Sexual Reproduction

Unit 11
My Goals
Today I will learn where my
traits, like eye color, come
Fruit Fly Questions
1. Which set of fruit flies is most likely the
offspring’s parents?
2. What characteristics do you observe
that lead you to that conclusion?
3. What do you know about heredity that
leads you to that conclusion?
Be prepared to defend your conclusions.
Fruit Fly Questions
1. Which set of fruit flies is most likely the
offspring’s parents?
2. What characteristics do you observe
that lead you to that conclusion?
3. What do you know about heredity that
leads you to that conclusion?
Be prepared to defend your conclusions.
What is this?
What type of cells are
humans made of?
What’s inside a nucleus?
Pairs of
What is a chromosome
made of?
A chromosome is a
storage unit for
DNA is wrapped up
inside of a
What decides your
eye color?
What decides your
eye color?
Your genes
decide your
traits, like eye
Where are genes located?
A gene is a
small section
on your DNA.
What are alleles?
What are alleles?
Alleles are a
corresponding pair
of genes.
Alleles for flower
color are found
in the same spot
on both
How many pairs of chromosomes do
humans have?
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
My Goals
Today I will learn how living
organisms reproduce and
pass traits to their
What is heredity?
Heredity is the passing on of traits
from one generation to the next.
What are the two modes of
Sexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction
How do prokaryotic cells reproduce?
How do eukaryotic cells reproduce?
Sexual or Asexual Reproduction?
How diverse are humans?
Create a group with students that are
the same height as you.
1. If these students had the same
amount of time to grow, why are
they different heights?
Sexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction creates diverse offspring, or
offspring containing a combination of DNA from
both parents.
Female Organism
Produces a special cell with one of each pair of
genes – called an egg cell.
Male Organism
Produces a special cell with one of each pair of
- sperm cell in animals
- pollen in plants.
Where is sperm made?
In animals, sperm is made in the testes of males.
Where is pollen made?
In plants, pollen is made in the stamen.
BrainPOP | Science | Learn about Pollination
Sexual Reproduction in Animals
During fertilization, egg and sperm
join together. Once the egg is
fertilized, it is called a zygote and will
develop into a new organism.
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