Year 2 Curriculum Overview - Spring Term 2 2015 Literacy Numeracy We will be reading and writing recounts We will solve problems involving and information texts. We will develop comparing numbers. our use of adjectives and connectives. We will work to improve our accuracy in using full stops and question marks. We will continue to improve our handwriting and the presentation of our work. We will continue to choose RE between ways to spell common words We withwill the same look sound, at leaders suchin asour rain,lives play, and extend this to considering game. different religious leaders. We will identify the qualities of a leader and how we can learn from this to lead others. WoWW We will recognise and use £ and p symbols, combining coins to make a given value. We will find totals and change. We will tell the time to five minutes. We will investigate 2D shapes on the surfaces of 3D shapes. Science We will be studying habitats and the plants and animals that live in them. We will sort living things according to their features and characteristics and identify how they are adapted to living in their habitat. We will suggest questions and ways to find answers. Our topic for this half term is The Earth – Our Home (habitats) We will: Know about the features of contrasting habitats (pond, rainforest, desert, polar regions) Sort living things into groups, identifying how they are similar and different Plan and conduct simple investigations with help, making careful observations and Year 2 Curriculum Overview - Spring Term 2 2015 Resources that might help: Literacy Lexia Maths skoolbo Science How you can help at home: Literacy Read your child’s book with them each week and return their book folder every Wednesday please. Share books with your child – model how to read with expression; talk about how a character’s words and actions give us clues to how they are feeling. Stop during reading and ask your child to predict what could happen next. Pick out words and talk about why the author used them (eg ‘shouted’ instead of ‘said’). Read non-fiction books and discuss how they differ from fiction books. If you have a computer, encourage your child to work on Lexia or Skoolbo. Numeracy Practise number bond facts for each number to 10 and 20. Count on and back in steps of 2, 10, 5 and 3, identifying odd and even numbers. Count out coins, play shopping and let your child pay when you go shopping. Read times on the clock. Talk about the numbers and shapes your child sees in everyday life – house numbers, car registration plates, timetables, TV times, times of day for different activities, weighing and measuring, shopping, bus numbers etc. If you have a computer, encourage your child to work on Skoolbo.