Explain each technique, how you would use it to train Perry, and
why/why not utilize Classical Conditioning or Operant Conditioning. Use the following
terminology to augment your answer.
-operant conditioning
-classical operant conditioning
-conditioned stimulus
-positive reinforcement
-extinction (extinguished) behavior
Sample Essay
In teaching my pet penguin, Perry, a series of successive tasks I would utilize operant
conditioning techniques more often than classical conditioning. Operant conditioning
lends itself to learning successive task through its use of reinforcement schedules
whereas classical conditioning is best used for naturally occurring responses, for
example a mouth watering when food is smelled. First I would observe Perry walking—
this allows me as the trainer to see what I am working with. Since I do not want him to
constantly walk in figure-8’s, I might utilize a clicker appropriate to both classical and
operant conditioning. In conditioning the naturally occurring behavior is the
unconditioned response. Because I am trying to create new behavior I would pair a
previously unrelated item to serve as a stimulus or signal to start the desired behavior.
As a conditioned stimulus, Perry would soon associate the clicker to the task I wish him
to perform. Initially, I may need to physically lead Perry into the figure-8 formation since
he has yet to associate my verbal command with the clicker or the action. As Perry
completes the figure-8 training I may need to reinforce successive steps—or shape the
behavior. As Perry closes the initial turn of the figure-8, I will reinforce the behavior
allowing Perry to understand that the behavior, once complete, will result in a treat. The
training of a penguin will be most successful if the ratio of behavior to reinforcement is
fixed 1:1 and is positive in nature. Positive reinforcement is more likely to cause the
desired behavior to occur on a regular basis. Once Perry is successful with step 1 of a
figure-8, I would shape the next step—withhold reinforcement until the entire figure-8 is
completed. As noted previously, shaping is the reinforcement of successive steps in a
task. In other words, the complete task is broken into smaller components. The first
component is taught and reinforced. Then, the next step is introduced but treats are
withheld until the second component is completed successfully. This pattern is
continued until the complete task is mastered. Soon I may change the reward to verbal
praise so that Perry does not expect a treat every time he figure-8’s. If Perry were to
expect a treat each time he would make himself dizzy from the behavior or until the treat
wasn’t enough reinforcement to continue the behavior, thus extinguishing the behavior.
Although I would have to make sure that I begin by pairing the verbal praise with the
treat and gradually transition to verbal praise only. In the end Perry would perform a
figure-8 upon command and not necessarily require any reinforcement other than verbal
praise. What a great party trick!
Essay Evaluation Portion, AP Psychology
Scoring Guidelines, 10 points FRQ
Points 1& 2 Definition of operant conditioning and differentiation between classical and
operant conditioning
a. Definition (1 point): Must reference that learning behaviors are emitted to earn
rewards or avoid punishment.
b. Differentiation (1 point): Must make mention that classical conditioning deals more
with naturally occurring behaviors.
Points 3 & 4 Explanation of conditioned stimulus and make an identification of a
conditioned stimulus in this example.
a. Definition (1 point): Must mention the type(s) of stimuli and responses,
specifically a conditioned stimulus.
b. Identification (1 point): Identify the CS in the written example.
Points 5, 6, & 7 Define positive reinforcement and explain how positive reinforcement is
used in the learning process, specifically mentioning a particular ratio for applying
a. Definition (1 point): An event or consequence that increases the likelihood of a
particular behavior to occur again.
b. Application (1 point): Application of positive reinforcement in the example is
appropriate for the task.
c. Application (1 point): Application of a ratio in successful learning.
Points 8 & 9 Define shaping and apply the process in the example.
a. Definition (1 point): Reinforcing successive approximations to a desired behavior.
c. Application (1 point): Demonstration of shaping by breaking down example and
explaining how the process would work for the example.
Points 10 Discuss the possibility of extinguished behavior in this example.
a. Discussion & Application (1 point): A decrease in the likelihood that the behavior will
occur once reinforcement is discontinued AND application of where it may happen
in the example.