Jan 31 - St. Michael Parish

St. Michael & St. Francis Bulletin
January 30th & 31st , 2016
Pastor: Fr. HarryTully
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s Gospel marks the beginning of Jesus’ preaching
ministry following his forty days in the desert. Filled with the power of
the Spirit, Jesus entered the synagogue of his hometown, unrolled the
scroll, read from the prophet Isaiah, then declared, “Today this Scripture
passage is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21). The people, seeing only
the carpenter’s son, demanded, “Prove it!” When he refused, things
turned ugly. But, miracle of miracles, when they were about to push him
off the cliff, he “passed through the midst of them and went away” (Luke
If we try to live our faith, at some point we will be challenged to
speak the hard truth and do the hard task, and suffer the uncomfortable
consequences. Will God really stand by us in our anguish? Can we muster
enough trust to “walk our talk” and not worry too much about the
Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the few church leaders who stood in opposition to Hitler, was executed by
the Nazis for speaking truth to power. His good friend told of his peacefulness and joy while awaiting his death. Like Jesus and
Jeremiah, he proclaimed the truth in the face of opposition. Like Jesus and Jeremiah, he died in the process. Like Jesus and Jeremiah,
his influence was greater after his death.
So let us dare to live a bit more dangerously, trusting that, like Jeremiah, we will hear God’s assurance and support: “It is I
this day / who have made you a fortified city, / a pillar of iron, a wall of brass” (Jeremiah 1:18). Or like the psalmist, perhaps we will
find refuge and hope and our mouths will be filled with praise.
Paul reminds us of the only three things that really matter: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is what drove
Jesus, Jeremiah, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer to the top of the cliff. If we dare to follow their example, then maybe it won’t make that
much difference one way or the other how we get down.
Today’s readings: Jeremiah 1:4–5, 17–19; Psalm 71:1–6, 15, 17; 1 Corinthians 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4–13]; Luke 4:21–30
Fr. Harry Tully, Pastor
frht@att.net Emergency #812-218-9219 or 502-931-1499
Website - www.stmichaelstfrancis.com E-Mail - michaelsecretary@mw.twcbc.com
St. Michael - 101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, In 47111 Ph. 812-256-3200
Office Hours – 9:00 am-1:30 pm Tues. Wed., & Fri.
St. Francis Xavier – 101 North Ferguson, Henryville, IN 47126, Ph. 812-294-4682
Office Hours – Thursday 9:30am-2:00pm
Reconciliation – 4:00 pm Saturday or call the Rectory
Marriage – Please contact the pastor a year in advance. Advent and Lent are not times for celebrations.
Baptisms of Infants or Adults Joining the Church – Must be a practicing/registered member for three months. Please
contact the DRE: St. Michael–Juliann Eickholtz, St. Francis–Father Tully
New To The Parish: Please call the office to register. Please introduce yourself to the pastor at mass.
Parishioners Who Are Ill: Please call the pastor if a relative or friend is sick.
Bulletin Announcements: Get all bulletin announcements to the office in writing by Tuesday evening.
Los Enfermos Es muy importante comunicarse con el Padre (debido a las leyes privadas, los hospitales no se
comunican con las iglesias).
Doctrina Cristiana: Las clases de educación religiosa para niños son cada domingo de 9:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. en la
escuela. Recuerden que la Arquidiócesis requiere que los que van a recibir los sacramentos estén inscritos en las clases
de religión.
Monaguillos: Los niños que quieran ayudar como monaguillos en el altar tienen su ensayo el segundo domingo de
cada mes después de la misa de 11:00 a.m. Estos niños y niñas tienen que haber hecho la Primera Comunión. Los
interesados comunicarse con Pbro.
St. M
St. FX
St. M
St. FX
St. M
No Mass
January 23rd & 24th
No Mass
St. Michael
St. Francis Xavier
5:00 pm
St. FX
St. M
St. M
4:30 pm
St. FX
9:00 am
People of St.
Kenneth Yost
Mass Schedule
Mass Intentions
St. M
11:00 am
Catholics to return to
their Faith
St. M
12.30 pm
En Español
Pastor’s Corner
Dear Parishioners,
We are in the process of preparing your annual
donation statement for tax purposes. Actually
they are ready but for my annual encouragement
letter. It hopefully will be completed very shortly.
Let me thank you for your generosity over the
past year. God has blessed in many ways and
there is much to be thankful for.
It is also time for us to consider how we can
better accomplish the work of the church and the
making real the presence of Christ for our
brothers and sisters. As we participate in the
Connected in the Spirit process I am sure we will
find ourselves more eager to fulfill our baptismal
call to proclaim to all the world the good news of
Jesus Christ. If there are still some who would
like to add their input to our discussions please
feel free to contact one of the Core Team
Members listed in the Bulletin. One very beautiful
aspect of being a Catholic is that we are united to
each other through the Eucharistic Celebrations as
family whether we attend our parish Church or
whether we attend Mass at one of our Deanery
Parishes or any Catholic Church. We belong to
each other in Christ.
God bless the work we do to make His Mercy and
Love more evident in our lives and the lives of all
we meet.
Fr. Tully
Right to Life
40 Days for Life begins on Wed Feb 10th 2016
See the bulletin insert. We would hope to have a group
to go together to stand in Vigil. Contact Jerrylyn Dean
$ 2,489.00
$ 1,015.00
Connected in the Spirit
Pastoral Planning for St. Michael/St. Francis Xavier
Archdiocese of Indianapolis
St. Michael Core Team
Chair: Glenda Minnick
Secretary: Adam Allgeier
Juliann Eickholtz
Natalie Elder
Rita Poff (812-246-2379)
St. Francis
Xavier Core Team
Chair: Ann Harbeson
Secretary: Paul Smith
Vicki Horine (502-494-5335)
Cindy Murphy (812-294-4450)
Jack Murphy (502-263-3382)
The Core Teams at St. Michael & St.
Francis Xavier oversaw the parish
evaluations of the Criteria for Stewardship
& Justice. Both parishes found that their
strengths included: Reaching out to serve
people in need- supporting the Hispanic
Community, Tornado relief, North Clark
Outreach and Community Care food drives,
Angel tree, Offering early childhood
education and childcare, and fellowship
programs e.g. fish fries., Septemberfest,
Boyscouts, AA, Knights of Columbus and
supporting efforts.
Our hopes for the future: To Form a
Stewardship Committee to help
parishioners understand Stewardship and
their role as a disciple of Christ. Each
and every one of us need to give time,
talent or treasure and to become a
responsible member of the parish by
setting the example and inviting
participation in all areas of ministry.
Next week we will talk about Effective
Administration and how you as a parish
rate how the parish might improve our
Your opinion does matter and will help the
core team as part of the planning and
hopes for the future of our parishes.
donations. Thank you for your contributions.
God of power and mercy, open our hearts
to receive anew the presence of Jesus,
our brother and savior. Prepare us to be
able to say “I am here to do your will.”
Give us the energy to focus on the “heart
of the matter”—the reception of Jesus,
the Christ into our lives with new vitality.
Faith Formation News: Preschool thru High School –
Classes begin at 9:30am, please arrive 5-10 minutes early
so you will be on time. We need assistants each
Sunday. Thanks to Cheryl Mann and Stephen Dumeyer
for assisting this past Sunday.
Extraordinary Jubilee Year of
Pope Francis has declared an
Extraordinary Jubilee Year
dedicated to mercy began on Dec.
8, 2015 and will end on Nov. 20,
2016. It's theme is "Merciful Like
the Father."
Sat – 4:30 pm
Sun – 11:00 am
La Misa en Español
Domingo – 12:30 pm
Mass Intentions
Saturday Evening: Arthur Marking
Sunday 11:00 am: Bueter-Fox Families
Sunday 12:30 pm: The Latino Community
Bible Study Class Bible study class has been moved
to restart on March 14 after the time changes at
7:00pm in the rectory basement.
Rosary at 4:00 before Saturday Evening Mass
Rosary at 10:30 before Sunday Mass
We ask the parishioners to bring non perishable food
items to be donated to the North Clark Outreach
Center. There will be a wooden box in the church for
Faith Formation News
We parents may leave faith instruction to the
professionals, forgetting that our example influences our
children far more than a catechist who sees them just a
few hours a week. Whatever our riches---money, leisure,
education, a good mind, a strong body, beautiful voice,
or even temperament---these are given to us to build up
the Body of Christ. If we’re not using our gifts for the
benefit of those whose care we are charges with, then
they are being cheated. And so are we. Paige Byrne
Shortal, Living Faith, October 22, 2014
Faith Formation Commission Meeting is Wednesday,
February 10 at 6:30pm Rectory Meeting Room
Catechist meeting and pitch-in is Thursday, February
18th in the Rectory Meeting Room at 6:30pm.
Faith Formation Calendar
Jan 31Session Twenty One
Feb 7 Session Twenty Two
Feb 14- Rosary and Music Practice, 11:0Mass,
Youth Choir ( Gift Bearers: High school)
Feb 21
Session Twenty Three
First Eucharist Class- Please keep in your prayers our
First Eucharist students: Alejandra Carrillo, Angel
Carrillo, Juan Carrillo, Suri Carrillo Cassandra Carrillo,
Kimberlyn Doherty, Kaylee Jackson, Alexzander
Martinez, Sara Martinez, Maria Reyes Nino, Cameron
Wimsett, Jordan Benitez, Jovanny Benitez, Katie Carrillo
Rodriquez, Naydelin Carrillo Rodriquez, Lilli Anne
Dumeyer, Stephen Nicholas Dumeyer, Jr. Suzanne
Nicole Dumeyer, Jonathan Romero and Christian
St. Michael Ministries Schedule
Sat. Feb 6, 4:30pm– St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: G. Minnick, J. Schafer
Servers: J. Worley
Gift Bearers: C/A Tolliver Family
Cantors: Guitar Group
Musician: Guitar Group
Lector: C. Ledbetter
Sun. Feb 7, 11:00 am – St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: A. Witten, J. Kinder, C. Dunn
Servers: D. Kinser, J. Traub
Gift Bearers: M. Howard/ H. Howard
Cantors: S Buit
Musician: N. Kinder
Lector: S. Dumeyer
812-256-3503 Rita Poff Director
Mon-Fri. 6AM-6PM
Infant Care/Day Care: Full or part time
Before & After Care: ages 6-12
Summer Camp: ages 6-12
Pre-School: 9-11:30AM Tues. Weds & Thurs.
Pre-K: 8:30-11:30AM or 12:30-4PM Mon. - Thurs
Sunday Mass Intention: Sandy Banet
Faith Formation Classes
Jan 24
Jan 31
Feb 7
Feb 14
St. Francis Xavier Ministries Schedule
Sun. Feb 7- 9:00am
Eucharistic Ministers: Janice Furnish, Ann Harbeson,
Mike Harbeson
Servers: Kaitlyn D’Angelo, Clayton Higdon, Conner Martin
Ushers: Buddy Barrett, Butch Furnish
Gift Bearers: Calvin & Kim Brishaber Family
Lector: Joe Banet
RCIA Classes continue at St. Joe Hill School at 7:00pm
February 2 – Reconciliation & Anointing of the Sick
February 9 – Season of Lent
February 14 – Rite of Election at St. Mary of the Knobs
Fedruary 14-16 – St. John Paul Mission all are invited
@ St. Paul Chapel
February 23 – Life in Christ
Please keep in your prayers Suzanne Dumeyer.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
For a large part of the liturgical year, we devote
ourselves to listening to the mystery of Christ in all its
aspects unfolded as we seek God’s truth and
understanding. This time is called Ordinary Time
Theme: Jesus’ words and love are for everyone!
Step 1: As you hear this reading what words or phrases
strike you? What in this reading touches your heart?
What lingers in your memory?
Step two: Look into your Life.
Children: What ways do you show God’s love to
someone who is lonely or hurting?
Youth & Adults: Who are the people in your life who
mean the most to you? How do you show them how
important they are to you?
Question of the Week is from Our Sunday Visitor at
“To everything there is a season and a time to every
purpose under heaven a time to be born a time to love
a time to heal a time to die and a time of peace.”
Bea Beach, Billy Brand, Sherry Buit, Norma Carl,
Margie Cox, Carol DeVary, Bernice Donahue, Jeanette
Drury, Eric Furnish, Mike Galligan, Consuelo Ferreyra
Garcia, Harold Hayes, Curtis Ingram, Kenny Jackson,
Clara James, David Korty, Michelle Korty, Chuck
Ledbetter, Dan Lewis, Cheryl Marcilliat, Michael
Murphy, Esther Toby Nelson, Mitch Newland, Ethan
Phillips, Jennifer Richie, Joe Schindler, Clarence Smith,
Dorothy Smith, Mariam State, Mark Thise, Roger
Westerhouse, Emma Yount. Names will remain on the list
for 6 months unless you tell us to remove them or request
that they be kept longer.
Our Lady of Providence Jr.-Sr. High School will hold
registration conferences for incoming freshmen for the 20162017 school year in the Robinson Auditorium on Wednesday,
Feb. 3, 2016. To receive information about the online portion
of registration and a conference schedule, please contact
Sharon Mooney at (812) 945-2538 ext. 315 or Dave Smith at
(812) 945-3350 x 320.
The New Albany Deanery Youth Ministry and the
Aquinas Center make available to all its members a host
of activities. Please consider taking advantage of these
programs either on your own or form a group and go
together. There are too many to list every week in the
bulletin but you can go to their websites for more
www.aquinascenter.org www.nadyouth.org
You can have a happy marriage! Retrouvaille
provides the tools to help put your marriage in order
again. The word Retrouvaille™ (pronounced re-trovi with a long i.) is a French word meaning
rediscovery. Thousands of couples headed for cold,
unloving relationships or divorce have successfully
overcome their marriage problems through
The Retrouvaille Program begins with a weekend,
when you will have a chance to reflect on your lives
together in a new and positive way and in complete
privacy, with your spouse.
Fatima Retreat House, Indianapolis
February 26 – 28, 2016
Reg. Fee:
$100.00 *
Chuck and Janet Schooley
Reg. Phone: 317-489-6811
The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-theWoods, Indiana, are inviting persons of all faith
traditions to attend “Sunday with a Saint,” from 9:30 a.m.
to 2 p.m., on Sunday, Jan. 24, at the Providence
Spirituality and Conference Center. Learn about Saint
Mother Theodore Guerin’s unwavering trust in God and
pray at her shrine. Then, celebrate Mass in the Church of
the Immaculate Conception, followed by Sunday Brunch
in the O’Shaughnessy Dining Room. Cost to attend is
$25, which includes brunch. For more information or to
register, call 812-535-2952, email jfrost@spsmw.org or
register online at events.sistersofprovidence.org.
Respect Life Saturday Event - All High School Youth
are invited to join us for the New Albany Deanery
Respect Life Saturday event on Saturday, Jan 23. We
will gather at St. Anthony Parish in Clarksville at 11am
where we will make blankets for St. Elizabeth Home and
watch the Pro-Life Film, "October Baby." After lunch we
will head out to St. Elizabeth to deliver our blankets, take
a tour, and spend time in prayer for their clients. We will
conclude by praying at various agencies and close with
Mass at Holy Family parish at 5pm. Contact Stacy
Gillenwater at stayouth22@gmail.com, John Jacobi at
johnjacobi@mw.twcbc.com, or Angela deKrieger at
Saturday, Jan. 23, at Huber’s Orchard,
Winery & Vineyard’s Plantation Hall.
Our Lady of Providence Jr.-Sr. High School annual
Gala Dinner & Auction beginning at 6:00 p.m. at
Huber’s Orchard, Winery & Vineyard’s Plantation
Hall in Starlight. The Gala is a fundraiser for
Providence that includes a buffet dinner, live and
silent auction, and much more!
Winter Bible Study –Psalms – The Aquinas Center
will begin a 7 week study of Psalms in January. The
Book of the Psalms is a unique collection of the
song-prayers of Israel. To study Psalms is to study
prayer, ultimately to enter into prayer. The study will
challenge you to reflect on your own prayer and life
experiences. Study to be held on Wednesday
evenings from 6:30-8:30 on January 6, 13, 20, 27 &
February 10, 17 & 24; preregister by 12/21 by
calling the Aquinas Center 812-246-5044.
SOPHOMORES: Come and explore how music can
move you along on your faith journey and get you
connected. This overnight retreat is a combination of
faith, fellowship, meeting new friends, and lots of fun
while using music to bring a real message to your life.
The Faith Remix Retreat will be Jan. 30, at Mt. St.
Francis. Cost is $95. Deadline to register is Jan. 15. For
registration forms or to register online go to
.O Mary, bright dawn of the new world, Mother of
the living,
to you do we entrust the cause of life.
Look down, O Mother, upon the vast numbers
of babies not allowed to be born,
of the poor whose lives are made difficult,
of men and women who are victims of brutal
of the elderly and the sick killed
by indifference or out of misguided mercy.
Grant that all who believe in your Son
may proclaim the Gospel of life
with honesty and love to the people of our time.
A Prayer for Our Troops”
Dear Lord… We thank you for the lives and service of
our men and women in the Armed Forces. Strengthen
them and give them guidance as they stand in harm’s way
to protect our nation and way of life. May they face each
day of their service the same way Your Son Jesus did:
with courage dignity and faith. And if it be Your will
when their work is through bring them safely home.
Lord please also bless the families of our troops. Reward
them generously for their sacrifices which are known
only to You. May we never forget those who have paid
the ultimate price for our freedom and safety: those who
have died in the service of our country. May they rest in
peace forever with You in Your kingdom. Amen
Gracious God,
So often you attempt to offer us a peaceful awareness of
your presence. It is always there, but often we do not
slow down enough to become aware of it. Help us to slow
down and appreciate the gift of your presence, and come
to a deeper understanding of the movement of your Spirit
in our lives. Help us recognize those moments when you
rescued us, healed us, and reconciled us. Increase our
trust in you, And show us how to reach beyond ourselves
to minister to others, and be better
stewards and sacraments of your presence each day.
We pray this in Jesus’ name.
The Liturgical Year
Ordinary Time
Ordinary Time
Four weeks
Christmas Eve
through the feast of
Jesus’ Baptism
Monday following
Jesus’s Baptism to
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday to
Mass of the Lord’s
Supper on Holy
Mass of the Lord’s
Supper through
evening prayer on
Easter Sunday
After evening
prayer on Easter
Sunday through
Monday after
Pentecost to first
Sunday of Advent
Liturgical Color
Rose-3rd Sunday
conscious of our sinfulness,
but aware that we gather in your name.
Come to us, remain with us,
and enlighten our hearts.
Give us light and strength
to know your will,
to make it our own,
and to live it in our lives.
Guide us by your wisdom,
support us by your power,
for you are God, sharing the glory of Father and Son.
You desire justice for all;
enable us to uphold the rights of others;
do not allow us to be misled by ignorance
or corrupted by fear or favor.
Unite us to yourself in the bond of love
and keep us faithful to all that is true.
As we gather in your name, may we temper justice
with love,
so that all our words and deeds
may be pleasing to you, and earn the reward
promised to good and faithful stewards.
We ask this of You who live and reign with the
Father and the Son, one God, forever and ever.
Rose-4th Sunday
Red-Palm Sunday
Adapted from a Prayer of the Second Vatican Council and contributed
by Barbara Dowding, Archdiocese of Vancouver, Canada
Red-Good Friday
Matthew Beer, Brandon Beswick, Donald Bloss ,Asher
Boch, Michael Bower Jonathan Dean, Cathy Jo Donahue,
Christopher Donahue, Joseph Kyle Donahue, John
Emery, David Fouts, Sam Goffinet, Bradley Guernsey,
Christopher Hahn, Steven Hahn, Alex Henson,
Christopher Jackson, Joseph Brent Kaelin, Dustin
Kavanaugh, Cody Kelshaw, Kyle Kelshaw, Brittany
Kraft, B. J. Meredith, Brian Meredith, Stephen Mulhall,
Thomas Mulhall, Joshua Mullins, Roman Nalley, Ashton
Napier, Jay Rutledge, Olivia Vessels, Travis Williams If
you know someone who needs to be put on this list
We stand before you, Holy Spirit,
A Message to Our Graduates.
Christian graduates, whatever you do
in life, you’ve been formed into more
than professionals. You’ve been
formed into disciples of Jesus Christ.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is
within us. There is something you can give the world that
ordinary graduates cannot. It’s something that 12 simple
men brought to the world in 33 AD. As you go, you bring
the light of Christ, the light of civilization, the light of
human dignity, the light of hope.
Remember what your parents see and what God sees in
you. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our
deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We
need you to remind us who He is and who we are.
Holy Days of Obligation and their Meaning
Mary, Mother of
Ascension of the
Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin
All Saints
Conception of the
Blessed Virgin
Nativity of the Lord
January 1
40 days after Easter
or the 7th Sunday of
August 15
November 1
December 8
December 25
Mary’s Motherhood
Jesus’ return in
glory to his Father
Celebrates Mary’s
entrance into glory
Celebrates all those
who enjoy the
eternal presence of
Celebrates Mary’s
sinlessness from her
first moment of life
Our service project is to bring non perishable food items
to be donated to the North Clark Outreach Center. There
will be a wooden box in the church for donations.
Matthew Beer, Brandon Beswick, Donald Bloss ,Asher
Boch, Michael Bower Jonathan Dean, Cathy Jo Donahue,
Christopher Donahue, Joseph Kyle Donahue, John
Emery, David Fouts, Sam Goffinet, Bradley Guernsey,
Christopher Hahn, Steven Hahn, Alex Henson,
Christopher Jackson, Joseph Brent Kaelin, Dustin
Kavanaugh, Cody Kelshaw, Kyle Kelshaw, Brittany
Kraft, B. J. Meredith, Brian Meredith, Stephen Mulhall,
Thomas Mulhall, Joshua Mullins, Roman Nalley, Ashton
Napier, Jay Rutledge, Olivia Vessels, Travis Williams If
you know someone who needs to be put on this list
Ordinary Time
Four weeks
Christmas Eve
through the feast of
Jesus’ Baptism
Monday following
Jesus’s Baptism to
Ash Wednesday
Ordinary Time
Rose-4th Sunday
Red-Palm Sunday
Red-Good Friday
Celebrates Jesus’
Servers: Some insight of the duties as an altar server
will involve everything from assisting the priest to
lighting candles, carrying the books used at Mass and
saying prayers. We are in need of Servers-Adults or
Youth!! Altar Server Training is the second Sunday
of each month after the 11:00 Mass. We ask parents
to come and stay with your child during this training.
The Liturgical Year
Ash Wednesday to
Mass of the Lord’s
Supper on Holy
Mass of the Lord’s
Supper through
evening prayer on
Easter Sunday
After evening
prayer on Easter
Sunday through
Monday after
Pentecost to first
Sunday of Advent
Every person should have a special cemetery lot in
which to bury the faults of friends and loved ones.
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake
has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32
Confirmation strengthens the gift of sanctifying grace
we receive in Baptism. It unites us more fully to the
Church. It gives us a special strength of the Holy
Spirit to share our faith as witnesses of Christ and to
never be ashamed of the cross or our faith. During
the Sacrament of Confirmation, prayers are said that
God will pour out his Holy Spirit so that we may be
more like Christ by the way we live our lives.
Memorial Day was first observed on May 30, 1868
when flowers were placed on the graves of Union
and Confederate soldiers. On this day we honor all
who have died in service to our nation. Please take
a moment to reflect and pray.
Liturgical Color
Rose-3rd Sunday
Every person should have a special cemetery lot in
which to bury the faults of friends and loved ones.
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake
has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32
St. Michael and St. Francis Xavier Sacrament
Preparation: A child (grade 1 through high school)
must be enrolled and attend Faith Formation classes the
YEAR BEFORE and YEAR of receiving the Sacrament
of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation..
Baptism of children under school age requires the parents
to meet with the pastor before the sacrament is received.
Catholic High School and are currently enrolled in class,
you will be eligible to be confirmed. We need another
catechist for preparation for Confirmation, if interested
talk to Juliann. The first planning meeting will be June
5th at 6:00pm in the Rectory Chapel. If you are an adult
wanting to be confirmed, please contact Juliann to
register for the RCIA class starting in August.
Remember Faith is a gift from God. Faith Formation is
a life-long growth process. We encourage parents to
attend Mass with their children this enables the children
to integrate what they learn in their Faith Formation
classes with weekly participation in the liturgy.
If your child is absent on Sunday morning, please give
the office a call at 256-3503. If your children have been
absent, please contact the catechist to keep up with their
current assignment.
Hour of Power for college students and young adults.
It’s time to take an hour out of our week to get back on
track! Every Wednesday at 9:00 pm, all young adults are
invited to an hour of quiet prayer in the Parish Activity
Center at Holy Family, 129 W. Daisy Lane in New
Albany, If you have wanted some time to simply BE and
rest in the Lord’s arms for a few moments, we invite you
to try this kind of prayer experience. If you have
questions, email Fr. Dan at iupadre@hotmail.com or
Leah Cissell at leah@nadyouth.com
St. Michael and St. Francis Xavier Sacrament
Preparation: The Faith Formation Commission, the
Pastor, and the Archdiocese state that a child must be
enrolled and attend classes the YEAR BEFORE and
YEAR of receiving the Sacrament of First Reconciliation,
First Eucharist or Confirmation.. Baptism of children
under school age requires the parents to meet with the
pastor before the sacrament is received.
St. Michael and St. Francis Confirmation Update
Confirmation deepens our relationship with God and
strengthens us to live lives of faith and mission. As a
parent you will want to talk with your son or daughter
about preparation for the celebration of Confirmation.
If you will be a junior or senior in the next 2013-2014
year, and have attended Faith Formation classes or a
Volunteers Needed
To Adopt A Family
Anglo & Latino Family Pair Program
Through Baptism
We Share The Same Family Tree!
Later in the summer we will begin a program to help Anglos
and Latinos to get to know one another. We will be asking
families to voluntarily pair up with another family. On a
regular basis (weekly) the pairs will be asked to share together
in some way. Perhaps attend mass together, have a cookout, go
to Charlestown State Park, or simply stop by for a visit. There
will occasionally be organized opportunities for the family
pares to share with all of those in the program on a parish level.
Our goal is to nurture understanding and unity among our
The Eucharist and Unity
Imagine a person who receives Communion, accepts the Host
when the priest says, "The Body of Christ," says "Amen," and
then breaks off a piece, hands it back, and says, "Except this
piece, Father!" This is what the person who rejects other people
may as well do. In receiving Christ, we are to receive the whole
Christ, in all his members, our brothers and sisters, whether
convenient or inconvenient, wanted or unwanted, born or
As St. John remarks, Christ was to die "to gather into one all the
scattered children of God." Sin scatters. Christ unites. The word
"diabolical" means "to split asunder." Christ came "to destroy
the works of the devil" (1Jn.3:8). The Eucharist builds up the
human family in Christ who says, "Come to me, feed on My
Body, become My Body." Abortion, in a reverse dynamic, says,
"Go away! We have no room for you, no time for you, no desire
for you, no responsibility for you. Get out of our way!" Abortion
attacks the unity of the human family by splitting asunder the
most fundamental relationship between any two persons:
mother and child. The Eucharist, as a Sacrament of Unity,
reverses the dynamic of abortion.
812/923-8355 or jennifer@nadyouth.org.
Adult Confirmation Program - The New Albany
Deanery Catechetical Ministry Office is planning an
Adult Confirmation Program beginning in February,
2016. This is a 6 session program designed for Adult
Catholics who still have not been confirmed and is
free to all registered parishioners of the New Albany
Deanery. The classes will be held at the Aquinas
Center from 6:30-8:30 on the following dates: 2/29,
3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25 & 5/9. Adult Confirmation
will be held at the Cathedral in Indianapolis on
Sunday, May 15, 2016. Please call Christina Flum
at 812-246-5044 or go to the Aquinas Center
Website (www.aquinascenter.org) for more information.
Pre-registration is requested
Remember: Faith is a gift from God. Faith Formation is
a lifelong growth process. We encourage parents to
attend Mass with their children. This enables the children
to integrate what they learn in their Faith Formation
classes with weekly participation in the liturgy.
College Age Young Adults - What are you Thirsting
for? Join us Thursday nights for faith sharing mixed with
fellowship and game nights as we seek to quench our
thirst with Christ!
7-9pm, Feb 4 & 18 at the Catholic Youth Ministries
Office. For a full list of Thursday dates go to
www.nadyouth.org. Contact Jennifer for more info at
812-923-8355 or Jennifer@nadyouth.org
Young Adult Bowling - Come join us for a night of
bowling Feb. 6, beginning at 6pm - $8 for unlimited
games and shoe rental. Eastern Bowling Lanes,
Clarksville, IN. RSVP with Catholic Youth Ministries by
February 4th. 812-923-8355 or marlene@nadyouth.org
Thank you,
-Sandy Winstead
Office Administrator
New Albany Deanery
Catholic Youth Ministries
*no couple is ever denied the chance to heal and renew their
marriage because of lack of funds.
-Jan 23/24
Next weekend is Propagation of the Faith Sunday it gives all of
us the opportunity to reach out to the people of the world. By
our Baptism we take on the responsibility to be Christ’s
witnesses and to share our faith with the world that has yet to
hear the Good News of God’s love. Please be as generous as
As always we thank you for what you do for the missions.
Please insert into your bulletin for the collection the weekend
of January 23 & 24, 2016.
As always we thank you for what you do for the missions.
Please publish weekend of January 16/17 & 23/24
Adult Confirmation Program - The New Albany Deanery
Catechetical Ministry Office is planning an Adult Confirmation
Program beginning in February, 2016. This is a 6 session
program designed for Adult Catholics who still have not been
confirmed and is free to all registered parishioners of the New
Albany Deanery. The classes will be held at the Aquinas
Center from 6:30-8:30 on the following dates: 2/29, 3/14, 3/28,
4/11, 4/25 & 5/9. Adult Confirmation will be held at the
Cathedral in Indianapolis on Sunday, May 15, 2016. Please
call Christina Flum at 812-246-5044 or go to the Aquinas
Center Website (www.aquinascenter.org) for more information.
Pre-registration is requested
Publish Weekend of Jan 23/24
CHRISTIAN AWAKENING (Senior Retreat) will be Feb.
11-14 at the Mount. This 4 day retreat is an amazing
experience for all participants. Cost is $250. Registration
deadline is Jan. 29. Register online at
www.nadyouth.org, or contact Jennifer Woolfolk at
FAITH, FUN & FRIENDS: Special Needs Faith Formation
for teens & adults! We invite you to bring your special needs
teen or adult to pray and make new friends with us! Our next
gathering will be on Thursday, January 21st from 7:00 – 8:00.
Please join us for fellowship and fun as we learn more about
our faith. Located at the school building at the St. Joe Hill
Campus of St. John Paul II Parish! For more information,
please call Christina at 812-246-5044, or email
Catholic Story Time at the Aquinas Center Resource
Library – Offered the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:00 –
11:30. The story, prayer and scripture are based on the Church
Season. Parents you will have the opportunity to browse
through the resource library, enjoy a cup of coffee with other
parents, and/or sit with the children. Our next session is
Wednesday, January 20th. Call Christina Flum or Cindy
Bauer at 812-246-5044 if you have any questions.
Monday Movie Night February 1 “War Room” From the
award-winning creators of Fireproof and Courageous comes
WAR ROOM, a compelling drama with humor and heart that
explores the power that prayer can have on marriages,
parenting, careers, friendships, and every other area of our lives
. WAR ROOM is a vivid reminder that prayer is a powerful
weapon! There is no charge for the movie, but an offering is
taken to cover the cost of the pizza. Pizza arrives at 6:15 and
the movie begins at 6:30. Please call the Aquinas Center: 812246-5044 before noon Monday, February 1.
before the race and then run/walk in the mini or 5K.
Participants wear vocations runner-shirts that create a greater
awareness of Catholic vocations. The race began in 2008 and
since then literally thousands of prayers have been offered
and hundreds of runners have participated. Please join the
Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the Diocese of Lafayette this
year as we Race for Vocations by, “competing well, finishing
the race and keeping the faith.” II Timothy 4:7!
Register for the Race for Vocations at
4 weeks from today
at 7
Publish Weekend of Jan 23/24
February Taizé to focus on friendship
Persons of all faith traditions are invited to join the Sisters of
Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, and the
greater faith community of the Wabash Valley for an
ecumenical Taizé Prayer gathering from 7-8 p.m., Tuesday,
Feb. 9, in the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Saint
Mary-of-the-Woods, located 10 minutes northwest of
downtown Terre Haute. The 2016 theme is “Finding God in the
Ordinary.” Each month will have a specific focus. For
February, it will be friendship.
Bulletin & Pulpit
*Please place in your parish bulletin January-April as space
*Please announce at Masses in the month of January
Race for Vocations
Please join us as we kick off the Race for Vocations! Our
prayer is to continue to raise awareness for vocations by
bringing the sacred to the secular. The Race for Vocations
takes place within the One America Festival Mini Marathon
and 5K and is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis
and the Diocese of Lafayette in Indiana.
The Race for Vocations welcomes people of all ages to
run/walk in the mini or 5k to both promote and pray for
vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life, sacred married
life and sacred single life. Hundreds of participants pray while
they train, attend the Mass for Vocations the Friday night
CHRISTIAN AWAKENING (Senior Retreat) will be Feb.
11-14 at the Mount. This 4 day retreat is an amazing
experience for all participants. Cost is $250. Registration
deadline is Jan. 29. Register online at
www.nadyouth.org, or contact Jennifer Woolfolk at
812/923-8355 or jennifer@nadyouth.org.
College Age Young Adults - What are you Thirsting
for? Join us Thursday nights for faith sharing mixed with
fellowship and game nights as we seek to quench our
thirst with Christ!
7-9pm, Feb 4 & 18 at the Catholic Youth Ministries
Office. For a full list of Thursday dates go to
www.nadyouth.org. Contact Jennifer for more info at
812-923-8355 or Jennifer@nadyouth.org
Young Adult Bowling - Come join us for a night of
bowling Feb. 6, beginning at 6pm - $8 for unlimited
games and shoe rental. Eastern Bowling Lanes,
Clarksville, IN. RSVP with Catholic Youth Ministries by
February 4th. 812-923-8355 or marlene@nadyouth.org
3/4 grade basketball games begin February 13. This
league is open to all students attending deanery schools and to
all parish youth. Contact your parish athletic committee to sign
up. Questions can be directed to athletics@nadyouth.org or
Jenn at the CYM office at 812-923-8355 ext 102.
Publish Weekend of Jan 30/31
middle school youth in grades 6-8! You are invited to the
Catholic Youth Ministries Jamboree 2016 – Set Your
Soul on Fire – A fun, faith-filled day to explore and
celebrate your Catholic faith. The day will include
breakout sessions, pizza, mass, a dance and s’mores
on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 1:00 to 8:30 p.m. at St. St.
Anthony’s, Clarksville, IN. Cost is $28.00 with t-shirt
(deadline Feb. 10) or $20.00 without t-shirt. Contact
your parish youth minister for registration information or
register with the Catholic Youth Ministries Office at
Young Adult Bowling - Come join us for a night of
bowling Feb. 6, beginning at 6pm - $8 for unlimited
games and shoe rental. Eastern Bowling Lanes,
Clarksville, IN. RSVP with Catholic Youth Ministries by
February 4th. 812-923-8355 or marlene@nadyouth.org
Lenten Sharing for Young Adults 22-39 years old.
Mondays through Lent. 7pm. Come for a great hour each
week, to be renewed in faith, using the “Discovering
Jesus” book, and enjoy fellowship at Catholic Youth
Ministries’ Offices in the lower level of the Youth Center
at Mt. St. Francis. BYOBible. Call Jessie Eichhorn (573837-5299 if you have any questions!
Publish Weekend of Feb 7/8
On the Journey – A retreat for High School Juniors will
be March 5-6 at Mt. St. Francis. Cost is $95 and
registrations are due Feb. 19 to Catholic Youth Ministries.
Contact Jennifer Woolfolk at Jennifer@nadyouth.org or
812-923-8355 for info. You may register online at
College Age Young Adults - What are you Thirsting
for? Join us Thursday nights for faith sharing mixed with
fellowship and game nights as we seek to quench our
thirst with Christ!
7-9pm, Feb 4 & 18 at the Catholic Youth Ministries
Office. For a full list of Thursday dates go to
www.nadyouth.org. Contact Jennifer for more info at
812-923-8355 or Jennifer@nadyouth.org
COACHES’ ORIENTATION: The Deanery Catholic
Youth Ministries Office will be hosting a Coaches
orientation on Tuesday, Feb. 23, from 6:30-8:30pm at the
Catholic Youth Ministries Offices at Mt. St. Francis. This
is a one time attendance required training for all coaches
and assistant coaches. To register call the CYM Office at
812-923-8355 by Friday, Feb. 19.
3/4 grade basketball games begin February 13. This
league is open to all students attending deanery schools and to
all parish youth. Contact your parish athletic committee to sign
up. Questions can be directed to athletics@nadyouth.org or
Jenn at the CYM office at 812-923-8355 ext 102.
middle school youth in grades 6-8! You are invited to the
Catholic Youth Ministries Jamboree 2016 – Set Your
Soul on Fire – A fun, faith-filled day to explore and
celebrate your Catholic faith. The day will include
breakout sessions, pizza, mass, a dance and s’mores
on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 1:00 to 8:30 p.m. at St. St.
Anthony’s, Clarksville, IN. Cost is $28.00 with t-shirt
(deadline Feb. 10) or $20.00 without t-shirt. Contact
your parish youth minister for registration information or
register with the Catholic Youth Ministries Office at
Catholic 101 Retreat, Mar 12-13. Ever wanted to know
the deeper message behind the whys and hows of the
Catholic Church? Join us for the at Mt. St. Francis
Retreat Center. This retreat is designed to help young
Catholics be able to understand what makes their
Catholic faith so unique. Come and explore the treasures
of Catholicism, and walk away being able to make
traditional prayers and practices come alive and real in
your every day life. Cost is $95.00. Registration
deadline is Feb. 26. Register and pay online at
www.nadyouth.org or contact Jennifer Woolfolk at the
Deanery Youth Ministry Office for more information,
Jennifer@nadyouth.org or 812-923-8355
On the Journey – A retreat for High School Juniors will
be March 5-6 at Mt. St. Francis. Cost is $95 and
registrations are due Feb. 19 to Catholic Youth Ministries.
Contact Jennifer Woolfolk at Jennifer@nadyouth.org or
812-923-8355 for info. You may register online at
COACHES’ ORIENTATION: The Deanery Catholic
Youth Ministries Office will be hosting a Coaches
orientation on Tuesday, Feb. 23, from 6:30-8:30pm at the
Catholic Youth Ministries Offices at Mt. St. Francis. This
is a one time attendance required training for all coaches
and assistant coaches. To register call the CYM Office at
812-923-8355 by Friday, Feb. 19.
3/4 grade basketball games begin February 13. This
league is open to all students attending deanery schools and to
all parish youth. Contact your parish athletic committee to sign
up. Questions can be directed to athletics@nadyouth.org or
Jenn at the CYM office at 812-923-8355 ext 102.
College Age Young Adults - What are you Thirsting
for? Join us Thursday nights for faith sharing mixed with
fellowship and game nights as we seek to quench our
thirst with Christ!
7-9pm, Feb 18 & Mar 3 at the Catholic Youth Ministries
Office. For a full list of Thursday dates go to
www.nadyouth.org. Contact Jennifer for more info at
812-923-8355 or Jennifer@nadyouth.org
Lenten Sharing for Young Adults 22-39 years old.
Mondays through Lent. 7pm. Come for a great hour each
week, to be renewed in faith, using the “Discovering
Jesus” book, and enjoy fellowship at Catholic Youth
Ministries’ Offices in the lower level of the Youth Center
at Mt. St. Francis. BYOBible. Call Jessie Eichhorn (573837-5299 if you have any questions!
middle school youth in grades 6-8! You are invited to the
Catholic Youth Ministries Jamboree 2016 – Set Your
Soul on Fire – A fun, faith-filled day to explore and
celebrate your Catholic faith. The day will include
breakout sessions, pizza, mass, a dance and s’mores
on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 1:00 to 8:30 p.m. at St. St.
Anthony’s, Clarksville, IN. Cost is $28.00 with t-shirt
(deadline Feb. 10) or $20.00 without t-shirt. Contact
your parish youth minister for registration information or
register with the Catholic Youth Ministries Office at
TEXAS HOLD ‘EM Fundraiser - Saturday, Feb. 27 at
Sacred Heart Parish Gym. Doors Open at 6:30pm.
Game begins at 7:00pm. If Poker is your game, come
play and support Catholic Youth Ministries! License
-Sandy Winstead
Office Administrator
New Albany Deanery
Catholic Youth Ministries
Remember Faith is a gift from God. Faith Formation
is a life-long growth process. We encourage parents
to attend Mass with their children. This enables the
children to integrate what they learn in their Faith
Formation classes with weekly participation in the
St. Francis Xavier Parish Fall 2015
Parish Goal
Amount Pledged
% of Goal
Total $’s Received
Balance to be paid
Parish Households
# of Pledges
Parish Participation
Archdiocesan Support
UCA Goal necessary to support
$6.2 M
ministry needs
Dollars raised to date
% of goal achieved
# of pledges
% of participation (from the
nearly 75,000 households in the
Archdiocesan UCA Participation
Goal for 2015-16
St. Michael Parish Fall 2015
Parish Goal
Amount Pledged
% of Goal
Total $’s Received
Balance to be paid
Parish Households
# of Pledges
Parish Participation
Archdiocesan Support
UCA Goal necessary to support
$6.2 M
ministry needs
Dollars raised to date
% of goal achieved
# of pledges
% of participation (from the
nearly 75,000 households in the
Archdiocesan UCA Participation
Goal for 2015-16
St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities in New Albany has an
available Supervisor position with their Supported Living
Program that works with high functioning,
developmentally delayed adults. St. Elizabeth is looking
for a dedicated, caring, and self-motivated individual to
work in the client’s home providing support with various
daily living activities. Hours include some nights and
weekend hours and range from 20-25 hours a week. For
more details, email Matthew Hudson at
mhudson@stecharities.org or call (812) 949-7305.
Publish Weekend of Feb 6/7
middle school youth in grades 6-8! You are invited to the
Catholic Youth Ministries Jamboree 2016 – Set Your
Soul on Fire – A fun, faith-filled day to explore and
celebrate your Catholic faith. The day will include
breakout sessions, pizza, mass, a dance and s’mores
on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 1:00 to 8:30 p.m. at St. St.
Anthony’s, Clarksville, IN. Cost is $28.00 with t-shirt
(deadline Feb. 10) or $20.00 without t-shirt. Contact
your parish youth minister for registration information or
register with the Catholic Youth Ministries Office at
On the Journey – A retreat for High School Juniors will
be March 5-6 at Mt. St. Francis. Cost is $95 and
registrations are due Feb. 19 to Catholic Youth Ministries.
Contact Jennifer Woolfolk at Jennifer@nadyouth.org or
812-923-8355 for info. You may register online at
COACHES’ ORIENTATION: The Deanery Catholic
Youth Ministries Office will be hosting a Coaches
orientation on Tuesday, Feb. 23, from 6:30-8:30pm at the
Catholic Youth Ministries Offices at Mt. St. Francis. This
is a one time attendance required training for all coaches
and assistant coaches. To register call the CYM Office at
812-923-8355 by Friday, Feb. 19.
3/4 grade basketball games begin February 13. This
league is open to all students attending deanery schools
and to all parish youth. Contact your parish athletic
committee to sign up. Questions can be directed
to athletics@nadyouth.org or Jenn at the CYM office
at 812-923-8355 ext 102.
College Age Young Adults - What are you Thirsting
for? Join us Thursday nights for faith sharing mixed with
fellowship and game nights as we seek to quench our
thirst with Christ!
7-9pm, Feb 18 & Mar 3 at the Catholic Youth Ministries
Office. For a full list of Thursday dates go to
www.nadyouth.org. Contact Jennifer for more info at
812-923-8355 or Jennifer@nadyouth.org
Lenten Sharing for Young Adults 22-39 years old.
Mondays through Lent. 7pm. Come for a great hour each
week, to be renewed in faith, using the “Discovering
Jesus” book, and enjoy fellowship at Catholic Youth
Ministries’ Offices in the lower level of the Youth Center
at Mt. St. Francis. BYOBible. Call Jessie Eichhorn (573837-5299 if you have any questions!
TEXAS HOLD ‘EM Fundraiser - Saturday, Feb. 27 at
Sacred Heart Parish Gym. Doors Open at 6:30pm.
Game begins at 7:00pm. If Poker is your game, come
play and support Catholic Youth Ministries! License
Publish Weekend of Feb 13/14
middle school youth in grades 6-8! You are invited to the
Catholic Youth Ministries Jamboree 2016 – Set Your
Soul on Fire – A fun, faith-filled day to explore and
celebrate your Catholic faith. The day will include
breakout sessions, pizza, mass, a dance and s’mores
on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 1:00 to 8:30 p.m. at St. St.
Anthony’s, Clarksville, IN. Cost is or $20.00. Deadline to
register is Feb. 19) Contact your parish youth minister for
registration information or register with the Catholic Youth
Ministries Office at www.nadyouth.org
COACHES’ ORIENTATION: The Deanery Catholic
Youth Ministries Office will be hosting a Coaches
orientation on Tuesday, Feb. 23, from 6:30-8:30pm at the
Catholic Youth Ministries Offices at Mt. St. Francis. This
is a one time attendance required training for all coaches
and assistant coaches. To register call the CYM Office at
812-923-8355 by Friday, Feb. 19.
Deanery Youth Mass – all High School youth are invited
to come to St Mary Navilleton Church on Sunday, Feb.
28th for an evening of fun and fellowship. Mass begins at
6:00pm and Dodge Ball and Pizza to follow in the Gym
On the Journey – A retreat for High School Juniors will
be March 5-6 at Mt. St. Francis. Cost is $95 and
registrations are due Feb. 19 to Catholic Youth Ministries.
Contact Jennifer Woolfolk at Jennifer@nadyouth.org or
812-923-8355 for info. You may register online at
College Age Young Adults - What are you Thirsting
for? Join us Thursday nights for faith sharing mixed with
fellowship and game nights as we seek to quench our
thirst with Christ!
7-9pm, Feb 18 & Mar 3 at the Catholic Youth Ministries
Office. For a full list of Thursday dates go to
www.nadyouth.org. Contact Jennifer for more info at
812-923-8355 or Jennifer@nadyouth.org
-Sandy Winstead
Office Administrator
New Albany Deanery
Catholic Youth Ministries
Hello everyone! Mark your calendars and plan to
join us next Monday night, February 1 at the Aquinas
Center for pizza and a movie. Pizza at 6:15, move
begins approximately 6:30. This month we will be
watching the highly acclaimed WAR ROOM. There is
no cost for this event, however, a free will offering to
defray the cost of pizza and drinks is gratefully
War Room is a compelling faith drama filled with
humor and heart. Tony and Elizabeth Jordan have it
all - great jobs, a beautiful daughter, and their
dream house. But appearances can be deceiving.
Their world is actually crumbling under the strain of
a failing marriage. While Tony basks in his
professional success. Elizabeth resigns herself to
increasing bitterness. But their lives take an
unexpected turn when Elizabeth meets her newest
client, Miss Clara, and is challenged to establish a
"war room" and a battle plan of prayer for her
family. As Elizabeth tries to fight for her family, Tony's
hidden struggles come to light. Tony must decide if
he will make amends with his family and prove Miss
Clara's wisdom that victories don't come by
Please call the Aquinas Center and reserve your
spot no later than noon Monday, February 1! We
look forward to seeing you.
Our Lady of Providence Jr.-Sr. High School will hold its
Winter Deanery Night on Tuesday, Feb. 16, during the varsity
boys’ basketball vs. Rock Creek game beginning at 7:30 p.m.
All students, teachers and families from the New Albany
Deanery are invited to attend. Deanery Boys Basketball teams
will be recognized during halftime. Other events will include a
3-point shooting contest among the Deanery coaches.
Indiana Catholic Women’s Conference
Ladies, please mark the date of March 19th on your
calendars. The Indiana Catholic Women’s
Conference is returning with a great line up of
speakers. The Marian Center, in partnership with
the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, is sponsoring the
conference at the Marriott Indianapolis Downtown.
Groups of 10 or more will be rewarded with VIP
seating. So get your mother, friends, and sisters on
board, and check us out. Registration information
may be found at www.indianacatholicwomen.com or call
for more information: 317-373-2125.