Anthem - The Robinson Read

Lord of the Flies
By William Golding
Quick Write:
What are some rules you follow that you
don’t mind following?
 What are some rules you wouldn’t follow if
there was no punishment?
 What is the point of these rules?
What does it mean to be civilized?
What kind of things does a civilized person
do? Say? Wear?
Contrast someone who is civilized with
someone who is not.
What makes good people do bad
How ingrained in us are society’s
For example: if the entire Grade 11 Class
were stranded on an island – there are no
teachers, parents, cops or adults of any
kind – how long would it take for society’s
“rules” to fall away?
Why call it Lord of the Flies?
The phrase “lord of the flies” is a
translation of the Greek “Beelzebub,” a
devil mentioned in the New Testament.
In the Bible, Beelzebub sometimes seems
to be Satan himself, and at other times
seems to be Satan’s most powerful
Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”
Deserted Island
 Emulating Adults
 The Pig
 The Key Players
 Ralph as Leader
Chapter 1
The Sound of the Shell
Deserted Island
“No grownups!” (p.8)
 Vacation?
 What goes along with adults?
 Rules
 Do
rules hold us down, or do they protect us?
Clothes are also evidence of “civilization”
CH 01 (p. 07-31)
Emulating Adults
“Let’s have a vote” (p. 22)
 The boys seem to want adults there – or at
least something resembling adults: a
 Jack wants to be treated as an adult –
referred to by last name, be in charge –
but compare that with how he treats Piggy
CH 01 (p. 07-31)
The Pig
“I was choosing a place. Next time–!” (p.
 It’s a big step to kill something
 Jack doesn’t want to be thought of as a
 His old society – run by adults – still has
influence over him. For how long?
CH 01 (p. 07-31)
The Key Players
Pay attention to how these boys relate
to each other
Ralph – one of the oldest and tallest, so he is
chosen as leader. He is the one who blew on
the conch and began the first meeting.
Piggy – He’s fat, asthmatic, and has bad
eyesight; but he is definitely the smartest.
Jack – leader of the choir (his hunters). He
wants to be chief and is upset when Ralph is
elected. He’s bossy, mean, and power hungry.
Simon – he sees things differently
CH 01 (p. 07-31)
Ralph as Leader
“I’m chief then” (p. 23)
 He has done some good things
 But how has he treated Piggy?
 He may be the leader, but he is still very
CH 01 (p. 07-31)
Chapter 2: “The Fire on the
Mountain” Preview
Two Goals
 The Conch
 Piggy’s Glasses
 The Beast
 The Fire
Chapter 2
Fire on the Mountain
Writing Prompts/Discussion
Compare/contrast Ralph and Piggy.
Compare/contrast Ralph and Jack.
How is Piggy’s point of view different from
that of the rest of the boys?
Two Goals
“We want to have fun. And we want to be
rescued” (p. 37)
 Notice which goal came first.
 Do these sound like adult goals?
CH 02 (p. 32-47)
The Conch
“Where the conch is, that’s a meeting” (p.
 The conch is a symbol for order
 The first rule: only the person with the
conch can speak
 How
good are the boys at following this one
 Do they try to change this rule?
CH 02 (p. 32-47)
Piggy’s Glasses
“His specs – use them as burning glasses!” (p.
Why are the glasses so important?
 Glasses
 fire  rescue
Piggy is the smartest (the most enlightened)
Wisdom and intelligence change the way things
So why isn’t Piggy the leader?
 No
charisma, no respect
CH 02 (p. 32-47)
The Beast
“But there isn’t a beast!” (p. 37)
 Now, not everything is fun and games on
the island
 Whether the beast is real or imaginary, the
younger kids’ fear is real
 Have
you ever tried to convince a young kid
that there’s no monster under his bed?
CH 02 (p. 32-47)
The Fire
“You got your small fire all right” (p. 44)
The fire spreads quickly – too quickly
It seems someone died in the fire…
Fire is fun – building shelters isn’t
Who caused the problem?
 The
 The beast?
 The boys?
CH 02 (p. 32-47)
Chapter 3: “Huts on the Beach”
 Ralph
 Jack
 Simon
 How
is he like Jesus?
Chapter 3
Huts on the Beach
Writing Prompts/Discussion
Describe Simon and his behavior.
Why does Simon go up the mountain?
“We want meat” (p. 31) “We need
shelters” (p. 52)
 Who cares about meat? About shelters?
 Notice how the boys can be looking at the
same thing but seeing something totally
CH 03 (p. 48-57)
“People don’t help much” (p. 54)
 It doesn’t take long to learn that human
beings aren’t very easy to control
 What would help? (What helps us?)
 Reward/punishment
CH 03 (p. 48-57)
“He tried to convey the compulsion to track
down and kill that was swallowing him up”
(p. 51)
 Jack seems to be trying to kill a pig to
prove himself, maybe to prove his
CH 03 (p. 48-57)
“He’s queer. He’s funny” (p. 55)
Simon is a possible Christ figure or saint
 Works as a carpenter (while others are playing)
 Helps the younger ones get food
 How many of them? “endless, outstretched hands”
 "Let the little children come to me, and do not
hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to
such as these."
CH 03 (p. 48-57)
Simon (continued)
 Goes
by himself into the jungle where he listens
to/looks at nature
 Didn’t Jesus go into the wilderness to fast?
 Didn’t he encounter the Devil there…?
Ralph’s comment above lets us know that Simon is
distinct from the other boys. The others have some
offensive traits; Simon has none.
“But you can feel as if you’re not hunting, but – being
hunted” (p. 53)
The jungle is neutral, overall. It is described in terms of
the boy at the moment.
Jack: approaches nature as ravager, hunter. He is affected by
his own sinister attitude toward nature.
Simon: contrast Jack’s experience with the honey-colored
sunlight; the butterflies; and the bright, fantastic birds of Simon’s
The place is the same; but the author, by his choice of
adjectives, tells us a great deal about his characters.
CH 03 (p. 48-57)
Chapter 4: “Painted Faces and
Long Hair” Preview
Civilization’s Restraints
 Evil Tendencies
 Masks
 Littluns
 Pig Dance
 New Bonds
Chapter 4:
“Painted Faces and Long
Writing Prompts/Discussion
What things do people do because those
things are expected of them?
What things do people avoid doing (or
avoid talking about) because those things
are socially unacceptable?
Civilization’s Restraints
“Roger’s arm was conditioned by a civilization
that knew nothing of him and was in ruins” (p.
Roger is careful not to hit the littlun (Henry)
because he has been so conditioned by his
 Also, Maurice felt bad for knocking sand in
Percival’s eyes
 And Jack apologized for letting the fire go out
– but not for breaking Piggy’s glasses.
How long will the old taboos affect them?
CH 04 (p. 58-75)
Evil Tendencies
“He became absorbed beyond mere happiness
as he felt himself exercising control over living
things” (p. 61)
Henry wants to exert power over other living
 Jack
gets a similar pleasure in killing the pig
 How about grownups?
Golding is saying that this potential for evil is
innate (we’re all born with it).
CH 04 (p. 58-75)
“He looked in astonishment, no longer at himself
but at an awesome stranger” (p. 63)
Why do people wear masks?
Masks give us freedom, a kind of removal or
It is no longer Jack doing horrific deeds, but it is
a savage.
CH 04 (p. 58-75)
“They obeyed the summons of the conch, partly because
Ralph blew it... and partly because they enjoyed the
entertainment of the assemblies” (p. 59)
Littluns = the unthinking masses who need caring for
½ the boys (of us?) are like this.
We can learn from how characters treat them
 Simon
 Roger
CH 04 (p. 58-75)
Pig Dance
“Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in”
 A primitive-like ritual – what significance
does it have?
Boys + masks + paint + killing + dancing + chanting =
CH 04 (p. 58-75)
New Bonds
“That was a dirty trick” (p. 72)
 Jack’s negligence toward the fire and his
treatment of Piggy result in a new alliance
 Ralph (common sense/leadership) and
Piggy (intelligence).
CH 04 (p. 58-75)
Chapter 5: “Beast from Water”
Appearance vs. Reality
 Intelligence
 Fear
 Receding Influences
 The Beast
 A Sign
Chapter 5
“Beast from Water”
Writing Prompts/Discussion
On p. 80, Ralph talks about being “taken
short.” What does that mean? What are
the littluns doing? What’s so bad about
 On p. 81, Ralph says they should have
smoke or die. Is there anything you feel
that way about (that you’d die before you
let it happen)? What does it show you
about the importance of smoke for Ralph?
On p. 91, Ralph says they have to follow
the rules because that’s all they have.
Why do you follow some rules? Why do
you not follow some rules?
 On p. 94, Ralph wishes there was a
grownup there. What have grownups
given you? Where would you be without
Appearance vs. Reality
“If faces were different when lit from above
or below – what was a face? What was
anything?” (p. 78)
 Notice how things look differently at
nighttime as opposed to daytime.
 A little light (intelligence) can completely
change one’s outlook on a situation
CH 05 (p. 76-94)
“Only, decided Ralph as he faced the chief’s
seat, I can’t think. Not like Piggy” (p. 78)
Ralph now fully realizes that a good leader must
have intelligence.
Leadership (Ralph) and intelligence (Piggy) are
naturally drawn together as a defense against a
purely instinctive way of life (Jack).
CH 05 (p. 76-94)
“Things are breaking up. I don’t understand
why. We began well; we were happy. And
then–” (p. 82)
Different approaches taken toward coping with
fear tell us a lot about the different boys.
Ralph: vote the beast out of existence
Piggy: life is scientific, and there can’t be beasts
in our advanced world
Jack: command the boys to put up with the fear.
One of the littluns suggests that the beast comes
from the sea (the gigantic unknown).
CH 05 (p. 76-94)
Receding Influences
“Percival Wemys Madison. The Vicarage, Harcourt St.
Anthony, Hants, telephone, telephone, tele–” (p. 86)
What is this?
Name, address, phone number
In most circumstances, saying this would work because
most people would try to get in contact with his parents.
Notice that he’s starting to forget it!
Think about the meetings, which are also echoes of
society. This meeting was chaotic and disbanded.
Society’s influence is weakening now.
CH 05 (p. 76-94)
The Beast
“What I mean is... maybe it’s only us” (p.
 According to Golding, Simon’s conclusion
is the correct one:
 Evil
exists in everyone, and society (rules and
order) helps to keep it in check.
But what happens when rules and order
aren’t followed?
CH 05 (p. 76-94)
More about Simon as a Christ
What did he tell the boys about the Beast?
 The
Jesus: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
 Jesus: “The truth shall set you free.”
 Could
you say knowing the truth about the
beast (that there isn’t one out there) would
free the boys from their fear of it?
Simon as Christ (cont.)
How did Simon treat Piggy in the previous
 Gave
him some of the roast pig to eat.
Feeding the hungry.
 Defended
Associating with outcasts.
 Gave
Piggy his glasses.
Restoring sight to the blind.
A Sign
“If only they could send us something
grownup... a sign or something” (p. 94)
 Ralph wants a message, or a sign, from
the outside world, the world of adults.
 Remember that.
CH 05 (p. 76-94)
Chapter 6: “Beast from Air” Preview
The Sign
 Appearance vs. Reality
 Politics
 Castle Rock
 The Beast
 Dissention
Chapter 6
“Beast from Air”
Writing Prompts/Discussion
On p. 97, what does “waxy” mean? Whom
are the boys talking about first? How do
you know? Whom are they talking about
next? How do you know?
 On p. 102-103, why do the boys think the
beast lives on what they come to call
Castle Rock?
On p. 104-105, who decides to go first to
look for the beast on Castle Rock? Why
does he do that, and what does that show
us about him?
 On p. 106, who else decides to look for the
beast on Castle Rock? Why does he do
that, and what does that show us about
On p. 108, what does Ralph get upset
about the other boys doing? Why does
that bother him so much?
 On p. 108, read the last two sentences
again. These are very important. Why do
you think the author included these
The Sign
“But a sign came down from the world of
grownups, though at the time there was no
child awake to read it” (p. 95)
 Is this a positive sign?
 There
are people in the immediate area
 The world they look to for help is at war
CH 06 (p. 95-108)
Appearance vs. Reality
“We saw the beast–” (p. 99)
 What did they really see?
large shadow
What did they really hear?
 The
parachute flapping in the wind
Their imaginations fill in the rest.
 If they only had some light (both real light
and intelligence) and the ability to
distinguish appearance and reality!
CH 06 (p. 95-108)
“It’s time some people knew they’ve got to keep
quiet and leave deciding things to the rest of us”
(p. 102)
Jack denies the democratic process
 He
wants a strict division between the ruler and the
ruled, between those who make decisions and those
who must accept decisions.
Ralph, on the other hand, wants to to keep
harmony among the group
 So
he takes command and, leaving the littluns in
Piggy’s care, goes with a party in search of the beast.
CH 06 (p. 95-108)
Castle Rock
“This would make a wizard fort” (p. 108)
 Jack is impressed with the possibilities
this jutting rock has as a fort
 What’s
the purpose of a fort?
 Armies use them for protection.
Ralph sees it as a “rotten place.”
 This place will be important later
CH 06 (p. 95-108)
The Beast
“However Simon thought of the beast, there rose
before his inward sight the picture of a human at
once heroic and sick” (p. 103)
Two sides to humanity are seen in these boys
Heroic side
 Ralph’s
faith in man’s power to survive and remain
 Simon’s love for the littluns.
Evil side
 Jack
 The
way most kids treat Piggy
CH 06 (p. 95-108)
“Mutinously, the boys fell silent or muttering” (p.
The chapter’s concluding words leave us with
some doubt as to Ralph’s or Simon’s
effectiveness in holding sway over the less noble
When ordered to leave the new fortress and to
restart the signal fire, the boys grumble
mutinously and obey begrudgingly.
 Notice
who leads the “mutinous” boys at the very end
of the chapter…
CH 06 (p. 95-108)
Chapter 7: “Shadows and Tall
Trees” Preview
 Appearances
 The Thrill of the Hunt
 Savagery
 The Beast
Chapter 7
“Shadows and Tall Trees”
Writing Prompts/Discussion
From p. 109 through the first full paragraph on
110, what are the signs that Ralph is becoming
“uncivilized”? How does he seem to feel about
Reread the big paragraph on p.110 and then the
one that goes onto p. 111. Describe how Ralph
feels different on the different sides of the island.
What makes him feel different? What do you
think is the author’s reason for including this?
On p. 111, what is it Simon says to Ralph
alone? What is it he doesn’t say?
 On p. 112, read the details of Ralph’s
daydream. What is the overall feeling of
his daydream? What was he able to avoid
– at least according to his daydreams?
What’s the point?
Read the “pig dance” part again from the
middle of 114 where Jack says “Make a
ring” to the middle of 115. What does this
remind you of? What’s with wanting a
drum and fire? What do you think about
Jack’s comment at the end?
On p.119, the last three paragraphs and
then a couple paragraphs onto the next
page contain dialogue between Jack and
Ralph. What are they talking about?
What’s really going on, or what’s the
“He would like to have a pair of scissors and cut his hair”
(p. 109)
Many changes (physical and behavioral) in the boys;
Most notably: long hair and only remnants of clothes.
These suggest a decrease in society’s influence on the
The problem is that the boys are coming to accept this
degraded state of appearance and hygiene as normal.
Symbolism: As the indications of society (clothes,
hygiene) disappear, the influences of society also
CH 07 (p. 109-123)
“Here, on the other side of the island, the view
was utterly different” (p. 110)
It’s the same ocean, but the water looks different
On this side: the infinite size of the body of
water represents an insurmountable force; one
feels condemned
On the lagoon (civilized) side: the water is
calm; one can dream of rescue
CH 07 (p. 109-123)
The Thrill of the Hunt
“I hit him! The spear stuck in–” (p. 113)
Perhaps hunting is good after all
Ralph also joins in the ritual pig dance as all the boys
shout to kill the victim
Golding’s point is that every individual has the seeds of
violence and the urge to kill within him
But there is some hope for Ralph. From his dreams we
get a glimpse of what he really wants
home, England, baths, his father, books
Jack wants none of these things; he wants only blood.
CH 07 (p. 109-123)
“Use a littlun” (p. 115)
Robert is held down while the others get carried
away and actually do hurt him.
Then Jack mentions another possibility. He
suggests they use a littlun as a victim, and
everyone laughs in approval.
But the reader who has witnessed a steady rise
in the savagery knows human sacrifice actually
may occur
CH 07 (p. 109-123)
The Beast
“I’m going up the mountain” (p. 119)
Usually when someone on a quest climbs
a mountain, he or she is on a search for
 See next slide for examples.
CH 07 (p. 109-123)
The Beast (continued)
But the boys delayed until the light was poor, so
they don’t see the truth; they found only more
illusion to be afraid of.
Also, notice the area through which the boys
have to travel to get to the top of the mountain –
the burned area of their first irresponsibility.
They are approaching what they think is the
source of the evil on this island (the beast), and
they are bothered and blinded by the results of a
real source of evil (their own irresponsibility)
CH 07 (p. 109-123)
Chapter 8: “Gift for the Darkness”
 Impeachment
 The Lord of the Flies
 Jack
 Evil
Chapter 8
“Gift for the Darkness”
Writing Prompts/Discussion
On p.127, Jack says, “I’m not going to play
any longer. Not with you.” What does that
sound like in your experience? Who says
that sort of thing, and when? Why does
the author include this detail?
 On p. 128 (very bottom), Simon asks,
“What else is there to do?” meaning
besides going back up the mountain. So,
what else is there to do?
On p. 130, Piggy voluntarily lights the fire
for the first time. Why is it different this
This is going to be a bit awkward, but the essay
at the end of the book talks about this as well, so
I’m not making this up.
On p. 135, in the second full paragraph, there is
a lot of sexual imagery (or rape imagery) used
as the boys kill the pig.
Read through that part again and jot down some
of the words and phrases that stand out when
you read it looking for those. Why do you think
the author would write about killing in that way?
On the top half of p. 136, what is Jack’s
plan? What are his goals?
 On the bottom of p. 136, what do they do
with the pig’s head? Why? Who does/did
that sort of thing?
 On p. 140, why do you think Jack is
described as being almost naked? Why
do you think he tells Ralph’s group that he
might let them join him, but he might not?
On p. 141-142, what does it show when Ralph
keeps forgetting what he’s talking about?
On p. 144, the beast says something that
sounds a lot like what Bill said about joining Jack
just above the middle of p. 142. What is the
similar term used, and why does the beast
speak so much like them when they’re talking
about joining Jack? What does the beast add
about what will happen to Simon?
“The beast had teeth...and big black eyes” (p.
No one has really seen what they think is the
Sometimes partial knowledge of something is
more dangerous than no knowledge of it at all.
Sometimes what you can imagine is way worse
than reality.
CH 08 (p. 124-144)
“I’m not going to play any longer. Not with you” (p. 127)
Jack tries to overthrow Ralph and replace him as the
When no one supports Jack, he’s embarrassed and runs
He says he’s not going to play with Ralph any longer.
This sounds funny to us
Golding is reminding us that all these terrible things are
happening and are being caused by children!
Also, notice that when Jack blows the conch he does so
This is symbolic of his lack of leadership ability.
CH 08 (p. 124-144)
Lord of the Flies
“Sharpen a stick at both ends” (p. 136)
Jack chops the pig’s head off and puts it onto this stick, which
is stuck in the ground. This is a gift (sacrifice) for the beast.
Don’t confuse what the kids think is the beast (the dead
parachutist) with the actual symbol of the beast (the pig’s
head – the Lord of the Flies).
The boys, with the exception of Simon, are confused about
They do not realize that the beast on the mountain,
supposedly an external force of evil, is nothing to be feared,
whereas what the sow’s head on a stick represents,
humanity’s internal wickedness, is the true horror.
Lord of the Flies (Beelzebub) is another name for Satan.
CH 08 (p. 124-144)
Chief has spoken” (p. 141)
Jack raids Ralph’s tribe
 invite them to a pig feast
 also to steal fire and to tempt more of the boys to join him.
Notice that he is wearing his mask and is basically wearing
nothing reminiscent of civilization.
Also notice that it is stormy during the raid; nature is reflecting
what’s happening to society.
Jack seems to love his newfound power. He forces two
others to raise their spears and say, “The chief has spoken.”
Now Jack has fire, once a symbol of home and rescue,
comfort, and hope. It is now in the hands of the enemy and
can become a destructive, not a productive, force.
CH 08 (p. 124-144)
“Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt
and kill!” (p. 143)
Whether Simon actually talks with the pig’s head or
whether it’s all in Simon’s mind is irrelevant.
The Lord of the Flies says that he is part of Simon;
moreover, that Simon realizes this truth.
The evil is within man, not an external thing.
Then the beast tempts him by assuring him they are
going to have fun on the island, but Simon knows this
will lead only to trouble.
This knowledge Simon acquires about evil overpowers
him and he faints.
CH 08 (p. 124-144)
Chapter 9: “A View to a Death”
Simon the Prophet
 Nature Mimics Society
 Jack the Dictator
 Simon the Savior
 No Evidence
Chapter 9
“A View to a Death”
Writing Prompts/Discussion
On p. 146 (the end of the first full
paragraph), Simon is described as walking
like an old man. And again on p. 147 (just
before the break), he’s described in similar
terms. What do we usually associate with
someone who’s old? How is that different
from what we associate with someone
who’s young? How is Simon like an old
man now?
On the very top of p. 149, how is Jack
described? What is surrounding him? What do
you think is the author’s point?
Many times through this chapter, and again at
the very bottom of p. 150, the author tells us that
a storm is coming. What are some terms that
describe a thunderstorm? Do those also
describe Jack? Is nature mimicking what is
happening between the boys? That is, how are
they similar?
On the top of p. 151, Ralph claims the
conch still counts up here. How does Jack
respond? What does it seem is Jack’s
belief about who is the real chief?
 On p. 152-153, what did Simon come here
to tell the rest of the boys? How do they
respond? How does this play into the idea
of Simon being a Christ figure?
Simon the Prophet
“What else is there to do?” (p. 145)
Simon’s first impulse is to let the others know what he
has learned.
Saint/prophet figure brings truth – here, the facts about
the beast (or good and evil).
Golding said he included this saint-like figure in the novel
because this type exists in society, and they commonly
are not trusted (or are attacked).
Golding describes him walking like an old man (146).
Old men are usually wise; children are usually carefree.
He’s like an old man because he now understands.
He knows about sin, the nature of evil.
CH 09 (p. 145-154)
Nature Mimics Society
“The conch doesn’t count at this end of the island–” (p.
When Jack denies the value of the conch (symbolizing
order), the detail that follows tells us of his error: the
thunder strikes.
As the boys dance, flashes of lightning stripe the black
A violent storm rages as Simon enters the circle. What
could the storm represent?
Not recognizing Simon could be interpreted as the boys
not recognizing the truth he has come to tell them – that
there is no beast to fear but themselves.
CH 09 (p. 145-154)
Jack the Dictator
“Jack, painted and garlanded, sat there like an idol” (p.
Jack is a dictator and is described as an idol. Idols are
worshipped, not elected.
Ralph was elected democratically and made decisions based on
the good of all
Jack is self-appointed and makes his decisions based on what
he alone wants.
There is never any doubt that he is the leader.
Even when Ralph and Piggy show up, Jack declared that
the conch counts for nothing here.
CH 09 (p. 145-154)
Simon the Savior
“[Simon’s] blood was staining the sand” (p. 153)
Simon alone knows the truth about the nature of evil. He
desperately wants to enlighten the others and rescue
them from their fear.
The analogy between Simon and Christ is clear – Simon,
as Christ, came to save man and was rejected and
Also, Simon released the parachutist from his
confinement as he tried to release the boys from theirs.
Plus, think about the storm that is raging during Simon’s
slaughter. This storm is very reminiscent of the
thundering skies and quaking earth that attended
Christ’s death.
CH 09 (p. 145-154)
No Evidence
“Simon’s dead body moved out toward the open sea” (p.
Both Simon’s body and the dead parachutist’s are swept
away into the ocean. How and why is this significant?
 Parachutist – none of the boys knows what it really
was. They’re still frightened about the presence of a
beast. They’ll think it’s still hiding somewhere on the
 Simon – the evidence of the atrocity and their
violence is gone. Out of sight, out of mind!
Was the beast at the fire/dance/feast?
In a way: The beast is inside all of the boys – all humans!
CH 09 (p. 145-154)
Chapter 10: “The Shell and the
Glasses” Preview
 Absolute Power…
 Piggy
 Ralph
 Jack
 Things Falling Apart
Chapter 10
“The Shell and the Glasses”
Writing Prompts/Discussion
On p. 156-158 (very top of 158), what do
Ralph and Piggy say concerning their role
in Simon’s death? [Jot down an
abbreviated form of their conversation.]
 On p. 160, why does Jack refuse to allow
the other boys to believe they killed the
beast already?
On p. 161, what does Jack plan to do in
order to enable his followers to have
another feast?
 On p. 159, what has been happening to
Wilfred? What is going to happen to
Wilfred? What did Wilfred do to deserve
On p. 162, what’s that about the Reds,
and who are they better than?
 On the top of p. 165, what is the sign that
things are falling apart on the island?
What’s so different about this from before?
“We might get taken prisoner by the Reds…
They’d be better than–” (p. 162)
Reds = Communists.
Communists were hated and feared above all
(for Americans and English) during this time.
The boys fear Jack even more than they fear
CH 10 (p. 155-168)
Absolute Power…
“He’s going to beat Wilfred” (p. 159)
The signs of Jack’s new power come quickly.
He decides that they ought to keep on the good
side of the beast by giving it part of their kill after
each hunt.
 He
has basically set up a primitive religion based on
fear and controlled by force.
His first official act is to have a boy named
Wilfred tied up and beaten for a reason no one
can fathom.
CH 10 (p. 155-168)
“We got to forget this. We can’t do no good thinking
about it” (p. 157)
Piggy is in denial and refuses to accept any
responsibility for Simon’s death.
In fact, he insists that the incident was an accident and
suggests that the boys forget all about it.
 What happens if people forget history?
It repeats itself.
 Many
people say that it repeats itself anyway, but it’s
worse if we don’t learn from it.
CH 10 (p. 155-168)
“Don’t you understand, Piggy? The things we did–” (p.
Ralph won’t accept Piggy’s denial of what happened.
He’s prepared to accept the guilt.
We know that at least Ralph is approaching the
knowledge that Simon died to bring them. Ralph
recognizes the source of sin or evil and it frightens him.
To dramatically highlight Ralph’s discovery, Golding has
him shudder at any physical contact with his fellow
humans. Piggy lays a hand on Ralph to comfort him, but
Ralph shrinks away from the touch of human flesh on his
bare shoulder.
CH 10 (p. 155-168)
“No! How could we–kill–it?” (p. 160)
Unlike Ralph, Jack refuses to admit anything about the
previous night’s activities except that they had a run-in with
the beast.
 Of course, the beast (evil) was present during their ritual
dance and kill. The beast within them led to the murder of
the one who had come to free them from the false beast.
 Jack is right when he claims that the beast came in
disguise, but mistaken in his belief that the disguise was
the form of Simon.
Jack refuses to allow the other hunters to believe that they
killed the beast. His denial that the beast is dead may show
that he realizes Simon, not some beast, was killed
 or it may arise from his need of the tribe’s fear of the beast
to bind them to him for protection.
CH 10 (p. 155-168)
Things Falling Apart
“Well – what is the good?” (p. 163)
Symbolically, we know things are breaking up when
during the night the inseparable twins are seen fighting
one another.
The confusion at the chapter’s end when Jack and his
marauders attack Ralph’s shelters culminates in the loss
of Piggy’s glasses.
Jack has stolen the remaining lens to make fires to cook
his pigs, but, to Ralph and the others, he has practically
stolen their only hope.
 For Ralph, the signal fire has been the one symbol of
hope, a remote connection with a better world. But
now the task of maintaining the fire is nearly
CH 10 (p. 155-168)
Chapter 11: “Castle Rock” Preview
 Hope
 Reasoning with the
 The End of Civilization
 Terror and
Chapter 11
“Castle Rock”
Writing Prompts/Discussion
On p. 171, what reason does Piggy say he
will not give Jack for the return of his
glasses? What reason does he say he will
 On p. 172-173, what does Ralph say their
appearance will be when they approach
Jack? Specifically, what will they do?
What will they not do? What’s the point?
On the bottom of p. 175, what does Roger
do to the twins – something we’ve seen
him do before? What sign is there that
this won’t stop here?
 On the top of p. 177, in the 2nd bigger
paragraph, how are Ralph and Jack
fighting – what are they careful to avoid?
On the top of p. 180, what is Roger doing
during Piggy’s plea for a return to
 On the middle of p. 181, what does Jack
say right after Piggy’s death? Do you
believe him?
On p. 182, reread the last paragraph.
What do you think that last sentence
 So who is the most evil boy on the
island now?
 What would life be like without any
“We could smarten up a bit and then go–” (p. 170)
Ralph and Piggy want to clean up and then go talk to
Jack and his hunters.
They hope that Jack and the hunters will remember what they’re
supposed to be – humans.
Sam and Eric want to paint their faces so that they can
try to counter-intimidate the hunters.
Sam says, “He’ll be painted… You know how he’ll be–” (171).
They realize that the savages are frightening.
Ralph and Piggy realize that this would be stooping to the level
of the savage hunters and decide against it, but they do take
spears – just in case.
CH 11 (p. 169-182)
“Dimly [Ralph] remembered something Simon
had said to him once, by the rocks” (p. 172)
What was it that Simon told Ralph?
That he was pretty sure that Ralph would make
it off the island.
We now know that neither Piggy nor Simon is
making it off alive, and judging by the way things
are going, Simon might’ve been wrong about
CH 11 (p. 169-182)
Reasoning with the Enemy
“First you’ve got to give back Piggy’s specs…. You aren’t
playing the game–” (p. 177)
Ralph and Piggy think that Jack and the hunters can be
reasoned with; besides, what’s happening on the island
doesn’t sound much like a game to me.
Most rational people expect others to think rationally like they
do. Unfortunately, reason is quite often something one
cannot count on.
Piggy’s quote.
That sounds very reasonable to most people.
The problem is that Jack doesn’t care at all for reason or
logic. Nor does he care for Piggy and fairness, and he
obviously doesn’t care at all about what’s right and what isn’t.
CH 11 (p. 169-182)
The End of Civilization
“[T]he conch exploded into a thousand white fragments
and ceased to exist” (p. 181)
Piggy’s civilized request to return his glasses, up against
savage force, leads only to violence and death.
Roger, who once threw rocks aiming to miss, now shoves a
boulder on target. All restraint has left this most savage of
The tribe was capable of killing Simon only when worked
up to a great frenzy and so frightened that they lost their
grip on reality.
Roger is now able to kill Piggy coolly in broad daylight, to
attempt to kill Ralph, and to torture the twins into submission.
CH 11 (p. 169-182)
Terror and Helplessness
“Ralph stumbled, feeling not pain but panic” (p. 181)
Debate has failed; reasonable requests have been
silenced; the conch, symbol of society, has been
crushed with Piggy along with everything both of them
Notice that Piggy’s head burst open and his brain burst
out; his wisdom is lost, right after the loss of the conch –
intelligence can’t survive without civilization.
All symbols and supporters of civilization except Ralph are gone,
and he is helpless without fire, glasses, followers, Piggy’s
reason, and Simon’s insight.
CH 11 (p. 169-182)
Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”
 True Enemies
 The Lord of the Flies
 The Duality of Fire
 The Naval Officer – Deus Ex Machina
Chapter 12
“Cry of the Hunters”
Writing Prompts/Discussion
Why did Samneric join Jack’s tribe?
 What has Roger prepared for Ralph?
Where have we seen that before? So
what did Roger have planned for Ralph?
 How does Jack appear on the beach?
What boy cannot remember his name?
 Who takes responsibility for the events on
the island?
 Why is the naval officer disappointed in
the boys? Why should he be disappointed
in them?
“But really, thought Ralph, this was not Bill” (p. 183)
These boys are no longer the same people they were before.
Most of them still resemble their former selves physically, but
that’s about as far as the resemblance goes.
They no longer care for most things that civilized people care
about – hygiene, fairness, respect – and there’s evidence that
many of them have changed so much that they don’t really
remember what things were like before they were savages.
 Percival Wemys Madison can no longer even remember
his name (201).
 Roger is a remorseless torturer and killer. At this point, he
may even be worse than Jack.
 Roger is the one who single-handedly kills Piggy,
instructs Jack in torturing the twins, and sharpens a
stick at both ends for Ralph.
 Will they also … eat Ralph? We don’t know, but would
CH 12 (p. 183-202)
that surprise you at this point?
True Enemies
“Then there was that indefinable connection between himself
and Jack; who therefore would never let him alone; never” (p.
Jack and Ralph aren’t complete opposites.
 Ralph has felt the same blood lust as Jack, and Jack has
experienced the same twinge of conscience as Ralph for
the blood on his hands.
At the core they are the same, or at least they used to be. In
this case each individual is trying to exterminate, by
destroying his antagonist, the living example of a life-view he
has rejected.
The only way for Jack to feel secure is to systematically
destroy Simon, the conch, Piggy, and Ralph.
Likewise, whether Ralph realizes it or not, the only way he
would ever be safe on the island would be for him to kill Jack.
CH 12 (p. 183-202)
The Lord of the Flies
“The skull regarded Ralph as one who knows all
the answers and won’t tell” (p. 185)
Ralph comes face to face with the sow’s head,
the symbol for the beast and evil.
Notice how Golding describes the skull – it
gleams as white as the conch.
 Golding
wants us to associate the two important
symbols in our minds as Ralph focuses on the skull.
 Here we have
reason and order
the conch
irrational evil
the sow’s head
CH 12 (p. 183-202)
The Duality of Fire
“The fools! The fools! The fire must be almost
at the fruit trees – what would they eat
tomorrow?” (p. 198)
It should be noted that the single repeated wish
Ralph had expressed when he was in power
was to keep a signal fire going to attract ships.
Ironically, it is eventually the uncontrollable fire
started by the hunters to kill Ralph that attracts
CH 12 (p. 183-202)
Deus Ex Machina
A deus ex machina (Latin for "god out of
the machine”) is a plot device whereby a
seemingly impossible problem is suddenly
and abruptly solved with the contrived and
unexpected intervention of some new
event, character, ability, or object.
It refers to the conventions of Greek
tragedy, where a crane (meckane) was
used to lower actors playing gods onto the
 Modern examples:
 Toy
Story 3
 “The Pit and the Pendulum”
The Naval Officer – Deus Ex
“Fun and games” (p. 200)
The officer is a military man and part of the savage
business of war.
He doesn’t believe that two boys have been killed, and
he refers to the Victorian adventure story Coral Island
and commends the boys for a “jolly good show”
This is the adult Ralph and Piggy were waiting for, and
this “grownup” officer is absurdly blind to reality.
CH 12 (p. 183-202)
The Naval Officer (cont.)
Right now Golding’s message comes in loud
and clear.
The officer saved the boys, especially Ralph,
from a horrific manhunt. He saved them from
the evil in themselves.
But the officer is a military officer on a warship.
Who will save the adults?
The beast represents the capacity for evil that is
present in all human beings.
CH 12 (p. 183-202)