us history midterm study guide a. chapters

1. Text – re-read the chapters carefully
2. Notes – all of the notes are posted online
3. Tests
4. Quizzes
5. Graphic organizers
6. Practice quizzes
----- you should study everything you have, but focus on the six things listed above
Chapter 12
a. GNP
b. Edwin Drake
c Increased population/workforce
d. New Inventions
e. Bell, Edison, Westinghouse
f. Entrepreneurs
g. Laissez-Faire
h. Transcontinental RR (UP and CP)
i. Vanderbilt
j. Industrialization
k. Jay Gould
l. James J. Hill
m. Corporation/Stock
n. Economies of scale
o. Monopoly
p. Carnegie
q. Rockefeller
r. Trust
s. Rise of Unions
t. Marxism
u. Knight of Labor
v. Homestead Strike
w. Pullman Strike
x. AFL
y. Strike/Lockout
Chapter 13
a. Immigration
b. Ellis Island
c. Angel Island
d. Nativism
e. Chinese Exclusion Act
f. Skyscrapers/Sullivan
g. Tenements
h. High Society/Middle Class/Working Class
i. Political Machines
j. Party Bosses
dd. Segregation
gg. Lynching/Ida B. Wells
k. Boss Tweed
u. Sherman Anti-Trust
l. Urbanization/Problems
v. Lester Ward
m. Social Darwinism
w. Jane Addams
n. Gilded Age
x. Americanization
o. Realism/Pop Culture/Vaudeville and Ragtime
p. Realism/Mark Twain
y. Populism
q. Philanthropy
z. Inflation/Deflation
r. Election of 1884/Cleveland aa. Cooperatives
s. Tariffs
bb. Farmer’s Alliance
t. Election of 1888/McKinley cc. Election of 1896
ee. Jim Crow Laws
ff. Plessy v. Ferguson
hh. Booker T. Washington
Chapter 14
a. President Fillmore
b. Matthew Perry/Japan
c. Modern Navy
d. Platt Amendment
e. Open Door Policy
f. Spanish-American War
g. Philippines
h. Cuba
i. Boxer Rebellion
j. Puerto Rico
k. Hawaii
l. Imperialism
m. President McKinley
n. President Theodore Roosevelt
o. Yellow Journalism
p. Foraker Act
q. Panama Canal
r. Rough Riders
s. President Wilson
t. Policy in Mexico
Chapter 15
a. Trusts (Roosevelt & Taft)
b. Direct Primary
e. Referendum
f. Initiative
g. La Follette
h. Socialism
i. Square Deal
j. Progressive Movement
k. Muckrakers (ex. Jacob Riss, Upton Sinclair)
l. Recall
m. Suffrage Movement (people involved, 19th amendment)
n. Prohibition
o. President Taft and his reforms
p. Social Darwinism
q. Progressive Laws (ex. Meat Inspection Act)
r. President McKinley and his reforms
Chapter 16
a. Causes of WWI
b. Franz Ferdinand
c. Central Powers
d. Allied Powers
e. Russia/Bolsheviks
f. Doughboys
g. Blockade/Submarines
h. Red Scare
i. Propaganda
j. Bonds
t. John Pershing
k. Treaty of Versailles
u. Self-determination
l. Trench Warfare
v. League of Nations/Wilson
m. Lusitania
w. Reparations
n. Zimmerman Telegram
x. Palmer Raids
o. War Agencies (WIB, NWLB, Fuel Adm., Food Adm., CPI)
p. Great Migration
w. Election of 1920
q. African Americans/Women in war
r. No-man’s land
s. New weapons/technology
Chapter 30
a. Bill Gates
b. Steve Jobs
c. Intel
d. Apple Computer
e. IBM
f. Microsoft
h. Brady Bill/gun control
i. Healthcare Reform
j. Welfare reform
k. tax policy
l. Kyoto Protocol/environmental concerns/global warming
m. NAFTA/free trade
n. Clinton’s presidency
o. Hillary Clinton
p. Globalization
q. World Wide Web/Internet
r. Immigration Laws
s. European Union
Chapter 31
a. Al Qaeda/bin Laden
b. War on Terror/Taliban
c. 9/11
d. Patriot Act
e. Bush’s presidency
f. Axis of Evil
g. Bush v. Gore election of 2000
h. Homeland Security
i. Afghanistan
j. Weapons of Mass Destruction
k. Iraq/Saddam Hussein
l. Election of 2004
m. Hurricane Katrina
n. Election of 2008