Central Nervous System

Central Nervous System
1. Name the 3 regions of the brain.
2. List, from inferior to superior, the brainstem regions.
3. The brainstem functions in what?
4. The cerebellum functions in what?
5. The cerebrum functions in what?
6. The white matter inside of the cerebellum is called?
7. What is the difference between white matter and gray matter?
8. Mylenated tissue is what color?
9. Unmylenated tissue is what color?
10.What is the line that runs down the middle of the cerebrum called?
11.Where does the left hemisphere cross over with the right hemisphere
of the brain?
12.Where does the right eye cross over with the left eye’s vision?
13.Which cranial nerve is responsible for feeling a sore tooth?
14.Which cranial nerve is responsible for feeling nausea?
15.Which cranial nerve is responsible for keeping your heart beating?
16.Which cranial nerve is responsible for moving your eyes while you
are reading?
17.Which cranial nerve allows you to smell perfume?
18. The brain accounts for how much weight of the cranium?
19.What are gyri? What are sulci?
20.Name the lobes to the cerebrum.
21.Attach a new brain diagram to this and label the sagittal view of the
brain by using the following options: all 4 lobes, corpus callosum,
cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, pons, pituitary gland,
infundibulum, sensory area, motor area, olfactory area, arbor vitae,
thalamus, hypothalamus.