Cold War

The Cold War
What is the Cold War???
growing mistrust between the 2 Superpowers: __________________________
___________________________ (symbolic boundary dividing Europe into 2)
lasted from the 1920’s – 1990’s
Western Europe & the U.S. vs. Eastern Europe, China, & the Soviet Union
no actual fighting battles, but lots of tension, rivalry, & political battles
Soviet blockade of Berlin/Berlin Wall
Bay of Pigs
Cuban Missile Crisis
Truman Doctrine
Korean War
Vietnam War
Space Race
Nuclear Arms Race
Capitalism & Democracy (U.S.) VS. Communism (Soviet Union)
end of WWII, Germany was split into 4 zones
Berlin Blockade
France, Britain, & U.S. combined their zones
U.S.S.R. decided to blockade W. Berlin; in response, British & American planes
airlifted supplies into W. Berlin
soon after… _____________________________ built
President Truman –
Humanitarian Efforts
_________________________ – U.S. would dedicate economic aid to help
foreign countries fight communism
__________________________ – gave financial aid to European allies to
rebuild their countries after WWII
$13 billion between 1948 – 1952
offered Soviet Union, but they refused
the Fair Deal – reform programs after WWII
The Fair Deal (New Deal
it was intended to bring _______________________________ for Americans
it called for more affordable housing, expanded Social Security benefits, & aid for
it also dealt with ________________________– calling for an end to lynching
& discrimination & for voter protection laws
it funded domestic improvements
building highways
GI bill $$$
Korean War
2 Koreas _____________________________________________________
North Korea (trained by Soviets) invaded South Korea in order to spread
communism; Truman sent troops immediately over – _____________________
Chinese (communists) helped N. Korea vs. U.S. (democracy) helped S. Korea; the
U.N. voted to use military force in Korea
Election of 1952 – Republican President, Eisenhower (former WWII general) won
war changes
The U.S. never declared war in Korea
IKE (Eisenhower)
Eisenhower Doctrine -Threatened the use of ___________________ in Korea 
2 sides signed a peace treaty soon after
To this day… 2 sides (North & South)… tensions still exist… U.S. forces still there
“New Look” in U.S. foreign policy  _________________________________
What is Communism?
We will go to war to contain communism
a type of socialism; ______________________________________________
_____________________ – German ideologist; the Communist Manifesto (1848)
the “Father of Communism” – thought capitalism would end
working class should revolt against middle class
years later the Marxist Bolsheviks took over Russia & started the Communist Party
of the Soviet Union (leader – ____________________________)
The Red Scare
fear of __________________ (the Communist party exists in the U.S. & its
spreading all over eastern Europe & Asia)
____________, govt. agency, investigates American people’s involvement in
_____________________ – refusing to hire because a person may be communist
Hollywood investigated & up in arms
_____________________ – required organizations thought to be communist to
register with the govt. & allowed govt. the right to arrest people suspected of
A Senator who began a campaign to expose Communists in the U.S.
he accused people of _________________________________ & exploited the
fear of communism  ______________________________
people scared of proving him wrong, for fear that he would called them a
he then went after communism in the military… that pushed it too far
McCarthy then voted out of office by Congress
Nuclear Arms Race
who would have the most ___________________________???
SALT – ______________________________________________
from atomic bomb to hydrogen bomb (more powerful)
U.S. not the only one with this technology (Soviet Union has it too)
Families built underground _____________________ to escape radiation
children practiced _______________________________ at schools
Space Race
___________________ – Soviet satellite sent into space; Americans worried that
the Soviets were beating the U.S. technologically in the Cold War
in response, the U.S. created _______________ (National Aeronautics & Space
Administration) & funded/pushed __________________________ & foreign
language in education
Eisenhower created it, ___________________________made it what it is today
National Defense Education Act
Scientific Initiative passed to ________________________________ of the U.S.
Aid to education for ___________________________
More science, math, & foreign language classes!
the Bay of Pigs
1959, Fidel Castro, Cuba vs. Kennedy, U.S.
Castro established a communist dictatorship in Cuba & an alliance with the Soviet
Cuba very close to U.S.  scared Americans
Kennedy/Ike’s plan – ____________________________________________
Castro attacked back, invasion turned into a disaster
The Cuban Missile Crisis
__________________________________________________ (could hit U.S.)
________________________________ to prevent & block Soviet ships from
bringing in more missiles
Soviet ships then approached the U.S. blockade… time stood still… Soviet ships
turned back
Compromise: Soviets removed missiles, U.S. not invade Cuba, & create a “hotline”
(the red phone between 2 superpowers)
________________________________ – created by Kennedy & Soviet leader,
Khrushchev, ended testing of nuclear weapons above ground
Vietnam Conflict
war fought between communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam (N. Vietnam) &
Republic of Vietnam (S. Vietnam)
N. Vietnam wanted independence from French colonialism
War Powers Act 1973
Because of ______________________ this fed. law is created
President cannot send troops (unless under attack) to war; ___________________
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
1979 - 1989
____________________________________________ (rebel Islamist group)
____________________________________ (resistance group) to
counterattack the Soviet helicopters – Operation Cyclone
_______________________________ of Afghanistan after it was abandoned