The Geography of Climate Change

Geography 3AB: The Geography of Climate Change
Geopac 5
Climate Impacts and Response
Key Learning points
Spatial association
explain how the following cultural patterns and processes and their interaction with natural systems affect climate
change i.e. agricultural land use, urban land use, including power generation, transport, industry, pollutants and
aerosols, human sources of greenhouse gases
Spatial interaction
explain the impact of climate change upon spatial patterns in the natural and cultural environments e.g. the distribution
of plant and animal communities and the location of human settlement and land uses examine the impact of climate
change upon the spatial patterns of agriculture or human settlements
Natural systems and climate change
The impact of climate on spatial interactions in natural and spatial systems
1. Read page 236
How are the activities of humans thought to be impacting on natural systems and climate?
2. How may communities and nations need to respond to the effects of climate changes?
3. Read page 237
‘Climate change can impact on a number of natural systems including……..:'
4. Give some examples of how climate change can affect both the types of species found within an
ecosystem, as well as their extent and distribution
5. Read page 238
How might climate change impact on the
World’s deserts?
Mountain ecosystems?
Aquatic and marine environments?
6. Read page 239
What is meant by ‘climate feedback mechanisms’ and ‘biogeochemical cycles’?
7. Explain how climate change will cause changes which will in-turn cause further changes
8. How have the following changes in climatic conditions in Australia over the past 30 or so years affected
Increasing levels of rainfall in the northern regions
Declining rainfall in southern areas
Increase in the average temperature
The warming of the oceans
9. Read page 240
What is the potential impact of climate change on soils?
10. What is the potential Impact of climate change on landforms?
11. What is the potential Impact of climate change on the oceans?
Agriculture and climate change
Read pages 241-44
12. Explain the different ways that agriculture can change climate by affecting the energy budget,
hydrological cycle, carbon cycle or atmospheric circulation.
13. Explain how climate variability can affect agricultural production.
14. Study the map of projected climate changes in agricultural production by the year 2080 and write a
detailed description of the changing pattern. Suggest reasons for these changes.
15. Outline the different ways that agriculture may need to adapt to changes in local climatic conditions
Urban settlement and climate change
Read pages 244-47
16. List some of the contributions cites make to the possible drivers of climate change.
17. Outline how the following aspects of urban settlement impact on climate, on the local and global scale
Motor vehicles and urban development
The use of fossil fuels
Pollutants and aerosols from urban and industrial activities, and carbon dioxide
18. How will people living in cities have to adapt to climate change?