Organizational Downsizing for Managers

Organizational Downsizing for Managers
Presented by
CIGNA Employee Assistance Program
Copyright 2008 CIGNA HealthCare – Confidential & Privileged – Not for Distribution
Seminar Goals
 Know the potential reactions of separated
employees, remaining employees and
managers during a downsizing, and how best to
manage those reactions
 Learn how to conduct a separation meeting
 Learn how to support remaining employees,
and minimize adverse effects of downsizing on
the organization
 Know how the EAP can help separated
employees, remaining employees, and
Potential Reactions of Separated Employees
 Shock, disbelief and numbness— “I can’t
believe this is happening to me…”
 Anger—especially in predisposed people
 Emotional outbursts—tearful to hysterical
 Relief—“I’m glad this is over and I can get on
with things…”
Potential Reactions of Separated Employees (cont.)
 Acting out anger in sabotage
 Increased doctor visits
 Increase in substance abuse
 Updating resumes, job hunting, scheduling
job interviews on company time
Potential Reactions of Managers
 Fear of employees’ reactions
 Anxiety over the separation meeting
 Desire to avoid being the “bearer of bad news”
 Guilt over being a part of “management”, or the
one who made the selections for the reductionin-force
 Feeling responsible for employees’ plight,
including potential personal, family and/or
financial problems
 Anger, sadness and grief over loss of
Potential Reactions of Remaining Employees
 Expect the same general reactions from the
“survivors” as from the impacted employees
 More concern regarding the long-term
adjustment reaction
 Survivor guilt
 Resistance to new procedures, duties and
 Complaints about increases in work load
Possible Costs to the Company of Above Reactions
 Lost productivity
 Lower morale
 Destruction of company property, stealing,
defacement, sabotage
 Increased medical claims
 Employee turnover
 Increased risk of violence
Managing the Risks
 Acknowledge company stressors and crisis of
uncertainty to employees
 Communicate to employees a decisive plan to
resolve the problem
 Announce required organizational changes
 Inform employees of availability of benefits and
 Train managers in managing a downsizing and
in violence prevention
Support for Remaining Employees
 Facilitate discussions regarding concerns
 Implement retention strategies
 Increase awareness of EAP & work/life
 Promote the value of EAP consultation and
referrals to managers
Benefits of the EAP
 Confidential
 Prepaid
 Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
 Appointment offered within 2 business days
 Telephonic consultation available
 Household benefit
 Child care, senior care, and legal concerns
EAP & Work/Life Services are extended 30
days beyond last day of employment
EAP Consultation for Managers
Balance the needs of employees who have
lost their jobs with those who remain on the
Assist individuals to effectively manage their
feelings and support each other
Understand your own reactions and use the
EAP to discuss the challenges of your
management responsibilities
Discuss need for an on-site EAP counselor
strategically during the reorganization
Recommitment & Retention Resources
Additional EAP Seminars for Managers:
 Stress Management for Managers
 Violence in the Workplace
 Team-building for Managers
For information about seminars, or
assistance in scheduling, please call:
800-241-4057 Ext. 2646 and follow
automated prompts
Recommitment & Retention Resources
EAP Seminars for Employees and Managers:
 Managing Change
 Personal Resiliency in Challenging Times
 Stress and Your Perceptions
 The Power of Acceptance
For information about seminars, or
assistance in scheduling, please call: 800241-4057 Ext. 2646 and follow automated
Pre-notification Steps
 Review the business case
 Discuss team roles and timing
 Review the step-by-step approach to
conducting separation meetings (next slide)
 Discuss logistics and related challenges
 Review benefits, outplacement resources,
EAP and work/life services
 Address potential safety and security
 Rehearse
Separation Meeting
Put person at ease
Set the stage
Announce the separation
Communicate benefits
Listen, and offer support
Discuss transition details
Introduce outplacement specialist
Step One: Put Person at Ease
 Choose appropriate time and setting.
 Welcome the individual and make them
 “Joan/John, please come in and have a seat.”
 Keep small talk brief.
Step Two: Set the Stage
Set the stage in general terms. Express your
concern for the department’s future. Some
specifics on the situation will provide a
helpful context.
For example:
“As you know, John/Joan, our company is
under a great deal of pressure to improve
earnings. We’ve had to rethink what work is
essential and how best to accomplish that
Step Three: Announce the Separation
 Plan and rehearse the statement which
announces the separation.
 Define the separation clearly and succinctly.
 Present the decision as definite and final in a
brief statement that may be repeated if
 Present reasons in such a way that they can
be clearly understood and remembered.
 Remember to show compassion in what is
said, and how it is said.
Step Four: Communicate Benefits
 Explain separation benefits and
reemployment assistance. These may
include severance pay, some continuing
benefits, and outplacement services.
 A letter outlining the specifics of the
separation package is given to the person,
who may or may not want to read it right
Step Five: Listen, and Offer Support
 Allow time for the individual to react and raise
 Handle the reaction with patience and
understanding, but return to the theme of
getting started on the road to reemployment.
 Express confidence in the person and his or
her prospects.
“I know this is difficult. I can appreciate how you
must be feeling, but I am confident that with
the right assistance, you will do fine and will
soon be in a good situation.”
Step Six: Discuss Transition Details
Set a time to meet at a later date to discuss
transition of work. This includes:
 Handing over the employee’s responsibilities
to others
 Personal effects
 Company property
Step Seven: Introduce Outplacement Specialist
 Give them written information about EAP and
outplacement services, so they can read it later
 Introduce employee to the reemployment
consultant/outplacement specialist, as
“The most important things for you to focus on in
the next few days and weeks are your career
and taking care of yourself. I want you to come
out of this feeling good about yourself and
making a good career move. That's why I want
you to meet with the reemployment specialist
right away."
Notify Security and Human Resources if:
Acts of physical assault and violence
Verbal, physical, or emotional threats
Aggressive and intimidating behavior
Sabotage, vandalism or theft
Behavior endangering the safety of others
Violence at home
Get the facts—find out what was said or
Notify company Security and HR.
Consult with EAP about options and
resources to support the victim and the