Nervous System Review Sheet 2014 Chapters 6.3, 6.4, 6.5

Nervous System Review Sheet 2014 Chapters 6.3, 6.4, 6.5
Please do all questions. Always answer in complete sentences.
1. Describe the anatomy of the cerebrum. Include gyrus, sulcus, fissure, primary motor cortex and primary
sensory cortex in your description.
2. Compare the functions of the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes of the cerebrum.
3. Compare the functions of the hypothalamus, thalamus and epithalamus which make up the diencephalon.
4. What are the three parts of the brainstem? What is the function of the medulla oblongata?
5. Where is the cerebellum located and what are the functions of the cerebellum?
6. What three structures protect the brain?
7. Describe the anatomy of the spinal cord. Include white matter, gray matter and horns in your description.
1. What is the function of the olfactory, optic and trigeminal nerves?
2. How do the functions of the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves differ from the function of the optic
3. How does the function of the glossopharyngeal nerve differ from the function of the hypoglossal nerve?
4. What are the main functions of the facial and vestibular nerves?
5. What are the main functions of the vagus and accessory nerves?
6. Name the four main plexuses and the major areas that they serve.
1. Pick three of the disorders and be able to discuss them