F-element optical and NMR spectroscopy-insights from experiment and theory 30th Helsinki Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry 17/12/2014 Optical Spectroscopy 1: Lanthanides Louise Natrajan louise.natrajan@manchester.ac.uk Research Themes Pure oxidation state actinide compounds and fundamental chemistry Transition metal polypyridyls: two photon spectroscopy Geochemistry of Uranyl Lanthanide upconverting nanoparticle enzyme biosensors and FRET Optical Spectroscopy • • • • • • • X-ray diffraction UV-vis-nIR Emission IR and Raman NMR EPR XAS (EXAFS, XANES) Recommended reading: Chemistry of the f-block elements-Helen Aspinall (Gordon and Breach) The f elements-Nikolas Kaltsoyannis and Peter Scott (Oxford Chemistry Primers) Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy-Joseph Lackowicz (Springer) Chemical Reviews special edition, 2002, 102, (6), 1805 – 2476. Useful Properties of the Lanthanides Resulting from the ‘core like’ nature of the f-orbitals: Catalytic convertors in car exhausts (CeO2) Lighting-fluorescent lamps Imaging in medicine: MRI (Gd), luminescent cellular probes (e.g. Eu) Lanthanide Complexes as Luminescent Sensors and Probes Applications: •luminescent phosphors: lighting, displays, security encoding Biological Uses: •Structural probes (site symmetry, coordination number) •Analytical probes (determining concentrations of analytes) •Imaging probes for medical diagnosis e.g. tumour cell imaging Refs. T. Gunnlaugsson et al., Topics in Current Chemistry, 2007, 281, pg. 1- 43. J. Yuan et al., Journal of Fluorescence, 2005, 15, pg. 559 - 568. Near Infra-red Excitation/Emission > 500 microns depth penetration of near infrared light Yb3+, Nd3+ 3D optical imaging Biological imaging Photochemistry Re-cap: Absorption of light: Electronic transitions •organic molecules, metal complexes (high ) Vertical absorption Vibrational relaxation (VR) Non-radiative de-activation excited Vertical emission (radiative decay) state Kasha’s rule: emission from lowest vibrational (relaxed) state E S1 * ground state Internuclear separation S0 Fluorescence-radiative decay between states of the same multiplicity (2S+1) Photochemistry Re-cap: excited singlet state (S1*) Hund’s Rule: for every singlet excited state, there is a triplet state which lies lower in energy ISC-intersystem crossing (S1- T1): horizonal transition E excited triplet state (T1*) ground State (S0) Internuclear separation radiationless process between 2 states of different multiplicity T1* S0 Phosphorescence-radiative decay between states of different multiplicity More Rules! El Sayed’s Rule • Intersystem crossing is slow unless there is a change in orbital type Spin-Orbit Coupling • Crossing points occur on the S1 and Tn potential energy curves • Application of a magnetic torque to an electron spin can result in a change in spin and a change in angular momentum • Most common mechanism of ISC • Improved with the addition of heavy atoms Selection Rules Spin Selection rule: S = 0 allowed transition •Fluorescence S1* to S0, S = 0, allowed, fast decay (ns) •Phosphorescence T1* to S0, S = 1, forbidden, slow (s) Electronic transitions in lanthanides-Absorption • f-f transitions (weak oscillator strengths, ~ 1 M-1 cm-1, c.f. d-d transitions ~ 100 and - ~ 105) •Laporte selection rules (centrosymmetric cxs (i): l = 1 and g u •f-f l = 0, slow decay results in long lived emission •Relaxation of the Laporte selection rule occurs by spin orbit coupling (l and s) •Described by Russell-Saunders coupling scheme Example 0.012 E / 103 cm-1 -2 2 Pr(Tf2N)3 10 M in BumimTf2N 25 3P J 20 2 1 0 absorbance 0.01 0.008 1 0.006 1I 0 6 1D 2 0.004 500 550 600 650 •Line-like absorption and emission spectra •Transitions between states derived from Russell-Saunders spin orbit coupling (J) •Pale colours (formally forbidden transitions) 6 15 10 1G 5 450 1I 1D 2 0.002 0 400 3P 0 4 4 3 2 3F 6 5 3H 4 4 Pr3+, 4f2,3H4 f-f Electronic Transition Intensities • Judd-Ofelt Theory • Theoretical oscillator strengths f (J, J’) of the J → J’ transition at the mean frequency ν is given for an electric dipole transition Only really works for doped solids in high symmetry (e.g. cubic) Judd-Ofelt Celebration! Russell Saunders Coupling Electronic structure of the 4f elements •Each state will have: S overall spin and L overall orbital angular momentum: 2S+1L (d-orbitals) •spin and orbital angular momentums can couple: 2S+1L J •J takes values from |L+S|…|L-S| Spin multiplicity 2S+1, where S = overall spin Label S P D F G H I J K L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2S+1L 0 J J = L+S, L+S-1, L+S-2…, |L-S| Hund’s Rules for Ground State •Spin multiplicity must be the highest possible (Smax) •If more than one term have the highest multiplicity, the term with the highest value of L is the ground state (Lmax) •The ground level has Jmin if the subshell is less than half full •The ground level has Jmax if the subshell is greater than half full Example: Nd3+, f3 Smax = 3/2, 2S+1 = 4 l =3 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 Lmax = 3 + 2 +1 = 6 = I state ml J = |L+S|…|L-S| = 12/2 + 3/2, 12/2 + 3/2 -1…12/2 - 3/2 = 15/2, 13/2, 11/2, 9/2 = 4I 9/2 Russell Saunders Coupling: Nd3+ Higher energy levels 4F [Xe] 4f 3 •Transitions from excited state to ground 4IJ ground state 4F 11/2 4F 7/2 4F 5/2 4F 3/2 •Series of absorption and emission lines 4I 15/2 4I Electronic configuration 4I 13/2 4I 11/2 4I 9/2 Interelectronic repulsion Spin-oribit coupling Crystal field splitting •Crystal field small-can be observed in some transitions (noteably Nd3+, Yb3+) S = 1/2 + 1/2 = 1, 2S+1 = 3 Pr3+ (f2): L=3+2=5=H l =3 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 ml J = 5+1…5-1, = 6, 5, 4 Ground state = 3H4 4f Emission Spectra • Line-like emission spectra • Long lived emission (milliseconds - microseconds) • Range from UV (Gd3+), to visible (Tm3+, Sm3+, Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+) to near infra-red (Nd3+, Pr3+, Er3+, Yb3+) L.S. Natrajan, A.N. Swinburne, unpublished results, The University of Manchester, 2013. Defining the Emissive State • Energy gap law: emissive state is the one with the biggest energy gap to the next lowest state 5 1 D2 1 5 2 00 00 5 5 G4 D4 G 1 1/ 2 (2 D ,2P) 3/ 2 D1 4 3 P 3 1 P0 G 9/ 2 4 G 7/ 2 D0 E / c m- 1 2 3 3 3 F2 4 G 5/ 2 F 3/ 2 F 9/ 2 F3 4 S3 /2 F4 2 F 7/ 2 G 5/ 2 1 S 3 /2 4 4 u =3 F 9/ 2 u= 4 4 •Bigger gap = longer lifetime I9/ 2 u =2 F 3/ 2 1 00 00 4 F 11/ 2 4 F 9/ 2 1 4 G4 u= 2 3 7 7 F5 7 F4 7 7 F 7 0 F1 7 F 7 2 F3 7 F4 F6 7 F3 4 H5 I1 5/ 2 6 4 I1 3/ 2 6 6 4 F5 2 F7 /2 0 Yb 3+ Eu 3 + 7 3 F6 Tb3 + 4 H6 T m 3+ 3 F4 3 F3 H 1 3/ 2 3 u= 1 I13/ 2 •Non radiative quenching can reduce the lifetime e.g. by vibrations u =0 F2 3 H6 H 1 1/ 2 4 u= 0 H 9 /2 I1 1/ 2 7 F2 7 F 7 1 F0 u =1 F 7/ 2 4 F 5/ 2 4 F 3/ 2 4 F 1/ 2 H4 I9/ 2 N d3 + u= 3 •Tb3+ and Eu3+ millisecond lifetimes I1 1/ 2 4 3 u =4 u= 5 D2 H9 /2 F5 /2 •Energy gap = wavelength of emission u =6 H 11/ 2 4 H 11 /2 4 4 2 4 u =7 u =5 G 7/ 2 4 4 2 I6 4 6 H 7 /2 3 H5 6 H 5 /2 3 H4 Sm 3 + 3 P r3+ H4 Er 3+ O-H O -D Lifetimes • It is the average time spent in an excited state before radiative decay • Given by the equation • Units of lifetimes is usually ns • The inverse is ns-1 which is a rate • The intrinsic lifetime is the average time spent in the excited state without non-radiative deactivation processes Lifetimes • The intensity of emission after a pump pulse decays exponentially • Taking the natural log of this gives a linear relationship between intensity and time • Methods used to measure lifetimes are a statistical methods based on the bulk solution • Lifetimes are fitted using least squares regression • Exchange processes which occur on timescales faster than the lifetime are averaged out. Exchange processes slower than the lifetime are resolved a separate lifetimes Time Dependence of Emitted Light I(t) = It = 0.e-kt = 1/kobs (s) •The lifetime of the excited state is given by: •During this time, a fraction 1/e of the excited molecules return to the ground state (e = 2.73) 400000 Lifetimes of Ln3+ ( intensity 1/e I0 Tb3+, Eu3+ milliseconds 200000 Sm3+, Dy3+, Yb3+, Er3+ microseconds Pr3+, Nd3+ nanoseconds (10 - 100’s) t=t 0 0 4 8 time/microseconds 12 Lifetime Determination from Kinetic Traces 1. Stepwise increase of time delay (manual or software driven) Tb3+ complex in water: 0.1 ms steps (0.1 – 10 ms) at 545 nm L.S. Natrajan, P.L. Timmins, M. Lunn, and S.L. Heath, Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 10877−10886. Lifetime Determination from Kinetic Traces 2. Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) 10 = 74 microseconds Ln (Emission Intensity) 8 6 4 2 0 0.0 5 5.0x10 6 1.0x10 6 1.5x10 6 2.0x10 time / nanoseconds Sm3+ complex 200 microsecond range at 650 nm: Tail fit L.S. Natrajan, J.A. Weinstein, C. Wilson, P.L. Arnold, Dalton Trans., 2004, 28, 3748. Lifetime Determination from Kinetic Traces 3. Photodiode detection with an oscilloscope Yb3+ in water, Ge-diode detector, 980 nm, ns/μs timescale; Reconvolution fit with a scatterer L.S. Natrajan, P.L. Timmins, M. Lunn, and S.L. Heath, Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 10877−10886. Grow-in Component (Rise Time) Yb3+ (D2O) Yb3+ (H2O) • Grow in exponential fitted before decay-indicates slow energy transfer from sensitiser triplet state to Yb3 emissive excited state (corresponds to emission decay of the organic sensitiser) • If different in D2O than H2O, indicates phonon assisted energy transfer is the rate determining step Quantum Yields • A measure of the efficiency on fluorescence Integrating sphere Hypersensitive Transitions • In hypothetical Ln3+, only magnetic dipole transitions are allowed: L = 0, J = 0, 1 e.g. 5D0 7F1 in Eu3+ •In a complex, electric dipole (ED) transitions are induced: L, J = 0, 2, 4, 6 (00 forbidden) •Some transitions acquire strength by both MD and ED e.g. Tb3+ • Some transitions are sensitive to changes in symmetry and/or the inner coordination sphere. • They display shifts in their maxima, splitting and intensity Hypersensitive transitions-often quadrupolar transitions: J = 2 e.g. 5D0 7F2 in Eu3+ Mechanism: mixing of the 4f states with ligand states Some Examples: Eu3+ Normalised Emission Intensity 1 J = 1 J = 2 •Eu3+ ion in high symmetry environment J = 4 0.8 0.6 •J = 1, J = 2 and J = 4 transitions strong 0.4 J = 3 0.2 •J = 0 transition very weak 0 500 600 700 800 Wavelength (nm) •Eu3+ ion low symmetry environment •J = 1 weak •J = 0 fairly strong •J = 2 very strong •Split into two components Hypersensitive Transitions in Nd3+ Absorption 2H 4 4 9/2, F5/2 I9/2 Nd(BrO3)3.9H2O (s) CN = 9 4F [Nd(H2O)9]3+(aq) 3/2 4I13/2 Emission CN = 9 NdCl3 6H2O (s) CN = 9 780 800 820 Faulkner et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 9916 – 9917. Other Transitions: Absorptions • f-d transitions: allowed by Laporte’s selection rule Highly energetic except for Ce3+, Pr3+ and Tb3+ (4f to 5d) [Ce(H2O)9]3+, D3h symmetry [Ln(H2O)9]3+ ~ 800 M-1 cm-1 / M-1cm-1 Tb 300 200 Pr 100 225 250 300 nm 0 Ce3+ [Xe]5d1 generates two levels, 2D3/2 and 2D5/2 •4 transitions 49 47 45 43 E / 103 cm-1 LMCT Transitions • Occurs in complexes with ligands that can be oxidised (redox reaction)Laporte allowed • Therefore the metal must have an accessible +2 oxidation state Ar + Eu3+ Ar• + Eu2+ -* Transient Ligand radical + Eu(II) = 260 M-1 cm-1 LMCT Natrajan et al., Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 10877 – 10866. Sensitised Emission • The special case of 4f elements: indirect excitation •In view of weak f-f oscillator strengths, direct excitation (f-f absorption) is inefficient •Laporte selection rule overcome by the ‘antenna effect’ hv Light harvesting hvLn Energy transfer 400 Light emission 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) Organic chromophore: hv1 + Ar 1Ar* 3Ar* Ln* Ln + hvLn S. Faulkner, L. S. Natrajan, W. S. Perry, D. Sykes, Dalton Trans., Perspective Article, 2009, 3890; L.S. Natrajan, Current Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 1, 61. Eu -diketonates O O O O Eu O O O O hv [Eu(dbm)4][NEt4] Dbm = dibenzoylmethane Eu3+ Courtesy of Helen Aspinall, Liverpool University, UK. Jablonski Diagram Sensitised emission: Energy level scheme S1 •Heavy atom effect -promotes ISC T1 kisc 5D 2 5D 1 kbet 5D 0 ket Competing pathways: •Ligand fluorescence •Ligand phosphorescence Relative Energy (cm-1) kfluorescence 7F •Back energy transfer 7F kphosphorescence Triplet mediated sensitisation path 6 5 7F 4 7F 3 7F 2 7F 7F S0 Ligand Eu3+ 1 0 LMCT Quenching in Eu3+ Complexes •Competitive radiative decays (Eu emission + phosphorescence) •Non radiative LMCT decay to ground state S. Faulkner, L. S. Natrajan, W. S. Perry, D. Sykes, Dalton Trans., Perspective Article, 2009, 3890; L.S. Natrajan, Current Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 1, 61. Double electron transfer quenches the Eu3+ emission (NR decay) LMCT Sensitised Yb3+ Emission •Alternative mechanism of energy transfer •Fast energy transfer-mediated via an orbitally allowed transition •For NIR emitting Ln3+, a wider range of chromophores can be used: e.g. Ar(S0)Ln3+ Ar(S1)Ln3+ Ar(T1)Ln3+ ArLn2+ Ar(S0)(Ln3+)* Ar(S0)Ln3+ S. Faulkner, L. S. Natrajan, W. S. Perry, D. Sykes, Dalton Trans., Perspective Article, 2009, 3890; L.S. Natrajan, Current Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 1, 61. Excitation Spectra Excitation spectrum: Quanta of light emitted at a given wavelength as a function of excitation wavelength; the excitation spectrum follows the absorption spectrum, as the number of photons emitted is directly proportional to the amount of light absorbed. Emission (f-f) Emisison Intensity / Arb. Un. Excitation (ligand) But {5D0 7FJ} J = 2 O S But Bu But Eu OO But O t O But But O O K But O J = 0 J = 3 J = 1 550 600 650 J = 4 700 wavelength / nm 300 350 400 Natrajan et al., Dalton Trans., 2006, 4456. Vibrational Quenching by O-X Oscillators 1 G 4 3Phen 4 G 1 1/ 2 (2 D ,2P ) 3/ 2 20000 3 3 4 F4 2 4 u =4 u=4 S 3 /2 G 5/ 2 4 1 D2 u= 5 G5/2 2 H11/2 4F F 9/ 2 4 S3 /2 4S 3/2 H9 /2 2H 9/2 4F 3/2 u =3 u=3 9/2 u= 4 F9/2 F 3/ 2 10000 4 F 11/ 2 4 F 9/ 2 1 4 u =2 u=2 2 4 G4 I9 / 2 F5/2 u= 2 3 4 H5 I1 5/ 2 6 H1 3 / 2 7 4 4 I1 3/ 2 F6 67F H5 1 1/2 67F4 H 9 /2 I1 1/ 2 7F 3 7H F27 /2 7 6 F1 7H F05 /2 6 3 4 H6 I9/ 2 0 T m 3+ u =1 u=1 F 7/ 2 4 F 5/ 2 4 F 3/ 2 4 F 1/ 2 H4 N d3 + Eu S3+ m3 + u= 3 I1 1/ 2 4 3 u =7 u =6 4G 2 9/2 H 1 1/ 2 4 G7/2 4 H 11 /2 4 F3 D4 5F D03/ 2 G 5/ 2 E / cm-1 2 5 G 7/ 2 u =5 u=5 3 P 3 1 4G P 0 11/2 4 (2D,2 P)3/2 F 7 / 2 4 4 4 I6 D1 G 9/ 2 4 G 7/ 2 F2 4 1 D2 5 4 3 5 3 3 F4 F3 7 F 3F 2 7 0 F3 7 F1 H 6 7 F2 3 7F 4 u= 1 I13 / 2 u=0 u =0 4 u= 0 I13/2 4I 11/2 7F 5 3 4 4I 15/2 H5 7F 3 6H4 4 I9/2 Tb3+ P r 3 + 2 3 H4 F7/2 Nd3+ Er 3+ Yb3+ O-H O-H O -D •Ln excited states are quenched by: O-H, N-H and C-H vibrations •Limited quenching by O-D oscillators:- (Hooke’s law) Calculating the Inner Sphere Hydration Number (q) •Lanthanide coordination compounds are labile: •Use quenching of O-H vs. O-D oscillators to determine q Horrocks Equation: q = A(kH2O - kD2O-B) k = rate constant of decay = 1/ A, B = proportionality constants A corrects for inner sphere quenching B corrects for outer sphere quenching A and B values have been determined for Eu3+, Tb3+, Yb3+ (Nd3+ and Sm3+) Horrocks et al., . J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 5972. Faulkner, et al., Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2001, 187 . Example: [Eu(DTPA)]2Q. For the Eu3+ complex determine q: H2O = 0.63 milliseconds (ms) D2O = 2.60 milliseconds q = A(kH2O - kD2O-B) A = 1.2 ms B = 0.25 q = 1.2((1/0.63 - 1/2.60) - 0.25) q= 1.1 ie. one molecule of water is coordinated to europium Luminescent Chemical Sensors The spectroscopic properties of the lanthanides make them ideal luminescent probes: •Line like emission spectra: easily identifiable spectral fingerprint •Long luminescent lifetimes •Large Stokes’ shift ( absorption and emission) Time-gating: removal of background fluorescence Time-resolved luminescence: allows high signal to noise ratios 2 - 4 ms •Excite with UV pulse I em •Allow background fluorescence to decay •Collect Ln3+ emission (Eu, Tb) time Macrocyclic Complexes •Free Ln3+ ions are toxic to living organisms •For biological applications e.g. imaging agents, multidentate or macrocyclic ligands are often employed •Using the chelate effect to create kinetically stable complexes •Coordinatively saturated complexes- to exclude water molecules from the inner coordination sphere e.g. N N N N N N N N Ln3+ Luminescence as a Signalling Method A. Modification of the Ln3+ inner coordination sphere Analyte •Binding of an analyte reduces O-H quenching and q decreases B. Modulation of the energy transfer processes Analyte •Binding of an analyte switches on or off the Ln3+ emission Courtesy of Jean-Claude Bünzli Example: pH Sensor pH 4, q = 1.6 pH 10, q = 0.1 Change in Eu3+ coordination sphere reflected in ratio of hypersensitive transitions Parker et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2001, 123, 7601. Example: Anion sensors Bicarbonate sensor-ratiometric probe Lactate and citrate assay Parker et al., Org. Biomol. Chem., 2009, 7,1525. Example: Peptide Conjugates and Targeted Imaging •Tb3+ complex coupled to a peptidic vector-Tuftsin •Affinity for macrophage cells H2O = 1.67 ms •Targetted probes/imaging agents D2O = 3.25 ms q = 1.2 Faulkner et al., Chem. Commun., 2006, 909. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcE4VXUgZbY Properties of the lanthanide ions. Note; eff – the calculated values and show good agreement with experimental values with the exceptions of SmIII (eff exp = 1.4 -1.7) and EuIII (eff exp = 3.3-3.5) due to their excited states being close to their ground state.