Date–Monday 10th Feb 2014 Holly Park School – Finance Committee Meeting Those Present- Ann Pelham (Head Teacher), Andrew Ballam-Davies (Chair), Liz Pearson, Brian Salinger In Attendance – Janis Hassan (School Business Manager), Maria Michael (acting Deputy Head Teacher), Clare Mornington (Senior Nursery Nurse). Sally Thomas (Families Co-ordinator) AGENDA ITEMS KEY DISCUSSION POINTS 1. Apologies for absence Fiona Quinton, Sarah Afuwape, Fiona Oakley, Jo Goga 2. Minutes of last meeting Read at last Full GB Meeting 3. Matters arising None 4. Nursery Costs & Funding SI & visit from Clare Mornington & Sally Thomas Clare Mornington and Sally Thomas made a presentation to the FC on a new structure of sessions and charging for Nursery and Extended day provision based on clear three hour morning or afternoon sessions and every other period chargeable. Although reducing flexibility, it increased the places we could offer to parents as we are currently losing parents due to lack of availability and fitted better into the main school day. Meals, pre-school and afterschool would no longer be included in standard entitlement. A ACTION (who? /timescale?) Maria Michael to consult with Carol Derosa about our current nursery and if we are a fixed 52-place nursery plus other aspects of the new programme Chair and SBM to look at income changes Because of timescales, this will be revisited at the FC meeting preceding budget ratification meeting – planned for 24/03/14 governor asked if it was possible to reduce the free entitlement places we offer within our nursery. 5. School Budget SI The SBM presented the forecast to the end of the current year which estimates a c/fwd of £99,000 including a £48,900 contingency reserve. It was agreed that this would be the foundation of work to be done over the summer holidays. Work to be done deferred to Premises Committee 6. School Meal Accounting SI One debtor over £100 but being managed. Due to change of staff, full report not available but will be reported on next meeting. A governor asked if we offered online banking and if we could make more of it. 7. Special Fund SI Currently has £4,700.00 over two bank accounts. Head Teacher to look into projects to be funded and make formal request to Trustees 8. Private Funds SI All well managed. There is a fund of £8,400 to spend on staging, lighting and audio equipment for the hall. This is being researched and will be reported on at the next meeting 9. Pupil Premium Money Although we are advised PP will increase next year we are being made more accountable for its allocation and spending within our budget. In addition, we have experienced a claw-back in respect of departed pupils but appear to get nothing for those joining. Full details on school website. A governor asked about why the money was taken back. Move to encourage more parents to pay by online banking to be made when new person is in post. To be advertised in Newsletter and on Invoices. SBM to look into reason for clawback and how that works. AP will include details about PP spending in the body of the HT report for all govs. It is also available on the website. 10. Money for sport in school Funding has been continued for additional third year. Planning in progress and will be reported at next meeting 11. Holly Park SFVS Will be a standing item from next meeting 12. Policies to be ratified a) Extended Provision b) Financial Management Policies ratified with small amendments 13. Item(s) to carry forward to main Governing Body meeting With the Nursery plan still in development, the forecast will be taken to the next GB meeting 14. Any other business Budget setting workshop on 10th March. Budget ratification meeting at 7pm on Monday 24th March 2014 preceded by Finance Committee Meeting at 6pm Chair to find Auditor for accounts – needs to be done for 31/07/13 (SI denotes Standing Item)