Reproduction & Heredity: Parent Letter for Science Unit 2

Dear Family Member,
Your student’s science class will soon begin studying the unit entitled “Reproduction and
Heredity.” Our study of this unit focuses on the big idea and essential questions listed below.
Unit 2: Reproduction and Heredity
Big Idea Characteristics from parents are passed to offspring in predictable ways.
Essential Questions
How do cells divide?
How do cells divide for sexual reproduction?
How do organisms reproduce?
How are traits inherited?
How are patterns of inheritance studied?
How does biotechnology impact our world?
To stay up to date with our progress, ask often about what’s happening in science class.
One activity you can do together appears at the beginning of each unit
in your student’s science book. Look for the Take It Home feature
about hereditary traits in your family at the beginning of Unit 2.
There are also many exciting online resources available for ScienceFusion, including virtual
labs, digital lessons, and Take It Home worksheets. Login information is available.
Thank you for your time and interest. Your participation in your student’s education is a
sure way to encourage learning!
Mrs. Authement