Algebra 1

Math 1
Instructor: Mrs. Trudy Hoss
Text: Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP) Year 1
Copyright 2015
See Materials List
Description: Math 1 offers an introduction to higher mathematics, providing the
language and basics for mathematics above the level of arithmetic. Topics covered are
patterns, relations and functions, expressions, equations, inequalities, linear equations and
their graphs, statistics, similar triangles, basic trigonometry, polynomials, rational
expressions and functions, exponents, logarithms, and scientific notation.
My Expectations of Students:
I expect every student to…
1) Be in his or her seat when the bell rings and begin the warm up.
2) Bring all materials to class every day.
3) Be quiet during note taking, announcements, and student presentations.
4) Follow directions.
5) Have a positive attitude.
6) Treat every person and object in the room with respect and use appropriate language.
7) Be honest at all times.
8) Leave all food and drinks in your locker. Only gum and water are allowed.
9) Clean up after yourself before leaving the room.
10) Follow the Seaman High School student handbook.
Electronic Devices Policy:
1) Cell phones are to remain on silent and out of sight at all times unless otherwise given
specific permission.
2) At no time may a cell phone be used as a calculator.
3) Other personal electronic devices should not be used unless given specific permission.
This includes cameras, iPods/mp3 players, laptops, iPads, etc.
4) Students may not use an electronic device to photograph or film any portion of class
unless given specific permission from the instructor and persons involved.
5) Violations will be handled according to the student handbook (pg. 10 & 11).
Grading Scale: Please consult the Student Handbook.
Grading System: Grades are weighted as follows:
Semester Grade
30% Participation: homework graded on completion, group work, class presentations
30% Accuracy: homework graded on correctness, POWs, end of the unit portfolios
30% Assessments: quizzes, tests
10% Final Exam
Course Work:
 Students will be expected to participate in class discussions, cooperative learning
groups, and give class presentations of their work. Hands on activities will be
incorporated whenever possible, and students should be willing to try all activities.
 Students will be expected to keep an organized notebook.
 Homework will be assigned every class period. Some homework will be checked for
completion and some homework will be checked for accuracy. Homework graded for
accuracy may be redone for a maximum of 90%.
 The amount of points for each homework assignment will vary depending on the
length, level of difficulty, and requirements of the problems assigned.
 Please make sure that all assignments have the proper heading and make sure to show
your work.
 Late assignments should be turned in before the end of the unit. The maximum grade
earned on a late assignment is 75%. Any assignment not turned in immediately after
grading is late even if it is during the same class period.
 If a student has an excused absence, homework should be turned in as soon as
possible. After one week the assignment will be considered late. If the student needs
help completing the lesson(s) missed it is his or her responsibility to come in for help.
Students are responsible for making up any group activities that are missed due to an
 All make up quizzes must be completed before the day of the unit test. Failure to do
so will result in a score of zero. All make up tests and quizzes must be completed
with me during seminar or ASAP. NO class time will be given. All unit test makeups and retakes must be completed within two weeks from the day the test is returned.
 Tests and quizzes may be retaken only if the student received below a 75% on the
original assessment. The student must come in for help before he or she will be
allowed to retake the test or quiz and all assignments must have been completed. The
retake may only raise the test or quiz score to a maximum of 75%.
 This course may be taken for honors credit. Please refer to the Honors Contract for
information about the honors criteria.