Cultural Exchanges • OGT Benchmark: Analyze the way that contacts between people of different cultures result in exchanges of cultural practices. • World History – – – – – – Globalization The Environment Collective Security Popular Culture Political Systems Religion • United States – Immigration After the Civil War • To meet the requirements of this benchmark, you must be able to analyze cultural exchanges. Cultural diffusion is the spread or sharing of ideas among cultures. Anytime someone comes in contact with another culture, the potential for cultural exchange exists. Since advances in communications or transportation increase contact among people of different cultures, they speed up cultural exchange. • Your daily life gives you many first-hand experiences of cultural diffusion. Mealtime is a good example of this. Think about your favorite food. Is it lasagna? Enchiladas? Stir fry? Or could it be sauerkraut with sausages? Many all-American foods, such as hotdogs, hamburgers, fries,and pizza, have been “borrowed” from foreign cuisines. You can probably think of other examples of cultural diffusion in your daily life. • You also need to understand globalization, a term that has been in use since around 1980. Different people have different meanings for the term, but in general, globalization refers to the growing interdependence of the world, economically, culturally, and politically. I. Globalization the growing interdependence of the world, economically, culturally, and politically. • A. We live in a global society – 1. Business not contained to own country – 2. Examples: • Company HQ in Cleveland has a factory in Mexico and an office in Japan • Japanese auto company has assembly plants in Ohio • Call for customer service for an American company and someone in India takes the call. • American fast-food companies can be found in Paris, Moscow, etc. • Business decision made in London can affect wages and prices here in Ohio. What kind of cars are currently in your garage? If you could have any car you want, what would it be? List your 3 favorite foods: Get with someone who sits close to you. Look at the tags on their shirts and shoes. Where were these items made? Others: 2009: Swine Flu 2010: Unrest in Libya 3. Look at tags a. “Made in China”, “Mexico”, or “Sri Lanka” 4. How is globalization possible? a. better communications -Computers -Internet -FAX -telephones/cell phones b. better transportation -airplanes c. better banking systems -electronic banking QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. B. Cooperation and Conflict Globalization can be positive or negative Positive: opportunities for peace and cooperation Negative: can lead to conflict QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. 1. Globalization as a Negative Force a. gap between rich and poor widening b. poor areas: Africa, Asia, and Latin America --poverty --undeveloped --not enough food, shelter, etc. c. developed countries --Europe, N. America --plenty of food, shelter, etc. 2. Outsourcing • • • • • a. U.S. workers hurt by this b. jobs go to other countries c. lower wages d. loss of jobs for Americans e. Ex: an English-speaking and welleducated person from India can talk on the phone and solve problems as well as someone from the U.S., but will be paid much less 3. Threat to National Cultures • a. Reasons – satellite TV – international media networks – international travel • b. U.S. and Western Europe culture tends to take over QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. 4. Threat to Environment • a. multinational companies disregard environment to make a profit • b. these companies set up in countries with lax environmental laws • c. this all leads to increased pollution and perhaps global warming Global Warming 4:17 QuickTime™ and a Sorenson Video 3 decompressor are needed to see this picture. 5. Globalization as a Positive Force • a. it has raised the standard of living • b. better medical care • c. higher life expectancy • d. better access to education • e. leads to economic growth • f. social stability II. The Environment • globalization can damage the environment • smoke from factories = pollution • pollution = damage to ecosystems Humans and the Environment 5:47 QuickTime™ and a Sorenson Video 3 decompressor are needed to see this picture. A. Invasive Species • 1. invasive species move from one country to another • 2. they crowd out and destroy native species • 3. move across national boundaries w/out detection • 4. customs agents try to prevent-not always successful Examples of Invasive Species Example #1: The case of the Powderpost Beetles Bob Miller recently retired. As a retirement gift, he received a clock as a gift. That clock was made in China. Little did he know of what else was in the clock----powederpost beetles! They chew wood (like termites). Adult beetles had made small holes in the wood (before it became a clock) and laid eggs. When they hatch, they begin to eat the wood and can be very destructive. Powderpost Beetle Example #2: The case of the Emerald Ash Borer • Found in Ohio from May to July, they can travel up to one-half mile. It drills into the wood of the ash, leaving tunnels under the bark and small D-shaped exit holes. The top 1/3 of the tree begins to die back, and the bark begins to split vertically. Finally, the entire tree dies. The Emerald Ash Borer came from Asia, probably in infested wood crates. • One of the tourist attractions in some parts of Ohio are the beautiful ash trees in the fall. So, this borer is a major threat to tourism. • Nearly impossible to keep the borer from coming into the U.S. Invasive Species 20:13 QuickTime™ and a Sorenson Video 3 decompressor are needed to see this picture. Invasion of the Asian Carp Asian Carp video part 2 (6 min) Asian Carp vidio Part 1 (7 min) Short Answer • How are invasive foreign plants and insects connected to globalization? III. Collective Security • collective security: many governments join together to enforce mutually accepted rules for international behavior • major goal: peace A. NATO • 1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization – – – – – – a. b. c. d. e. f. formed in 1949 multinational power structure has permanent headquarters has established military chain of command peacekeeping and security Examples • 1992: put sanctions on Yugoslavia to stop gov. supported ethnic fighting • created no fly zone over Bosnia in 1990’s • ordered air strikes on Bosnian cities • these police powers proved to be successful! B. CIS • 1. Commonwealth of Independent States – a. less successful – b. created in 1991-92 – c. 12 former SU • Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan – d. peacekeeping troops almost all Russian – e. Russia likes being “big brother.” – f. CIS will never have collective security until Russia stops thinking this way C. UN • 1. United Nations – a. created after WWII – b. UN troops have had success – c. UN has not been able to help everywhere – d. world peace still not achieved Short Answer • How does the United Nations illustrate the concept of collective security? IV. Popular Culture Popular culture = refers to aspects driven by mass media Examples: TV, movies, books Globalization = potential for cultural exchange or borrowing Example: Internet IV. Popular Culture Popular culture = refers to aspects driven by mass media Examples: TV, movies, books Globalization = potential for cultural exchange or borrowing Example: Internet Pop Culture • Michael Jackson in Japan (4:17) • McDonald's commercial in India (:35) • Nintendo commercials (4:50) • Wheel of Fortune in Australia (8:15) Foreign NBA Players (1:31) • Yu Gi Oh The Movie Part 1 (9:57) • 1960s and 1970s Pop Culture • Pop Culture of the 1980's A. Cultural Exchange in the Past • 1. sharing ideas--been going on forever • 2. Examples – weapons, ideas about gov, languages, food, forms of entertainment • 3. traders and soldiers traveling to other lands = culture exchanges Example: Columbian Exchange • 1. 16th century food exchange • 2. Christopher Columbus and other explorers • 3. foods brought to US from Europe, Asia, and Africa: bananas, grapes, citrus, peaches, pears, coffee, wheat, rice, cattle, pigs, and onions • 4. foods that went from US to other parts of world: turkey, corn, tomatoes, beans, squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, cocoa, vanilla, avocados, and chili peppers B. Cultural Exchange Today – 1. today, more rapid exchanges – 2. Internet, cable TV, ease of travel – 3. Examples • a. person in Canton calls someone in India for computer help • b. people in Ohio turn on TV and watch a soccer game being played in Mexico • c. go to Belden Village area and see all of the ethnic restaurants: Chinese, Italian, etc. 4. Spread of American Culture a. some worry US culture is taking over the world b. English--language of Internet and business c. American movies, music, fashions, sports and food are dominant d. “McDonaldism” • e. will this lead to a one culture world? f. probably not --US influenced by world --Latin American music --German autos Short Answer • What does McDonald’s have to do with globalization? V. Political Systems • Past: each nation chose political system • Today: econ. and social globalization result in globalization of politics Voluntary Political-Integration Organizations • A. European Union – 1. 1950’s: Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Luxembourg – 2. 1973-1995: Austria, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the UK joined – 3. By 2004, called the EU – 4. 2004: 10 more nations joined – 5. Concerns • • • • • a. b. c. d. e. trade with each other jobs environment security human rights 6. Success a. b. c. d. new monetary unit (Euro) few barriers to trade standard of living increase political positions of Europe strengthened B. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) • 1. 1967: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand • 2. promote econ. growth, social progress, political stability, and peace • 3. Later: Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam • 4. 500 million live in ASEAN nations • 5. US trades $700 billion C. African Union • 1. Est. in 1999 • 2. promote social and economic growth • 3. not as much success as the EU • 4. it will continue to grow in size and strength D. Trade Organizations in the Western Hemisphere • 1. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) – a. US, Canada, and Mexico – b. no econ barriers – c. inc. trade • 2. CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) – a. Proposed! – b. Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, maybe Dominican Republic • 3. Mercosur (“Southern Common Market”) – a. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay (associate members: Bolivia and Chile) – b. similar to NAFTA and CAFTA Intergovernmental Organizations • 3 with great financial and political power • they are not governments • they influence gov. decisions • A. World Bank (located in Washington, D.C.) – 1. gives loans to governments – 2. Ex: country that wants to build a dam gets loan from World Bank – 3. Strings attached!!! • a. gov. may have to change a policy • b. Ex: above, country would have to privatize distribution of water once the dam is built B. International Monetary Fund • 1. located in Washington, D.C. • 2. makes loans to governments • 3. purpose is different – a. stabilize currency (money systems) – b. maintains world markets – c. STRINGS ATTACHED!!!! C. World Trade Organization (WTO) • 1. 145 nations belong • 2. meetings every 2 years • 3. Purpose – a. lower tariffs – b. eliminated barriers to free trade • 4. Critics: rich nations favored Group of Eleven (G11) • 1. 11 richest nations meet 1/year • 2. Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and the US • 3. 1994: Russia enters • 4. no set agenda • 5. discuss anything important • 6. decisions made impact the world Nongovernmental Organizations • international interest groups • most are nonprofit, voluntary, and private • Examples – Greenpeace – International Committee for the Red Cross • deal with quality-of-life issues – – – – – health hunger poverty the environment human rights Short Answer • What does the World Trade Organization have to do with globalization? VI. Religion • • Missionaries spread religion teach religion globally A. Spread of Religion Through International Trade • 1. traders have spread religion • 2. Historical Example: Silk Road – a. silk trade developed between China and the Roman Empire – b. Indians, Persians, Greeks, and nomads of Central Asia also used this trade route – c. religions of all these people were spread 3. Spread of Religion in Modern Times • a. modern tech helps spread of religions – Internet – transportation (jets, etc.) – radio and TV Short Answer • How has the Internet helped globalize religion. 1. Multiple Choice • (Blue Book) The rapidly growing interdependence of the world’s economies is known as • A. diffusion • B. McDonaldilization • C. globalization • D. integration 2. Multiple Choice • (Blue Book) Which one of the following nations is not a member of the G7/G8? • A. Spain • B. France • C. Japan • D. Italy 3. Multiple Choice • (Blue Book) What organization makes loans to support development projects in various countries of the world? • A. World Trade Organization (WTO) • B. World Bank • C. International Monetary Fund (IMF) • D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 4. Multiple Choice • (Blue Book) NAFTA is a trade agreement the United States made with • A. Canada and Mexico • B. Western European nations • C. Latin America • D. India and China 5. Multiple Choice • (Blue Book) The term “outsourcing” refers to • A. U.S. efforts to create more jobs than our competitors. • B. exploiting natural resources for industry • C. cooperative global efforts to preserve the environment • D. the practice of exporting jobs from developed countries to less-developed countries usually done in order to save money 6. Multiple Choice • (Blue Book) The process of globalization is more rapid when • A. transportation and communication systems are improved • B. governments pass tariffs • C. the number of NGO’s stay steady • D. governments tighten security 7. Multiple Choice • (Blue Book) What effect have some foreign insects and animals like the emerald leaf borer and the zebra mollusk had on new countries in which they settled? • A. They increased the new countries’ standard of living. • B. They improved air and water quality. • C. They caused damage to their new environment. • D. They had no effect. 8. Multiple Choice • (Blue Book) The Columbian Exchange refers to • A. a program of the World Bank • B. efforts by the International monetary fund to strengthen the economies of poor nations • C. the trading of foods, plants, and animals between the Old and New worlds in the century after the explorations of Christopher Columbus • D. environmental hazards resulting from heavy industries in Europe and North America 9. Multiple Choice • (Blue Book) If you were shopping in an EU country, what would be the best money to have in your pocket? • A. the German mark • B. the French franc • C. the euro • D. the dollar 10. Multiple Choice • (2005 OGT Test) The European Union’s objectives include reducing tariffs, promoting a single market, and creating a common currency. Based on these objectives, what type of world region does the European Union primarily represent? • A. cultural • B. physical • C. political • D. economic 11. Multiple Choice • (2006 OGT Test) Some Internet search engines • • • • offer the ability to automatically translate Web pages that are written in languages other than English. One effect of this feature is to A. reduce the desire for international trade. B. reduce the need for modern computer technology. C. increase the need for instruction in foreign languages. D. increase opportunities for exchanges of cultural practices. 12. Multiple Choice • (2007 OGT Test) The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a treaty designed to remove tariffs and other trade barriers between Canada, Mexico and the United States. This helped establish an economic region among those nations because • A. participants enlarged their dependence on domestic markets. • B. participants terminated trade relationships with other regions. • C. participants imposed tariffs on goods imported from other countries. • D. trade among participants increased, making their economies more interdependent. 13. Multiple Choice • (Orange Book) Which of the following is NOT an example of international efforts to achieve collective security? • A. United Nations • B. Ohio National Guard • C. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) • D. League of Nations 14. Multiple Choice • (Orange Book) Which of the following is an example of an exchange of cultural practices? • A. Americans eating hamburgers in fast food restaurants. • B. The popularity of jazz music in the United States during the 20th century. • C. Chinese acupuncture becoming popular in the United States • D. Americans playing board games such as Monopoly Short Answer • (2005 OGT Test) Satellite-based communication systems allow people to communicate more easily. This increases the interdependence of nations around the world. Describe how another advance in global communications or transportation contributes to the exchange of cultural practices. (2 points) Extended Response • (Orange Book) Analyze two different examples of cultural exchanges. Describe the nature of the exchange and how cultural practices were assimilated by the other culture. Cultural Exchanges-United States • OGT Benchmark: Analyze the way that contacts between people of different cultures result in exchanges of cultural practices. • This benchmark focuses on the effects of immigration in the United States, and specifically on housing patterns, politics, the educations system, and language. Questions on the OGT related to this benchmark will address only the effects of immigration, not the causes or patterns of immigration to the United States. The effects will be restricted to the areas listed above. I. Immigration after the Civil War • immigrants looking for work in factories • prior to Civil War: Western and Northern Europe (England, Ireland, Germany) • after Civil War: Southern and Eastern Europe (Italy, Poland, Russia, Greece) • early 1900’s: increase from China and Japan • 1880-1900: 9 million immigrants • 1900-1914: 14 million immigrants A. Difficulties Encountered by New Immigrants • 1. “New” immigrants – a. religious differences (Roman Catholic or Jewish) – b. language differences – c. lived in same neighborhoods Short Answer • What was “new” about immigration in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s? • 2. Problems in Cities – – – – – – – – a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. overcrowding housing and sanitation tenements no sewers or garbage pickup disease spread high crime did not speak English lived in same neighborhoods • kept old customs • celebrated old holidays Getting out of the Slums: 3:39 QuickTime™ and a Sorenson Video 3 decompressor are needed to see this picture. • 3. Backlash Against Immigrants – a. – b. – c. – d. fear and prejudice competition for jobs willing to work for less religious prejudice Short Answer • What kinds of problems did the “new” immigrants face upon arrival in the United States? B. The Effect of Immigration on Politics • 1. city gov. had to increase – a. take care of new problems: housing, sanitation, education, health, and transportation • 2. political machines grew – a. organization that controls an urban political party – b. immigrants seen as source for votes – c. gave jobs in exchange for votes – d. usually corrupt Short Answer • How did urban political machines take advantage of immigrants? C. Effect of Immigration on Education • 1965: more immigrants allowed • 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s: Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and Southeast Asians enter US • Education of Immigrants – a. enrollments increased, esp. in cities – b. overcrowding – c. language different – d. $$$ spent for teachers who speak their languages Short Answer • How has immigration put strains on the educational system of the United States? D. Effect of Immigration on Language • many words come from other languages • 2000: 47 million speak something other than English • half = Spanish • others: Chinese, Korean, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Vietnamese • all add to vocabulary • 1. Faster Assimilation – a. 1800’s: immigrants never became good at English – b. today, learning quicker • language programs • television • Internet • 2. Loan Words – a. English has borrowed many words – b. CULTURAL EXCHANGE!!!! – c. Spanish: alligator, bronco, cafeteria, cigar, cigarette, guerrilla, mustang, patio, tornado – d. Native American: bayou, chipmunk, hickory, hominy, igloo, kayak, moccasin, moose, opossum, pecan, squash, tepee, toboggan, tomahawk Short Answer • What is an example of cultural exchange in the use of language in the United States? Immigration Summary • US shaped by cultural exchange from beginning • began with settlers and Native American contact • US always been a country of immigrants • American culture enriched by all the dif. groups 1. OGT Multiple Choice • _____ (OGT Test, 2005) Consider the following changes that occurred in the United States in the late 19th century: • improvements in agricultural production • increases in immigration from Europe • advancements in networks of railroad and streetcar lines • • • • • These changes led to the A. rapid growth of urban areas. B. acquisition of overseas territories. C. elimination of large suburbs around many cities. D. movement of people from the urban to the rural areas. 2. OGT Multiple Choice • _____ (OGT Test, 2005) Use the following cartoon to • • • • answer question 41. The above cartoon appeared in Indian Country Today, a Native American newspaper. This cartoon reflects the perspective that Native American cultures existed in North America before the arrival of Europeans. This perspective has inspired Native American groups to A. abandon native languages. B. celebrate Native American culture. C. abandon traditional fishing and hunting methods. D. avoid serving in the armed forces of the United States. 3. OGT Multiple Choice • _____ (OGT Test, 2006) In the 19th century, many Americans considered Native Americans inferior to people of European ancestry. This resulted in discrimination and conflict between European settlers and Native Americans. One consequence of this discrimination was that many Native Americans were • • • • A. displaced from their homelands. B. forced to maintain their cultural heritage. C. prevented from trading with European settlers. D. persecuted for killing buffalo on the Great Plains. 4. OGT Multiple Choice • ______ (OGT Test, 2007) Religious diversity in the • • • • United States has increased in the last fifty years. One factor that has contributed to this increase has been an increase in A. emigration to Africa. B. immigration from Asia. C. immigration from Australia. D. emigration to South America. 5. OGT Multiple Choice • _____ (Practice Test Booklet, 2005) The consequences of urbanization often include all of the following EXCEPT • A. increased pollution of air and water • B. more people living in crowded conditions • C. more jobs in factories and businesses • D. more people farming 6. OGT Multiple Choice • _____ (Practice Test Booklet, 2005) Which of the following statements best reflects housing patterns for immigrants long after their arrival to the United States? • A. They tended to return home to Europe • B. They tended to slowly assimilate • C. They tended to spread out quickly into many different communities • D. They tended to leave the United States soon after arriving 7. OGT Multiple Choice • • • • • _____ (2005 Practice Test) In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many immigrants who came to the United States did not speak English as their native language. One way this resulted in the exchange of cultural practices was that A. most people were able to speak several languages fluently B. people from other countries tended to remain culturally isolated C. people without knowledge of English were not allowed to immigrate D. words from other languages entered into the mainstream vocabulary 8. OGT Multiple Choice • _____ (Orange Book, 2005) Which of the following best explains the impact immigration has had on the American diet? • A. Fast food restaurants have sprung up all over the United States • B. Americans eat the same food almost everyday • C. There are very few choices of different ethnic foods in restaurants • D. There is great variety of types of restaurants serving ethnic foods 9. OGT Multiple Choice • _____ (Orange Book, 2005) Immigration impacts language in the United States because it • A. causes the official language to change with each new immigrant culture • B. infuses new words into the language • C. results in English speaking people resisting new words • D. maintains the current language without change 10. OGT Multiple Choice • _____ (Orange Book) Which of the following best reflects housing patterns for immigrants soon after their arrival to the United States • A. They tended to assimilate quickly into the existing communities • B. They tended to congregate into their own communities • C. They tended to spread out quickly into many different communities • D. They tended to leave the United States soon after arriving 11. OGT Multiple Choice • _____ (Mastering the OGT Test) What evidence shows that a nation’s culture may extend far beyond its territorial boundaries? • A. The same language is often spoken in different countries. • B. Neighboring countries often have different religions. • C. Independent nations often have their own currency (money system). • D. Countries near each other are often historic enemies. OGT Short Answer (2 pts) • People from the countries of Scandinavia, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden immigrated to the United States mainly between the Civil War and World War I. In general, they settled in the American Midwest. Their reasons for leaving their homelands included overpopulation, poor farm production and dissatisfaction with their governments. Based on your knowledge of immigration patterns to the United States, identify two factors that attracted immigrants such as these to the United States.(2 points) THE END • This concludes our unit on Cultural Exchanges. Next, we will begin studying Geography, specifically Regions Over Time.