DigiTools Digital Workbook Chapter 1 Name: Review Questions Instructions: Write your answers to the questions below. 1. List three examples of digital hardware. 2. List and describe the five parts of a digital communication. 3. Explain the roles of an access point in a wireless network. 4. What is the purpose of a password? Give four rules for choosing and using passwords. 5. Why is a computer virus dangerous to your computer or network? 6. Explain the difference between an operating system and software applications. 7. List and briefly describe three types of computer interfaces. DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 1 1 8. What happens when you click a program’s Minimize Control button? How can this action be reversed? 9. What programs are usually included in an office suite application? Give three examples of office suite software. 10. Give two advantages of using an office suite over using individual programs designed by different companies. 11. Describe two ways in which you can close a program when working with Microsoft Windows. 12. When keying text in Microsoft Word, what action does pressing the Home key cause? When keying text in Microsoft Word, what action does pressing the End key cause? 13. What happens to a document that has not been saved when you shut down your computer? 14. What is the purpose of the File, Close command in Microsoft Word? DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 1 2 15. What is the purpose of the Print Preview command in Microsoft Word, and when should you use it? 16. List three of the options that may be changed in the Print dialog box of Microsoft Word. 17. The Help feature in Microsoft Word includes options on three tabs. List and briefly describe the three tabs. 18. How does the storage capacity of a floppy disk or CD compare to that of a hard drive on a computer or a network? 19. List five actions that the Windows Explorer program allows you to do. 20. List three of the career clusters or pathways identified by the U.S. Department of Education. List one or two jobs that you think would be found in each career cluster you listed. DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 1 3 Vocabulary Reinforcement Instructions: Enter the letter of each term at the left beside its definition at the right. A. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) _____ 1. Information or data that you want to share with others B. access point _____ 2. Unwanted e-mail, advertising, or Web pages that appear without being requested C. applications _____ 3. Unauthorized users of computers or networks D. computer interface _____ 4. The physical parts of a computer or related equipment E. computer virus _____ 5. The means by which users communicate and interact with a computer F. CPU (central processing unit) _____ 6. Software feature that provides quick access to information about commands, features, and screen elements G. digital devices _____ 7. Picture that represents commands or programs on a computer H. disk drive _____ 8. Output device that displays text and graphics on a screen I. hackers _____ 9. Method used to enter or transmit your message to the computer, or the data entered J. hard drive _____ 10. Internal operating unit or “brain” of computer K. hardware _____ 11. Input/output device that reads data from and writes to a disk L. Help _____ 12. Input device with an arrangement of letter, figure, symbol, control, function, and editing keys and a numeric keypad M. icon _____ 13. Input device used for commands and navigation N. input _____ 14. Rules to guide computer or network users O. Internet _____ 15. Information or data retrieved or received from a computer P. keyboard _____ 16. Hardware that connects to a larger network and routes signals from wireless devices to that network Q. message _____ 17. Equipment that communicates by broadcasting data in electronic form that microchips can understand R. microprocessor _____ 18. Series of letters and/or numbers that you enter to gain access to a network or program S. monitor _____ 19. Program that controls the operation of a computer T. mouse _____ 20. Programs that contain instructions for a computer; also called software U. operating system (OS) _____ 21. Destructive program loaded onto a computer and run without the user’s knowledge V. output _____ 22. Programs that contain instructions for a computer; also called applications W. password _____ 23. Common internal storage device for a computer X. software _____ 24. Small circuit board that controls all the processing within a computer Y. spam _____ 25. Public, worldwide computer network made up of smaller, interconnected networks that spans the Earth DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 1 4