Introduction PPT

The Middle Ages
The Medieval
A.D. 1066-1485
Battle of Hastings
Harold of Wessex claims the throne, which
should have gone to Duke William of
Normandy. William reclaims what is
rightfully his and takes over the
country…and so begins the Middle Ages!
After 1066, the Normans
brought their social system,
known as feudalism, to the
Under the system of
feudalism, English society
was developed into a clear
The Feudal Hierarchy
The Domesday Book
Then: The Domesday book
reinforced the feudal
hierarchy because it was used
to determine:
 taxes
 feudal rights
 feudal duties
Today: It provides specific
historical facts and details
concerning medieval estates
and landowners, thus giving
historians a view into the dayto-day material life of
medieval England.
Chivalry…is it really dead?
The code of chivalry was central
to Medieval society.
Knights pledged:
 To be loyal to their lords
 To honor women
 To protect the weak
 To right injustices and wrongs
 To defend the Christian faith
* Note: The chivalric code raised the role of women
in medieval society, but, in reality, it was more
professed than acted. It did, though, lessen the
harshness of life during this period in history.
Conflict and Plague
The Crusades
The Magna Carta
The Black Death
The Rise of Cities
The Hundred Years’ War
What do these five events have in
All five events WEAKENED the feudal system:
The Crusades: FINANCING-- heavy taxes hurt the wealthy;
sold privileges of self-government to towns
The Magna Carta: limited the power of the king and
protected the rights of citizens
The Black Death: 1/3 population dies…
The Rise of Cities: …serfs escape feudal lords and go to
cities; wages rise because of the labor shortage– higher
wages for workers and lower income for landlords (shift in
feudal structure)
The Hundred Years’ War: invention of weaponry weakens
positions of knights and castles
The Hundred Years’ War
Positively impacted England because…
 The break with France helped
England develop its own identity
 English became the language of the
nobility and the courts.
Literature of the Medieval Period
– Flourishes because more
people speak English (vs.
French & Latin—disappearing
as feudal system becomes
– Alliterative verse is replaced
by French style of end-rhyme
– Invention of the printing
press increases literacy/more
works published and read
Anglo-Saxon Hero
Medieval Hero
•Feelings and
•Loyalty to
kinsman and king
makes hero a
better person
to fight
•Love for an
idealized woman
makes hero a
better person
(courtly love)
Languages of the Medieval Period
In legal trouble and need to defend yourself?
In love with a woman of noble birth and needed
to speak with her family?
You need… FRENCH!
In dealing with the nobility or the courts, a
person would need to know the French
Languages of the Medieval Period
Want to engage in a theological
Want to pursue a formal study of
You need… LATIN!
One needed to know Latin in
communications relating to the
church, business, or scholarship.
Languages of the Medieval Period
Want to tell a joke to your next
door neighbors?
Want to give your condolences to
a family that just lost three
sons to the plague?
You need… ENGLISH!
English was used to communicate
with the majority of the
common people.
Middle English
(Anglo-Saxon Period: Old English)
Medieval Period: Middle English
During the Medieval period, the
English language was strongly
influenced by the French language.
Grammar and spelling became more
simplified and more similar to the
language we use today.
Middle English
Whan that Aprille with his shoores soote
Wan thot A'prill with his sure-es so-tuh
The drought of March hath perced to the roote
The drewgt of March hath pear-said to the row-tuh
And bathed every vein in swich liquor
And ba-thed every vane in sweech lee-coor
Of which vertu engendred is the flour
Of wheech ver-too en-jen-dred is the flu-er
The Canterbury Tales
In The Canterbury
Tales, a group of
pilgrims go on a
journey to visit the
shrine dedicated to
Thomas Becket.
Thomas a Becket
Archbishop of Canterbury
Opposed the king’s efforts to
establish royal rights over the
church (church v. state)
King Henry, displeased by
Becket’s opposition, said “will
no one rid me of this turbulent
Taking Henry’s words literally,
four knights murdered Becket
while he was praying in
Canterbury Cathedral.
 Ballad:
rhymed verse that was recited
or sung for the purpose of
 Themes:
– Murderous acts and the desire for
– Tragic accidents and sudden disasters
– Heroic deeds motivated by the quest for
– Jealous sweethearts and unrequited love
 Dramatization
of a single incident
 Little reflection or expression of
 Dialogue (or questions and answers)
that further the story/advance the
 A strong, simple beat and
uncomplicated rhyme scheme
 Use
of the refrain, a regularly
repeated line or phrase at the end of
a stanza
 A tendency to suggest rather than
directly state
 Stories that were often based on
actual events
Welcome to the Medieval Unit of
British Literature!