Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology Online Common Syllabus Fall 2015 PHYS 0123-SCIENCE This class is designed to prepare students for entry into a college level science course, and familiarizes the student with the basic concepts of physics, chemistry, earth science and life science. Students learn proper laboratory proceedings and are able to apply the scientific method in solving problems in the lab experiments. The class does not count toward graduation or any degree program. Placement in this course is determined by entry assessment scores. Theory/lab. Type of course: Theory/lab (labs are virtual) Credit Hours: 3; Total hours of theory/lab per semester: 3 Class length – Full Semester Class format – Fully Online Prerequisites: None Instructor Name: Amber Sharp Instructor Phone: (918) 293-4825 Office: SCTEC 9 Instructor email: amber.sharp@okstate.edu Contact: My preferred method of contact is email. Please allow 24-48 hours to return your correspondence during the normal work week. Instructor's Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Tuesday from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. and Thursday from 9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. Also, on Friday from 2:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Division Name: Arts & Sciences Division’s Main Phone: 918-293-4768 REQUIRED TEXT, REFERENCES, AND MATERIALS Texts: Integrated Science; 6th ed.; Tillery, Enger, Ross; McGraw Hill, ISBN # 978-0-07-351225-9 References: Materials: None Materials needed include notebooks, writing utensils, computer, reliable internet access and access to the Online Classroom (D2L). Uniform/Tools: None Estimated Cost for Materials: $ current bookstore price ONLINE COURSE INTERACTION OSUIT requires all online courses to include interaction between students, peers and instructors. Our online courses use a variety of tools to build a community of learners and strengthen engagement between students and their peers, as well as between students and the instructor. Communication tools used in this course may include Discussion, News, Blackboard Collaborate, and Email. Read the syllabus completely to determine which of these methods you, your classmates and your instructor will use for interaction. Updated: August 2015 Page 1 of 11 Upon completion of the course, students should: COURSE COMPETENCIES Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Apply the scientific method ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCIES 2. Utilize the metric system and manipulate formulas Online Activities, Virtual Labs, Exam, *Final Project Assignments, Online activities, Exam, *Final Project 3. Analyze physical concepts and laws relating to force, work, and energy Assignments, Online activities, Exam, *Final Project 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the periodic table, atomic structure, elements, compounds, and reactions Assignments, Online activities, Exam, *Final Project 5. Identify the characteristics and organization of life Assignments, Online activities, Exam, *Final Project Aspects of the course objective assessments may be used in the university’s assessment of student learning. If applicable, an asterisk (*) above indicates this course is used in the university assessment program. COURSE ACTIVITIES In this course students will: Participate in chapter readings Participate in class discussions and activities Complete tests online on D2L at oc.okstate.edu Participate in lab activities; Assignments listed under course content on D2L- oc.okstate.edu Participate in online learning activities/assignments found under course content on D2L- oc.okstate.edu OSU-IT Grading GRADES WILL BE BASED ON THE QUALITY AND COMPLETION OF THESE TASKS: Item 11- Chapter Tests 6- Online Labs 11- Chapter Reviews 1-Practice Test 5-Discussion Board Activities Final Project* Total Points Updated: August 2015 Points 100 50 30 20 30 100 Scale 70-100%= Pass 0-69.99%= No Pass Total Points 1100 300 330 20 150 100 2000 Page 2 of 11 *The student’s grade for this assignment will be used in the university’s assessment of student learning. A 70% competency or higher receives a Pass rating. This Pass/Fail rating is independent of the student’s course grade. Daily and/or weekly quizzes, small weekly assignments and similar type projects: Normal return time to student by next class meeting or no later than one (1) week. Extensive assignments, large lab projects, extensive quizzes, tests and similar type projects: Normal return time to students in one (1) to two (2) weeks. AUTHORIZED TOOLS Students may use any or all of the course materials, including books and notes to complete classwork or lab activities. All quizzes, tests and written assignments are to be completed independently; no collaboration with classmates is permitted and any instance of such will be considered academic dishonesty. PowerPoints for each chapter can be found under the content section on D2L. COURSE INFORMATAION This course is organized into weekly activities. Each week follows a similar format, including homework, tests, labs and course readings. Chapter Review Assignments and Labs will always be due on Wednesdays at 11:59 PM and Discussion Boards and Tests will always be due on Sundays at 11:59 PM. All of the course activities can be found under the content tab on D2L. A detailed schedule of due dates can be found at the end of this syllabus or in the Calendar section of D2L. This course is a work in progress and I am working on making all the content available as soon as possible. THE ACTIVITIES/LESSONS ARE IN CHRONILOGICAL ORDER UNDER CONTENT FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. FOLLOW THAT ORDER. Be sure as you are going through the semester that you keep up with the course schedule. Also, it is very important that you check your school email on a DAILY basis. This is how I will communicate with you if there is any change in the schedule or if I have important information to share with you. Another thing that you need to do on at least a WEEKLY basis is to check your course grade. You will always be able to access your grades by clicking on the grades tab on D2L. It is very important that you keep up with your grades in the class. LATE WORK It is very important that you keep up with the schedule and the due dates for all assignments as I do not accept late work. If you miss an assignment due to an excused absence, you will need to contact me before the due date for that particular assignment to make arrangements. Excused absences include military duty, hospitalization, or school functions. TESTING The tests will be taken online through D2L. You will sign in using your Okey account user name and password. The tests are located under the quizzes tab. Tests must be taken prior to the deadline. If you know you are going to busy during a particular week, plan ahead! You can take tests early, however, you CANNOT take them late. Missed tests that are not taken by the deadline will be recorded as a zero. Chapter tests are worth 100 points each. You will have a time limit for each test so it is very important that you study hard and prepare well. You should be able answer the questions with the knowledge that you have gained as a result of reading the chapters, studying the information from the chapters and doing your homework. If you are not prepared, you will likely run out of time when you are taking the tests. You have a 5 minute grace period on your tests. If your test is submitted later than that, it will be recorded as a zero. If you are not Updated: August 2015 Page 3 of 11 confident in your computer or your internet service, find someplace else to take your tests so you avoid having problems during the tests. DISCUSSION FORUM There is a REQUIRED introductory assignment listed currently under the discussion tab. Be sure and click on the assignment to see what you need to do. Also, topics will occasionally be listed on D2L. I will email you when there is a new topic added for you to participate in. The discussion tab is found on the university website: oc.okstate.edu You will need to know your Okey name and password to access this information. The discussions must also be completed according to the deadlines listed. You can always work ahead of time on these, so again, if you are going to be busy during a particular week, PLAN AHEAD! Please respond to the discussions with your own ideas and with an adequate amount of information. UNIVERSITY & COURSE EXPECTATIONS It is the responsibility of each OSUIT student to read, abide by and maintain a copy of the syllabus for this course. Syllabi are available on the OSUIT website. Students understand that excerpts or portions of their work may be utilized for institutional assessment purposes. The purpose of institutional assessment is for verification of student learning and program improvement. Every effort will be made to keep this information confidential. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, each student with a disability is responsible for notifying the University of his/her disability and requesting accommodations. If you think you have a qualified disability and need special accommodations, you should notify the instructor and request verification of eligibility for accommodations from the Office of Academic Accommodations/LASSO Center. Please advise the instructor of your disability as soon as possible, and contact The LASSO Center, to ensure timely implementation of appropriate accommodations. Faculty have an obligation to respond when they receive official notice of a disability but are under no obligation to provide retroactive accommodations. To receive services, you must submit appropriate documentation and complete an intake process during which the existence of a qualified disability is verified and reasonable accommodations are identified. The LASSO Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Noble Center. You may call 918.293.4855 for more information or fax documentation to 918.293.4853. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty or misconduct is neither condoned nor tolerated at OSUIT. Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty or misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty and/or misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following actions: (1) Plagiarism: the representation of previously written, published, or creative work as one’s own; (2) Unauthorized collaboration on projects; (3) Cheating on examinations; (4) Unauthorized advance access to tests; (5) Fraudulent alteration of academic materials; (6) Knowing cooperation with another person in an academically dishonest undertaking. Students are required to actively protect their work against misuse by others. For details, refer to The OSUIT Student Handbook (Student Rights and Responsibilities Governing Student Behavior) available online at http://www.osuit.edu/academics/forms/student_rights_responsibility.pdf. Attendance Policy for Online courses: A primary component of OSUIT's Mission is: “to prepare and sustain a diverse student body as competitive members of a world-class workforce.” Regular and consistent attendance not only aids in academic success, dependable attendance is a requirement in today's real-world employment; therefore, regular and consistent attendance is a requirement in all OSUIT courses. Definition: Updated: August 2015 Page 4 of 11 Absent: Failing to actively participate in online coursework during a standard week timeframe for a given course. A. Students must demonstrate attendance through active participation in the course at least once every seven days. Simply logging into the course does not constitute active participation. B. Active participation is defined as the completion of required activities such as: 1. Completion of online quizzes or tests 2. Submission of assignments 3. Participation threaded discussions, or 4. Involvement in discussion question as determined by the instructor and indicated in the course syllabus. C. Calculations for weekly to percentage ratios 1. Missing 1 of 15 weeks = 6.67% 2. Missing 2 of 15 weeks = 13.33% 3. Missing 3 of 15 weeks = 20% 4. Missing 1 of 7.5 weeks = 13.33% 5. Missing 1.5 of 7.5 weeks = 20% Procedures: Early Intervention: A. Any student who misses 10% of an individual course (or earlier at faculty discretion) during a regular fifteen-week semester, or the equivalent portion of time in a shorter session, will have their name submitted by that course instructor to the OSUIT Early Alert System for retention intervention. B. At the point the Early Alert is issued, the student must meet with their assigned faculty advisor or designated faculty/staff member within seven (7) academic calendar days for counseling on how to improve their attendance and academic success. Excessive Absences: A. The University reserves the right to administratively withdraw any student from an individual course who misses 20% of that course, whether excused or unexcused, and, in the opinion of the instructor, the student does not have a reasonable opportunity to be successful in the course. B. Students should be aware any of the following may impact their financial aid: 1. being administratively withdrawn from a course 2. dropping a course 3. their last date of attendance in a course Please see OSUIT Policy 2-021 for full details and procedures. The following schedule is tentative and subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. Updated: August 2015 Page 5 of 11 Science 0123 Tentative Schedule Fall 2015 Chapter Reviews for each chapter are due on Wednesdays at 11:59 p.m. Labs are also due on Wednesdays at 11:59 p.m. Discussion Boards (DB) are due on Sundays at 11:59 p.m. Tests are due on Sundays at 11:59 p.m. Week 1 Week of Chapter 9/1/15 Topic Assignment Introduction Become Familiar With D2L (Online Classroom) Scavenger Hunt (Lab #1)-Directions and form under Content on D2L; fill it out and submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 9/9 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) 2 Practice Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 9/13 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) 9/7/15 Introduce Yourself-DB #1-Under the Discussions Tab on D2L Deadline: 9/13 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 1 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 9/16 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) 3 9/14/15 1 What is Science? Scientific Method (Lab #2)- Directions and form under Content on D2L; fill it out and submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 9/16 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) Chapter 1 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 9/20 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 2 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 9/23 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) 4 9/21/15 2 Motion Newton’s First Law (Lab #3)- Directions and form under Content on D2L; fill it out and submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 9/23 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) Chapter 2 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 9/27 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 3 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 9/30 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) 5 9/28/15 3 Energy DB #2-Under the Discussions Tab on D2L Deadline: 10/4 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 3 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 10/4 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Updated: August 2015 Page 6 of 11 6 7 10/5/15 10/12/15 4 5 Heat and Temperature Wave Motions and Sound Chapter 4 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 10/7 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) Chapter 4 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 10/11 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 5 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 10/14 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) DB #3-Under the Discussions Tab on D2L Deadline: 10/18 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 5 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 10/18 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 8 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 10/21 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) 8 10/19/15 8 Atoms and Periodic Properties DB #4-Under the Discussions Tab on D2L Deadline: 10/25 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 8 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 10/25 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 9 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 10/28 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) 9 10/26/15 9 Chemical Reactions Balancing Equations (Lab #4)- Directions and form under Content on D2L; fill it out and submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 10/28 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) Chapter 9 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 11/1 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 10 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 11/4 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) 10 11/2/15 10 Water and Solutions pH (Lab #5)- Directions and form under Content on D2L; fill it out and submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 11/4 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) Chapter 10 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 11/8 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 15 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 11/11 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) 11 11/9/15 15 Earth DB #5-Under the Discussions Tab on D2L Deadline: 11/15 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Chapter 15 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 11/15 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) Updated: August 2015 Page 7 of 11 Chapter 19 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 11/18 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) 12 11/16/15 19 Organic and Biochemistry Organic Compounds (Lab #6)- Directions and form under Content on D2L; fill it out and submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 11/18 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) Chapter 19 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 11/22 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) 13 11/23/15 Thanksgiving Break-No Assignments Due Chapter 20 Review-Upload and Submit to Dropbox on D2L Deadline: 12/2 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) 14 11/30/15 20 The Nature of Living Things Final Project*-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 12/2 by 11:59 p.m. (Wed) Chapter 20 Test-Under the Quizzes Tab on D2L Deadline: 12/6 by 11:59 p.m. (Sun) 15 12/7/15 Last Week of Classes A list of assignments and their due dates can be found on the next page of the syllabus. This is a condensed list of due dates more suitable for printing. Updated: August 2015 Page 8 of 11 Assignment Practice Test Due Date 9/13/2015 Lab #1-Scavenger Hunt Lab #2-Scientific Method Lab #3-Newton’s First Law Lab #4-Balancing Equations Lab #5-pH Lab #6-Organic Compounds 9/09/2015 9/16/2015 9/23/2015 10/28/2015 11/04/2015 11/18/2015 Chapter 1 Review Chapter 2 Review Chapter 3 Review Chapter 4 Review Chapter 5 Review Chapter 8 Review Chapter 9 Review Chapter 10 Review Chapter 15 Review Chapter 19 Review Chapter 20 Review 9/16/2015 9/23/2015 9/30/2015 10/07/2015 10/14/2015 10/21/2015 10/28/2015 11/04/2015 11/11/2015 11/18/2015 12/02/2015 Chapter 1 Test Chapter 2 Test Chapter 3 Test Chapter 4 Test Chapter 5 Test Chapter 8 Test Chapter 9 Test Chapter 10 Test Chapter 15 Test Chapter 19 Test Chapter 20 Test 9/20/2015 9/27/2015 10/04/2015 10/11/2015 10/18/2015 10/25/2015 11/01/2015 11/08/2015 11/15/2015 11/22/2015 12/06/2015 Discussion Board #1 Discussion Board #2 Discussion Board #3 Discussion Board #4 Discussion Board #5 9/13/2015 10/04/2015 10/19/2015 10/25/2015 11/16/2015 Final Project* 12/02/2015 Updated: August 2015 Page 9 of 11 Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology PHYS 0123-NT1 Science Fall 2015 I have read and understand this syllabus, and agree to abide by the policies, procedures and guidelines specified therein. Type Name Updated: August 2015 Student ID Number (This is not your SSN) Page 10 of 11 Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology PHYS 0123 NT1 (Science) Fall 2015 Student Assessment Release I agree that Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology may excerpt some of my work to be utilized for institutional assessment purposes. The purpose of institutional assessment is for verification of student learning and program improvement. I recognize that every effort will be made to keep this information confidential and that my name will not be associated with my work. Type Name Student ID Number (This is not your SSN) Signature Date Updated: August 2015 Page 11 of 11