Algebra I

Algebra II
Mrs. Womack
Classroom Rules, Procedures & Policies
Introduction: Algebra II is a college prep class. You will need to pass this class in order to qualify for OHLAP. I expect
you to give your best effort every day. Come to class prepared, homework complete, and prepared to learn. Have specific
questions ready when you don’t understand.
Course Description: In this course the students will further their study of the mathematical concepts learned in Algebra 1
and geometry. Some of these earlier concepts include polynomials, exponents, expressions, and slope. Algebra 2 will use
representations while studying polynomial, rational, radical, logarithmic, and periodic functions. Included in the major
concepts of this course are 1) the algebraic operations of real numbers, complex numbers, and matrices; 2) quadratic,
exponential, and logarithmic functions and relations; and 3) data analysis, statistics, and probability functions.
Supplies needed daily for this class:
3-ring binder, Lined paper and Graph paper for Notes
Pencils, erasers and red pen for grading, a straight edge (ruler)
Calculator (we will be using a TI-83 or 83 Plus graphing calculator in this class)
Borrowing: Each student is responsible for bringing his or her own supplies. DO NOT ask to borrow from me.
Grading system: Your homework can be graded on accuracy, completion or a combination. Quizzes can be pop or
announced. Chapter test can be a mid-chapter, partial or complete chapter.
9 weeks grade:
Daily Grade, homework:
Quizzes, Chapter/9wks test
1st semester grade:
1st and 2nd nine weeks grade
Semester test:
2nd semester grade:
3rd and 4th nine weeks grade
EOI/PASS or Semester test:
Extra Credit: Don’t ask for it. If I offer it, take advantage of it. I do give bonus problems from time to time.
Class rule:
Respect everyone in the classroom. This includes not talking when I’m talking, teaching or giving instructions. If
you have a question, raise your hand and wait for acknowledgement. No talking when someone else has been
acknowledged to speak. Keep your hands to yourself and your feet off the backs of the desk. Cheating will not be
tolerated. Teasing and bullying will not be tolerated.
Please DO NOT spray hairspray or perfume in the classroom. Do not comb, brush hair, or apply makeup or lotion in
class. During class is not the time to deal with personal hygiene. NO food, gum or drinks in the classroom other than
School policies: No sagging, no hats, no cleavage, no bra straps, no mid-drifts, no see through tops. No electronic
devices in the hallways. Keep your phones turned off and out of sight during class.
Classroom Procedures:
You are to be in your seat when the tardy bell begins to ring, if not you will be counted tardy. You have five
minutes between classes to get drinks, use the restroom, or sharpen pencils. Keep your purses and backpacks on the
floor, under your desk, NOT on your lap or desktop. Keep the isle between desks clear.
If you’re absent, it is you’re responsible for obtaining your make-up work and notes. You may ask a classmate, me
or check my website for your assignment. You will be allowed the time permitted in the student handbook (one day
per day absent). If your absence is unexcused, no assignments may be made-up for credit, although it is a good idea
to do the work to stay up with the class. Place make up work in my hand, Do Not put it in the box.
All work is to be done in pencil, NOT pen.
Homework is to be completed before class begins. Be prepared for a quiz. While you are grading your work, I will
check your homework for completion and work shown. Pay attention when questions are being asked and make
sure you are reworking any missed problems for possible points.
Quiz: You may have your notes and homework out to look at. You may not use your book or your friend’s notes or
your friend to help you with your quiz.
Your assignment will be written on the top line of your paper. All work must be shown, unless otherwise directed
by the teacher, and must be legible, or no grade will be given. This heading should be to the upper right-hand side of
your paper:
Page # and problems assigned.
You are to be in your seat, taking notes and doing examples in notes for reference. If I’m writing it down, then you
should be too.
If you have a question/comment, please raise your hand and wait for me to call on you.
Stay in your seat, working, until the end of class when the teacher dismisses you. If you need to sharpen your
pencil, throw away paper, or blow your nose, please do so without distracting the rest of the class. If you need to
leave class you will be expected to present your Bathroom Pass or take a tardy. If you finish an assignment early
have a book to read or quietly work on another assignment.
10. No cell phones or other electronic devices are to be out during class unless it is being used for the lesson. The
classroom is a place for engaged learning and I must have your full attention during lectures so that you will be able
to pass the class as well as the EOI in the spring.
1st Offence: Taken up till the end of class or warning;
2nd Offence: Taken up till the end of the day;
3rd Offence: Taken to the office with a write up.
11. My Conference Time: 3:15pm – 3:00pm
My email:
Follow our classes on Facebook: Michelle Womack’s (classroom)
Follow our classes on twitter: @mathwomack
After reading the above, please sign below and date. Keep the above and turn in the bottom to me.
I have read the above information and understand what is expected of me/my child in class in order to be successful.
Name (print) _______________________________________________________
Student Signature ______________________________________________________ Date _________________
Parent/Guardian Name (print) ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________________ Date _________________
Parent Email Address________________________________________
Parent Phone number_______________________________