KIREMKO – STAND 194 GREEN INVESTMENTS Together with the Belgian company Ecofrost, Kiremko searched for effective green developments for two existing French fry production lines and one specialty line. The investments are all contributing to a reduction of the visible emission of steam and the invisible but noticeable emission of smell. Also less energy, water and frying oil is used in the production lines and all recovered energy is used optimally. The key feature is based on environmental concerns, a clean appearance of the factory in combination with lower operational costs. Date of realisation: 2013 Pillars of sustainability PEOPLE: eliminate the emission of smell. The blow off steam of the peelers is condensed so most of the smell is collected and large amounts of energy will be recovered. PLANET: maximum improvement for the environment and minimal environmental impact results in an energy efficient system with the least possible impact on our planet earth’s resources. PROFIT: lowest operational costs. By using heat recovery, energy can be used as useful power in the processing lines, meaning you have the lowest overall energy consumption which results in savings in operational costs. Contact for more information: Nicole Peters – stand 194 –