Business Law Final Exam Study Guide

Business Law Final Exam Study Guide
Unit 1- Foundations of Law and Court Systems (Book chapter 1)
∞ What are ethics? How are they determined? What are some of the major ethical principles?
∞ What is law? How is it defined? What are the 5 main sources of law?
∞ What are the three branches of government as defined by our constitution? What is the
constitution? How many amendments does it have?
∞ Know all 4 ADR choices, mediation, arbitration, conciliation and negotiation
∞ Know the differences between civil and criminal law proceedings
Unit 2- Criminal Law (book chapter 2)
What is a crime? What are its 2 elements?
Who is always the plaintiff in a criminal case?
Know the three levels of a crime
Know defenses of a crime (self-defense, defense of a family member etc.)
Know the different crimes and the different category’s they fall under
o Ex. Murder- crimes against people
∞ Know Crimes vocab
Unit 3- Tort Law (book chapter 3)
What is a tort? Who are the parties involved in tort law?
What is defamation? What are its two types? What is the lime light rule?
What is negligence? What are the 4 parts to negligence?
Know strict liability and assumption of risk
Know defenses to negligence
What is a remedy?
Know tort vocab
Unit 4- Contract Law (book chapters 4,5,6)
What is a contract?
What are characteristics of contracts?
What are the 6 elements of a contract?
Know minors and contracts. Define emancipation
Know all law vocab and how to apply it
How do contracts come to an end?
What contracts must be in writing?
Know voluntary vs. involuntary discharge
Know how a contracts rights are transferred
Know contract vocabulary
Unit 5 Employment Law (Book chapter 15)
What requires unions to give 60 days’ notice before a strike?
What is social security?
What is FMLA? And how does it apply to men and women
Know all employee-at-will elements and exceptions to it
Know OSHA and its responsibilities
Know employees cannot be fired on not hired because of discrimination
Know the Fair Labor Standards Act
Know Vocab!