Algebra 1 Syllabus - St. Louis Public Schools

Algebra 1
Ms. Halfmann
Algebra 1 Syllabus
Room 101
Phone: (989) 681-5515
Conference Period: 6th
Course Description
In this algebra course students will be introduced to number systems and their properties, simplifying
and evaluating algebraic expressions, solving linear and quadratic equations, and graphing on the
Cartesian coordinate plane.
Course Goals
The student develops the ability to:
 Set goals and strive to achieve
 Explore and solve mathematical problems
 Think critically
 Work cooperatively with others
 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
 Model with mathematics
 Communicate mathematical ideas clearly
Materials need for the class
 Algebra 1 Text book
 Three ring Math binder with dividers
 Lined paper
 Pencil
Notebook Set Up
Students need a math binder. The binder will contain the following sections in the order given,
preferably with dividers appropriately labeled.
1. Introduction
a. Algebra 1 Syllabus
b. Signed Rules and Expectations
c. Procedures
d. Bellwork
2. Notes
a. Notes
b. handouts
3. Classwork/Homework
4. Quizzes
5. Assessments
a. Pre-assessment
b. Goal Sheet
c. Post Assessment
Algebra 1
Ms. Halfmann
Binders should be kept up to date at all times. Organization helps learners keep track of assignments,
progress, and helps them review material covered in class. Binders will be checked for completeness and
graded once or twice a marking period.
Bell Work
Bell work will be written on the board every day. Student’s will come into the class quietly and take their
seat and begin working on bell work. Bell work should be kept in the front of each student’s binder. Each
bell work enter should be dated then attempted and completed by the next class period.
Grading Policy
40% Tests and Projects
30% Classwork/Homework
20% Quizzes
10% Notebook Checks
Grading Scale
100% - 94% A
93% - 90%
A89% - 87%
86% - 84%
83% - 80%
B79% - 77%
76% - 74%
73% - 70%
C69% - 67%
66% - 64%
63% - 60%
D59% E
Assignment and Homework Policy
 All work should be done in pencil
 Any work turned in should have a name and date in the right hand corner of the paper
All assignments and homework are expected to be turned in on time in order to receive full credit. Every
day that an assignment is late the student will lose 10 percentage points up until the fifth day on which
the assignment will only be accepted for up to half credit. Students are encouraged to still finish the
assignment at any time with the realization that after the fifth day only half credit can be received.
Every student will be given two excused late homework passes per marking period. The pass is good for
only 10 percentage points, meaning the homework can only be turned in one day late in order for the
student to receive full credit still. The pass should be stapled to the late homework when it is turned in.
If a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to check the assignment folder for missing work and
notes. Missing notes will have to be completed on their own or by borrowing classmate’s notes. For
everyday absent the student has two days to complete the missing work. When missing work is turned
in student should write at the top of the paper absent on ______ (date).
Algebra 1
Ms. Halfmann
 Students can assume they have been marked tardy if the bell has rung and they were not in
their seat.
 The second time a student is tardy they will receive a written tardy warning
 The third tardy results in after school detention
 If a student is tardy but has an excused pass the pass should be clipped to the pass clip and the
student should quietly take their seat.
Any form of cheating or plagiarizing will not be tolerated
If a student is caught cheating
 He/she will be required to redo an alternate assignment
 Will receive in school suspension
 A plan of action will be filled out
 A call home will be made