Improving Students’ Spatial Thinking Skills Carol Ormand, SERC, Carleton College Based on research with Cathy Manduca, SERC, Carleton College Thomas Shipley, Temple University Basil Tikoff, UW-Madison What Research Tells Us • Spatial skills cannot be measured and characterized with a single test; a suite of tests is required • Spatial thinking skills improve with practice • There is a wide range of spatial thinking abilities, even among geoscience majors in upper-level courses • Although students can succeed in undergraduate geoscience courses with weak spatial thinking skills, incorporating spatial skills training is likely to have two benefits: • Increasing the pool of potential geoscientists • Improving gender equity in the geoscience workforce What is Spatial Thinking? • What are some of the tasks that you have your students do that have a spatial component? • What are some of the tasks that you do as a geoscientist that have a spatial component? • How can we help our students progress from where they are to where you are? Examples of Spatial Thinking Student tasks: • • • • • • • • • • Interpret maps and aerial photos Create physical geographic profiles Interpret and correlate well logs Draw a diagram of isotopic composition of water in different locations within a system Making maps in GIS; 3D mapping; drawing subsurface hydrology Calculate the variation of properties in space, statistically Make a beach profile, interpret sediment samples, compare to prior years’ data Develop computer models to solve characteristic equations Model 3D flow Describe coastal upwelling (narrative) Expert tasks: • Reconstruct spatial cross-section from time series from buoy and Gulf Stream • Observe, interpret, and model what we see in outcrops (sedimentary rocks) • Analyze nutrients in water to interpret inputs • Contour maps – recognize errors in computer-generated contouring • Groundwater – surface water interactions through time • River scale flow modeling • Using isotopes to reconstruct paleoclimate • Reconstruct the subsurface from seismic data • Develop a GIS curriculum, including teaching basic geographic concepts • Organizing classroom to maximize student interactions Spatial thinking includes (but is not limited to)… • Mental rotation: imagining rotating an object • In cognitive science research, mental rotation skills have served as a proxy for all spatial thinking until quite recently. Data from many different sources (including our studies) suggest this is insufficient. Spatial thinking includes (but is not limited to)… • Visualizing: imagining a 3D object from a 2D representation • Perspective taking: imagining looking at an object or scene from a different direction Spatial thinking includes (but is not limited to)… • Penetrative thinking: imagining what a slice thru an object would look like • Disembedding: attending to one aspect of a complex scene Spatial thinking includes (but is not limited to)… • Navigation • Scaling Spatial Thinking in Geoscience • Spatial thinking appears to be essential in a number of subdisciplines in the geosciences • Faculty describe poor spatial skills as a barrier to success • Spatial skills training in engineering has led to improved class performance and retention in the major Measuring Spatial Skills • Mental rotation Measuring Spatial Skills • Penetrative thinking: imagining the shape of a slice through an object Measuring Spatial Skills • Penetrative thinking: imagining a slice through an object, including its interior Measuring Spatial Skills • Paper folding • Disembedding * * Disembedding: isolating and attending to one aspect of a complex display or scene Measuring Spatial Skills • Water level Examples of the range of test scores, geoscience students Correlations between spatial skills tests Measured improvement, mental rotation, one academic term Our Conclusions • There is a wide range of spatial thinking abilities, even among geoscience majors in upper-level courses • Spatial skills cannot be measured and characterized with a single test; a suite of tests is required • Spatial thinking skills improve with practice So… what kind of training/practice would be most effective? html What kinds of brief, weekly exercises could you give your students? Take a few minutes to brainstorm a list of 10-minute exercises you could have your students do to practice the kinds of spatial thinking that show up in your courses. Suggestions: • Focus on what you want them to be able to do. • Start simple, and build up to more difficult tasks over time. • Demonstrate how to approach the exercises. Work an example before having students tackle the first one. Spatial Workbook Project: focuses on penetrative thinking • Builds on prior work: • From geoscience education: • Titus & Horsman’s exercises (JGE, 2009) • Steve Reynolds’ computer visualizations of landscapes and structures • Visible geology tool ( • Our studies thus far Spatial Workbook Project • Builds on prior work: • From cognitive science: • Progressive alignment • Gesture • From STEM education: • Sorby workbook for engineers Detailed look at instructional “intervention” at UW-Madison • Structural Geology class at the UW-Madison • Test of 2011-2014 spatial thinking workbook concept • Spring 2010: collect baseline data • Pre- and post-tests of students’ penetrative thinking, mental rotation, and disembedding skills • Spring 2011: • Same pre- and post-tests of penetrative thinking, mental rotation, and disembedding skills • Weekly penetrative thinking exercises at the beginning of lab • Designed to take 10-15 minutes • Variety of forms (pencil & paper, computer visualizations, play-doh) • Geological and non-geological content • All required students to sketch one or more cross-sections Weekly Exercises: analog modeling • Use play-doh to construct a model of • An anticline • Boudinage • Lineation (for example, a stretched pebble conglomerate) • Slice through your model in several different directions • Sketch cross-sections parallel, perpendicular, and oblique to the structural grain • How would your cross-sections be different if the structure (or long axis of the strain ellipsoid) was plunging? Weekly Exercises: analog modeling • Construct a model of a faulted fold, like the one illustrated below, using play-doh. Slice the model • Parallel to the fold hinge • Perpendicular to the fold hinge, through the fault surface • Sketch the resulting cross-sections • Investigate similar structures: • Faulted syncline • Faulted plunging fold Image by Titus and Horsman Weekly Exercises: computer visualizations • Sketch a cross-section for the slicing plane indicated, as viewed from the right side of the block • Sketch the 3 cross-sections of a human foot indicated in the diagram below A C B Weekly Exercises: thought exercises • Construct a structure contour map for the top of the gray unit, using 100m contour intervals; describe the orientation of this structure and the structure contour lines in words • Sketch a cross-section from A-A’ Images & exercises by Titus and Horsman Results: Penetrative Thinking (ETS planes of reference) Pre-test Post-test Gain T-test 2010 (N=17) 8.6 (3.2) 10.1 (2.2) 1.5 (2.6) 0.03 2011 (N=16) 7.3 (2.5) 9.0 (3.1) 1.7 (2.2) 0.01 UW-Madison, Structure, Spring 2010 UW-Madison, Structure, Spring 2011 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pre-test 8 9 10 11 Post-test 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pre-test 8 9 10 11 Post-test 12 13 14 15 Results: Mental Rotation (PVRT) Pre-test Post-test Gain T-test 2010 6.0 (2.1) 6.4 (1.9) 0.4 (2.0) 0.48 2011 4.9 (1.8) 6.2 (2.0) 1.3 (1.5) 0.00 UW-Madison, Structure, Spring 2010 UW-Madison, Structure, Spring 2011 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Pre-test 6 7 Post-test 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Pre-test 6 7 Post-test 8 9 10 Results: Disembedding (ETS hidden figures) Pre-test Post-test Gain T-test 2010 8.0 (3.2) 9.3 (2.8) 1.3 (3.3) 0.12 2011 7.4 (3.0) 9.3 (3.7) 1.9 (2.8) 0.02 UW-Madison, Structure, Spring 2010 UW-Madison, Structure, Spring 2011 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pre-test 9 10 11 12 Post-test 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pre-test 9 10 11 12 Post-test 13 14 15 16 UW Structure Class Study Results • Spring 2010: • Students demonstrated a wide range of spatial thinking skills • Students showed modest improvement (on average) on all 3 measures, with statistically significant improvement in penetrative thinking • Spring 2011: • Students demonstrated a wide range of spatial thinking skills • Students showed greater average gains on all 3 measures, and all gains were statistically significant Conclusions • Spatial thinking skills improve with practice (even 10-15 minutes each week can make a difference) • Interventions focused on strengthening penetrative thinking may also help develop other aspects of spatial thinking • Next year: testing progressive alignment and gesture exercises. Stay tuned. What kinds of brief, weekly exercises could you give your students?