2014-2015 catalog updated 10/14/14 Major Academic Plan (MAP) Accounting Major1 This chart shows a typical means toward completing major requirements, but is not the only means; students should work with their advisors to plan out their program in a way that meets their goals. Students should also talk to their advisor about classes not on the MAP. This MAP is not an official document it is an information sheet only. Students are fully responsible for knowing the current requirements of their academic program. Fall 1st Year Spring Summer ENG 110 W 4 PHIL 101 T 3 MATH 121 M 3 COMMS 100 O ECON 240 J23 3 4 2nd Year Semester 1 (BUS 298 and BUS 299)4 MATH 122 S tag (critical to complete 2nd year 6 Semester 2 (BUS 348 and BUS 349) KX BUS 380 S tag (critical to complete 2nd year 6 3rd Year Semester 3 (BUS 398 and 399) 6 6 BUS 307 (optional) BUS 381 BUS 483 BUS 485 1 3 3 3 Semester 4 (BUS 448 and 449) G BUS 308 2 (optional) BUS 495 Semester 5 (BUS 499) 3U BUS 385 7 3 BUS 475 Full time internship BUS 714 or one additional Graduate Course5 9 3 BUS 481 3 4th Year 3 3 2 3 5th Year*(If Needed) *5th year may be needed depending on minor and/or additional certifications desired. 1 One of the following concentrations is optional for accounting majors: Finance, Management, and Marketing. 2 The tags for the courses in red are pending approval. Once approval is finalized the MAP will be updated. 3 This class must be taken first or second semester Prerequisites: O, W, T tags. 5 One graduate course from the following choices: BUS 714, 726, 727, 756 4 TOTAL CREDITS EARNED: