Saturday, 21 May 0800-2100 Board of Directors Meeting & Dinner – invite only 0900-1500 Full Day Warsaw Tour – 6 hours During this nostalgic panoramic city tour you will enjoy a walking tour passing by the Castle Square, King Sigismund's Column, St. John's Cathedral, the Old Town Market Square and the Barbican. The Old Town (originally built in 14th and 15th centuries, totally destroyed during WWII and carefully raised from the ruins between 1945-1955) currently is listed at UNESCO World Heritage, but it is also a heart of the city, full of galleries, cafés and restaurants and with one of the symbols of Warsaw - Royal Castle. For more information and how to sign up, click here. Sunday, 22 May 0600-2000 Full Day Pendolino, Krakow & Salt Mines Tour – 14 hours Take the sites in at Krakow by seeing the Old Town area within the Planty greenbelt - an excellently preserved medieval city, St. Mary’s Church with the famous wooden altar, the Town Hall Tower, the Cloth Hall, the ”Wierzynek” restaurant and the burgher houses, Wawel hill - dominated by the Cathedral, the Castle and the defense towers. You will visit Wieliczka Salt Mines, a unique venue full of marvelous chambers excavated and sculpted in rock salt, listed at UNESCO World Heritage, world class attraction, only two places of this kind are available all over the world, one in Austria, one next to Krakow. This tour includes the most beautiful chambers with St. Kinga Chapel, the biggest mine chapel in the world. For more information and how to sign up, click here. 0800 -1200 Board of Directors & ECCG Meeting – invite only 0800-1600 Exhibitor Set-up 0800-1700 Registration 0900-1800 ITB Fire Testing Laboratory Tour in Pionki ITB is offering a complimentary tour for the first 25 registrants that sign up. The tour is an opportunity for Fire Safety Experts to gain firsthand experience in fire testing of various building elements. This event will help understanding the fire requirements given in prescriptive codes, and allow to “touch” what does the required indexes really stand for. ITB representatives during the tour will guide participants through various methods, ranging from small “desktop” scale to some of the world’s largest furnaces, sharing their experience and observations. ITB employees are also fire engineers, researchers and practitioners in computational analysis, who can share a very unique point of view on the fire safety built on practical experience in both prescriptive and performance side of our field. For more information click here. Spaces are limited and will fill up quickly, don’t forget to make your selection during registration. 1800-2000 VIP Reception – invite only Monday, 23 May 0800-1700 Registration 0800-2000 Exhibits 0900-0920 Welcoming Remarks, Milosh Puchovsky, PE, FSFPE, 2016 SFPE President; Piotr Tofilo, Ph.D., The Main School of Fire Service / Polish SFPE Chapter 0920-0950 Using Data to Enhance Fire and Life Safety Inspection and Enforcement Programs, Kathleen H. Almand, PE, FSFPE, Vice President, Research, National Fire Protection Association 0950-1020 Ventilation for Smoke Control, Fire Control and Life Safety in Tunnels, Ricky Carvel, Ph.D., Lecturer, University of Edinburgh Break 1020-1050 1050-1230 Parallel Track A Regulation Parallel Track B Human Behavior/Egress 1050-1115 01. Towards a Next Generation Performance-Based Building Regulatory System Architecture, Brian Meacham, Ph.D., PE, FSFPE, C.Eng,. FIFireE, Associate Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute 00. Revisions to the SFPE Guide to Human Behavior in Fire, Chris Jelenewicz, PE, FSFPE, Senior Manager, Engineering Practice, SFPE 1115-1140 65. The Singapore Fire Safety Engineering Guidelines (SFEG), Nicholas Lee, Senior Consultant, Singapore Civil Defence Force 14. Virtual Compartment: An Alternative Approach to Means of Egress Design in Airport Pedestrian Tunnel, Xiaolei Chen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, California State University; Ning Frank Wang, PE, Senior Fire Protection Engineer, Jensen Hughes 1140-1205 63. Applying Consistent Imprecision in Quantitative Performance-Based Fire Safety Design, Martin Feeney, FSFPE, Principal, Holmes Fire 34. Evacuation and Life Safety Assessment in Germany, Gregor Jäger, MSc, Fire Protection Engineer, BFT Cognos GmbH; Benjamin Schröder, MSc., Ph.D. Student, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 1205-1230 48. The New Zealand Building Code Verification Method VM2 – Four years on – A Practitioner’s Perspective, Michael James, ME (Fire), BE (Mech), CPENG, IntPE, MIPENZ (Fire), PMSFPE, Managing Director, Origin Fire Consultants Ltd. 53. Sensitivity Analysis for Modelling Parameters Used for Advanced Evacuation Simulations – How Important Are the Modelling Parameters When Conducting Evacuation Modelling? Olaf Pérez, MSc, Fire Engineer, JVVA Fire & Risk; Gabriele Vigne, MSc MAast MSFPE, Fire Safety Engineer, JVVA Fire & Risk; Jimmy Jönsson, BSc Fire, MSc Risk, PMSFPE, Director, JVVA Fire & Risk 1230-1330 Lunch 1330-1600 1330-1345 Case Studies Underground Car Park Hong Kong - W.K. Chow, FSFPE, Chair Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 1345-1400 Japan - Kiiyoshi Fukui, Chief Architect, Life Safety Planning Section, Nikken Sekkei 1400-1415 Poland - Dorota Brzezinska, Ph.D., Technical University of Lodz, SFPE Polish Chapter; Piotr Smardz, MSc CEng MIEI, Partner, INBEPO Sp. z o.o. Sweden – Alex Jönsson, BSc, MSc, Fire Safety Consultant, Brandskyddslaget 1415-1430 1430-1445 1445-1500 United Kingdom - Darren Agnew, BSc, AIFireE, Fire Engineer, Hoare Lea; Gary Daniels, MPhil, BSc, CEng, MIFireE, PMSFPE, Associate, Hoare Lea Fire Engineering; Declan Thomas, BSc, MSc, AIFireE, Fire Engineer, Hoare Lea USA - William E. Koffel, Jr., PE, FSFPE, President, Koffel Associates, Inc. 1500-1600 Case Study Panel Discussion 1600-1630 Break 1630-1635 Welcome Back 1635-1735 Update on SFPE Design Fire Scenarios Standard, Charles Fleischmann, Ph.D., FSFPE, Professor, University of Canterbury Welcome Reception 1800-2000 Tuesday, 24 May 0730-1730 Registration 0800-1730 Exhibits 0800-0805 Welcome 0805-0835 Keynote - William E. Koffel Jr., PE, FSFPE, is President of Koffel Associates, Inc. 0835-0905 Challenges Facing the Government Official – Examples of How Fire Safety and Risk Engineering Methods Can Solve a Wide Variety of Problems, Björn Karlsson, Ph.D., Director General, Iceland Construction Authority Parallel Track A Parallel Track B Fire Models Applications – Life Safety 67. Hand Calculations, Zone Models and CFD – 36. Experiments to Develop a Performance-based Areas of Disagreement and Limits of Application in Ranking Assessment Method for Rooms Partially Lined Practical Fire Protection Engineering, Piotr Tofilo, Ph.D., The Main School of Fire Service / Polish SFPE 0905-0955 0905-0930 Chapter; Wojciech Węgrzyński, MSc. FPE, Head of Smoke Control, Signaling and Fire Automation Division, Building Research Institute (ITB); Rafał Porowski, Ph.D., The Main School of Fire Service with Timber, Harriet Peel, Fire Engineer, Olsson Fire & Risk New Zealand Ltd 0930-0955 12. Use of FDS To Comply with Performance-Based Requirements Based on Layer Height, Marc L. Janssens, Ph.D., Senior Engineer, Southwest Research Institute 66. Case Study: Power Utility Path toward a Performance Based Fire Protection Solution Addressing Local Spanish and Regional EU Regulations, Paul E. Rivers, PE, FSFPE, Senior Fire Protection Specialist, 3M 0955-1025 Break 1025-1205 Parallel Track A Fire Models 51. The Pre-Flashover Compartment Fire and Fire Safety Engineering – A Review of Hand-‐Calculation Methods, Nils Johansson, Ph.D. in Fire Safety Engineering, B.Sc. in Fire Protection Engineering and M.Sc. in Risk Management and Safety Engineering, Associate Senior Lecturer, Lund University Parallel Track B Applications - Framework 39. Fire Safety Engineering for Innovative and Sustainable Building Solutions - Development of Building Processes Focusing on Review & Control of Fire Safety Engineering, Johan Norén, BSc., MSc., Technical Director, Briab Brand & Riskingenjörerna AB 1050-1115 20. Use of CFD in the Performance-Based Design for Fire Safety in the Oil and Gas Sector, Camille Azzi, Ph.D., Senior Engineer, GexCon AS 69. Determining Baseline Performance and the Application to Performance Based Design, Simon Goodhead, PE, CEng, MIFireE, Director, Jensen Hughes; Eddie Farrow, MIFireE, Consultant, Jensen Hughes 1115-1140 09. A Comparative Analysis of the Use of Different External Fire Spread Calculation Methods, Declan Thomson, BSc, MSc, AIFireE, Fire Engineer, Hoare Lea 42. Performance Based Design – An Aid to Rectifying Building Errors, Lawrence Reddaway, MA(Cantab), GradDipMgmt, GradDipConstnLaw, FIEAust, MSFPE, Fire Engineer, Reddaway Enterprise Pty Ltd. 1140-1205 43. Influence of Material of Boundary Condition on Temperature and Visibility, Luciano Nigro Sr., P.Eng, President, Technical Director, Hughes Associates Europe; Andrea Ferrari Sr., P.Eng, Fire Protection Engineer, Hughes Associates Europe; Elisabetta Filippo Jr., MSc, Project Engineer, Hughes Associates Europe 68. Fire Engineering Platform - A New Tool Package Addressing the Needs of Fire Protection Engineers, AHJs and Educators, Piotr Tofilo, Ph.D., The Main School of Fire Service / Polish SFPE Chapter 1205-1305 Lunch 1305-1335 Travelling Fires for the Structural Design of Buildings, Guillermo Rein, Ph.D., Reader in Thermal Energy, Department of Mechanical Engineering of Imperial College and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Fire Technology Parallel Track A Parallel Track B Risk Structural - Applications 17. Probabilistic Fire Risk Analysis in the Nordic 26. Numerical Study on the Influence of A Design Fire Region, Greg Baker, BE, ME, MSFPE, Chief Scientist, Scenario on the Response of a 10-story Steel Frame: SP Fire Research AS Travelling Fires and Eurocode Parametric Timetemperature Curves, Egle Rackauskaite, Research Postgraduate, Imperial College London 1025-1050 1335-1450 1335-1400 1400-1425 40. On the Use of Fire Modeling Tools to Support Performance Based Design Evaluations and 50. 103 Colmore Row Streamlining Structural Fire Engineering; from “Brute” to “Beaut”! Nigel Hiorns, BSC, MSFPE, MIFireE, FIHEEM, Managing Partner, Fire Regulatory Acceptance, Justin Williamson, Ph.D., Fire Protection Engineer, Jensen Hughes Ingenuity, Maria Kierzek, BSc, Post Graduate Student, Poznan University of Technology 1425-1450 08. Development of a QRA Method for Quantifying the Life Safety Risk in Complex Buildings, Bart van Weyenberge, Ph.D., Researcher, University of Ghent 55. Practical Problems of Applying Performance-Based Structural Fire Engineering in Building Design, Piotr Smardz, MSc CEng MIEI, Partner, INBEPO Sp. z o.o. 1450-1520 Break 1525-1530 Welcome Back 1530-1745 1530-1545 Case Studies Production & Storage Building Finland - Juho Pussinen, Chief Fire Protection Engineer, Industrial fire safety, L2 Fire Safety Ltd. 1545-1600 France - Eric Guillaume, Technical Director, Efectis Group 1600-1615 1630-1645 New Zealand – Carol Caldwell, CPEng, Director, Enlightened Solutions; Charles Fleischmann, Ph.D., FSFPE, Professor, University of Canterbury Poland – Piotr Tofilo, Ph.D., The Main School of Fire Service / Polish SFPE Chapter; Wojciech Węgrzyński, M.Sc. FPE, Head of Smoke Control, Signaling and Fire Automation Division, Building Research Institute (ITB) Spain - Jimmy Jönsson, BSc Fire, MSc Risk, PMSFPE, Director, JVVA Fire & Risk 1645-1745 Case Study Panel Discussion 1800-1930 Reception 1930-2130 Dinner 1615-1630 Wednesday, 25 May 0730-1700 Registration 0800-1430 Exhibits 0800-0805 Welcome 0805-0835 Making Buildings Smarter: Sensor Based Monitoring of People Location and Movement during Evacuation, Daniel Nilsson, Ph.D., FSE, Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems Safety, Lund University Keynote – Christopher Wieczorek, Ph.D., Group Manager Fire & Explosion Protection, FM Global 0835-0905 0905-0955 Parallel Track A Smoke 33. Influence of Variability of Soot Yield Parameter in Assessing the Safe Evacuation Conditions in Advanced Modeling Analysis. Results of Physical and Numerical Modeling Comparison, Gabriele Vigne, MSc MAast MSFPE, Fire Safety Engineer, JVVA Fire & Risk; Wojciech Węgrzyński, MSc. FPE, Head of Smoke Control, Signaling and Fire Automation Division, Building Research Institute (ITB) Parallel Track B Structural - Concrete 46. Combined Approach for High Temperature Concrete Simulations, Matteo Pachera, Ph.D. Student, University of Padova; Francesco Pesavento, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Padova 0930-0955 11. Experimental Study to Evaluate Smoke Stratification and Layer Height In Highly Ventilated Compartments, Jason P. Huczek, M. Eng., Principal Engineer, Southwest Research Institute 16. A New Test Method to Investigate the Fire Behavior of Composite Concrete Slabs, David Fox, Ph.D., Fire Safety Engineer, Olsson Fire and Risk 0955-1025 Break 1025-1205 Parallel Track A 0905-0930 Parallel Track B Smoke Applications - FSE 1025-1050 54. Active Pressure Control in HVAC Systems, A Cost-Effective Solution to Limit Fire and Smoke Spread in Airtight Buildings, Pär Hansson, BSc Fire Protection Engineer LTH, CEO, FSD Göteborg AB; Mattias Arnqvist, BSc Fire Protection Engineer LTH, CEO, FSD Göteborg AB 24. Safety Concept for Underground Garages Open for Cars Powered by LPG -Results of Real Scale Tests, Dorota Brzezinska, Ph.D., Technical University of Lodz, SFPE Polish Chapter 1050-1115 62. Smoke Control and Performance-Based Design of Tall Atrium Office Buildings: New Zealand Case Studies, Martin Feeney, FSFPE, Principal, Holmes Fire 19. Performance-Based Fire Safety Design of Cold Storages, Atli Rutur Thorsteinsson, Fire Safety Engineer, EFLA Consulting Engineers; Bodvar Tomasson, Division Manager, EFLA Consulting Engineers 1115-1140 35. Fire safety of staircases in Multi-Story buildings - The results of measurements in Buildings and Simulations, Grzegorz Kubicki, Ph.D., Lecturer, Department of Environmental Engineering Warsaw University of Technology; Izabela Tekielak-Skałka, R&D Manager, SMAY, LLS 32. Design and Remediation for Fire Safety of ReadyMade Garment Factories in Bangladesh, Felipe Herrera, Senior Engineer, Ove Arup and Partners SAU; George Faller, CEng MIStructE, MIFireE, Associate Director, Ove Arup and Partners SAU 1140-1205 58. Design of Smoke Exhaust From a Common Reservoir – Shaping the Compartment Opening For The Benefits of Smoke Control, Wojciech Węgrzyński, MSc FPE, Head of Smoke Control, Signaling and Fire Automation Division, Building Research Institute (ITB) 07. Future Prospect in the Building Industry – A Need for More Performance-Based Design?, Karl Wallasch, Dipl.Ing., CEng, Associate Fire Engineer, Hoare Lea 1205-1305 Lunch 1305-1335 Performance-Based Approaches for External Fire Spread and Thermal Radiation Calculations, Piotr Tofilo, Ph.D., The Main School of Fire Service / Polish SFPE Chapter Parallel Track A Parallel Track B Smoke Structural - Applications 10. Review of the Methodology of Protecting 22. Eurocode 5 Design in Comparison with Fire Staircases and Common Areas in Residential Resistance Test of Unprotected Timber Beams, Daniël Buildings, Gary Daniels, MPhil, BSc, CEng, MIFireE, Brandon, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc., Scientist, SP Technical PMSFPE, Associate, Hoare Lea Fire Engineering Research Institute of Sweden; Joachim Schmid, M.Sc., B.Sc., Project Leader, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden; Alar Just, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc., Scientist, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden 1335-1425 1335-1400 1400-1425 15. Preventing Smoke Spread with the Ventilation System in Operation, Anna-Carin Olmedal, Fire Protection Engineer, Brandkonsulten AB 1425-1455 Break 1455-1630 Exhibitor Break Down 1455-1500 Welcome Back 1500-1700 Case Studies Shopping Center Australia - Weng Poh, Ph.D, National Technical Director—Fire Engineering, Umow Lai; Andy Fung Associate, Umow Lai 1500-1515 57. Reliability-Based Tool for External Fire Spread Design, Ruben Van Coile, Ph.D., Fire Safety Engineer, WSP|PB 1515-1530 Italy – Luca Fiorentini, Fire Safety, Environmental, Industrial Engineering, TECSA S.p.A. 1530-1545 Poland – Marcin Cisek, Fire Protection Appraiser, Protect T.Cisek i Wsp. Sp. J. 1545-1600 1600-1700 United Kingdom - Christine Pongratz, BSc, MSc, AIFireE, E.I.T., Fire Engineer, Arup Fire UK; Darren Agnew, BSc, AIFireE, Fire Engineer, Hoare Lea; Sandy Kilbourne Case Study Panel Discussion 1700-1710 Conference Wrap Up Thursday, 26 May 0730-1700 Registration 0800-1700 Introduction to Fire Risk Assessment – Day 1 of 2 More information click here. 0800-1700 Introduction to Industrial Fire Protection Engineering Seminar – Day 1 of 2 More information click here. 0800-1200 Competency and Credentialing Workshop The SFPE Subcommittee for Professional Competency and Credentialing is responsible for evaluating minimum occupational competency standards and licensing and credentialing criteria for fire protection engineers in parts of the world that do not presently recognize and/or use the U.S. engineering licensure examination. The Subcommittee is in the process of developing a document that will define the minimum core competencies and criteria for a fire safety engineer that can be widely adopted worldwide. The Subcommittee will be holding a workshop to solicit feedback on the development of this core competencies document. There is no cost to participants, but registration is required. 1300-1700 Fire Safety Engineering Research Agenda Workshop The SFPE Subcommittee for Research & Innovation is responsible for charting the future research priorities for the profession. The Subcommittee is in the process of developing a document that will define a research agenda for the fire safety engineering profession. The Subcommittee will be holding a workshop to solicit feedback on the development of this research agenda. There is no cost to participate, but registration is required. Friday, 27 May 0730-1700 Registration 0800-1700 Introduction to Fire Risk Assessment – Day 2 of 2 More information click here. 0800-1700 Introduction to Industrial Fire Protection Engineering Seminar – Day 2 of 2 More information click here. 0900-1500 Full Day Warsaw Tour – 6 hours During this nostalgic panoramic city tour you will enjoy a walking tour passing by the Castle Square, King Sigismund's Column, St. John's Cathedral, the Old Town Market Square and the Barbican. The Old Town (originally built in 14th and 15th centuries, totally destroyed during WWII and carefully raised from the ruins between 1945-1955) currently is listed at UNESCO World Heritage, but it is also a heart of the city, full of galleries, cafés and restaurants and with one of the symbols of Warsaw - Royal Castle. For more information and how to sign up, click here. Saturday, 28 May 0600-2000 Full Day Pendolino, Krakow & Salt Mines Tour – 14 hours Take the sites in at Krakow by seeing the Old Town area within the Planty greenbelt - an excellently preserved medieval city, St. Mary’s Church with the famous wooden altar, the Town Hall Tower, the Cloth Hall, the ”Wierzynek” restaurant and the burgher houses, Wawel hill - dominated by the Cathedral, the Castle and the defense towers. You will visit Wieliczka Salt Mines, a unique venue full of marvelous chambers excavated and sculpted in rock salt, listed at UNESCO World Heritage, world class attraction, only two places of this kind are available all over the world, one in Austria, one next to Krakow. This tour includes the most beautiful chambers with St. Kinga Chapel, the biggest mine chapel in the world. For more information and how to sign up, click here.