P.1 Chapter 1 Computer Concept Every computer operation can be divided into three stages: input, process and output. Q1 Give 1 example of input, process and output. Input: _____________________________________________________________ Process: _____________________________________________________________ Output: _____________________________________________________________ Hardware the physical part of a computer system includes a system unit and a number of external devices attached to it Software a sequence of instructions command the computer system to complete specific tasks P.2 Hardware composed of input devices, a system unit, output devices Input devices for entering commands or data into the computer Q2 Give 4 examples of Input devices. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ System unit contains a central processing unit (CPU), circuit boards, a power supply and storage devices works on data together with the software to produce processed results Output device The processed result can be displayed to users by different output devices. Q3 Give 3 examples of output devices. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Software Software can be classified into two types: system software and application software. System software manages the operations of computer hardware helps us operate the computer system easily controls and facilitates the execution of the application software Q4 Give 2 examples of System software. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ P.3 Application software carries out specific tasks for the user application software cannot be run on a computer system without the presence of an operating system Q5 Give 2 examples of Application software. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Relationship between software and hardware Type of application software Function Example Word processor Create, edit, format, save and print documents. Microsoft Word Spreadsheet Perform calculation and data manipulation. Create charts. Microsoft Excel Presentation software Create presentations and slide shows. Microsoft PowerPoint Image editing software Edit photos and graphics. Ulead Photolmpact Communication software Exchange messages between different computers. Microsoft Outlook