Reconstruction & Its Aftermath - Mr. Amiti's History Class

Reconstruction Debate
 Although the Union was saved, the nation shook in its roots
 There were many difficult questions to answer:
 Should the slaveholding Southerners be punished or
 What rights should be granted to the free African
 How could the nation be brought back together?
Reconstruction Debate
 Most of the fighting took place in the south therefore towns,
cities, plantations, roads, bridges, and railroads had been
 More than 258,000 Confederate soldiers had died while
families had to rebuild their lives with very few resources
 Everyone agreed that these problems needed to be fixed but
they could not agree on how to fix it
 This was known as the period of Reconstruction
Lincoln’s Plan
December 1863 he announced the 10 Percent Plan
10% of voters of a state took an oath of loyalty to the Union, the state could form
a new government and adopt a new constitution (banning slavery)
Punishing the south would serve no useful purpose and only delay the healing
He also offered amnesty – a pardon – to all white southerners, except Confederate
leaders, who swore loyalty to the Union
He also supported granting the right to vote to A.A. that were educated or had
served in the Union army
However did did not force southerners to give these “white” rights to A.A.
Rival Plan
 One group of Republicans in Congress considered the
Lincoln Plan to be too mild; not harsh enough
 They said: Congress should control the Reconstruction
policy, not the president
 They held a radical (extreme) viewpoint and were
known as Radical Republicans
 A leading figure of that party was Thaddeus Stevens
Wade-Davis Bill
 This was much harsher than Lincoln’s Plan
 A majority of white males in a state had to swear
loyalty to the Union
 A state constitutional convention could be held but
only white males who had never taken up arms against
the Union could vote for delegates to this convention
 The convention had to adopt a new state constitution
that abolished slavery
Freedmen’s Bureau
 This was the other issue of Reconstruction – helping
African Americans freed from slavery
 The Freedmen’s Bureau was created and helped distribute
food and clothing, and provide medical services
 It also established schools and gave aid to new A.A
institutions of higher learning
 They also helped people acquire land, offered free
transportation, and helped obtain fair wages
The Assassination…
• Night of April 14, 1864 President and Mrs. Lincoln attended the play “Our
American Cousin” at Ford’s Theater in Washington D.C.
• This was only 5 days after the surrender of Lee’s army
• John Wilkes Booth (an actor and Confederate sympathizer) enters the box
without anyone seeing him
The Assassination…
• Wilkes Booth shoots the president in the back of the head
• He the leaped to the stage and escaped during the chaos that unfolded
• Lincoln was carried to a nearby house but died a few hours later
• Booth fled on horseback to
Virginia as he was being tracked
by Union troops
• April 26: the troops cornered
Booth in a barn near Port Royal,
• He refused to surrender and was
shot to death
New President
• Vice President Andrew Johnson
took the post after Lincoln’s
• He also revealed his own plan
for Reconstruction
• He resented the slaveholders and
wished to punish them
• Radical Republicans thought
he’d create a very harsh plan
which they could accept
• Johnson believes giving the
states control over many
decisions and he had no desire
to help the African Americans
He preferred to call the Reconstruction, a period of Restoration
Under this plan: most southerners would be granted amnesty once they swore an
oath of loyalty to the Union
High-ranking Confederate officials and wealthy landowners could be pardoned
He appointed governors to southern states and required them to hold elections for
state constitutional conventions
Only whites who had sworn loyalty and pardoned could be allowed to vote
He opposed granting all freed A.A equal rights or letting them vote
“white men alone should manage the south”
 Before states could reenter the Union they had to
denounce slavery at their constitutional conventions
 They had to ratify the 13th Amendment
 End of 1865: all former Confederate states except
Texas had formed new governments and were ready to
rejoin the Union
 “Restoration” was almost complete
Southerners in Congress
 Southerners made their way to Congress as they sent
their representatives there
 When they got to Washington DC many Republicans
refused to seat them or acknowledge them
 They believed that these southerners had been let off
loosely by President Johnson
Black Codes
 Between 1865 & 1866: new Southern states passed a
series of laws called the black codes
 They were aimed to control freed men and women and
to enable plantation owners to exploit African
American workers
 These laws were terrible; they arrested and fined any
A.A who was unemployed
 Then forced him/her to work to pay off their fines
Black Codes
 In other cases A.A were banned from owning or
renting farms
 Whites were allowed to take orphaned A.A children as
unpaid apprentices
 These Black Codes were reestablished slavery in
Challenging Black Codes
 1866: the Freedmen’s Bureau was granted more power
to set up special courts to prosecute individuals
charged with violating A.A rights
 A.A were provided with a form of justice where they
could serve on juries
Civil Rights Act of 1866
 It granted full citizenship to A.A and gave the federal
government the power to intervene in state affairs to
protect their rights
 It overturned Black Codes and also contradicted the
Dred Scott decision
Johnson’s Reaction
 Johnson vetoed both bills because he felt the federal
government was overstepping its boundaries
 He also said that they were unconstitutional because
they were passed by a Congress who did not include
representatives from all the states
Republican’s Reaction
 They enough votes to override (defeat) both vetoes set
by Johnson
 The bills became law
 It also split Congress and the President possibly
threatening the relationship in the future
 In 1866: Congress passed a new amendment to make sure
no one took the rights of A.A
 The 14th Amendment granted full citizenship to all
individuals born in the US
 It also stated that no state could take away a citizen’s life,
liberty and property “without due process”
 Everyone is entitled to “equal protection of the laws”
 Whoever refused to follow would lose their representatives
in Congress
Interpretation of the
 It did not include Natives Americans and it wouldn’t
until 1924
 It barred former Confederates from holding national or
state office unless they were pardoned
 To be readmitted to the Union the states had to ratify
the amendment
 Tennessee was the first and only to ratify until 1866
Johnson’s Reaction to Am.
 Johnson reaction harshly towards the 14th Amendment
 He campaigned vigorously against Republican
 He even urged all the state legislatures to reject it
Republican Victory
 People were worried what effects this would have
between the races
 There was fear that clashes would erupt such as in
Memphis, TE & New Orleans, LA
 Eventually the Republicans gained control of the
governments in every northern state
 This gave Congress the signal to take Reconstruction
into its own hands
Radical Reconstruction
 Reconstruction Act of 1867 called for the creation of
new governments in the 10 southern states that did not
ratify the 14th Am.
 These 10 states were divided into 5 districts and placed
under military authority
 It guaranteed A.A males the right to vote in state
elections and prevented former Confederate leaders
from holding political office
Radical Reconstruction
 The Second Reconstruction Act was passed a few
weeks later and required the military commanders to
being registering voters and to prepare for new state
constitutional conventions
 This was introduced to get southern states to regain
admission into the Union
Readmission of States
 1868: seven states were readmitted
 Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North
Carolina, and South Carolina
 1870: Mississippi, Virginia, and Texas were readmitted
Challenging Johnson
 Congress had passed several laws to limit the powers of
the president to prevent him from redirecting the
military during their occupation of southern states
 Tenure of Office Act prohibited the president from
removing government officials, including members of
his own cabinet, without the Senate’s approval
 Conflict became worse
 1867: while Congress wasn’t in session, Johnson
suspended Secretary of War Edwin Stanton without
the Senate’s approval
 The Senate came back and refused to obey Johnson’s
decision, so he removes Stanton from office anyway
 This violated the Tenure of Office Act
 The House of Representatives were outraged so they
voted to impeach – formally charge with wrongdoing –
the president
 They accused him of misconduct
 The trial began in March 1868 and lasted almost 3
The Case
 Johnson’s defenders claimed that the president was
exercising his right to challenge laws
 They also argued that the impeachment was politically
motivated and contrary to the spirit of the Constitution
 His accusers said that Congress should retain the
supreme power to make the laws
 Senators casted 2 votes and in both cases the result was
35 to 19 to convict the president
 This was 1 vote short of 2/3 of the majority required to
convict the president
 Other Republicans casted a no vote because they
believed a president should be removed from office
Election of 1868
 Republicans abandoned Johnson and chose General
Ulysses S. Grant as their presidential candidate
 Democrats chose Horatio Seymour of New York
 Grant won with 214 of the 294 votes
 This was the last and major piece of Reconstruction
 February 1869: Congress passed the 15th Amendment
 It prohibited the state and federal governments from
denying the right to vote to any male citizen because of
“race, color, or previous condition of servitude”
New Groups
 Support for the Republican Part came from:
 African Americans
 White Southerners
 White Settlers from the North
African Americans
 They played in important role as voters and elected
 They did not control the government of any state but
held important positions
 At least 16 A.A served in the H.o.R and 2 in the Senate
Hiram Revels
• Senator and ordained minister
• He recruited A.A during the
Civil War
• Started a school for freed A.A in
St. Louis
• Served as chaplain of an A.A
regiment in Mississippi
• Served a year in the Senate and
declared that he received “fair
Blanche K.
• Senator from Mississippi and
former runaway slave
• Taught in a school for A.A in
• Entered politics and became a
superintendent of schools
• Elected to the Senate and served
for 6 years
 These were southern whites who supported
 They were nonslaveholding farmers or business leaders
who opposed secession
 They were called scalawags by Confederates
 It means “scoundrel” or “worthless rascal”
 These were northern whites who moved to the south
after the war
 They supporter Republicans and served as leaders
during the Reconstruction
 They were called carpetbaggers because when they
moved they brought everything (all of their belongings)
with them in cheap suitcases made of carpet fabris
 Most were greedy but some were not
 Most were former Union army soldiers or members of
the Freedmen’s Bureau
 Others were reformers from the north such as lawyers,
doctors, teachers
 Many southerners accused Reconstruction leaders as
being corrupt – dishonest or illegal in action
 Some official made money illegally but this practice
was not widespread
 Interestingly, there were less corrupt leaders in the
south than in the north
Resistance to
 Most southern whites opposed these efforts
 Plantation owners tried to maintain control over freed
people in away way
 Most whites refused to rent land to A.A
 Store owners refused them credit
 Employers refused to hire them
 Some whites used fear to keep freedmen in line
Ku Klux Klan
• Much violence against A.A were carried out by secret societies organized to
prevent freed men from exercising their rights
• The KKK was the most terrifying group who wore white sheets and hoods
• Their members launched “midnight rides” burning homes, churches, and
• They murdered more than 150 people over a 3 year period
Action Against Violence
 Those against violence appealed to the government to
do something about it
 Congress passed laws to try to stop the growing
 However most white southerners refused to testify
against those who attacked A.A
 Education improved for both A.A and whites
 A.A saw education as a step to a better life and in many
regions they created their own schools
 Northern women and free A.A came to teach in the south
 More than half the teachers in these schools in 1870 were
 There were 4,000 schools with 200,000 students
Public Schools
 1870: Reconstruction governments began creating public
school systems for both races which did not exist in the
south before
 More than 50% of white children and about 40% of A.A
children in the south were enrolled in public schools
 Missionary societies established academies such as
Morehouse College & Atlanta University
 Schools were starting to be integrated – include both races
Farming the Land
 Most free people wanted land along with education
 Some were able to buy land because of the Freedman’s Bank
 But the most common form of farmwork was through
 This was a system where a landowner rented a plot of land to a
sharecropper (farmer) along with some seeds, tools, and maybe a
 In return the sharecropper shared a percentage of their crop with
their landowner
 After paying the landowners, the sharecroppers had
very little to sell
 Sometimes there was barely enough to feed their
 But for many sharecropping was still better than
Reconstruction Declines
 During the Grand administration, northerners began
losing interest in Reconstruction
 They felt that it was time for the south to solve its own
 Southern Democrats were regaining control in the
 Even freed people went back to work for landowners
because they had no other way of making a living
Reasons for Decline of
 Radical leaders began to disappear
 Racial prejudice was exploited in the north by
opponents of Reconstruction
 Fate of the freed should be in the south
 Southern protest of the “bayonet rule” – the use of
federal troops to support Reconstruction governments
Republican Revolt
 1870s: reports of corruption in Grant’s administration
 The Republicans split the party over corruption
 Another group of them broke over Reconstruction
 They proposed reconciliation – coming together again
 These 2 groups who split called themselves Liberal
Republicans and they nominated Horace Greeley for
president in the election o f 1872
Amnesty Act
 May 1872: Congress passed the Amnesty Act which
pardoned most former Confederates
 Now nearly all white southerners could vote and hold
office again
 This changed the political balance in the south
Democrats Regain Power
 In states where whites were the clear majority, the
Democrats quickly gained control of the state
 In states where A.A were the majority or the
population was equal, the KKK helped the Democrats
gain control
 They did it by terrorizing any opponents
Democrats Regain Power
 Democrats used threats to pressure Republicans to
become Democrats
 They also used violence to pressure A.A to not vote
 By 1876: Republicans were only able to hold a majority
in 3 southern states
 Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana
Republican Issues
 Republicans had other problems they could not blame on
 There were reports of corruption, officials making unfair
business deals, scheming to withhold public tax money,
accepting bribes, etc.
 It damaged the Grant administration and the Republicans
 The nation was also going through an economic depression
which was blamed on the Republicans
End of Reconstruction
 Grant considered running for a 3rd term but most
Republicans wanted a new candidate
 Someone who could win back the Liberal Republicans
and unite the party
Election of 1876
• Republicans nominated
Rutherford B. Hayes
• He was governor of Ohio
• A champion of political reform
• Had a reputation for honesty
and held moderate views on
Election of 1876
• Democrats nominated Samuel
• He gained national fame for
fighting political corruption in
Election of 1876
 It seemed that Tilden would win the election
 Except for that some states votes were disputed
 These 20 electoral votes from Florida, Louisiana,
South Carolina, and Oregon were all that Tilden
needed to win the election
Election of 1876
 Congress creates a commission (group) of 7
Republicans and 7 Democrats and 1 independent to
review the election results
 The independent resigned, so a Republican took his
 After review, the commission voted that Hayes was the
new president
Reaction to Election
 Democrats were angry and threatened to fight the
 Republicans and southern Democrats tried to work out
an agreement
 March 2, 1877: Congress confirmed that the winner
would be Hayes
Compromise of 1877
 This compromise included favors for the south
 Give more aid to the south
 Withdraw all remaining troops from the south
 Democrats promised to maintain A.A rights
 Hayes went on to say that the south needed honest men to
self-govern the region
 His stance was that the federal government would no longer
interfere or reshape southern society or help southern A.A
A New Ruling Party
 When Reconstruction ended in the south, the shift in
power went from the Republicans to the Democrats
 Democrats in the south: large landowners that held
power before the War
 Redeemers were a group of Democrats who were
merchants, bankers, industrialists, and other business
leaders who wanted to save the south from Republican
• They adopted conservative
policies such as:
• Lower taxes
• Less public spending
• Reduced government services
• The cut many social services
including public education
Rise of the
“New South”
• Southerners were convinced that
the reason they lost the war was
because their industry and
manufacturing did not math the
• Henry Grady headed a group
that urged southerners to “outYankee the Yankees” & build a
“New South”
• They would have industries
based on coal, iron, tobacco,
cotton, lumber, etc.
Southern Industries
 Some of the strongest advances were in the textile
industry, in lumbering, and in tobacco processing
 James Duke’s American Tobacco Company controlled
almost all tobacco manufacturing in the nation
 William Kelly & Henry Bessemer helped push the
iron and steel industry as well
 By 1890: the south produced nearly 20% of the nation’s
iron and steel
Factors in Growth
 Workers in the south worked long hours for low wages,
sometimes with their entire families in the factories
 Rail-road building boomed as it was being rebuilt after
the war
 African Americans got fewer opportunities in industry
except in the lowest-paying jobs
Rural Economy
 Debt caused a lot of problems where poor families had
to buy the things they needed on credit
 Cash Crops – crops that could be sold for money
 This was the quickest way to make money and selling
cotton brought the biggest profit
Dividing Society
 African Americans continued to dream for justice but
that all faded away
 Racism became entrenched in southern life
 Individuals took steps on their own to keep African
Americans separated from whites and deny them basic
Voting Restrictions
 15th Amendment prevented anyone from being denied
the right to vote because of race
 Southerners found loopholes around this however
Poll Tax
• This was a fee that people had to pay before voting
• Many A.A could not afford this tax so they could not vote
• Evidently it also prevented poor white families from voting too
Literacy Test
• A person had to read and explain difficult parts of state constitutions or the
federal Constitution
• Most A.A had very little education therefore they, too, were prevented from
• However this also kept some whites from voting
Grandfather Clause
• This allowed individuals who did not pass the literacy test to vote if their
fathers or grandfathers had voted before Reconstruction
• A.A could not vote until 1867, therefore they were excluded
Jim Crow Laws
• Segregation (separation of the
races) was also prominent in the
southern culture
• The Jim Crow laws required
A.A and whites to be separated
in almost every public place
where they might come in
contact with each other
Plessy vs Ferguson
 This was a case which involved a Louisiana law that
required the separation of whites and A.A on trains
 Homer Plessy challenged the law by sitting in the
whites only section of the train
 He lost the case in the Supreme Court which ruled that
it was legal as long as AA had access to facilities or
accommodations equal to those of whites
Problem w/ Separate but
 Facilities were separate but in no way were they equal
 Southern states spent much more money on white only
facilities than those for AA
Against AA
• Lynching was prominent in the
• Angry mobs killed AA by
hanging them because they were
suspected of committing crimes
or because they did not behave
as whites thought they should
Impact of Reconstruction
 Helped the south recover
form the war
 Still had a poor rural
 Began rebuilding the
southern economy
 It did not make good on the
promise of true freedom for
freed AA
 AA gained greater equality
and joined with whites in
new governments
 Segregated society