Cash Flow Module

Cash Flow Module
Calculates and distributes cash generated by firm
Excess cash: When liabilities exceed assets
Either increase assets
Decrease liabilities
Another way to balance the model
Adjust left side of balance sheet
Adjust right side of balance sheet
(Cash, Marketable Securities)
Pay dividend in excess of minimum
Decrease retained earnings
Link between income statement and balance sheet
Cash flow module
Start with operating cash flow
Adjust for all changes in balance sheet items
NI + Depreciation
Redundancy (fail safe) system
Picks up changes in financing
End result
Cash Available for Dividends
Sometimes will equal NI*payout
Can be more (residual)
Feeds to Dividends line in Income Statement
Representative Equations
Cash flow sector, cont.
C.1 Earnings Cash Flowt  Net incomet  Depreciation Expenset
C.2 NWC Investmentt  Other CA Investmentt  Spontaneous Financingt
C.3 Cash Flow from Operationst  Earnings Cash Flowt  NWC Investmentt
C.4 Capital Expenditurest  Fixed Asset Investmentt
C.5 Capital Financingt   Debtt  Debtt 1    Common Stockt  Common Stockt 1 
C.6 Net Cash Inflowt  Cash Flow from Operationst  Capital Expenditurest
 Capital Financingt
 Cash 
C.7 Increase in Casht  
 * Salest  Casht 1
 Sales 
C.8 Cash Available for Dividend t  Net Cash Inflowt  Increase in Casht
Cash must flow somewhere
Not into a financial black hole
 Above equations direct specified amount
to Cash Balance
Residual directed to dividends
Could have gone into Marketable Securities or
used to retire debt
The key
Residual flow must be directed somewhere
A financial black hole
Net Cash Inflow
Addition to Cash Balance
Excess Cash Flow
300 (X% of Sales)
500 (Y% of Net Income)
The $200 must be directed somewhere
Marketable securities (or cash)
Larger Dividend
Retire debt
Repurchase stock
Two ways to achieve
Equilibrate stock balances (adjust right side)
Balance flow of funds (adjust left side)
Financing Module
Total Assetst = Total Liabilitiest
Total Assetst = Total Liabilitiest-1 + New Financingt
Cash Flow Module
Total Uses of Fundst = Total Sourcest
Net Change in Cash Balancet = Net Cash Inflowt
Either or both methods can be used
Use elements of both for checks
Model must be told how to
Simulation model
Determine how much new financing is necessary
Make decisions
User specifies plug
Force equality between sources and uses of cash
Adjust cash balance
“Cash-balancing” model
 Force equality between assets and liabilities
Adjust debt and common stock balances
“Stock-balancing” model
Example: Stock balancing
Investment module
Calculates additional investment in fixed assets of $100
Financing module
$25 million to come from spontaneous and internal sources
Left-hand side exceeds right-hand side of balance sheet
Assets exceed liabilities and stockholders' equity by $75 million
Difference: the amount necessary to balance
Required External Financing
The plug
$75 million
User determines the source
Debt or equity
Forces the model into balance
Example: Flow balancing
Investment module
Calculates additional investment in fixed assets of $100 million
Financing module
$125 million to come from spontaneous and internal sources
Right-hand side exceeds left-hand side of balance sheet
Difference: the amount necessary to balance
Excess cash
The plug
$25 million
User determines the allocation
Increase cash or marketable securities
Increase dividend
Increases assets
Decreases liabilities (retained earnings)
Decrease debt
Buyback shares
Forces the model into balance
Perverse Effects
Dividends: Problems
Paying dividends without sufficient cash
 Paying negative dividend when firm
experiences a loss
 Distributing excess cash
Perverse Effects
Dividends: Solutions
Calculate Minimum Dividend in Financing
Assures dividend will be financed
Prevent from going negative when NI < 0
Calculate Cash Available for Dividends in
Cash Flow Sector
Use =MAX(.)
Includes external financing for minimum dividend
Reference CAfD in income statement
Perverse Effects
Dividends: Excel code
Minimum Dividend (from Financing Module)
 MAX  Net Incomet * Payout Ratio, 0 
Income sector code for Dividends (redundant code)
 IF  CAfDt  NI t * Payout , MAX  CAfDt , 0  , MAX  NI t * Payout , 0  
Four equilibrium checks
Balance Sheet
Total Assets less Total Liabilities and Shareholder Equity
Have all the financing needs been met?
Must equal 0
Cash Flow module
Net Cash Flow less Increase in Cash less Dividends
Is all free cash flow allocated?
Must equal 0
Statement of Cash Flows
Net increase in cash less uses of cash
Else some cash is flowing into a financial black hole
Does what’s left after all uses for cash equal net increase in cash?
Must equal 0
Master check
Sum of the three above
Must equal 0