Westinghouse High School: Video Production Syllabus Instructor: Ms. Larson Teacher: Ms. Larson, LALarson@cps.edu Pre-REQUISITE: ART 1 Office Hours: Swim Season: Pool Office 3:30-6pm M-F Non-Swim Season After school 259 & 210 3:30-4:30 or, by appointment Course Description: VIDEO PRODUCTION: Video Production is a second level course designed to provide a time arts experience for those students interested in film, or video. Students will learn camera operation and editing techniques through a variety of assignments such as short narrative, monologue montage, music video and experimental work. Video Production will build upon our Art 1 foundational course through the on-going exploration of the visual elements and aesthetics of art. These same visual elements will be developed through the lens of image sequencing, perception, and context. This course will continue to shape an awareness and understanding of technologies used to communicate in our modern society. Students will cover the basic elements of video production including script writing, story boarding and editing. Students will build upon current critical thinking skill by critiquing films, as well as fulfilling sketchbook/journal assignments. These explorations will lay the foundation to allow students to engage in many ways of expressing themselves through the making and discussing of time based art in the classroom. You will be assessed on all video projects, video journal/sketchbooks, tests, written reports, and critique and discussion participation. This course is designed to encourage students to be visual thinkers and express themselves visually through multiple artistic activities. Students will gain knowledge of basic camera operation, video editing techniques in Final Cut Pro 7, preproduction, production and post-production skills that will be applicable to real world experience. Materials Needed: Artist’s Sketchbook / Journal, Binder for handouts and notes; personal headphones; flash drive, Mandatory SD Card with mini chip Resources: textbook provided for selective readings / FILM ART by David Bordwell and Alfred Hitchcock Screenings, (Psycho & Vertigo) Beasts of the Southern Wild as well as readings from books, Mulitple Classic Film Clips, magazines and on-line sources will be utilized. Note some movies contain mature content and are rated “R” Course Objectives and Learning Standards Alignment: Illinois State Standards (ILS), National Standards for Art (NSA), & College Readiness Standards (CRS)s Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Students will be able to: 1. Understand, identify and incorporate the Elements of Art and Principles of Design in artworks (ILS 25A, NSA 2,3,5) 2. Observe, discuss, and interpret a variety of visual art (ILS 25B, NSA 8) 3. Experiment with various 2-D and 3-D processes and techniques (ILS 26A, NSA 1-6) 4. Apply skills and knowledge to create art through planning, research, and problem solving (ILS 26B, NSA 1-6, CRS-Writing Standards, CCSS SL.9-10.1) 5. Make meaningful connections between art and society (ILS 27A & B, NSA 4, CRS-Reading/Writing Standards) 6. Understand, identify, and report on various movements/periods of art history (CRS Writing 3-5, ILS 27, NSA 4, CRSReading/Writing Standards, CCSS W.9-10.3) 7. Demonstrate how to use text-based and active research methods to express written ideas about art and artists (CRS Writing 3-5, ILS 25-27, NS 1-6 & 8, CRS-Reading/Writing Standards, CCS SRI.9-10.2, CCSS RI.9-10.5) Specific Class Expectations: Responsibility: Students must be responsible for themselves and their work. All art projects are to be turned in on time. Late homework or projects will be penalized with points taken off. If you are absent it is your responsibility to approach me to make up any work you missed. Effort: Students are expected to give maximum effort everyday in class. School rules: Students are to have read the Parent and Student Handbook, and adhere closely to ALL its precepts. Plan on taking missed tests the day you return to school. Cheating of any kind (tests, quizzes, homework, plagiarism) is strictly forbidden. Prepared: Students are to come to class each day prepared and on time! This includes a pencil, your video journal/video sketchbook, any homework that is due, and a positive attitude. Students are to be in their seat working on the day’s BELL-RINGER immediately upon entering the classroom. Encourage: Students are to keep a positive and helpful attitude with themselves and all others in class. Curiosity: Students are encouraged to actively participate in all art lessons. It is important that, together we create an environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and discussing art. Teamwork: It is important that all students do their part in the art classroom! Whether that entails cleaning paintbrushes or collecting glue sticks, we are a team! Grading Policy: Classroom Assignments, Grading and Homework Policies All assignments will be graded according to the guidelines & rubrics given out at the beginning of each assignment. All assignments must be fully completed by due date at the beginning of the class period. 50% off for any late work Homework & class participation will be graded daily. Video Journals will be graded twice per quarter for progress reports and final report card grades. Video Journals will be used daily for bell ringers, lecture notes, brainstorming ideas, and sketching. For each semester there will be 1 written assignment due in “Turn it In”. Grading Scale: 100-90%=A, 89-80%=B, 79-70%=C, 69-60%=D, 59-0%=F Any student receiving a D or F (69% or below) at the 3rd week, 5th week, and/or 7th week will be required to conference with teacher and parent to complete a Student Improvement Plan (SIP). The final quarter & semester grades will be based on the following percentages: Assignments % of Grade Assessment Strategies Class Video projects 30% Work done during class & participation Written reports 10% Short / Extended Written Assignments Homework (Form.) 15% Readings, worksheets, etc. Video Journal (Form.) 25% Class notes, bell ringers, journaling, sketches Tests (Summ.) 10% Tests will be given every 4 weeks Final Exams (Summ.) 10% Final exams at the end of 1st & 2nd semester Weeks 1-5 Topic Film Aesthetics: Visual Storytelling, Shot Styles and Composition Major Topics 6-10 11-15 Direct A Scene: With every action there is an equally important reaction! Poetic Monologue Montage (Video Diary) Once upon Today: Recontextualize a Fairytale I’m so obsessed with that! Syllabus /overview/Digital Citizenship Creative Camera Work (shot styles, composition, continuity) Lighting, sets, locations Costume, make-up Script/dialogue Sound music/score Mise-en-scene Basic Camera Operation Intro Final Cut Pro 7 Workshop Action & Reaction Master Shot Rough Cut Montage Monologue/Voiceover Dramatic lighting, Black & White Digital Effects Major Assignments Assessments In-depth film analysis of Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho Storyboards Mise-en-Scene writing assignment Introduce yourself on camera Blocked Action Video Project Storyboard Poetic Video Monologue Montage Poem Writing Assignment 16-20 Post-Modern Principle: Re-Contextualizing Brother Grimm Fairytales Identity, Race & Gender Narrative/Chronology RE-Contextualized Fairytale Video Storyboards Script Props/Costumes Storyboards Post-Production Passion Video 21--25 Obsessions & Passions & Identity Staging Dialogue Sequences Jump Cuts & Transitions 26-30 31-34 Experimental Video: Appropriate, Appropriation Prep your Pitch: Literary Adaptation Music Video The history of Video Art Abstraction Found Footage Appropriate, Appropriation Green Screen Performance Art Genre Staging Dialogue Sequence Pitch storyline Storyboard Final Experimental Video Found Footage Assignment Celtix Script Storyboards Final Narrative Video 35-37 The birth of MTV The Influence of music videos on society Final Music Video Sound Editing 1 Video Journal check *Film analysis document Homework *Mise-en-Scene written assignment * Unit test 1 Video Journal Check 1 Final Video Homework Written Reflections Unit Quizzes 1 Video Journal Check 1 Final Video Homework Written Reflections Unit Quizzes 1 Video Journal Check 1 Final Video Homework Written Reflections Unit Quizzes 1 Video Journal Check 1 Final Video Homework Written Reflections Unit Quizzes 1 Video Journal Check 1 Final Video Homework Written Reflections Unit Quizzes 1 Video Journal Check 1 Final Video Homework Written Reflections Unit Quizzes 1 Video Journal Check 1 Final Video Timing & Pacing Storyboarding FINALS!!!!! Final Exam Preparation Final Exam REVIEW SESSIONS & JEOPARDY Course Review Sheets and activates Homework Written Reflections Unit Quizzes Final Exam Senior: 5/28-5/30 9th-11th week of June 8th General Scope & Sequence *All Video Production assignments use a variety of assessment practices to ensure students demonstrate their mastery of learning. Examples include the following Formative and Summative Assessment Strategies. Formative Assessment Strategies Journal/Sketchbook Activities, Bell Ringers Participation in class discussion, Storyboard sketches, Script boards & Scripts Brainstorming, Mid point critique One on one in process conversations Individual Critique Group Critique Summative Assessment Strategies Rubric Based Final Video Projects Key Word Mini Rubrics Tests Final Exams Writing Assignment Guidelines Students will be required to write 1 written assignments per semester in “Turnitin”, an online writing portfolio program. A cover sheet with a rubric and guidelines will be handed out for each assignment. These reports will be submitted in “Turnitin” and typed up and handed in on the day it is due using proper formatting. IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember, plagiarism is a serious offense. Students caught using others’ work or ideas (copying off other students, internet sites, etc) will receive a zero for the assignment and will face disciplinary action by the administration. Course Objectives: o Identify, discuss, and interpret many kinds of art works, including time-based art. o Communicate visually through art making with the 4th dimension o Build Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production skills. o Make meaningful connections with art and contemporary life o Demonstrate ability to use text based and real life research methods and materials o Write both reflective and academic essays on Classic Films. o Collaborate effectively with other in a cooperative learning environment o Identify and discuss major art themes in art history. I look forward to working with all of you. This year will be full of excitement and challenges! Our class goal is to investigate and learn about our world through time-based media. Moving images will be the new lens with which we view the universe. I hope that together we can grow in our understanding of the 4th Dimension! Thank you in advance for your participation and enthusiasm. I have high expectations for you, your classmates, and myself. Make sure to set goals and have high standards. Let’s have a great year! SYLLABUS Ms. Larson Video Production, 2014-2015 Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s): September 2nd , 2014 Welcome to our new year here at George Westinghouse College Prep High School! I am excited to be working with your child during this upcoming school year. As you notice above, there is a syllabus attached. This syllabus states and describes the expectations, materials, outcomes, grading scale, assessment strategies, and responsibilities of each student for this course. Please read this over with intention as it may answer most, and hopefully all, of your questions. Briefly, this course will give your students the opportunity to explore classic films, criticism, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production skills. Through class video projects, written assignments, discussions, video journals and more, students will be able to find their own individual expression and skill in the video production. I have high expectations for every student and confidence that all can succeed! You are a part of that success as well and I look forward to teaming up with you as your child learns and grows. Also, as the year goes on feel free to visit the school to view your children’s work. I will be in contact with you with information and dates. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at: LAlarson@cps.edu Thank you for your time and I look forward to meeting you! Truly, Ms. Laura A. Larson Parent/Student Acknowledgement of Receipt of Syllabus Please complete this section, detach this page and return it by Friday, September 5th. As a student in this class, I promise to work every day to the best of my ability. I will be on time every day and complete my assignments. I will do everything I can to be successful in this class. __________________________________________________________________ Student’s Name Student’s Signature ______________ Date As a parent or guardian of a student in this class, I promise to support my child to the best of my ability. I will make sure that my child is on time every day and completes his or her homework. I will do everything I can to ensure that my child is successful in this class. ____________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian’s Name Parent or Guardian’s Signature _________________________________________ Parent Email ______________ Date ____________________ ____________________ Home Phone Cell Phone _______________________________________________________________ Alternate Contact Person Name Relationship ______________________ Phone