Finance Minutes 14.10.13

Date – Monday 14th October 2013
Holly Park School – Finance Committee Meeting
Those Present- Andrew Ballam-Davies (Chair), Ann Pelham (Headteacher), Brian Salinger, Neil Bourne , Maria Michael, Jo Goga
In Attendance – Janis Hassan (School Business Manager)
1. Apologies for absence
Fiona Quinton, Vicky Hobart, Liz Pearson, Dean
ACTION (who? /timescale?)
2. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes not present
3. Matters arising
4. School Budget SI
The SBM presented the meeting with the current
position of expenditure vs budget as the school is
nearly half way through its financial year. Key
items had been highlighted and were talked
5. Capital Expenditure and to receive
list of priorities from Premises
Committee SI
The whole of the capital budget had been spent
on redecorating the main hall over the summer.
Premises Committee to submit a new list of work
to be done for next year
6. School Meal Accounting SI
The SBM reported that there were four debts
between £20 and £56 – two were being chased
and two had made promises to pay. There is one
debt of £103.50 under exceptional circumstances
and this is being managed by Sally Thomas and is
not yet deemed to be a problem.
SBM to update at next meeting
7. Nursery Costs & Funding SI
The Nursery continues to be very popular and
income will exceed what was budgeted last year.
Brian Salinger expressed concern that the main
school was funding the core costs of nursery. The
Chair will meet with the SBM to look into this. At
the next meeting Claire Mornington would like to
attend to discuss proposed changes to Nursery
working hours. It was agreed that there would be
no increase in costs for extended services in the
next year, This applies to Breakfast Club as well.
In addition, the request for parent to make a small
donation for Nursery sundries would be dropped
from the information packs.
Chair/SBM to look at costs
8. Special Fund SI
Nothing to report
9. Private Funds SI
All were up to date and balance at 31 July 2013.
There had been a donation to the school of
£5,200.00 from the Ben Samuel Trust, a parent
had donated £250.00 and another donation of
£200.00 had been received. These would all go
towards new sound equipment for the main hall.
The previous auditor having stood down, the SBM
would contact the Borough to have them audited.
SBM to contact Borough to arrange audit
Claire Mornington to prepare presentation for
next FC meeting
SBM to identify amounts received termly from
parents for Nursery sundries
Chair/SBM to meet to discuss Nursery costing
HT to write to Friern Barnet Trust thanking
them for their continued support and updating
them on the continued toilet refurbishment
programme which they kick-started two years
10. Free school lunches for infants
This item headlined in the national press three
weeks previously. Very little information as to
how it would and what support the school would
get as regards additional labour and kitchen
equipment was known. To raise again at the next
FC meeting
To carry item forward to next meeting
11. Money for sport in school
Neil Bourne detailed the funding of £9,950.00
which was ring-fenced to PE. This would be spent
on curriculum development, playground markings,
Saracens Tag Rugby training. There was an idea to
bring in an outside company Non Stop Action to
support this as well.
Neil Bourne/SBM to monitor
12. School signage
This was a matter of urgency as the main school
sign does not carry the name of the HT. This
would have to come from contingency. It was
agreed that it would be done very soon. The HT
said there would be better signage through the
whole school.
HT to arrange new signage
a) Pay Policy*
This policy is still out for consultation and waiting
to be reported back on. The Chair felt there was
little that could be discussed so a special meeting
of the FC will be convened later in the year once
all parties had reviewed the document
FC to meet again to consider this
b) Charging & Remissions Policy
Amendment made and final document would be
prepared for ratification
HT to update final version
14. Item(s) to carry forward to main
Charging & Remissions Policy
13. Policies to be ratified
Governing Body meeting
15. Any other business
There being no other business, the meeting was
closed at 7.20pm