Textbook Affordability Pilot Options 2014

Cuyahoga Community College Textbook Affordability Taskforce 2014
Pilot 1:
Audience: 4-full time faculty members teaching a course using a digital textbook during SUMMER
2014 (see attached list for reference from Barnes & Noble)
Student cost benefit: FREE use of app and print copy of book provided (if needed)
Summary: Barnes & Noble College is planning for the
beta launch of its exciting, new digital education platform
that will include a mobile eTextbook reader and study
application this spring. They have invited several key
clients to join in piloting this product over the summer and
would like to extend this invitation to Tri-C. The proposed
pilots would take place on each of Tri-C's four campuses
this summer with both students and faculty interacting
with the product and digital course materials, and
providing product feedback to Barnes & Noble College
mid-session and at the end of the session. Students and
faculty will receive free copies of their digital course materials, and if a student does not like the digital
experience, they will also receive their print course materials for free. Training and support will also
be provided by Barnes & Noble College throughout the term.
This platform will provide an exceptional reading and studying experience and enable key study
features such as highlighting and note-taking.
There is a robust academic catalog for faculty and students to search, adopt and purchase content
through BNC sites.
At the launch of the pilot, there will be an iPad app and an online Web reader.
Here’s how to participate: Space is very limited. Contact Nicole Guerrieri | Director, Digital
Education P: 908.991.2159 or NGuerrieri@bncollege.com
Cuyahoga Community College Textbook Affordability Taskforce 2014
Pilot 2
OpenStax Biology for Majors Text & Willey Plus FALL 2014
OpenStax and Wiley Plus have teamed up to create a
robust and interactive online course that greatly reduces
the overall costs to students.
Audience: Full time faculty members teaching Biology for Majors in the Fall of 2014
Student cost benefit: FREE Wiley product is free to students. Book is free if they use the e-text.
Summary: Wiley Plus Learning Space for Biology-Fall 2014 Pilot
BIO Principles is a next-generation teaching and learning solution for the major’s biology course that
offers quality content in a dynamic and engaging format at an affordable price -- made possible
through partnership between Wiley and OpenStax College.
BIO Principles pairs OpenStax's Biology with WileyPLUS Learning Space, Wiley's revolutionary
teaching and learning tool. WileyPLUS Learning Space combines adaptive self-study modules with
an interactive and collaborative new e-text to establish a personalized learning path for each student.
A unique suite of customization and collaboration features offer students a personal journal of course
notes and activity, and encourage peer-to-peer and group discussions surrounding the content.
BIO Principles provides a unique and personalized teaching experience for you, too – allowing you to
easily customize the course, add your own material, and engage your students with pedagogies
shown to enhance learning and retention. WileyPLUS Learning Space offers a sophisticated set of
data analytics and reporting tools that provide you greater insight into your course activity and student
Here’s how to participate: Contact Cheryl Knight at 216 987-4979 or Cheryl.Knight@tri-c.edu to
schedule a demo with Wiley.
Cuyahoga Community College Textbook Affordability Taskforce 2014
Pilot 3
Adopt an OpenStax textbook for Fall 2014 or Spring 2015.
Audience: Any full time faculty member interested in adopting all or part of these books in their fall
2014 or spring 2015 course(s).
Student cost benefit: E-texts are free, and printed texts are an average of 60% less expensive than
other options. Students can choose which option or combination they prefer.
Summary: From the OpenStax web site: http://openstaxcollege.org/:
“OpenStax College provides your students with professional-quality textbooks that are free online and
low-cost in print. Our books are peer-reviewed and backed by top-of-the-line supporting materials.
And while our books meet standard scope and sequence requirements, they are also customizable
by you if your needs are different.”
Currently available texts are: Physics, Sociology, Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Statistics,
Principles of Macroeconomics, and Principles of Microeconomics.
Watch this short video: The Impact of a Free Book
Important Things to Keep in Mind:
Book, ancillary materials provide the foundation for a course
Many of these books align well with the outcomes on Tri-C Official Course Outlines
Instructional design support is available to help you adapt a course to these materials.
Adopting a book can meet several Faculty Service Credit opportunities
How to Participate: Contact Cheryl Knight at 216 987-4979 or Cheryl.Knight@tri-c.edu for more
information on support available.
Cuyahoga Community College Textbook Affordability Taskforce 2014
Pilot 4:
Lumen My Open Math Platform Fall 2014 or Spring 2015
Audience: Full time Mathematics Instructors who are teaching an online, blended, or face-to-face
course that aligns to one of the available interactive texts (see below).
Student cost benefit: Average of greater than $100 per course where interactive text and homework
content is used.
Summary: Information from the web site:
“MyOpenMath is designed for mathematics, providing delivery of
homework, quizzes, and tests with rich mathematical content. Students
can receive immediate feedback on algorithmically generated
questions with numerical or algebraic expression answers. And it can do so much more, providing a
full course management system, including file posting, discussion forums, and a full gradebook, all
designed with mathematics in mind.
MyOpenMath can be used to create a campus-based, web-enhanced course, as part of blended
course, or to facilitate a fully online course. To learn more about how the system can be used by
instructors, watch this quick three minute video
MyOpenMath provides pre-built courses based on popular open textbooks. Some of these courses
only include online homework, while others include videos, handouts, and instructor resources. The
books for these courses can be read online, or printed copies can be ordered.” Books that are
currently available are:
Arithmetic for College Students, David Lippman's remix of the MITE/NROC textbook
Prealgebra, by College of the Redwoods
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, by Tyler Wallace
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, a CK12 flexbook remixed by James Sousa
Math in Society, by David Lippman (A quantitative reasoning / math for liberal arts course)
Precalculus: an Investigation of Functions, by David Lippman and Melonie Rasmussen
(covers College Algebra and Trig) video tour [+]
College Algebra, by Carl Stitz and Jeff Zeager
Business Calculus, by Shana Calaway, Dale Hoffman, and David Lippman
Contemporary Calculus (single variable), by Dale Hoffman
How to participate:
Step 1: Register for an Instructor account at My Open Math:
https://www.myopenmath.com/newinstructor.php . This can take up to 2 weeks to receive login
information because each login is created by hand after verification of instructor status.
Step 2: Contact Cheryl Knight at 216 987-4979 or Cheryl.Knight@tri-c.edu to discuss additional
resources and support available for building a no cost or low cost math course.