Demographic transition model

Chapter 3: Demographic Change and Emerging Infectious Disease
Demographic Transition Model
1. Using this diagram as a starting point, sketch the growth and death rates we would
expect to see in the Demographic Transition Model. Add appropriate labels to explain
the progression of the model.
2. Fill in each empty cell of the following table with ONE of the following words: low,
high, falling, rising, stable. In some circumstances more than one word may be
appropriate; choose the word that best describes each situation.
Characteristics of the Demographic Transition Model
Birth Rate
Death Rate
Population Growth
Anthamatten and Hazen (2011), An Introduction to the Geography of Health
3. Provide TWO reasons why applying the Demographic Transition Model to countries in
the low income world is often considered problematic.
4. Some scholars suggest that we should add a fifth stage to the Demographic Transition
Model. Explain the characteristics of a country in this hypothesized fifth stage of the
model in terms of its birth rates, death rates and population growth. Provide TWO
examples of countries that could be said to be in that stage of the model today.
Anthamatten and Hazen (2011), An Introduction to the Geography of Health