Kingdoms Foldable

Kingdoms Foldable
Directions: You are to create a foldable that will show the characteristics of the 6 kingdoms of
living things. You will need 8 pieces of paper, folded to create 8 pages (first being your title
page. You will use ch. 18 (pgs. 457 – 461) in your textbook. If you need more information,
ideas, pictures, etc., each kingdom has its own chapter(s). Bacteria: ch. 19, Protista: ch. 20,
Fungus: ch. 21, Plants: ch. 22-25, Animals: ch. 26 . Your poster will show the difference
between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. It will also show the 6 kingdoms of living things and
their identifying characteristics.
What needs to be included in your foldable:
 Title
 Cell Types:
 Prokaryotic cell
 Draw a picture of a prokaryotic cell. Color it.
 Label: cell membrane, cell wall, ribosomes, cytoplasm, & DNA.
 Eukaryotic cell
 Draw a picture of a eukaryotic cell. Color it.
 Label: cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, nucleus, & DNA.
 For each Kingdom (6) of living thing, you must include the following:
 Kingdom Name
 Which Domain does it belong to?
 What type of cell do the organisms in this kingdom have? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic
 How many cells? Unicellular or multicellular (or both)
 How does it get food/energy? Autotroph, heterotroph, saprobe (or combination)
 Does it have a cell wall? Yes or no
 If it does have a cell wall, what is it made of? What material?
 Is it motile? (Can it move?) Yes or no
 Examples (at least 2 for each)
 At least 2 drawings (in color) of a representative organism of that kingdom.
Grading rubric is located on the back of this handout. You must turn this handout in with your