Skylines and Cloudbusters

Chemtrails in Plain Sight
Chemtrails, Weather Modification,
and Orgone Energy
In this presentation, we shall look at:
 Chemtrails – Evidence “hidden” in plain view
 Weather Modification Research
 Wilhelm Reich & Orgone Energy
 Cloudbusters
 The Evidence For Weather Modification in Action
 Legislation which explicitly mentions Weather
Modification and/or Chemtrails.
 Weather Control Used on 9/11
Including a tiny selection of
thousands of photos from around
the world.
An Overview of Chemtrails
Word derived from “Chemical Trail” from aircraft.
Some people prefer “Aerosol” or “Persistent Jet Trail” as
“Chemtrails” are often automatically dubbed a “Conspiracy
They are real, not theoretical (despite what all authorities
try to tell us.)
Thought to have begun to appear in the mid 80’s to early
Purpose is unknown – though could be for one or more of:
Weather Modification
Atmospheric Modification to change properties or introduce aerosols
to suppress immunity, affect crop yield, reduce biodiversity
Very little direct information available outside personal
observation and the odd rumour
Disinformation is actively being put out.
Chemtrail Researchers
I have either corresponded with or
mentioned the research of:
Clifford Carnicom (New Mexico, USA)
Rosalind Peterson (California, USA)
Phil Morris (Formerly Cheshire, now Middle
William Thomas (USA)
Wayne Hall (Greece)
Contrails – Let’s Get One Thing Clear
Kerosene is classed as a “Hydrocarbon” – it mainly
contains alkanes – which are made up of carbon
(approximately 85%) and hydrogen (approximately
12%). There are some other compounds in
kerosene which contain nitrogen and sulphur
(approximately 1% or 2% each respectively). When
Kerosene burns, therefore, it can only form
compounds that contain elements that were
originally in the Kerosene, or in the air it burns in.
Not surprisingly, then, the main compounds that
form when Kerosene burns are:
 Carbon Dioxide (the infamous “greenhouse gas”,
which we all breathe out)
 Sulphur Dioxide (in small quantities – a toxic,
greenhouse gas, which mixes with water to
form acid rain – sulphurous and sulphuric acid)
 Carbon Monoxide – a toxic, flammable gas,
responsible for some deaths which happen
when gas heating equipment is faulty.
 Water.
Contrails – Let’s Get One Thing Clear
When we look at each of these
compounds in turn, we find that
they are all colourless.
So, when kerosene burns, it would
seem that the only visible thing we
should see in the sky is the
condensation – which, like our
breath on a cold day, should
disappear in a few tens-of-seconds.
Indeed, when a jet takes off, we can
see that only colourless compounds
come out of back – all that we see
is “hot air”.
What is the Difference Between
Chemtrails and Contrails?
This time-lapse video clip clearly shows the difference, in terms of
“survival” time between chemtrails and contrails
Chemtrails are Just Contrails!
B-17 Bombers
over Europe,
1943. Lots of
Contrails, but
no Chemtrails".
This is a fairly typical statement… but ignores that it was:
Over 60 years ago.
Flying in formation!
 This does not show all chemtrails are contrails!
Chemtrails Photos
Some of these have been sent to
me from around the UK and
Chemtrails - Cheshire
Chemtrails – From Space
Note the “grid” pattern. Also, bear in mind that this picture was taken at a minimum altitude
of 150 miles (250km), AND from an angle. We are looking at an atmospheric phenomenon,
which is at least 300 miles (500km) from the lens! Ordinary, normal contrails could not, and
would not, be visible from such a distance. In any case, contrails would never last long
enough to create this blanket of material over such a wide area. And from whence does all
this MASS come from?? We're looking at MILLIONS OF TONS of material to make a layer like
this in the atmosphere folks. We can only guess how many square miles/kilometers of
continental territory are shown in this photograph, but the area seen here is huge. All of this
13 caused by mere jet engine exhaust? I DON'T THINK SO.
Chemtrails – From Space
Here is another photo of
chem-trails taken from
orbit, over north-western
Europe, at a minimum
altitude of 150 miles
(250km), and is probably
much higher since we
can see entire countries
here. We can make out
the lower part of the
Danish peninsula at the
top of the picture. Note
the spray activity is
concentrated mostly over
Germany. Once again,
simple jet engine exhaust
can not account for this
much MASS!
Chemtrails - USA
NOAA Picture
Chemtrails - Michigan
Battle Creek Michigan 2004. The day begins without a cloud in the sky...
Until the planes appear and so often they fly in pairs.
Borrowash – 7th April 2003
I took this for the “Sundog” Rainbow effect.
Never noticed the Chemtrails then… (“Chemtrail
Chemtrails – France/Spain
Pyrenees – 15th April 2008 (Alan Cruickshank)
Redding - California 11th June 2004
Lake District, Sept 11th 2005
Embsay - Yorkshire 25th Mar 2006
Picture by Damian Sheeran
Place Centrale, Paris – 24th Aug 2005
Picture by
Borrowash “Sunset Grid” 10th June 2005
“Sunset Grid” 10th June 2005 – 2
I can count at least 9
separate trails – several of
them intersecting!
Straight Line Clouds?
Several Instances Photographed
by Andrew Johnson
Linear Rainbow Effects – 15 Jun 2009
Linear Cloud Bands – 21 Dec 2009
Linear Cloud Band – 18 Jun 2009
Linear Cloud Bank – 25 Dec 2007
How Long Do Chemtrails Last?
As this time-lapse Borrowash video clip shows, at least 18 minutes
in one case!
Chemtrails are NOT Contrails - 1
1 Visibility of Trails on Satellite Photos
The mass of water vapour contained in a standard Contrail
would be tiny, and certainly not observable from 150 miles up
in space, and yet as Jeff Challender observes, we can see the
trails on many satellite photographs.
2 Time of Trail Persistence
Vapour trails from aircraft should NEVER persist for more than
about 2 minutes – even in ideal conditions. This can easily
and clearly be demonstrated from the time lapse footage. A
chemtrail does not even behave like a cloud formation – it
does not “billow” – it forms, spreads out and then “fades
3 Irregular Pattern of Appearance
The frequency of appearance of trails does not bear any
noticeable relationship to levels of civilian air traffic.
Chemtrails are NOT Contrails - 2
4 Height of Appearance of Trails
With repeated observation, some chemtrails can be seen at
much lower altitudes than any persistent contrails should
ever appear at – this can be observed from the apparent
size of the plane in the sky. For example, contrails are
normally seen to form when planes are so high in the sky
that it is difficult to make out the colour or any salient
features the aircraft may have. I have observed persistent
trails from aircraft perhaps as low as an estimated 15,000
Number of Trails Seen simultaneously at a
Given Time
As demonstrated in the Case Study, it is not possible to
have such a high level of civilian or, for that matter, military
air traffic (even during an exercise) which would generate
the observed number of trails (42 planes flying over a small
area in 2½ hours).
Chemtrails are NOT Contrails - 3
6 “Broken” Trails
In many cases, instances
of “broken” trails are seen
– and these “breaks” are
also persistent. If the trail
was a contrail, a break in it
would indicate that the
engine had momentarily
stopped burning fuel – and
clearly this would not
make sense. In some
cases, the breaks in these
trails seem to be deliberate
– to form some kind of
grid or arrangement of the
spray pattern.
Planes & Chemtrails 1
In contrast to the
ordinary commercial jet I
recorded in flight on 16
February 2005, here is
what appears to be a US
Air Force cargo jet. This
is the pattern we see
when a plane is spraying
chemicals. Please note
that the "exhaust" comes
from the entire span of
the wings. There is a
heavily concentrated
plume directly from the
tail in the center as well,
where there are NO
engines. Please compare
this craft with the one in
the previous series of
pictures showing a
regular contrail
Planes & Chemtrails 2
Planes & Chemtrails 3
Planes & Chemtrails 4
Planes & Chemtrails 5
Chemtrail From Circular Craft
West of Vail, Colorado on March 7, 2008 at 5:23PM
Chemtrail Shadow Anomalies
Shadow appears in 2 different orientations
While flying to Alaska
on 7/23/07 I had a
close encounter with
a chemtrail plane. It
looked like it was
going to cross the
path of our plane
then it veered left and
went right by the side
of our plane. After it
passed us it looked as
if something may
have been spraying
out our plane for a
short while.
Chemtrail Stealth-Plane?
Taken somewhere in the USA by “Eddie”.
Taken in Approx
May 2007
Chemtrails on TV News!
On NBC4 News LA - 16th May 2006
Challenging Official
They refuse to look at the
evidence – or they deny it.
Chemtrails – Official EPA Response
Clifford Carnicom in
the USA has written to
the Environmental
Protection Agency on
many occasions and
even sent them
samples of material.
US Air Force Response - Aug 2001
This was the
response to a
letter sent by
Joanne Meehan.
June 2007 - 20-Page Report Sent
to DfT, Dept of Environment etc
20 page report regarding chemtrails, signed
by 20 people sent to :
Department of Environment
Civil Aviation Authority
Royal Air Force
World Wildlife Fund
A few copies available here, or download
free at
Responses Received from DfT
I engaged in an exchange with Roger Worth and he
sent some useful information regarding a report
written about Contrail formation by Prof Ulrich
Schumann of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics
This 26-page study included no stated maximum figure
of Contrail Persistence
It talks about contrail formation being linked to cirrus
cloud formation, but states there is no proven link
between them.
It does indeed discuss persistent "contrails" but does
not explain why they form and the duration of their
persistence is not discussed in detail or with any
empirical data.
Responses Received from DfT - 2
Mentions the standard contrail duration of maximum 2
It states that ice supersaturation in the atmosphere
may be the cause of persistent contrail formation but
no firm link is documented or established.
Figure of 150 km is quoted for the maximum size of a
region of ice supersaturation.
I have measured chemtrails that are over 300 km long.
Only one ordinary (optical) photos or maybe none
No time-lapse studies These studies can be made with
cheap and simple equipment and are useful for
gathering quantitative raw data.
Responses Received from DfT - 3
One of Roger Worth’s responses said:
There is simply no evidence of unknown
aerosols being covertly introduced and to claim
otherwise is distorting the facts.
So, he ignores time-lapse videos, grid
photos, broken trails, low altitude trails,
trails on some days not others…
 All
in a day’s work, ay?
Greenpeace and WWF
Greenpeace never responded to the report.
A later response from them, highlighting this and other
climate data resulted in the response:
“Thanks for your e-mail, it’s interesting to hear your views.
As Greenpeace is absolutely going to continue campaigning
on climate change, as it has been internationally for
decades, I guess we will have to agree to differ on this one
and I have taken you off our supporter records as
WWF responded:
“I am sorry you are disappointed in our response. We do
not have the staff time and resources to address the issues
you raise at this time. As I am sure you can appreciate we
have limited resources and staff and must address the
most urgent issues that fall within our mandate.”
Freedom of Information
Responses - 1
Because of the unusual activity on 10th June 2005 and 4th
Feb 2007, I submitted an FOIA about flights over Derby on
these 2 dates. I sent it to the CAA and the Dept for
Transport. The response was:
“The CAA is not directly involved in managing the traffic
flows to and from the airports; that is the responsibility of
the airports in conjunction with the relevant air traffic
control organisation, for example National Air Traffic
services (NATS). Therefore, the CAA is not directly involved
in placing aircraft over Derby or any other area; neither
does it have a remit to place any restrictions on any aerial
activity over any area for environmental reasons alone.
Thus, the CAA does not have access to the information you
have requested.”
Freedom of Information
Responses - 2
The Department for Transport said it
“does not hold information on individual aircraft
movements. The requirement to monitor traffic
flows of aircraft movements is the responsibility of
the air navigation service provider, in this case
NATS, and East Midlands Airport as the most
significant airport nearest to Derby.”
East Midlands Airport Response
These vapour trails are largely the result of
aircraft operations at altitudes greater than
15,000 feet and therefore, are unlikely to be
associated with East Midlands Airport and
would not be included in our radar recordings
Many flights pass over the middle of the
country including Derby. Whilst they include
aircraft to and from East Midlands, at higher
altitudes there are many aircraft associated
with operations at other UK airports and many
international flights.
So, it’s All Contrails, Right?
Several people have written to me (outside
of the official responses) strongly insisting
all I am seeing are CONTRAILS.
NONE them can give me the flight numbers
or ANY information about the flights that
came near my house on June 10th 2005 or
flights that came over Derby on Feb 4th
It’s up to those saying “it’s all contrails” to
prove this conclusion applies to the dates
given above, otherwise, their fanciful theory
is FALSIFIED by the data recorded.
Chemtrails What’s in Them?
It’s hard to know for sure…
So What’s in Chemtrails?
Many people say Barium and Aluminium
Some tests of water and soil samples seem to
show elevated levels.
These compounds adversely affect human
Genuinely proving the source is Chemtrails is
difficult – as authorities deny their very
Carnicom has reported finding Erythrocytes
(like red blood cells) – a biological component
What are Chemtrails For?
My guesses, most likely first are:
Weather Control
Covert Bio-Warfare
Overt Bio-Warfare
I do not think it is in any way to help
protect against / prevent climate change or
global warming.
It’s an international programme – who
sanctioned it? Who has authority over it?
Chemtrails and Fibres
Some people have reported falls a
fibres or “spiders webs” in the middle
of Winter.
Clifford Carnicom and William
Thomas discuss them – and related
There seems to be some confusion
between real seasonal spider webs
(which seem to proliferate in
October, for example, and longer
strands, not in webs which have
been reported.
Clifford Carnicom
William Thomas
Chemtrails and
It seems people who should know better
have put out false information.
There have been several instances of this.
“What is that? A Spray Pod?”
“Chemtrail Plane Photographed On The Ground”
Article by Ted Twietmeyer 5-11-8
“Fig. 5 Spray pod exit port,
brightness enhanced since it
was in the shadow of the
sun. The brush-like object
would provide the maximum
surface area to create an
aerosol. Note the dark baffle
which will restrict airflow
completely through the
aerosol device.”
Not a “Spray Pod”!! Refuelling Pod!!
The "pod" in question is likely either a
refuelling pod or a smoke generator.
Inside a Chemtrailer! (Feb 2008)
Nope – It’s a test aircraft…
Tanks simulate passenger load (fluid can be pumped
around to test this).
Modification &
Nobody can modify the weather,
really, can they??
Various operations have been going on for
almost 100 years.
 In 1915 the San Diego city council, approached
Charles Hatfield to produce rain to fill the Morena
Dam reservoir – he claimed to be a rain maker
 Hatfield, with his brother, built a 20-foot (6-metre)
tower beside Lake Morena and was ready early in
the New Year – they used a secret mixture of
 Starting on 5th Jan 1916, it rained for 15 days and
caused floods and dams to burst! Hatfield was
blamed for the damage
 Hatfield's story inspired the 1956 Burt Lancaster
65 film The Rainmaker.
Cloud Seeding in the 20th Century
One scientist associated with the invention of
cloud seeding is Irving Langmuir. The first attempt
at cloud seeding was in Massachusetts in 1946. A
plane "seeded" a cloud with crushed dry ice and
snow began falling out of that cloud.
Noted atmospheric scientist Bernard Vonnegut is
credited with discovering the potential of silver
iodide for use in cloud seeding. This property is
Irving Langmuir
Chemist and Physicist
related to a good match in lattice constant
between the two types of crystal
It is important to mention that silver iodide is
mostly used for hail suppression while the new
technique called hygroscopic seeding is used for
the enhancement of rainfall in warm clouds.
Cloud Seeding has been used since the 1950’s
and was even used in Vietnam - “Project Popeye” Bernard Vonnegut
Modern Geo-engineering
Some small scale projects have been carried
out (but I don’t have details to hand) with
little or no secrecy
Other proposals for larger scale versions
have been made public – such as a scheme
suggested by Edward Teller to make a
“global sunscreen” by putting sulphurous
compounds in the upper atmosphere.
Articles about this have appeared in The
Guardian and The Telegraph.
Project STORMFURY – Ben Livingston
Project STORMFURY was an
ambitious experimental program
of research on hurricane
modification carried out between
1962 and 1983.
Ben Livingston worked on the
project, and maintains that their
efforts were successful and that
hurricanes should be seeded to
reduce damage.
Here, he describes the work he
did on the project, and its
Legislation or Officials
Mentioning Weather Control
and Modification
It’s in the Public Record!
Congress Bill H. R. 2977 – Proposing a
Ban on Space Based Weapons.
As shown below, this bill was put before congress on
2nd October 2001 by Denis Kucinich
Congress Bill H. R. 2977
On page 5 of this bill, it defines some of the types of
weapons which should be included in the ban:
(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as—
(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;
(ii) chemtrails;
(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;
(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic
(v) laser weapons systems;
(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extra-terrestrial
weapons; and
(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or
tectonic weapons.
Congress Bill S. 517: Weather
Modification R & D
It is the purpose of this Act to
develop and implement a
comprehensive and coordinated
national weather modification policy
and a national cooperative Federal
and State program of weather
modification research and
UN Resolution 31/72 –
Environmental Modification
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other
Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
Adopted by Resolution 31/72 of the United Nations General
Assembly on 10 December 1976. The Convention was
opened for signature at Geneva on 18 May 1977.
1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to
engage in military or any other hostile use of
environmental modification techniques having widespread,
long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction,
damage or injury to any other State Party.
2. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to
assist, encourage or induce any State, group of States or
international organization to engage in activities contrary to
the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article.
Evidence of Weather
Photos, Satellite Photos and
Cloud Anomalies - 1
Some extraordinary
pictures of cloud
anomalies have surfaced
over the last few years.
This image caused quite
a stir in late summer
2003 when this image
was captured some place
in Alabama, it even made
it onto the BBC News
Meteorologists just say
“oh, that’s a Hole Punch
cloud” and don’t explain
what, in clear skies, did
the punching…
Cloud Anomalies - 2
This image
was taken
morning of
17, 2004
from a
New York's
Cloud Anomalies - 3
Orlando Florida
late in the day
prior to
Christmas Eve.
evident with a
striking oval
deposited into
the cloud field.
It truly amazes
me that this
whole project is
still so hidden
behind the
news of the
day. A sorry
symptom of the
state of
journalism in
this nation and
throughout the
Western world.
Cloud Anomalies - 4
This oval
appears to
be very fresh
with the
cirrus fallout
just in the
Note the
straight edge
to the back
of the cloud
northward of
the oval.
Cloud Anomalies - 5
No details for this image
Cloud Anomalies - 6
Yet again an oval imprint, this one near Tucson Arizona October
Cloud Anomalies - 7
A cozy pair of clouds supposed to look like normal 'cumulus.' Probably
taken in 2004.
Cloud Anomalies - 8
May 2004 - This one just made me shake my head. How is this
stuff not seen by anyone with open eyes?
Cloud Anomalies – 9
It's over the state of Washington traveling from N. to South (I was traveling
from Canada towards Seattle going South). Chemtrails had been sprayed all
morning-- after the sky was completely clouded over, I looked up and saw
this strange tunnel type thing. It's difficult to describe how it looked but the
closest is to imagine a boat cutting through the sky and this trail is left by
the propeller spinning. I have never seen anything like this before or since.
--Chris B.
Cloud Anomalies – 10
No additional details – but came from
Cloud Appreciation Society??
Founded in 2004 – they seem to think clouds like this would occur naturally
(you can see more examples on the website.
Asperatus Clouds
Daily Mail, 02 June 2009 - “Weird – yes, but that’s
all… We just need a name, not an explanation…”
Weather Satellite Anomalies
Scott Stevens writes:
“June 7, 2004--0108Z
Idaho/NW Montana.
This image was huge
for me. Finally
convincing me that
this project wasn't
limited to individual
'events' but was
everywhere all the
time. Soak up all the
oddities, squares, and
clouds at 90-degree
angles. the whole
storm had to have
been digitized into
individual cells. I've
never looked at the
sky the same since.”
RADAR Rain Map – Shows Evidence
of Weather Modification
Pennsylvania, 4th Jan 1999
RADAR Rain Map
Louisiana, and Colorado 5th Jan 1999
More RADAR Evidence
Chemtrails Start A Thunderstorm??
Wilhelm Reich, Orgone
Energy and Cloudbusters
“Energetic” rather than “Chemical”
Weather Modification
Wilhelm Reich
Wilhelm Reich was a genius, who
discovered a form of energy he called
It seems to be the energy “from which
everything else is made”
Possible alternative names may be
 Etheric Energy
 Zero Point Energy
 Vacuum Energy
Reich also studied it in relation to human
It was in this area of research that he
worked as an assistant to Sigmund
Reich constructed and conducted
experiments with Orgone Accumulators
Orgone Accumulators
Orgone accumulators have alternating layers of organic
and inorganic material
In March 2006, Peter Robbins
gave a presentation about
Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Energy,
Cloudbusters and the UFO
Robbins also included
information about
“cloudbusters” – Larry Warren
said they were installed at
Bentwaters Base
Here is a segment from the
Cloudbusters 2
Reich observed a working cloudbuster
could also have negative biological effects
upon the operator, and DeMeo has
confirmed this personally.
"Reich noted certain symptoms of
'overcharge' and other problems which
were at the very least a nuisance to this
work. At worst, they could be lifethreatening. Several persons using
cloudbusters have been made severely ill
to the point they could no longer do it. I
take all kinds of precautions, including
use of electrical motors and a remote
control so I can stand off by 100 feet and
not get close to the device when it is
working. We don't know what the longterm health effects are of this device
upon the operator, and it might be similar
to what the early experimenters in atomic
energy suffered through." DeMeo says he
was sickened temporarily on a few
occasions, but feels confident about his
protective measures.
Verification of Reich’s Experiments
In the 1960’s, Charles R.
Kelley, Ph.D repeated some
of Reich’s Cloudbuster
“The results of my
experiments are perfectly
clear; the Reich weather
control apparatus does exactly
what Reich claims it does.
Clouds at which the antenna is
pointed shrink and disappear
from the sky, while
comparable clouds selected as
controls do not. Figures 1 & 2
are representative of results
that I have obtained again and
“I still dream of Organon”.
In 1985, Kate Bush featured a song called “Cloudbusting” on her album
Hounds of Love
I still dream of Organon.
I wake up cryin'.
You're making rain,
And you're just in reach,
When you & sleep escape me.
You're like my yo-yo
That glowed in the dark.
What made it special
Made it dangerous,
So I bury it
And forget.
But every time it rains,
You're here in my head,
Like the sun coming out–
Ooh, I just know that something good is gonna happen.
And I don't know when,
But just saying it could even make it happen.
“A Book of Dreams” – Peter Reich
The “Cloudbusting” song by Kate Bush was based on the
story related in the book written by Reich’s son – “A
Book of Dreams”.
It was published in 1974, and is now quite hard to get
hold of, it seems…
“Angels Don’t Play This One”
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an
investigation project to "understand, simulate and control ionospheric
processes that might alter the performance of communication and
surveillance systems". Started in 1993, the project is proposed to last for
a period of twenty years.
The project is jointly funded by the United States Air Force, the Navy,
and the University of Alaska. It is said that the project is similar to
numerous existing ionospheric heaters around the world, and has a large
suite of diagnostic instruments that facilitate its use to increase scientific
understanding of ionospheric dynamics.
It is a popular target of conspiracy theories, and though many have
expressed fears of the HAARP being used as a nefarious weapon, the
scientists involved in aeronomy, space science, or plasma physics reject
these fears as unfounded.
So, the message is - be afraid of potential terrorist attacks, but don’t be
afraid of us pumping a billion watts of energy into the upper atmosphere,
just to see what will happen!
The programme is described as
“… a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties
and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis
on being able to understand and use it to enhance
communications and surveillance systems for both civilian
and defense purposes.”
The site that the HAARP facility is built on is owned by the
US Department of Defence and a “2.5 MW diesel generator
[which] will be used to power the HF transmitters.”
The disclosed energy usage is 2.5 Megawatts. That’s a lot
of energy. It’s actually a lot higher.
No official link to Chemtrails is stated (this is obvious Chemtrails do not officially exist)
Nick Beggich on Afghanistan
Please remember
9/11 Was an Inside Job
Why don’t you realise Nick?
This was recorded on Coast to Coast with Art
Bell on 10th Dec 2006
Dr. Nick Begich
Chemtrails - Fighting Back
Taking Matters into your own
By utilizing the research of Wilhelm
Reich, we have created a cheap,
portable and easy-to-build device
that consistently destroys Chemtrails
and heals the atmosphere. The
“Chembuster” is the answer to these
ongoing attacks. Unlike the original
Cloudbuster, the CB changes the
deadly orgone energy to good orgone
energy and does NOT become
saturated or dangerous to the
operator. You can build one for
about $150.
Made from copper pipe, quartz
crystal, iron filings, some organic
Hurricane Manipulation?
Let’s see the evidence…
Hurricane Ophelia
Richard C Hoagland stated on
his Blog - “It is our
contention, based on the
physics of these images
(described at the official
University of Wisconsin MIMIC
site), that these bizarre
"tuning fork" patterns -- note,
geometrically aimed at the
precise centers of these
respective storms! -- are
actually a "rainfall side-effect"
of an unseen energy
technology being applied to
these respective storms ... in
an effort to decrease both
their wind velocities, and to
simultaneously alter the
storms' tracks themselves.”
Hurricane Erin on 9/11
What was it doing in the Atlantic?
Dr Judy Wood
for the following data and slides
Hurricane Erin on 9/11
9/11 Morning Forecast – Where is Erin?
Hurricane Erin on 9/10
Approximate view from Space Station
Hurricane Ivan, as viewed from the
International Space Station (ISS) 2004.
“Space Station Alpha Crew Sees
Terrorist Carnage from Orbit”
U.S. astronaut Frank
Culbertson and two
Russian cosmonauts
videotaped the plume
from the destruction of
the trade centers twin
"As we went over Maine,
we could see New York
City and the smoke from
the fires," Culbertson told
engineers in NASAs
Mission Control Center in
"I'm looking up and
down the east coast to
see if I can see
anything else"
The Path of Hurricane Erin
Magnetometer Data from
What Correspondence to Certain
Events can we see?
Data–Alaska 1
WTC1 gets hole
08:46:26 AM
WTC2 gets hole
09:02:54 AM
WTC2 goes poof
09:59:04 AM
WTC1 goes poof
10:28:31 AM
WTC7 goes poof
5:20:33 PM
end of events
6:00 PM
Magnetometer Data
from Alaska
Close Up
WTC1 gets hole
08:46:26 AM
WTC2 gets hole
09:02:54 AM
WTC2 goes poof
09:59:04 AM
WTC1 goes poof
10:28:31 AM
WTC7 goes poof
5:20:33 PM
end of events
6:00:00 PM
6 Magnetometers in Alaska and the
First “Impact”
8:46 am WTC 1 Gets Hole
Politically Timed Weather
and Earthquake Events?
Ben Fulford explains…
Benjamin Fulford (Former Writer for
Forbes Magazine) On China Quake
Secretary of Defense, William Cohen
Talks of Weather control in 1997
"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an
eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter
the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes
remotely through the use of electromagnetic
waves... So there are plenty of ingenious
minds out there that are at work finding ways
in which they can wreak terror upon other
nations...It's real, and that's the reason why
we have to intensify our [counterterrorism]
I suspect, because 9/11 was an example of False-Flag
Terrorism, this statement is another similar example
describing a false threat – I.e. the real terrorists are the
global control groups, not rogue nations.
Some Conclusions
What Does It All Mean?
Weather Modification has been in use for years –
both in public and secret projects
It seems that Chemtrailing and “Advanced”
Weather Modification are Black Projects.
Their existence is Officially Denied.
We cannot take the issue of Climate
Change/Global Warming at face value without
embracing the evidence shown in this presentation
as being part of the true picture.
Scientists and others who refuse to do this will end
up with the wrong conclusions based, as they
would be, on an incomplete picture of the facts as
recorded in photos, videos, RADAR etc.
The “Aerosol Crimes” need to be exposed and the
people responsible held accountable for their action.
The Weather modification technology must be
disclosed, exposed before it could ever be used
At this stage all we can do is make more people aware
of the information presented here and challenge those
who should be looking into it (GO’s and NGO’s alike).
We are now in pivotal times where exposure of the
evidence here and all the other evidence pertaining to
the global scams such as the ET Cover-up, Cancer
cover up, Energy Cover up, Apollo Hoax, 9/11 Hoax
(and resulting War Crimes and Genocide) is
You will have to fight for the truth, if you want it.
Thank you for listening!
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