Testing Hypotheses

Basic Research Designs
• Descriptive Designs:
– Descriptive Studies: thoroughly describe a single
variable in order to better understand it
– Correlational Studies: examine the relationships
between two or more quantitative variables as they exist
with no effort to manipulate them
• Inferential Designs:
– Quasi-Experimental Studies: make comparisons
between naturally-occurring groups of individuals
– Experimental Studies: make comparisons between
actively manipulated groups
Chain of Reasoning in Inferential Statistics
Random Selection
Of the Statistics
Inferential Reasoning
• Population: group under
• Sample: a smaller group
representing the population
– A sample that has been randomly
selected should be representative
of the population
Hypothesis Testing
• Hypothesis Testing: the process of using inferential
procedures to determine whether a hypothesis is supported
by the results of a research study
Hypothesis Testing
• Conceptual Hypothesis: a general statement
about the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables
• Statistical Hypothesis: a mathematical statement
that can be shown to be supported or not
supported. It is designed to make inferences about
a population or populations.
Hypothesis Testing
• In psychological research, no hypotheses can be proven to
be true.
• Modus Tollens: a procedure of falsification that relies on
the fact that a single observation can lead to the conclusion
that the premise or prior statement is incorrect
– Null Hypothesis (H0): statements of equality (no relationship; no
difference); statements of opposing difference
– Alternative (Research) Hypothesis (H1 or HA): a statement that
there is a relationship or difference between levels of a variable;
statements of inequality
Types of Research Hypotheses
• Nondirectional Research
Hypothesis: reflects a difference
between groups, but the direction of
the difference is not specified (twotailed test)
– H1: X ≠ Y
• Directional Research Hypothesis:
reflects a difference between groups,
and the direction of the difference is
specified (one-tailed test)
– H1: X > Y
– H1: X < Y
z = -1.96
p = .025
z = 1.96
p = .025
z = 1.645
p = .05
Rejecting the Null Hypothesis
• Alpha Level (α): the level of significance set by the
researcher. It is the confidence with which the
researcher can decide to reject the null hypothesis.
• Significance Level (p): the probability value used
to conclude that the null hypothesis is an incorrect
– If p > α  cannot reject the null hypothesis
– If p ≤ α  reject the null hypothesis
Determining the Alpha Level
• Type I Error (α): the researcher
rejects the null hypothesis when in
fact it is true; stating that an effect
exists when it really does not
• Type II Error (β): the researcher
fails to reject a null hypothesis that
should be rejected; failing to detect
a treatment effect
Determining the Significance Level
• The distribution used to determine the probability of
a specific score (or difference between scores) is
determined by multiple factors.
• Regardless of the distribution used, the logic and
process used to determine probability is essentially
the same.
• All statistical distributions mimic the function of the
standard normal distribution.
The Normal Curve
Three Main Characteristics:
1. Symmetrical: perfectly
symmetrical about the mean;
the two halves are identical
2. Mean = Median = Mode
3. Asymptotic Tail: the tails
come closer and closer to
the horizontal axis, but they
never touch
The Normal Distribution and the Standard
• In the normal distribution…
– 68% of scores fall between +/1 standard deviations
– 95% of scores fall between +/2 standard deviations
– 99.7% of scores fall between
+/- 3 standard deviations
• It is possible to determine the
probability of obtaining any
given score (or any
differences between scores).
The Normal Curve and Probability
The normal distribution is the
most commonly used
distribution in behavioral
science research.
The scores of variables can be
converted to standard z-scores,
which can be used to determine
the probability of a specific
All probabilities are a number
between 0.0 and 1.0, and given
all possible outcomes of an
event, the probabilities must
equal 1.0.
z = 1.645
z = 1.645
• z-score: represents the distance between an
observed score and the mean relative to the
standard deviation; a score on an assessment
expressed in standard deviation units
• Formula:
– z=X–M
– z=X–µ
More Curves and Probability
z = -1.645
p = .05
z = 2.326
p = .01
z = 1.282
p = .10
z = 1.645
p = .05