Literacy across the Curriculum NQT Session 13th November 2014 Why bother? 35% of employers were unhappy with the level of reading and writing ability of young employees. Men and women with poor literacy are least likely to be in full-time employment at the age of thirty. Poor literacy skills can also be a serious barrier to progressing once in employment. 63% of men and 75% of women with very low literacy skills have never received a promotion. There are too many adults who lack basic literacy skills. In 2006 a Government sponsored review into basic skills, the Leitch Review, found that more than five million adults lack functional literacy, the level needed to get by in life and at work. Reading books is the only out-of-school activity for 16-year-olds demonstrably linked to securing managerial or professional jobs. 10 to 16 year-olds who read for pleasure do better at school. OFSTED Inspectors will consider the impact of the teaching of literacy and the outcomes across the range of the school’s provision. They will use the evidence they gather to inform the overall evaluation of pupils’ achievement, the quality of teaching and the impact of leadership and management on raising standards. In evaluating achievement, inspectors will: “progress in literacy and mathematics are assessed by drawing on evidence from other subjects in the curriculum, where this is sensible.” How to plan to embed literacy. Following this process will allow you to ensure that literacy is embedded into all of your lessons/SOL… Step A: Creating exemplar text that builds in progression – and builds on prior learning. Step B: Warming up the words – helping students internalise the technical language of the unit. Words to describe the Indian wars. In pairs, you are going to read through the words on the grid below. One person will read the words; the other person will put their hand up when the person has completed the reading. massacre eradication triumph exterminate savage defeat destruction failure barbaric victory ruin aggressive bleak conquest sad unfair massacre eradication triumph exterminate Starter: What words would you use to describe this scene? savage defeat destruction failure barbaric victory ruin aggressive bleak conquest sad unfair PPass Pass Merit Distinction Vocabulary Pyramid calendar calander calender calandar perserverence perseverance perservirance perseverants indispensible milenium indispeneble milennium indispensable millenium millennium indespencible supersede accomodate supercede accommodate superceed acomodate acommodate superseed Six of the keywords for this topic are written in the boxes above. But which spelling is the correct one? Write the correct spelling on your whiteboard. calendar calander calender calandar perserverence perseverance perservirance perseverants indispensible milenium indispeneble milennium indispensable millenium millennium indespencible supersede accomodate supercede accommodate superceed acomodate acommodate superseed Six of the keywords for this topic are written in the boxes above. But which spelling is the correct one? Write the correct spelling on your whiteboard. A4 Sheet Exercise Book Back Cover Keywords to fold out and see whilst writing Vocab Builder In July 1828 Daniel O’Connell stood for election in County Clare. Voters ignored the views of their landlords and vote en mass for O’Connell. He won by 2057 votes to 982. Which words could be used to describe how O’Connell would have felt after the election? Ecstatic Disappointed Proud Rebellious Daunted Confident Pessimistic Notable Defiant Cooperative Hopeful Scared What words would you use to describe how the British government would have felt? You have 3 minutes to write down, spelling them correctly, any keywords to do with the topic Germany 1918-1945. Premiership (5 points) Division 1 (3 points) Lebensraum Anti-Semitism Goebbels Kristallnacht Locarno Dawes Plan Stresemann Swastika Aryan Fuhrer Reparations Niemoller Division 2 (2 points) Division 3 (1 point) Holocaust SA SS Weimar Republic Reichstag Gestapo Mein Kampf Germany Nazis Hitler Dictatorship Jews Communists Hitler Youth Problems of law and order were common, because of claim-jumping and the fact that the gold ___________ the ‘dregs of society’. With no US government law officers to __________ them, people had to make their own arrangements. Each town held a mass meeting where a chairman and officers were chosen. They drew up a ‘mining code’. Claims to _________ had to be recorded with the district recorder. Disputes over claims were dealt with by a committee of _________. A sheriff would be appointed to arrest lawbreakers, and a court of all the miners Alternative task what – give theThe out main the problems keywords wouldNow decidehighlight on ______________. trials did not takewere long– and the most in common punishments were banishment or board students mining towns. must do a flogging, Pictionary on the ________________. and then the group decides where the word fits. Many other nationalities came to the mining towns to make their _____________. Most camps banned Mexicans, Chinese and ___________ from mining in the area. Mobs would drive Mexicans from their claims. The Chinese were left to rework old exhausted claims but even then were often harasses and ____________. The Indians were just ________________. Most miners refused to work alongside black people. Despite this, some 2000 free blacks did prospect, and when in 1850 Texas slave-owners arrived with their slaves the white miners made them ________. Step C: Warming up the phrases – helping students internalise the key generic phrases of the unit. Vocab sophisticated Connectives whereas Opening sentence It is obvious that Punctuation ? Reading books is better than watching TV. Totally disagree Totally agree Year 8 Example Task Punctuate this passage with CAPITAL LETTERS and FULL STOPS. last week i went to london zoo i saw elephants and tigers i ate lunch in the restaurant the best thing about the day was going to the gift shop i bought a poster and a keyring i can’t wait to go again Punctuate this passage with CAPITAL LETTERS, COMMAS, and FULL STOPS. when you have a bad day at school it can seem like everybody is against you especially the teachers being a teenager can be tough but you need to remember that everybody has their ups and downs and you can improve things by having a positive attitude to your work and trying your hardest in every subject Connective Cards Therefore Manchester United is a good football team. 1. Study Source A. What does this source tell you about being a soldier during World War 1? Level 5 – will be able to explain in detail what each example shows about what life was life for soldiers. Speaking Game Whereas Speaking Game In contrast Speaking Game Similarly Speaking Game However Speaking Game On the one hand/On the other hand… Student selection Read through the passage you have been given. Highlight the openings of the sentences and then rank them in your blank punctuation pyramid from most straight forward to WOW openings. My Travel Diary – 12.02.12 – Holi Day Slowly, I woke up with the sun in my eyes. It was the day I had been waiting for. Smiling, I thought about the photos I had seen of it. I was also nervous because I had never been anywhere like this before. After breakfast, I walked to the main square excitedly but nobody had gathered yet. I strolled to market in order to pass the time on. Lazily, I wandered around the vibrant market stalls. Later I returned to the square and it had changed incredibly. To my surprise, it was full of people. The people were dressed in brightly coloured robes and had friendly faces. Blinking in the sun, I looked at all the petite coloured bags in people’s hands. Suddenly, bang! The colours were being thrown at a terrific speed with cries of laughter. My Travel Diary – 12.02.12 – Holi Day Slowly, I woke up with the sun in my eyes. It was the day I had been waiting for. Smiling, I thought about the photos I had seen of it. I was also nervous because I had never been anywhere like this before. After breakfast, I walked to the main square excitedly but nobody had gathered yet. I strolled to market in order to pass the time on. Lazily, I wandered around the vibrant market stalls. Later, I returned to the square and it had changed incredibly. To my surprise, it was full of people. The people were dressed in brightly coloured robes with friendly faces. An hour passed and I waited patiently. Blinking in the sun, I looked at all the petite coloured bags in people’s hands. Suddenly, bang! The paint bombs were being thrown at a terrific speed as cries of laughter filled the air. It was the best day of my life. Your pyramid might look something like this… Step D: Internalising the text – helping students internalise the type of writing that is required including establishing the toolkit for this type of writing. Activity 1 – collaborative reading. You are actually going to read through some information about 9/11. You are going to read in the following way: • Page 1 – a word each. • Page 2 – a line each. • Page 3 – a sentence each. Activity 2 – picturing writing. Why dragons are extinct It is a well-known fact that, up until a few hundred years ago, dragons roamed England terrorising villages with their fiery breath and capturing maidens. So why are they now extinct? Experts think that the main reason is the rise and rise of football. Because so many England fans started wearing the colours of St George, the dragons fled to remote moorlands. Turn the text into a pictoral Unfortunately, the very cold weather of the moorlands meant that the dragons’ version. favourite green foods (gooseberries, cabbage and spinach) refused to grow. These plants were not only vital for the dragons’ health but also for their colour which provided camouflage in the woods. Slowly, the green dragons turned purple, caused by eating too much heather. It is this colour-change that led to their final extinction. Once the heather had died away in the autumn, the dragons could no longer hide because their purple scales made them easily visible. This enabled local bounty hunters to hunt and destroy them. So that is why the only dragons you see in England today are in pictures, books or films. Now, using your pictoral version only reproduce the original text orally. Activity 3 – Battleships Put a cross in TEN empty boxes, without letting your partner see. The aim of the game is to guess the squares chosen by your partner, by combining two expressions to give the coordinates of the squares. Co-constructed toolkit for information text Key ingredients Plan it – order your ideas. • Box up information logically in paragraphs. • Introduce topic clearly with a hook. • Round information off with interesting conclusion. Link it – join your ideas effectively • Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence to introduce it. • Link points with connectives and sentence signposts. Express it – make your ideas sound good • Choose effective phrases to help reader understand your points. • Use technical language appropriately. Check it • Read it through, check for accuracy and improve it. • Make certain it informs the reader. Step E: Consolidating learning to build in progression. Records the strengths and weaknesses of the product along with targets for the future (where appropriate). Writing to Evaluate What language features should be included? Past tense and future tense for target setting. Illustration, cause and effect and summary connectives used. • Evaluations in Science or Design • Book reviews • Film reviews • Performance reviews in Drama • Starts with a brief SUMMARY of the item/issue. • Focuses on POSITIVES aspects and NEGATIVE while finding possible REASONS for these Gives EXAMPLES/ EVIDENCE for both positive and negative (subheadings can be used). • Comes to conclusions and sums up while also giving a RECOMMENDATIONs or setting targets. First person I/We used as well as Third Person. Evaluation writing sample