186_eposter - Stanley Radiology







• 3 rd most common gynecologic malignancy.

• Typically seen in middle aged females between 45 and

55 years.

• The International Federation of Gynecology and

Obstetrics (FIGO) staging system provides worldwide epidemiologic and treatment response statistics.

• However, there are significant inaccuracies in the

FIGO staging system.

• MRI although not included in that system, is now widely accepted as optimal for evaluation of important prognostic factors such as tumour volume and nodal status.

• MRI obviates the use of invasive procedures such as cystoscopy and proctoscopy, especially when there is no evidence of local extension.

• Brachytherapy and external beam therapy are optimized with MR imaging evaluation of the shape and direction of lesion growth.


• MR imaging of the pelvis and abdomen was performed with a 1.5-T system (GE) machine.

• A phased-array body coil with a 50-cm transverse field of view was used.

• Sagittal T2- and transverse T1- and T2-weighted images were obtained.

• Gadolinium-based contrast material was administered and fat-saturated images were obtained.

T1-weighted axial (upper abdomen and pelvis)

Bone marrow and lymph nodes

T2-weighted with fat saturation Axial Lymph nodes and provide overview of pelvis (including hydronephrosis)

Visualize tumor and its extension to bladder, and rectum

T2-weighted FSE Axial oblique (short Assessment of parametrial invasion axis) in a second imaging plane

T1-weighted contrast dynamic imaging

Identify tumors, detect or confirm invasion of adjacent organs, and identify fistulous tracts.

A)Axial T1W FATSAT(C) image shows bulky heterogeneously enhancing cervix, abutting the posterior wall of bladder and anterior wall of rectum, with surrounding B/L parametrial stranding.

B) Corresponding Axial T2W image shows similar findings.

C)Sag T2W and coronal T1W image show abnormal signal intensity in the left femur head, suggesting involvement.

A)Coronal T2W image shows bulky heterogeneous cervical mass extending superiorly into lower uterine segment. The left VUJ as well as distal most portion of the ureter is involved with upstream dilatation of left ureter.

B) Saggital T2W images show caudal extension into upper 2/3 rd of vagina.

C) Saggital T1W image demonstrates distension of the endometrial cavity with lobulated component of mass bulging anteriorly with effacement of posterior UB wall.

D)Axial T2 FATSAT images shows bilateral parametrial involvement

A)Saggital T2W image shows bulky, irregularly thickened cervical mass, extending into uterine myometrium along the entire fundus and body.

B) Axial T2 W image shows enlarged external iliac lymph node.

C) Axial T2w FATSAT image demonstrates indistinct fat plane between the cervical stroma and posterior wall of bladder. Minimal bilateral parametrial stranding is noted bilaterally .

D) Coronal T2W image shows enlarged lymph node.

A)Saggital T2W image shows a large lobulated mass involving the cervix with extension into lower uterine body and upper ¾ rd of vagina. Posteriorly this mass is seen to extend along the meso-rectal fascia into rectum.

B & C) Coronal and Axial T1 FATSAT images show lobulated cervical mass with hyperintensities in bilateral levator ani and obturator muscles. Adjacent portions of bilateral pelvic bones also appear involved

D) Axial T2FATSAT image shows left parametrial involvement.

A)Axial T2W image shows bulky cervix with preserved fat planes between bladder, rectum and b/l parametrium.

B) Saggital T1 FATSAT image shows an endophytic mass replacing the entire cervix and the lower uterine segment is s not separating visualized, suggesting possible involvement

C& D)Coronal T1 FATSAT and Saggital T2w images show the cervical mass



• Cervical carcinoma has intermediate signal intensity at

T2-weighted imaging and is seen disrupting the lowsignal-intensity fibrous stroma.

• A wide variety of morphologic features - Exophytic , infiltrating, or endocervical with a barrel shape.

• Bulk of the lesion - centered at the level of the cervix, with either protrusion into the vagina or invasion of the lower myometrium.

• A visible tumor indicates stage IB or higher. The size of the tumor (ie, whether greater or less than 4 cm in diameter) has a great impact on the choice of therapy, and there is good correlation between MR imaging findings and macroscopic measurements .


Disruption of the hypointense vaginal wall with hyperintense thickening at T2-weighted imaging and contrast enhancement at T1- weighted imaging are signs of vaginal invasion.


Tumor extending to involve the internal obturator, piriform, or levator ani muscles, with or without a dilated ureter, indicates pelvic wall invasion .

Ureteral obstruction at the level of the tumor is considered to be an indication of wall invasion.


• Preservation of a hypointense fibrous stromal ring at T2-weighted MR imaging has a high negative predictive value for parametrial invasion .

• Complete disruption of the ring with nodular or irregular tumor signal intensity extending into the parametrium are reliable signs of invasion.

• Unilateral or bilateral parametrial invasion is a definite contraindication to surgery.

• With disruption of the stromal ring, but no definite parametrial mass, there may be microscopic invasion (false-negative findings).

• Linear stranding around the cervical mass is suggestive of parametrial invasion but may be due to peritumoral inflammatory tissue (falsepositive findings).


• Bladder or rectal invasion is present when disruption of their normal hypointense walls is seen at T2-weighted imaging, with or without a mass protruding into the lumen.

• Dynamic gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted sequences are helpful for confirming invasion and identifying fistulous tracts .

• Hyperintense thickening of the bladder mucosa at T2weighted imaging indicates edema and is not a direct sign of invasion.

• However, this “bullous edema sign” of the posterior wall mucosa should be analyzed carefully for any associated nodulation suggestive of tumor .


• Lymph node disease detection is based only on a size criterion, the most widely accepted being a transverse diameter exceeding 10 mm .

• Within the pelvis, cervical cancer spreads first to the parametrial nodes, then to the obturator and iliac nodes.

• Lymph nodes best detected with T2-weighted imaging , at which they demonstrate intermediate signal intensity and are well differentiated from the hypointense muscles and blood vessels.

• A slightly hyperintense ring flow artifact - often found in the iliac veins and not to be confused with adenopathy .














Microinvasive disease

Stromal invasion no greater than 3.0 mm in depth and 7.0 mm or less in horizontal spread

Stromal invasion more than 3.0 mm but not more than 5.0 mm in depth with a horizontal spread of

7.0 mm or less

Clinically invasive disease

A clinically visible lesion 4.0cm or less in greatest dimension

A clinically visible lesion more than 4.0 cm in greatest dimension

The tumor invades beyond the uterus, but not to the lower one-third of the vagina, without parametrial invasion

The tumor invades beyond the uterus with parametrial invasion but not to the pelvic wall

Vaginal involvement reaches the lower one-third of the vaginal canal without extending to the pelvic wall


No evidence of a mass lesion

Definitive finding: a tumor completely surrounded by the hypointense stromal ring

Suggestive finding: a sharply marginated tumor confined within the hypointense stromal ring

Segmental disruption of the hypointense vaginal wall, but it never reaches the lower one third of the vagina

Triangular protrusion of the tumor through a disrupted hypointense ring of the cervical stroma

Same finding as for stage IIa in the lower one third of the vagina

The tumor extends to the pelvic wall or causes hydronephrosis or a nonfunctioning kidney

The tumor invades the mucosa of the bladder or rectum or extends beyond the true pelvis

Distant metastasis

Same finding as for stage IIb with obliteration of the entire cardinal ligament directly extending to pelvic muscles or with hydroureter

Segmental disruption of the hypointense bladder or rectal wall or a segmental thickened rectal wall

Evidence of mass lesions in distant organs


MRI is very useful in local staging of the disease and therefore in concurrence with FIGO staging is now widely accepted as optimal for evaluation of the main prognostic factors and selection of therapeutic strategy.


• Nicolate V, Carignan L, Bourdon F, Prosmanne O. MR imaging of cervical carcinoma: A practical staging approach. RadioGraphics


• Mahajan M, Kuber R, Chaudhari KR, Chaudhari P,Ghadage P, Naik

R. MR imaging of carcinoma cervix. Indian J Radiol Imaging


• FIGO Committee on Gynecologic Oncology. Revised FIGO staging for carcinoma of the vulva, cervix, and endometrium. Int J Gynecol

Obstet 2009;105:103-4.

• Okamoto Y, Tanaka YO, Nishida M, Tsunoda H, Yoshikawa H,Itai Y.

MR Imaging of the uterine cervix: Imaging-pathologic correlation.

RadioGraphics 2003;23:425-45.
