The Ancient Faith for a Modern People Bulletin St. Andrew’s Parish Mission Statement A Parish of the Diocese of Quincy Meeting at 3501 Central Avenue P. O. Box 90201, Nashville, TN 37209 The Very Rev. James M. Guill, SSC, Rector Church Phone: 615-292-9935 Email: Website: Our mission is: “to restore all people to unity with “God and each other in Christ,” in an Anglo-Catholic parish with a rich tradition of community within the full scriptural and sacramental life of the church.” Year C Sunday, January 31, 2016 4th Sunday after Epiphany 8:00 a.m. — Choir Practice 8:30 a.m. — High Mass with Homily 9:30 a.m. coffee 10:30 a.m. —Annual Meeting Brunch Welcome, Visitors! We extend a most cordial welcome to our visitors. Please use the Visitor’s Guide in the pew to follow our service. As you enter the Lord’s House, be thoughtful, be silent, and be reverent. PLEASE REMEMBER TO TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS. Before Mass, speak to the Lord; during Mass, let the Lord speak to you; after Mass, speak to the Lord through one another, as you join the Parish Family for fellowship in the Parish House. Remember to sign our guest book, please! VESTRY ELECTIONS 2016 The Annual Meeting of the Congregation of St. Andrew’s will be held on Sunday, January 31st, after the 8:30 a.m. High Mass. The Annual Meeting will be held at the Montessori Centre at 4608 Granny White Pike, 37220, which is just south of the intersection of Granny White and Harding. We will have three vacancies to fill for the class of 2019, one vacancy for the class of 2018 (Henry Carpenter’s position, because as a postulant for the Deaconate he is no longer eligible), and the vacancy for Anne Ross’s term in the class of 2017. The nomination forms may be found in the hallway in front of the Pastor’s study. They specify the minimum qualifications to serve on the Vestry. Please submit your nomination to the committee. Any questions regarding a person’s qualifications should also be submitted to the committee. Any parishioner who is 18 years of age or older, and who is a communicant in good standing is eligible for the Vestry. This means, among other things, that the person attends regularly, supports the church, and pledges a specific amount. The same criteria define those who are eligible to have seat, voice and vote at the annual meeting. If you haven’t made a pledge of a specific amount, you have seat and voice, but no vote, pursuant to our bylaws. NEW FLOWER SIGNUP SHEET There is new signup sheet in the hall in front of the Pastor’s Study for flowers. Please review and sign up for the flowers you would like to sponsor in the New Year. ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY We continue our study of Islam and Christianity next week with discussion of the Koran in an abridged version. Having read of the life of Mohammed in The Sira and The Hadith as edited by Dr. Bill Warner, head of the Center for the Study of Political Islam, are in a good position to more fully understand the Koran. CHURCH BUILDING FUND Please remember that the open offering today goes toward the Church Building Fund. All cheques should so state on the item line. LOOKING AHEAD Epiphany is short this year! Shrove Tuesday will be February 9, with our Ash Wednesday service at 12 Noon on February 10. Plan on Confession, Pancakes and Imposition of Ashes on those dates. Other Items Confessions: Please call Fr. Guill to schedule your confession at any time. The altar flowers are given by the Guills to the Glory of God and in thanksgiving for Evelyn Shealy, and by Danya Downey in thanksgiving for Paul Downey. The Nursery Worker volunteer for this week is Carolyn Story. The Old Testament Lector for High Mass this month is Doris Hendrix. Next month’s lector is Dave Backs. The Coffee Time Last Sunday was held in your own home! Mon., Feb. 1: Brigid, Abbess of Kildare, 523 (white) Tues., Feb. 2: THE PRESENTATION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE (white) 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p.m. Low Mass at Windland’s South, 3800 Sam Boney Drive, Nashville, TN 37211 Wed., Feb. 3: Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary to Denmark and Sweden, 865 (white) Thurs., Feb. 4: Cornelius the Centurion (white) Fri, Feb. 5: The Martyrs of Japan, 1597 (red) Sat., Feb. 6: Titus, Bishop and Confessor, 1st Century (white)