Page 1 JP TARAVELLA HIGH SCHOOL Syllabus . Instructor’s Name: Amanda Feld Course Title: Earth Space Science Course Schedule: Period 1 7:40am-8:30am Course Location: Room 822 Contact Information: Phone:754-323-2300 Email: Website: Availability: 7:15am-7:30am or 2:45pm-3:15pm Course Materials: Textbook: Holt McDougal Earth Science Supplies needed: 1 3subject notebook (it can be left in class) Paper Markers, crayons, or colored pencils Multiple Pens and Pencils Electronic Resources: Objectives: Electronic Book is available online though B.E.E.P on Broward schools website: Choose Student portal, enter User name (student number) and password (birth date). Then go to Grades 9-12 and choose Science, and then Earth Space Science Topics will include, but not be limited to The nature of science and scientific processes Earth’s systems The nature of matter Formation of the universe Page 2 Assignments: The solar system Weather Oceans Rocks and minerals The earth’s crust Plate tectonics Laboratory activities, which include the use of the scientific method, measurement, laboratory apparatus, and proper safety techniques. Will include but not limited to worksheets, study and note guides, labs, and special projects. Seat Work and Homework Policy: Quizzes & Tests: Most work shall be completed in class. If unable to finish within that time, it needs to be completed for homework. Due dates for certain assignments and projects will be given in class and be posted on my website. All assignments will be announced in class. Tests shall be given at the end of each section. Late Work: Late work is not accepted. If you are absent late work will be accepted within 2 days of return (whether excused or not). Quizzes/ tests shall be made up within 7 school days (whether excused or not). Weighting of Assignments: Chapter Test & Quizzes 40% Labs/ Projects 30% Homework 10% Class work 20% Grading Scale: SBBC Policy states : 90-100 = A 87-89= B+ 80-86= B 77-79=C+ 70-76= C 67-69=D+ 60-66= D 59 or below = F Academic Honesty: On my honor as a student at JPT, I have neither given nor received aid on this test. Attendance: All students will follow the guidelines set by Broward County Public Schools, the Code of Student Conduct Handbook, and J.P. Taravella's attendance policy. Page 3 Cell phones : Prior to the start of class, students must turn their cell phones off. If students are found using phones during class(without permission), they will be taken away for the duration of the class period and the student will receive a detention. Rules and Expectations: 1. I will come to Class ON TIME and be PREPARED with all necessary materials. 2. I will FOLLOW the TEACHER’S INSTRUCTIONS/RULES THE FIRST TIME THEY ARE GIVEN. 3. I will NOT EAT or DRINK in class unless authorized by the teacher. 4. I will RAISE MY HAND AND WAIT FOR PERMISSION TO SPEAK OR LEAVE YOUR SEAT. 5. I will WORK HARD and STAY ON TASK 6. NO PROFANITY OR OTHER OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE 7. I will NOT use my cell phone in class. Name: _____________________________ Period: ________ PARENT SIGNATURE: _________________________________________ DATE:___________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE:___________