Copy Schedule in Planners Hand in periodic table worksheet for

Copy Schedule in Planners
Hand in periodic table worksheet for extra credit if it is finished.
Notes on volume,
graduated cylinder
practice, graduated
cylinder race, volume
exit slip
Discuss goals, Notes on
states of matter, states
of matter exit slip
Homework: Volume
Tuesday Oct 23 or Wednesday Oct 24
Do Now
1. Write the atomic mass of
Helium as a whole number.
2. Helium has ____ protons.
3. Helium has ____ neutrons.
10-23-12 Or
Table of Contents
Whatever page
you’re on
Today’s Plan
• Take notes on volume
• Practice finding volume of liquids and
rectangular objects
• Graduated Cylinder Race
• Volume exit slip
– Be able to apply the definition of volume
– Be able to read a graduated cylinder
– Be able to find the volume of a rectangular object
– Be able to find the volume of an irregular object
What do you already know about
1. What is it?
2. What units do you measure it in?
3. What are some tools you can use to measure
4. Why is volume important?
Why is volume important?
• You need to be able to find volume for your
labs. If you cannot measure volume
accurately your experiment results will be
Quick Review
• Matter is anything that has mass and takes up
– Matter is made of atoms.
– Atoms are made of subatomic particles.
Quick Review
• The 3 subatomic particles are protons,
neutrons, and electrons.
– Protons = positive
– Neutrons = neutral (no charge)
– Electrons = negative
• The number of protons in the nucleus (center
of the atom) is what makes each thing in our
world different.
Volume Notes
• Volume is the amount of space an
object takes up.
–All matter takes up space. Even gases
have volume.
Quick Check
• What is volume?
• Does all matter have volume?
Volume Notes
• Volume is measured in these units:
–Liters (L)
–Milliliters (mL)
–Cubic centimeters (cm3)
• 1mL = 1cm3
Quick Check
• What are the units you can use to measure
Fill in the blank with “small” or “large”
An elephant has a ___________ amount of
A bug has a __________ amount of volume.
• If someone said that a house was really big,
does that mean it has a large or small amount
of volume? How can you tell?
• If someone said that a ring was really small,
what does that tell you about the volume?
How can you tell?
Volume Notes
The formula to find the volume of a rectangular
object is length x width x height.
Volume Notes
What is the volume of the
rectangular object?
Length = 5cm
Width = 2cm
Height = 8cm
5 x 2 x 8 = 80cm3
• If an ice cube has a
length of 3cm, a width
of 3cm, and a height of
3cm, what is the
What is the volume of the
ice cube?
Length = 3cm
Width = 3cm
Height = 3cm
3 x 3 x 3 = 27cm3
What is the volume of the
• Find the volume of the
cardboard box below.
Length = 100cm
Width = 50cm
Height = 50cm
100 x 50 x 50 = 25,000cm3
Measuring Volume
We will be using graduated cylinders to
find the volume of liquids and other objects.
Read the measurement based on the bottom of the
meniscus or curve. When using a real cylinder, make
sure you are eye-level with the level of the water.
What is the volume of water in the cylinder? _____mL
What causes the meniscus?
A concave meniscus occurs when the molecules of the liquid
attract those of the container. The glass attracts the water on
the sides.
Top Image:
Bottom Image:
Volume Notes
• Use a graduated cylinder to find the volume of a
• Use these steps to
read a graduated
– Put the GC on a flat,
level surface
– Be at eye level with
the surface of the
– Read the mark closest
to the bottom of the
meniscus (curved part
of the water).
Volume Notes
Volume Notes
• When reading a GC,
first identify what
the cylinder is
counting by.
– It might count by 1,
2, 5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, or
by 1s
• What is it counting by?
• What is the volume of the liquid?
Counting by
What is it counting by?
The short lines
in between
represent half
of a milliliter.
So it is counting
by 0.5s
What’s the volume?
Images created at
What is the volume of water in each cylinder?
Volume Notes
• Measure the volume of an irregularly
shaped object by using water
– Find the amount of water with the object
and the amount of water without the
object. Subtract those numbers to find the
• Amount of water with
object: _____
• Amount of water
without object: ______
• 5.6mL – 4.8mL = 0.8mL
Find the volume of the objects
• Metal tube: 29 - 19 = 10cm3
• Ring: 68 – 64 = 4cm3
• Add the word volume and the page number to
your glossary.
Graduated Cylinder Race
What’s best for accurately filling a graduated
Graduated Cylinder Race
• In your lab book write:
Graduated Cylinder Race
Graduated Cylinder Race
• What is my independent variable?
• What is my dependent variable?
– How can we measure that?
Graduated Cylinder Race
• Write a good hypothesis for your experiment.
GC Race
• Procedure:
– 1. gather supplies:
• 1 pipette, 1 sponge, 1 beaker of water, 1 graduated cylinder
– 2. Test how long it takes to fill a graduated cylinder to
exactly 9mL with a sponge. Record.
– 3. Test how long it takes to fill a graduated cylinder to
exactly 9mL with a pipette. Record.
– 4. analyze your data in a table and graph it in a bar
– 5. Write a conclusion about your results.
• Decide what number you are at your table.
• Create the table below in your lab book:
Table 1 time
Table 2 time
Table 3 time
Table 4 time
Table 5 time
Table 6 time
Table 7 time
Table 8 time
Table 9 time
• Student 1 get supplies
– 1 pipette
– 1 sponge
– 1 beaker of water
– 1 graduated cylinder
• Student 2 will be using the sponge to add
water in the first trial.
• Student 4 will check to make sure the
measurements are EXACT and make sure
everyone is following safety rules.
• Student 1 will raise his or her hand when the
group is ready for the teacher to check and get
the time.
• EVERYONE: record your time.
• Student 1 prepare the materials for the next
– Put water beaker again.
– Wring out sponge.
– Order materials neatly.
• Student 3 will add the water to the graduated
cylinder with the pipette.
• Student 1 will check to make sure
measurements are EXACT and make sure
everyone is being safe.
• Student 4 will raise his or her hand for the
teacher to check and get the time.
• EVERYONE record your time.
• Student 2 put away supplies carefully
• Student 3 dry table
Graph your results
• Remember to have a title, x-axis label, y-axis
label, and accurate intervals.
• Make a BAR GRAPH.
• Graph only the averages.
Write a conclusion
• Remember to have
– A statement saying whether your hypothesis was
right or wrong
– 3 supporting details (from your table or graph)
– a sentence summing up the results
Needs to be at least 5 sentences!
Exit Slip
Label your note card with your FIRST AND LAST
NAME, DATE, and HOUR. Labeling this correctly
is worth one point.
Exit Slip
• Clear everything off of your table. Close lab
books and put them on the floor.
• NO TALKING, at all. If you have a question raise
your hand SILENTLY and wait for the teacher.
• For multiple choice you can just write the letter
of your answer. When you are measuring you
need to write the number and the units.
Exit Slip
1. A student describes an object as being “very
large.” This means the object has
a) A high mass
b) A high volume
A low mass
d) A low volume
Exit Slip
2. What is the
volume of the
rectangular object?
Remember to write
your units.
Exit Slip
3. What is the volume
of the liquid in the
graduated cylinder?
Remember to include
your units.
Exit Slip
4. What is the
volume of the object
in the graduated
cylinder? Be careful
about the units!!
Thursday Oct 25 or Friday Oct 26
Do Now:
1. What is the volume of a box with a length of
5cm, a width of 6cm, and a height of 2cm?
2. Give an example of something with a low
Table of Contents
10-25-12 or Goal and States of
Whatever page
you’re on
Review Volume
Review Volume
Review Volume
Review Volume
Review Atoms
• 1. What is an atom?
• 2. What makes up an atom?
Create this chart and fill it in
subatomic positive negative no
charge charge charge nucleus nucleus
Today’s Plan
Create our goals for this class
Read about the states of matter
Take notes on the states of matter
Short video clip on the states of matter
States of matter exit slip
– Be able to describe the particle location and
movement in a solid, liquid, and gas
• Why is it important to have goals in life?
• Today we will be defining our individual goals
so you can see why it is important to YOU to
be successful in this class.
• Complete your goal sheet one part at a time.
Do not move ahead. These will be hung
around the room, so make sure they are very
• Fill in your name neatly.
• Think about your goal. DON’T WRITE IT YET.
• Here are some goal options:
– My goal is to become a nurse.
– My goal is to be a pro football player.
– My goal is to have a lot of options when I graduate
high school.
– My goal is to have my own business.
– My goal is to have a large family.
Once you have your goal and how you want to
phrase it, write it neatly on your sheet.
• Explain why your goal is important to you.
• Examples:
– My goal is important to me because I’m not sure
exactly what I will want in the future, so I want to
make sure I am able to do anything when the time
– My goal is important to me because I have always
wanted to be a nurse so I can help people.
– My goal is important to me because I love football
and want to get paid for playing it.
• Think about what steps you’ll need to take to reach
your goal.
• Example:
– I need to try hard and keep focused on my goal.
– I need to pass all of my classes in middle and high school.
– I need to do volunteer work to develop and practice my
– I need to get into a good college and pass those classes.
– I need to surround myself with people who help me
achieve my goal instead of keep me from reaching it.
Write at least 3 steps you’ll need to take to reach your goal.
• Think about how this class helps you reach
your goal.
• Example:
– Being successful in 7th grade science helps me
reach my goal because it gets me ready for all the
science classes I’ll need to pass in the future.
– Being successful in 7th grade science helps me
reach my goal by improving my problem solving
skills so I am better prepared for challenges.
• Think about how you, personally, will know
that you have been successful in this class.
What percent would you need to get to prove
that you were successful and are ready to take
the next step to reach your goal?
– Hints:
• Don’t choose 100% because even someone who knows
a LOT about science can make a mistake or disagree
with the answer to a question.
• Don’t choose anything under 60% because everyone in
here is capable of getting a percent higher than that.
Anyone want to share your goal?
Make a KWL Chart in your lab book
Want to know
Fill in what you already Know about the states
of matter. Then fill in what you Want to know
about the states of matter.
States of Matter Reading
• Read with your group.
• Write 1 or 2 sentences about the most
important things to remember from each
– After you’ve read, you should have between 7 and
14 sentences written in your lab book.
Matter Notes
• The 3 states of matter are solid, liquid, and
• Solids:
– Definite shape
– Definite volume
– They keep their shape and volume no matter
where you put them.
The cherries and
the bagel kept
their shapes in the
container. They
would be the same
size whether or not
they were in the
container. This
makes them solids.
• The particles in a solid are closely packed in a
fixed position (which is why solids have
definite shape and volume).
• The particles in a solid vibrate but don’t move
from place to place.
• Liquids:
– Definite volume
– No shape of its own
– Spread into a puddle if they don’t have a container
These are liquids
because they take up
space, but they don’t
have their own shape.
Notice how they fill out
in the container or
spread if they don’t
have a container.
• The particles in a liquid are tightly packed, but
they move around more than they do in a
solid (which is why liquids don’t have their
own shape).
• The particles in a liquid vibrate, move around,
and slide past each other.
• Gases:
– No definite shape
– No definite volume
– This means the shape and size can change.
The hot air takes on the
shape of the balloon. It can
squeeze together to fill the
balloon or it can spread out
in the air outside of the
balloon. Since it has no
shape of its own and the
size can change, hot air is a
• Gas particles can spread out or squeeze
together to fill a container.
• The gas particles vibrate and move freely at
high speeds.
How can you tell which is a solid,
liquid, and a gas?
Short Video Clip
Make a KWL Chart in your lab book
Want to know
Fill out the last column of the chart with what
you Learned about the states of matter.
• Tape paper in lab book
• Add the words to your glossary with their
page numbers.
– states of matter
– Solid
– Liquid
– gas
Exit Slip
Label your note card with your FIRST AND LAST
NAME, DATE, and HOUR. Labeling this correctly
is worth one point.
Exit Slip
• Clear everything off of your table. Close lab
books and put them on the floor.
• NO TALKING, at all. If you have a question
raise your hand SILENTLY and wait for the
• For multiple choice you can just write the
letter of your answer.
Exit Slip
1. What are the states of matter?
a) Solid
b) Liquid
c) Gas
d) All of the above
Exit Slip
2. If you looked through a very powerful
microscope, what would you see atoms doing in
a gas?
a) Bouncing and moving around freely
b) Moving around a little bit and sliding over
each other
c) Packed tightly together with little movement
d) None of the above
Exit Slip
3. Mrs. Thorsen asks you to reach inside a bag
and take out an object. It feels hard and does
not move under your touch. What could you say
this object is for sure?
a) A rubber ball
b) A liquid
c) Made of leather
d) A solid
Exit Slip
4. Do the blue particles show you a solid, liquid,
or a gas and how can you tell?