Chemtrails and Chembombs

One People's Public Trust (OPPT)
Public Interest Courtesy Notice
Filer Name:
One People's Public Trust (OPPT)
Maia Bellon
Job Title:
Alleged Government Agency/Corporation:
Washington State Department of Ecology
DUNS/SEC Corporate Code Number of Alleged Government Agency/Corporation:
DUNS No. 808882385
300 Desmond Drive Olympia, WA 98504-7600
Legal Matter: Ongoing Toxic Biochemical Geoengineering (Chemtrails/Chembombs)
Portrayed as Weather Modification Contract Projects in Washington
Whereas, the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) states that the Washington State
Department of Ecology (WSDOE) has primary supervisory responsibility for "weather
modification" in Washington State;
Whereas, the aforementioned section of the RCW states that the Department of
Ecology must give public notice in advance of permitting such "weather modification" in
Washington State;
Whereas no public notices for contract bids/department acceptances of such bids for
"weather modification" contracts can be found in any generally accessed
publication/website of record in Washington State, yet persistent toxic biochemical
aerial aerosols (chemtrails/chembombs) frequently appear in the skies over Washington
State, often with perceptible injury to the people and environment of this state since at
least 1994:
Unsolved Mysteries: Toxic Clear Gelatinous Blobs in Rainfall Sicken Residents of
Oakville, Washington State-1994
Air Controllers in Washington State/British Columbia Concerned Over Massive
Persistent Aerial Aerosols (Chemtrails/Chembombs) Spraying-2002
Playing God with the Weather Over the San Juan Islands-2003
Chemtrails Over Washington State-2012
Agricultural Defense Coalition: Current Geoengineering Actions
Whereas, biochemical experimentation/military action against civilians without informed
consent/prior warning is a violation of the Nuremberg Code, as well as common and
universal spiritual law,
Wikipedia Summary of the Nuremburg Codes
Whereas such operations as toxic biochemical geoengineering/chemtrails/chembombs
programs masquerading as weather modification is a crime against nature and
humanity. It is also a war crime, as the United States has been tacitly under martial law
since 1861; President Abraham Lincoln's declaration of martial law at the beginning of
the American Civil War remains unrescinded;
Did I Miss Something, or Is the US Still Under Martial Law?
War crimes are punishable by capital punishment or by life imprisonment, with
convicted accessories to these grave offenses subject to prolonged imprisonment.
Wikipedia Summary of the Nuremburg Codes
Whereas the Washington State Department of Ecology-DUNS Corporate Code No.
808882385 is a private, for-profit subsidiary of the private, for-profit Washington State
Corporation-DUNS Corporate Code No. 079248936, which is in turn a subsidiary of the
private, for-profit federal US Government Corporation-DUNS Corporate Code No.
052714196 that have been surreptitiously using Universal Commercial Code (UCC)
statutory law against the American people as supposed "enemy combatants" against
their corporate governance since at least 1933;
Hard Evidence of Complete Corporate Takeover at All Levels of the US/UN Business WebLink to Verify Private, For-Profit Status
Dunn & Bradstree Free Business Weblink to Verify DUNS Corporate Code
Legal Activist Gets Fourth Administrative Ruling: All Federal Agencies Are
Private, For-Profit Contractors
Whereas beginning on October 24, 2012, the One People's Public Trust (OPPT) has
filed a series of Universal Commercial Code (UCC)-based public interest legal actions in
Washington State, Washington DC and the Hague dechartering and foreclosing upon all
private, for-profit corporations masquerading as governments worldwide, such as the
Washington State Corporation and its subsidiaries, among them its state Department of
Compilation of OPPT-Related Articles/Websites
Whereas, since these UCC-based legal filings dechartering/foreclosing upon all such
private, for-profit corporations masquerading as governments and their agencies have
remained unrebutted, these government corporations and their agencies legally no
longer exist.
This means that none of these alleged state agency employees, including those of
WSDOE, have immunity from legal action taken against them for crimes being
perpetrated against the people and environment of Washington State.
I therefore respectfully request, as one human being to another, that you cease and
desist from your heretofore continuous public denials that this biochemical weapons
program of persistent toxic aerial aerosols (chemtrails/chembombs) masquerading as
weather modification actually exists, and is being used against the people and
environment in this state. I also respectfully request that you use your considerable
remaining influence, if not actual official power, to help many of us concerned citizens to
expose and eliminate this crime against nature and humanity in Washington State.
If this is not done, and those contacting the Washington State Department of Ecology
with legitimate complaints about this ongoing war crime continue to meet with denial
about its existence; if employees of this department refuse to investigate and act on
their legitimate complaints, you and other employees of your alleged state agency will
be personally receiving sizeable invoices against your private assets under the UCCbased code of laws from individual citizens such as myself. We will be doing so for
grievous ongoing injury being inflicted upon us and our environment by the ongoing
criminal actions of unidentified perpetrators – possibly at the very least known to those
listed below -- and for your alleged state agency's continuing and deliberate denial of
remedy, indicating complicity in criminal conspiracy.
Thank you in advance for your immediate action on this matter.
Signature of Filer
cc: Evergreen Airlines
Jeppesen Trip Planning (Boeing Subsidiary)
McChord Air Force Base contact webform
Joint Base Lewis-McChord
Naval Air Station-Whidbey Island contact webform
Office of Grants & Research-Washington State University
Office of Research, Evaluation & Development-Central Washington University
Office of Research-University of Washington
Bill Gates, Jr. c/o
Fund for Innovative Climate & Energy Research (FICER)-University
of Calgary Research
Major Commercial Airlines Operating Out of Seattle-Tacoma (SeaTac) International
Airportall of their websites use contact webforms:
Alaska Airlines American Airlines British Airways Delta Airlines JetBlue
Southwest Airlines United Airlines US Airways Virgin America