MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 COURSE DESCRIPTION: The sixth grade social studies curriculum consists of the following content area strands: World History, Geography, Civics, and Economics. The primary content for this course pertains to the world’s earliest civilizations to the ancient and classical civilizations of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Students will be exposed to the multiple dynamics of world history including economics, geography, politics, and religion/philosophy. Students will study methods of historical inquiry and primary and secondary historical documents. Honors/Advanced courses offer scaffolded learning opportunities for students to develop the critical skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation in a more rigorous and reflective academic setting. Students are empowered to perform at higher levels as they engage in the following: analyzing historical documents and supplementary readings, working in the context of thematically categorized information, becoming proficient in note-taking, participating in Socratic seminars/discussions, emphasizing free-response and document-based writing, contrasting opposing viewpoints, solving problems, etc. Students will develop and demonstrate their skills through participation in a capstone and/or extended researchbased paper/project (e.g., history fair, participatory citizenship project, mock congressional hearing, projects for competitive evaluation, investment portfolio contests, or other teacher-directed projects). The following pacing guide replaces the Competency-Based Curriculum for Social Studies as the required curriculum for grades K-12 in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Please note the following important general information regarding the Pacing Guides: The Pacing Guides outline the required curriculum for social studies, grades K-12, in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Social Studies Pacing Guides have been developed for all elementary grade levels (K-5) and for each of the required social studies courses at the middle and senior high school levels. The Social Studies Pacing Guides are to be utilized by all teachers, grades K-12, when planning for social studies instruction. The Pacing Guides outline the required sequence in which the grade level or course objectives are to be taught. The Pacing Guides outline the pacing in which instruction should occur. Specifically, the Pacing Guides are divided into 9 week segments and provide an estimate of the number of traditional or block days needed to complete instruction on a given topic. Teachers should make every effort to stay on pace and to complete the topics in a given nine weeks. Slight variations in pacing may occur due to professional decisions made by the teacher or because of changes in school schedules. NOTE: Content benchmarks that are highlighted in red are relevant to the Seventh Grade Civics End of Course Exam tested benchmarks. NOTE: Associated with each red highlighted benchmark is a link to a lesson plan (highlighted in yellow) complete with all readings, handouts, a detailed lesson plan, and a prepost quiz to be used during instruction in order to emphasize the importance of relevant Seventh Grade Civics End of Course Exam tested benchmarks. NOTE: All essential benchmarks are highlighted in Green. Each Social Studies Pacing Guide is divided into the following headings/categories to assist teachers in developing lesson plans: Grade Level or Course Title - The grade level and course title are listed in the heading of each page. Course Code - The Florida Department of Education Course Code is listed for the course. Topic - The general topic for instruction is listed; e.g., Westward Expansion. Pacing - An estimated number of traditional or block instructional days needed to complete instruction on the topic is provided. Strands and Standards – Strands and Standards from the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) are provided for each topic. Nine Week Grading Period - Grading periods (1-4) are identified. Essential Content – This critically important column provides a detailed list of content/topics and sub topics to be addressed during instruction. NGSSS-SS Benchmarks – This critically important column lists the required instructional Benchmarks that are related to the particular topic. The Benchmarks are divided into Content Benchmarks and Skill Benchmarks. These benchmarks should be identified in the teacher’s lesson plans. Instructional Tools - This column provides suggested resources and activities to assist the teacher in developing engaging lessons and pedagogically sound instructional practices. The Instructional Tools column is divided into the following subparts: Core Text Book, Key Vocabulary, Technology (Internet resources related to a particular topic), Suggested Activities, Assessment, English Language Learner (ELL) Instructional Strategies, Related Programs (National, State, Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Florida Standards Literacy and Writing Standards for History/Social Studies 6-12: Florida Reading and Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, grades 6-12, can be found at the end of each nine weeks Pacing Guide. When planning lessons for instruction, teachers should address these state standards during their teaching of social studies content to ensure a systematic and proven approach to literacy and writing development. The Florida Standards are research and evidenced-based, aligned with college and work expectations, rigorous, and internationally benchmarked. For a complete listing of all Florida Standards, please visit: The specific pages for History/Social Studies 6-12 standards for Literacy and Writing have been extracted from the Florida Standards document and placed at the end of each nine weeks Pacing Guide for each required 6-12 social studies course. Course Themes: Essential content that spans multiple topics. For Sixth Grade World History, the following themes are identified: Geography and its use to understand relationships between people, places, and environments o Location o Places and Regions o Human-Environmental Interaction o Movement and Cultural Diffusion Development of Civilizations o Historical Inquiry o Foundation o Culture o Cities and government o Social Structures o Religions and philosophies o Science and technology o Arts and architecture Economic Systems o Agriculture o Trade and Commerce o Resources and Production Social Structures o Daily Life o Family & Kinship o Gender roles and relations o Race and Ethnicity o Social and economic classes Civics and Political Systems o Principles of government o Political Structures o Forms of government o Citizenship – roles, rights, and responsibilities o Colonization and Imperialism o Global Structures and global citizen Department of Social Sciences Financial Literacy: At the end of each nine weeks’ 6th grade World History Pacing Guides is an addendum highlighting resources for teachers to use to infuse the instruction of Financial Literacy in the curriculum MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 History/Social Science Labs History/Social Science Labs are an engaging and rigorous instructional approach designed to require in-depth learning and thinking on the part of the student guided by an essential question, analysis of primary or secondary source documents, and ending in a rigorous writing assignment or other rigorous learning task. Steps to Conduct History/Social Science Labs 1. Identify the NGSSS-SS Benchmark(s) to be addressed. 2. Develop an essential question or use an essential question already found in the pacing guide. 3. Build background knowledge with students about the topic. 4. FACILITATE students conduct on document/source analysis. 5. Have students report back about their analysis of the source(s). 6. Take the lab to an end and have students Independently answer, in writing, the essential question *History/Social Science labs, complete with sources, have been embedded in to this pacing guide. See next page for History/Social Science template. Department of Social Sciences The History/Social Science lab icon (on your left) has been included next to benchmarks that have labs already created. Simply click on the icon and you will be taken to the webpage on where the labs are located. To see a video that provides an overview of the History/Social Science lab process and benefits, please see: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 History/Social Science Lab Template Name _____________________________________________ Period _____ Date _____________________ [Put benchmark here – numbers and write it out] Essential Question: [put essential guiding question here] Source Main Idea / Message / Important Details How does this document answer the essential question? Source 1 [include source information as applicable] Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Thesis: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Topic 6: THE ISRAELITES 1800B.C. - A.D.70 Pacing Date(s) Traditional 10 days 11-02-15 to 11-16-15 Block 5 days 11-02-15 to 11-16-15 Essential Questions: How do religions develop and shape society? How do the religious beliefs and practices established by the Israelites continue to shape the world? STRAND(S) and STANDARD(S): Geography: (Standard 1: Understand how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools and technology to report information) (Standard 4: Understand the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations) World History: (Standard 1: Utilize historical inquiry skills and analytical processes.) (Standard 2: Describe the emergence of early civilizations, (Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow Rivers, Meso and South American) (Standard 3: Recognize the significant events, figures, and contributions of classical civilization (Phoenicia, Greece, Rome, Axum) Second Nine Weeks Essential Content NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Instructional Tools Course Themes Addressed: Development of Civilizations o Religions and philosophies Social Structures o Daily Life o Family & Kinship Specific Content: Beginnings o Hebrew Bible o Abraham o Isaac and Jacob o Moses & the Exodus o Covenant Torah Ten Commandments The Land of Canaan o Canaanites Phoenicians (alphabet) o Philistines o Military Conquest Florida Standards Focus Standard: LAFS.6.RH.2.5 Describe how a text presents information (e.g. sequentially, comparatively, causally). Content Benchmarks: SS.6.W.2.3 Identify the characteristics of civilization. SS.6.W.2.9 Identify key figures and basic beliefs of the Israelites and determine how these beliefs compared with those of others in the geographic area. SS.6.W.3.1 Analyze the cultural impact the ancient Phoenicians had on the Mediterranean world with regard to colonization (Carthage), exploration, maritime SS.6.G.1.7 Use maps to identify characteristics and boundaries of ancient civilizations that have shaped the world today. SS.G.2.6 Explain the concept of cultural diffusion, and identify the influences of different ancient cultures on one another. SS.6.G.4.1 Explain how family and ethnic relationships influenced ancient cultures. Department of Social Sciences Florida Standards Focus Activity: Have students create a time line summarizing and sequencing significant dates in the history of the Israelites. Include images and symbols on the time line. (This also meets LAFS.68.WSHT.1.2 Write informative/ explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes). Text Resource: Discovering Our Past: A History of the World- Early Ages, 2013/1st Edition; Chapter 6 (pp. 137-167) The Israelites Vocabulary: alphabet, commandments, covenant, Diaspora, exile, Exodus, kosher, monotheism, prophet , proverb, psalm, rabbi, Sabbath, scroll, synagogue, Torah, tribe, Ancient World History Lesson Plan: Click the link for access to a complete lesson plan on the topic of the Ancient Middle East: 0ancient%20cultures/The%20Ancient%20Middle%20East%20GR%206.p df Technology: PowerPoint presentations on the Hebrews: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 o Life in Canaan o The Tabernacle The Israelite Kingdom o Early Kings Two Kingdoms o Israel o Judah Skill Benchmarks: SS.6.W.1.1 Use timelines to identify chronological order of historical events. Website for Jewish holidays SS.6.W.1.3 Interpret primary and secondary sources. SS.6.G.1.4 Utilize tools geographers use to study the world. SS.6.G.4.4 Map and analyze the impact of the spread of various belief systems in the ancient world. The Development of Judaism o Return to Judah Hebrew Bible o Jewish Daily Life Family Dietary Laws The Jews in the Mediterranean World o Greek Rule o Spread of Jewish Ideas Maccabee Revolt Roman Rule in Judea Website for Torah Western Wall, the Kotel, the most significant site in the world for the Jewish people, is the last remnant of their Temple. Live at the Wall. Suggested Activities: Have students look at a map of the land of the Israelites and analyze geographic features people might look for when choosing a capital city. Have students compare the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament of the Israelites with the laws from Hammurabi’s code. Website with Hammurabi code : Have students give a presentation about how leadership qualities of Jewish historical figures helped shape the development of religions and society. Assessment: Develop rubrics and share with students for each of the above mentioned projects in order to increase opportunities for mastery of content and historical thinking skills. Each project or assignment should be assessed for content accuracy and skill development in terms of writing and reading comprehension. ELL: Use visual depictions of historical events in order to increase ELL students’ mastery of related content. This ELL website offers free blank printable graphic organizers and semantic webs. Have students create a picture geographic dictionary of key terms in English and their native language using Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Additional ELL Strategies: Provide students with: Oral and visual cues for directions Pictures, graphs, charts, and videos Oral reading strategies (i.e., read-a-loud, jump in reading) Peer grouping for activities Teacher read-a-loud strategies Audio books Manipulative items (i.e.,3-D objects) Cooperative learning activities (small/large group settings) Structured paragraphs for writing assignments Simplified/shortened reading text Semantic mapping activities to enhance writing Language Experience Approach Related Programs: State and District Instructional Requirements: Teachers should be aware that State and District policy requires that all teachers K-12 provide instruction to students in the following content areas: AfricanAmerican History, Character Education, Hispanic Contributions to the United States, Holocaust Education, and Women’s Contributions to the U.S. Detailed lesson plans can be downloaded from the Division of Social Sciences and Life Skills website,, under the headings “Character Education” and “Multicultural Support Documents.” Please note that instruction regarding the aforementioned requirements should take place throughout the entire scope of a given social studies course, not only during the particular month or day when a particular cultural group is celebrated or recognized. SPED: Go the Department of Social Sciences’ website,, and look under “Curricular Documents,” Next Generation Sunshine State Standards” in order to download the PDF of Access Points for Students with Cognitive Disabilities related to this particular grade level Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Pacing Guide Benchmark(s) Date Traditional: November 02, 2015 -November 16, 2015 Block: November 02, 2015 - November 16, 2015 Florida Standards Focus Standard: LAFS.6.RH.2.5 Describe how a text presents information (e.g. sequentially, comparatively, causally). Content Benchmarks: SS.6.W.2.3 Identify the characteristics of civilization. SS.6.W.2.9 Identify key figures and basic beliefs of the Israelites and determine how these beliefs compared with those of others in the geographic area. SS.6.W.3.1 Analyze the cultural impact the ancient Phoenicians had on the Mediterranean world with regard to colonization (Carthage), exploration, maritime SS.6.G.1.7 Use maps to identify characteristics and boundaries of ancient civilizations that have shaped the world today. SS.G.2.6 Explain the concept of cultural diffusion, and identify the influences of different ancient cultures on one another. SS.6.G.4.1 Explain how family and ethnic relationships influenced ancient cultures Department of Social Sciences Data Driven Benchmark(s) Activities Assessment(s) Strategies MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Topic 7: THE ANCIENT GREEKS 2000B.C. - 400 B.C. Pacing Date(s) Traditional 12 days 11-17-15 to 12-07-15 Block 6 days 11-17-15 to 12-07-15 Essential Questions: How did differences between Greek city-states and with other empires impact ancient Greek civilization? How does Athenian democracy differ from American democracy? STRAND(S) and STANDARD(S): Civics and Government: (Standard 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the origins and purposes of government, law, and the American political system) (Standard 2: Evaluate the roles, rights, and responsibilities of United States citizens, and determine methods of active participation in society, government and the political system.) Geography: (Standard 1: Understand how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools and technology to report information) (Standard 2: Understand physical and cultural characteristics of places) (Standard 5: Understand how human actions can impact the environment) Economics: (Standard 3: Understand the fundamental concepts and interrelationships of the United States economy in the international marketplace.) World History: (Standard 2: Describe the emergence of early civilizations (Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow Rivers, Meso, and South American.) (Standard 3: Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of classical civilizations (Phoenicia, Greece, Rome, Axum) Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Essential Content Course Themes Addressed: Geography and its use to understand relationships between people, places, and environments o Places and Regions o Human-Environmental Interaction o Movement and Cultural Diffusion Development of Civilizations o Cities and government Economic Systems o Trade and Commerce Social Structures o Gender roles and relations o Social and economic classes Civics and Political Systems o Principles of government o Political Structures o Forms of government o Citizenship Specific Content: Impact of Physical Geography o Mountainous Peninsula o Islands o Importance of the sea o Independent states Island Civilization o The Minoan Civilization o Island of Crete Second Nine Weeks NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Instructional Tools Florida Standards Focus Standard: Florida Standards Focus Activity: LAFS.6.RH.3.8 Distinguish among fact, opinion, and Have students prepare an oral and visual presentation (i.e. slide paper show) reasoned judgment in a text. about: Sparta, Athens, Persian Empire, Greek wars with the Persian Empire. Content Benchmarks: (This also meets LAFS.68.WSHT.2.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to SS.6.C.1.1 Identify democratic concepts developed in produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information ancient Greece that served as a foundation for American and ideas clearly and efficiently.) constitutional democracy. Text Resource: Discovering Our Past: A History of the World- Early Ages, Click on the following link for a detailed lesson plan, reading, 2013/1st Edition; Chapter 7 (pp171-208) The Ancient Greeks instructional materials and pre-post quiz questions to assist in the instruction of the relevant tested benchmark above: Vocabulary/Identification: Vocabulary: ns-civic_intergration/SS.6.C.1.1Lesson.pdf Acropolis, agora, bard, city-state, colony, democracy, direct democracy, ephors, helot, oligarchy, oracle, peninsula, phalanx, philosophers, polis, satrap, satrapy, SS.6.C.2.1 Identify principles (civic participation, role of tyranny, Zoroastrianism, government) from ancient Greek and Roman civilizations which are reflected in the American political process today, Places: and discuss their effect on the American political process. Acropolis, Aegean Sea, Asia Minor, Athens, Crete, Delphi. Ionia, Macedonia, Click on the following link for a detailed lesson plan, reading, Marathon, Mount Olympus, Parthenon, Plataea, Salamis, Sparta, Thebes, instructional materials and pre-post quiz questions to assist Thermopylae in the instruction of the relevant tested benchmark above: People: Aeschylus, Alexander the Great, Archimedes, Aristotle, Plato, Pythagoras, ns-civic_intergration/SS.6.C.1.1Lesson.pdf Socrates, Xerxes, Zeus SS.6.W.3.2 Explain the democratic concepts (polis, civic Events: Peloponnesian War participation and voting rights, legislative bodies, written constitutions, rule of law) developed in ancient Greece. Ancient World History Lesson Plan: Click the link for access to a complete lesson plan on the topic of Ancient SS.6.W.3.3 Compare life in Athens and Sparta (government Greece. and the status of citizens, women and children, foreigners, helots). nt%20cultures/Ancient%20Greece%20GR%206.pdf SS.6.W.3.4 Explain the causes and effects of the Persian SS.6.W.3.5 Summarize the important achievements and Technology: contributions of ancient Greek civilization. Compilation website of Athens, Daily life, geography, gods and goddesses, Sparta, time and war: Department of Social Sciences Website has Greece timeline, culture, maps, architecture, museums, and art: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 o o Knossos First civilization in Aegean Region Trade Mainland Civilization o The Mycenaean Kingdom o Palaces o Traders and Warriors o Dark Age and Decline o Hellenes Colonies and Trade o Population growth o Establishment of colonies o Trade Greek City-State o Role of geography Polis o Agora o Citizenship Sparta and Athens Sparta: Military Society o Location Peloponnesian Peninsula o Economy Helots-enslaved laborers o Military Society Discipline Simplicity Strength through self-denial o Women o Strict Government Oligarchy Assembly Council of Elders SS.6.W.3.6 Determine the impact of key figures from ancient Greece. SS.6.G.2.1 Explain how major physical characteristics, natural resources, climate, and absolute and relative locations have influenced settlement, interactions, and the economies of ancient civilizations. SS.6.G.2.2 Differentiate between continents, regions, countries, and cities in order to understand the complexities of regions created by civilizations. SS.6.G.2.5 Interpret how geographic boundaries invite or limit interaction with other regions and cultures. Website has Greece timeline, culture, maps, architecture, museums, and art: http:/ Ancient Greece resource for teachers and students: economies of ancient civilizations of the world. Suggested Activities: Have students create a map of ancient Greece and the Mediterranean world and locate the key political and physical features. Have students write a summary on the following statement, “The geography of Greece influenced the development of different city-states.” Have students create a military handbook for Spartan boys and their life in the Spartan military. SS.6.G.2.6 Explain the concept of cultural diffusion, and identify the influences of different ancient cultures on one another. Have students compose a poem explaining the meaning of the following quote from Sparta: “Children should be considered not so much the property of their parents as of the state.” SS.6.E.3.1 Identify examples of mediums of exchange (currencies) used for trade (barter) for each civilization, and explain why international trade requires a system for a medium of exchange between trading both inside and among various regions. Have students compare Athenian democracy with the governments of Mesopotamia and Egypt in a diagram or chart. SS.6.E.3.3 Describe traditional economies (Egypt, Greece, Rome, Kush) and elements of those economies that led to the rise of a merchant class and trading partners. SS.6.E.3.4 Describe the relationship among civilizations that engage in trade, including the benefits and drawbacks of voluntary trade. Have students create a Venn diagram comparing Sparta and Athens. Have students create a graphic organizer comparing the rights of women in ancient Athens and Sparta. Have students create a script for a play about an Athenian citizen who visits Sparta for the first time. Have students write a persuasive essay on why they would have preferred to live in Athens or Sparta. Skill Benchmarks: SS.6.G.1.7 Use maps to identify characteristics and boundaries of ancient civilizations that have shaped the world today. Have students write a letter describing a typical day’s journey on the Royal Road. SS.6.G.5.2 Use geographic terms and tools to explain why ancient civilizations developed networks of highways, waterways, and other transportation linkages. Have students write a TV listing of one paragraph that advertises a documentary on Greek discoveries. Department of Social Sciences Have students write a two-paragraph account of the Battle of Marathon. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 o o Ephors Citizens Currency: Iron Bars SS.6.W.1.1 Use timelines to identify chronological order of historical events. Athens: Young Democracy o Education o Early Reforms: Solon Council of 400 Peisistratus - tyrant o Development of Democracy Cleisthenes Council of 500 o Currency Have students prepare an oral and visual presentation about the Greek wars with the Persian Empire. Have students write a letter to Xerxes outlining reasons why he should cancel his invasion of Greece. Have students create a flow chart outlining factors that helped the Greeks defeat Persia. Have students compare the rights of women in ancient Athens and the rights of women in the United States today. Have students write an epitaph summarizing Pericles’ life. Have students create a Venn Diagram comparing the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence to Pericles’ Funeral Oration. Greece and Persia Have students create a chart outlining what Athens was like during the Age of Pericles (government, economy, culture, wars). Persian Empire o King Cyrus Treated conquered people fairly Improved network of roads o Government: Darius I reorganized government into satraps (provinces) o Zoroaster (religious teacher) Monotheism Zoroastrianism Have students write a summary discussing how direct democracy of ancient Athens differs from representative democracy in the United States. Persian Wars o Battle at Marathon o Battle at Thermopylae o Battle at Salamis o Battle at Plataea o Decline of Persia Department of Social Sciences Have students write a speech explaining the role the Delian League played in advancement of Athenian civilization. Have students create a chart that outlines challenges or threats to democracy in Athens. Working in groups, have students create a poster describing one of the following in ancient Greece: religion, drama, philosophy, writing, art and architecture. Assessment: Develop rubrics and share with students for each of the above mentioned projects in order to increase opportunities for mastery of content and historical thinking skills. Each project or assignment should be assessed for content accuracy and skill development in terms of writing and reading comprehension. ELL: Have students analyze the painting from Knossos and list some of the most important visual details in the painting that reflect Minoan culture. Use visual depictions of historical events in order to increase ELL students’ mastery of related content. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Rule of Pericles o Athens economic/cultural center o Democracy (direct) o Pericles- Ruled 30 years Reforms Athenian Democracy Arts and science Prosperous trade Center for knowledge Athenian Life Under Pericles o Men and Women o Slavery o Economy War Between Athens and Sparta (Peloponnesian War) o Delian League o The Athenian Empire o War Breaks Out o Pericles Funeral Oration o Athenian Surrender o Effects of War Use visual depictions of historical events in order to increase ELL students’ mastery of related content. This ELL website offers free blank printable graphic organizers and semantic webs. Have students create a picture dictionary of key terms in English and their native language using Additional ELL Strategies: Provide students with: Oral and visual cues for directions Pictures, graphs, charts, and videos Oral reading strategies (i.e., read-a-loud, jump in reading) Peer grouping for activities Teacher read-a-loud strategies Audio books Manipulative items (i.e.,3-D objects) Cooperative learning activities (small/large group settings) Structured paragraphs for writing assignments Simplified/shortened reading text Semantic mapping activities to enhance writing Language Experience Approach Related Programs: State and District Instructional Requirements: Teachers should be aware that State and District policy requires that all teachers K-12 provide instruction to students in the following content areas: African-American History, Character Education, Hispanic Contributions to the United States, Holocaust Education, and Women’s Contributions to the U.S. Detailed lesson plans can be downloaded from the Division of Social Sciences and Life Skills website,, under the headings “Character Education” and “Multicultural Support Documents.” Please note that instruction regarding the aforementioned requirements should take place throughout the entire scope of a given social studies course, not only during the particular month or day when a particular cultural group is celebrated or recognized SPED: Go the Department of Social Sciences’ website,, and look under “Curricular Documents,” Next Generation Sunshine State Standards” in order to download the PDF of Access Points for Students with Cognitive Disabilities related to this particular grade level. Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Pacing Guide Benchmark(s) Date Traditional: November 17December 7, 2015 Block: November 17December 7, 2015 Florida Standards Focus Standard: LAFS.6.RH.3.8 Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text. Content Benchmarks: SS.6.C.1.1 Identify democratic concepts developed in ancient Greece that served as a foundation for American constitutional democracy. SS.6.C.2.1 Identify principles (civic participation, role of government) from ancient Greek and Roman civilizations which are reflected in the American political process today, and discuss their effect on the American political process. SS.6.W.3.2 Explain the democratic concepts (polis, civic participation and voting rights, legislative bodies, written constitutions, rule of law) developed in ancient Greece. SS.6.W.3.3 Compare life in Athens and Sparta (government and the status of citizens, women and children, foreigners, helots). SS.6.W.3.4 Explain the causes and effects of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. SS.6.W.3.5 Summarize the important achievements and contributions of ancient Greek civilization. Department of Social Sciences Data Driven Benchmark(s) Activities Assessment(s) Strategies MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Pacing Guide Benchmark(s) Date Traditional: November 17December 7, 2015 Block: November 17December 7, 2015 Data Driven Benchmark(s) Activities Assessment(s) Strategies SS.6.W.3.6 Determine the impact of key figures from ancient Greece. SS.6.G.2.1 Explain how major physical characteristics, natural resources, climate, and absolute and relative locations have influenced settlement, interactions, and the economies of ancient civilizations. SS.6.G.2.2 Differentiate between continents, regions, countries, and cities in order to understand the complexities of regions created by civilizations. SS.6.G.2.5 Interpret how geographic boundaries invite or limit interaction with other regions and cultures. SS.6.G.2.6 Explain the concept of cultural diffusion, and identify the influences of different ancient cultures on one another. SS.6.E.3.1 Identify examples of mediums of exchange (currencies) used for trade (barter) for each civilization, and explain why international trade requires a system for a medium of exchange between trading both inside and among various regions. SS.6.E.3.3 Describe traditional economies (Egypt, Greece, Rome, Kush) and elements of those economies that led to the rise of a merchant class and trading partners. SS.6.E.3.4 Describe the relationship among civilizations that engage in trade, including the benefits and drawbacks of voluntary trade. Department of Social Sciences economies of ancient civilizations of the world. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Topic 8: GREEK CIVILIZATION 700 B.C. - 212 B.C. Pacing Date(s) Traditional 12 days 12-08-15 to 01-06-16 Block 6 days 12-08-15 to 01-06-16 Essential Questions: What shared beliefs, common practices, and values united Greeks in different city-states? How did Philip II and Alexander the Great spread Greek ideas to foreign lands? How do Greek advancements during this era continue to shape our world today? STRAND(S) and STANDARD(S): Civics and Government: (Standard 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the origins and purposes of government, law, and the American political system) (Standard 2: Evaluate the roles, rights, and responsibilities of United States citizens, and determine methods of active participation in society, government and the political system.) Geography: (Standard 1: Understand how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools and technology to report information) (Standard 2: Understand physical and cultural characteristics of places) (Standard 5: Understand how human actions can impact the environment) Economics: (Standard 3: Understand the fundamental concepts and interrelationships of the United States economy in the international marketplace.) World History: (Standard 2: Describe the emergence of early civilizations (Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow Rivers, Meso, and South American.) (Standard 3: Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of classical civilizations (Phoenicia, Greece, Rome, Axum). Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Essential Content Course Themes Addressed: Geography and its use to o Movement and Cultural Diffusion Development of Civilizations o Culture o Religions and philosophies o Science and technology o Arts and architecture Civics and Political Systems o Colonization and Imperialism o Global Structures and global citizenship Specific Content: Greek Culture Greek Beliefs o Greek Gods o Oracles o Epics and Fables o Greek Drama o Writers o Art and Architecture The Greek Mind o Greek thinkers Philosophers o The Sophists Rhetoric o Socrates Socratic method Fear of Socrates’ influence o Plato’s ideas The Republic Department of Social Sciences Second Nine Weeks NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Instructional Tools Florida Standards Focus Standard: Florida Standards Focus Activity: 1) LAFS.6.RH.4.10 By the end of grade 8, read and 1) Working in groups, have students create a poster describing and drawing the comprehend history/social studies text in the grades 6-8 text most important Greek contribution Literature, history, government, medicine, complexity band independently and proficiently. mathematics, astronomy, biology, art, religion, architecture, theater, and sports. Use: 2)LAFS.6.RH.1.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. (This also meets LAFS.68.WSHT.3.8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility Content Benchmarks: and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions SS.6.W.3.2 Explain the democratic concepts (polis, civic of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.) participation and voting rights, legislative bodies, written constitutions, rule of law) developed in ancient Greece. 2) Using primary sources (text resource p228-229 Did Socrates Commit Treason?, have students develop an opinion and write an argument to support SS.6.W.3.5 Summarize the important achievements and their point of view. contributions of ancient Greek civilization. (This also meets LAFS.68.WSHT.1.1 Write arguments focused on discipline SS.6.W.3.6 Determine the impact of key figures from specific content.) ancient Greece. Text Resource: Discovering Our Past: A History of the World- Early Ages, 2013/1st Edition; Chapter 8 (pp 209-244) Greek Civilization SS.6.W.3.7 Summarize the key achievements, contributions, and figures associated with The Hellenistic Vocabulary/Identification: Period. Content: comedy, democracy, drama, fable, monarchy, myth, oligarchy, oracle, oral SS.6.C.1.1 Identify democratic concepts developed in tradition, ritual, tragedy ancient Greece that served as a foundation for American constitutional democracy. Places: Mt. Olympus, Click on the following link for a detailed lesson plan, reading, instructional materials and pre-post quiz questions to assist People: Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Euripides, Sophocles in the instruction of the relevant tested benchmark above: Concepts: Iliad and Odyssey ns-civic_intergration/SS.6.C.1.1Lesson.pdf Ancient World History Lesson Plan: Click the link for access to a complete lesson plan on the topic of Ancient SS.6.C.2.1 Identify principles (civic participation, role of Greece. government) from ancient Greek and Roman civilizations which are reflected in the American political process today, nt%20cultures/Ancient%20Greece%20GR%206.pdf and discuss their effect on the American political process. Click on the following link for a detailed lesson plan, reading, Technology: instructional materials and pre-post quiz questions to assist Compilation website of Athens, Daily life, geography, gods and goddesses, in the instruction of the relevant tested benchmark above: Sparta, time and war: ns-civic_intergration/SS.6.C.1.1Lesson.pdf. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 o o o o Essential Content Aristotle Interests: Politics/Government, science Monarchy Oligarchy Democracy New History and Science Ideas o The Greeks and history o Herodotus 435 BC o Thucydides: historian o First scientists Thales Pythagoras o Medicine Hippocrates Hippocratic Oath Alexander’s Empire o Phillip II of Macedonia. Macedonians conquer Greece o Alexander, Phillip’s son Leads War with Persia Alexander’s Legacy o Alexander the Great o Education o Courage o A Divided Empire Macedonia, Egypt, Pergamum, Seleucid o The Hellenistic Kings Hellenistic Culture o Hellenistic Arts Buildings Statues Department of Social Sciences Second Nine Weeks NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Instructional Tools SS.6.G.2.2 Differentiate between continents, regions, countries, and cities in order to understand the complexities Website with timeline, culture, maps, architecture, museums, and art: of regions created by civilizations. SS.6.G.2.4 Explain how the geographical location of ancient civilizations contributed to the culture and politics of those societies. SS.6.G.2.6 Explain the concept of cultural diffusion, and identify the influences of different ancient cultures on one another. SS.6.E.1.1 Identify the factors (new resources, increased productivity, education, technology, slave economy, territorial expansion) that increase economic growth. Skill Benchmarks: SS.6.G.1.7 Use maps to identify characteristics and boundaries of ancient civilizations that have shaped the world today. SS.6.G.4.1 Explain how family and ethnic relationships influenced ancient cultures. Website has Greece timeline, culture, maps, architecture, museums, and art: http:/ Website with information on Greek gods Discovery Education Lesson plan- Alexander the Great- Meets the Press: Suggested Activities: Access the following web site and take the “Greek Mythology Symbol Challenge”. Read selected portions of “Aesop’s Fables” and conduct a class discussion of the lessons being taught and how the lessons exemplify the Greek idea of “Arête”. Assign students the task of researching and reporting on the Greek poet: Homer. Prepare a storytelling session for the class using several of Aesop’s best-known stories, such as the tale of the “The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg” or “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Have students create a television commercial storyboard for either Plato’s Academy or Aristotle’s Lyceum, outlining the important points of each man’s thinking. Have students create a pictionary of Greek gods and goddesses. Have students build a model of a Greek theater. Have students develop a time line covering the conquests of Alexander the Great and the spread of Greek culture. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Essential Content o Writers Appolonius Theocritus Menader o Thinkers Epicurius- Epicurianism Zeno- Stoicism o Science and Math Aristarchus Euclid Erastothenes Archimedes Greece and Rome o Four Kingdoms of Alexander’s Empire o Rome Second Nine Weeks NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Instructional Tools Have students create a list naming current or recent figures who might merit the title “the Great.” Have students create an outline describing the reasons for the breakup of Alexander’s empire into three separate kingdoms. Have students draw a postcard of the library at Alexandria and the Lighthouse at Alexandria and write a caption underneath explaining its importance for Greek culture. Bring in pictures of contemporary architecture that is built in the ancient Greek fashion; e.g. University of Virginia, buildings in Washington D.C. and other building which contain Greek columns and arches. Have students share and discuss the items. Have students create a list naming current or recent figures who might merit the title “the Great.” Assign students the task of preparing a visual presentation of Phillip of Macedonia and his son Alexander ‘s major battles at Granicus, Issus, Alexandria and Gaugamela. Have students create a collage of Alexander’s World _22_alexander_the_great.aspx Have students develop a time line covering the conquests of Alexander the Great and the spread of Greek culture. Have students create a flow chart tracking the achievements of Alexander the Great. Working in groups, have students create a poster describing and drawing the most important Greek contribution Literature, history, government, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, biology, architecture, theater, and sports. Use: Have students create an outline describing the reasons for the breakup of Alexander’s empire into three separate kingdoms. Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Essential Content Second Nine Weeks NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Instructional Tools Have students create a chart describing the Greek scientists and their contributions. Working in small groups, have students prepare radio documentaries on the achievements of the Hellenistic Era in science, and math. Have students choose one ancient Greek thinker, scientist, writer or leader and write a short speech explaining why this person deserves the Nobel Prize. Have students choose one of the following experiences and write a journal entry that describes what it would be like to be undergoing that experience using time and place: the oracle at Delphi, fighting at the Battle of Troy, sailing with Odysseus on his way home from the war, watching a great Athenian dramatist play, studying in the Academy or Lyceum, flying with Daedalus and Icarus or marching with Alexander’s army. Conduct a Greek Olympic competition as outlined at Assessment: Develop rubrics and share with students for each of the above mentioned projects in order to increase opportunities for mastery of content and historical thinking skills. Each project or assignment should be assessed for content accuracy and skill development in terms of writing and reading comprehension. ELL: Have students analyze the painting from Knossos and list some of the most important visual details in the painting that reflect Minoan culture. Use visual depictions of historical events in order to increase ELL students’ mastery of related content. ELL website offering free blank printable graphic organizers and semantic webs.: Provide students with oral and visual cues for directions Provide students with pictures, graphs, charts, and videos. Provide students with oral reading strategies (i.e., read-a-loud, jump in reading) Provide students with peer grouping for activities Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Essential Content Second Nine Weeks NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Instructional Tools Provide students with teacher read-a-loud strategies Provide students with the opportunity to use of audio books Provide students with the use of manipulative items (i.e.,3-D objects) Provide students with cooperative learning activities (small/large group settings) Provide students with structured paragraphs for writing assignments Provide students with the use of simplified/shortened reading text Provide students with semantic mapping activities to enhance writing Provide students with the opportunity to use the Language Experience Approach Related Programs: State and District Instructional Requirements: Teachers should be aware that State and District policy requires that all teachers K-12 provide instruction to students in the following content areas: African-American History, Character Education, Hispanic Contributions to the United States, Holocaust Education, and Women’s Contributions to the U.S. Detailed lesson plans can be downloaded from the Division of Social Sciences and Life Skills website,, under the headings “Character Education” and “Multicultural Support Documents.” Please note that instruction regarding the aforementioned requirements should take place throughout the entire scope of a given social studies course, not only during the particular month or day when a particular cultural group is celebrated or recognized SPED: Go the Department of Social Sciences’ website,, and look under “Curricular Documents,” Next Generation Sunshine State Standards” in order to download the PDF of Access Points for Students with Cognitive Disabilities related to this particular grade level. Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Pacing Guide Benchmark(s) Date Florida Standards Focus Standard: Traditional: 1)LAFS.6.RH.4.10 By the end of grade 8, read December 8, 2015- and comprehend history/social studies text in January 6, 2016 the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently. Block: December 8, 2015- 2)LAFS.6.RH.1.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary January 6, 2016 sources. Content Benchmarks: SS.6.W.3.2 Explain the democratic concepts (polis, civic participation and voting rights, legislative bodies, written constitutions, rule of law) developed in ancient Greece. SS.6.W.3.5 Summarize the important achievements and contributions of ancient Greek civilization. SS.6.W.3.6 Determine the impact of key figures from ancient Greece. SS.6.W.3.7 Summarize the key achievements, contributions, and figures associated with The Hellenistic Period. SS.6.C.1.1 Identify democratic concepts developed in ancient Greece that served as a foundation for American constitutional democracy. SS.6.C.2.1 Identify principles (civic participation, role of government) from ancient Greek and Roman civilizations which are reflected in the American political process today, and discuss their effect on the American political process. Department of Social Sciences Data Driven Benchmark(s) Activities Assessment(s) Strategies MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Pacing Guide Benchmark(s) Date Content Benchmarks: Traditional: SS.6.G.2.2 Differentiate between continents, December 8, 2015- regions, countries, and cities in order to January 6, 2016 understand the complexities of regions created by civilizations. Block: December 8, 2015- SS.6.G.2.4 Explain how the geographical location of ancient civilizations contributed to January 6, 2016 the culture and politics of those societies. SS.6.G.2.6 Explain the concept of cultural diffusion, and identify the influences of different ancient cultures on one another. SS.6.E.1.1 Identify the factors (new resources, increased productivity, education, technology, slave economy, territorial expansion) that increase economic growth. Department of Social Sciences Data Driven Benchmark(s) Activities Assessment(s) Strategies MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Topic 9: ANCIENT INDIA 3000 B.C.-A.D. 500 Pacing Date(s) Traditional 11 days 01-07-16 to 01-22-16 Block 5.5 days 01-07-16 to 01-22-16 Essential Questions: How did physical geography and climate influence the development of civilization in India? How did religions of India develop and shape culture and Indian society? STRAND(S) and STANDARD(S): Geography: (Standard 1: Understand how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools and technology to report information) (Standard 2: Understand physical and cultural characteristics of places) (Standard 4: Understand the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations) Economics: (Standard 1: Understand the fundamental concepts relevant to the development of a market economy.) (Standard 3: Understand the fundamental concepts and interrelationships of the United States economy in the international marketplace.) World History: (Standard 2: Describe the emergence of early civilizations, (Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow Rivers, Meso and South American) (Standard 4: Recognize significant events, figures and contributions of classical Asian civilizations (China, India) Second Nine Weeks Essential Content NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Instructional Tools Florida Standards Focus Standard: Florida Standards Focus Activity: Course Themes Addressed: LAFS.68.RH.2.4 Determine the meaning of words and Have students develop vocabulary concept maps/webs for key areas of the Geography and its use to phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary chapter. Vocabulary should be categorized, defined, and illustrated and include understand relationships between specific to domains related to history/social studies. key people, places, or events. Possible categories for concept maps: geography, people, places, and environments religion, language/literature, social caste. o Places and Regions Content Benchmarks: o Human-Environmental (This also meets LAFS.68.WSHT.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, Interaction SS.6.W.2.4 Compare the economic, political, social, and including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or o Movement and Cultural religious institutions of ancient river civilizations. technical processes (d. Use precise language and domain specific vocabulary to Diffusion inform about or explain the topic). SS.6.W.4.1 Discuss the significance of Aryan and other Development of Civilizations tribal migrations on Indian civilization. Text Resource: Discovering Our Past: A History of the World- Early o Culture Ages, 2013/1st Edition; Chapter 9 (pp 246-274) Ancient India o Religions and philosophies SS.6.W.4.2 Explain the major beliefs and practices o Science and technology associated with Hinduism and the social structure of the Vocabulary/Identification: o Arts and Sciences caste system in ancient India. Content: Economic Systems caste, culture, dharma, family, guru, monsoon, karma, language, nirvana, o Agriculture pilgrim, raja, reincarnation, Sanskrit, stupa, Subcontinent, o Trade and Commerce People: Social Structures Aryans, Ashoka, Brahmans, Chandra Gupta, Gupta Maurya, Kshatriyas, o Family & Kinship Mahavira, (Mauryan Dynasty), Sudras, Vaisyas o Race and Ethnicity Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Essential Content o Social and economic classes Specific Content: The Geography of India o The Indian Subcontinent o Mountains, plains, rivers o Climate Indus Valley Civilizations o Cities: Mohenjo-Daro Harappa o Daily Life Aryan Migrations/Settlements o Language Families Indo-European (Aryan) o Tribes Leader: Raja Language: Sanskrit Sacred Texts: Vedas Ancient Indian society o Varnas (Caste system) Priests (Brahmins) Kshatriyas (warriors, rulers) Vaisyas (Common people) Sudras (workers/servants) Religions of Ancient India o Hinduism Oldest, third largest religion Brahman – universal spirit Beliefs: Reincarnation Karma Dharma o Buddhism The Buddha Department of Social Sciences Second Nine Weeks NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Instructional Tools SS.6.W.4.3 Recognize the political and cultural Places: achievements of the Mauryan and Gupta empires. Deccan Plateau, Ganges River, Indus River, SS.6.W.4.4 Explain the teachings of Buddha, the importance of Asoka, and how Buddhism spread in India, Ceylon, and other parts of Asia. Concepts: Bhagavad Gita, Buddhism, The Eightfold Path, The Four Noble Truths, Hinduism, Jainism, Siddhartha Gautama, Varnas, Vedas, SS.6.G.2.1 Explain how major physical characteristics, natural resources, climate, and absolute and relative locations have influenced settlement, interactions, and the economies of ancient civilizations of the world. Technology: India –Past and present for teachers and students: SS.6.G.2.2 Differentiate between continents, regions, countries, and cities in order to understand the complexities of regions created by civilizations. SS.6.G.2.3 Analyze the relationship of physical geography to the development of ancient river valley civilizations. SS.6.G.2.4 Explain how the geographical location of ancient civilizations contributed to the culture and politics of those societies. SS.6.G.2.6 Explain the concept of cultural diffusion, and identify the influences of different ancient cultures on one another. SS.6.E.1.3 Describe the following economic concepts as they relate to early civilization: scarcity, opportunity cost, supply and demand, barter, trade, productive resources (land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship). SS.6.E.3.1 Identify examples of mediums of exchange (currencies) used for trade (barter) for each civilization, and explain why international trade requires a system for a medium of exchange between trading both inside and among various regions. SS.6.E.3.4 Describe the relationship among civilizations that engage in trade, including the benefits and drawbacks of voluntary trade. The British Museum - Ancient India information: Ancient India for kids: India virtual field trip: Suggested Activities: Study a climate and physical map of India and identify all of the geographical and climate features. Write a one page report on what it is like to be a member of a caste in ancient India. Follow yoga exercises from Bershma, Danielle & Visscher, Marjoke, Yoga games for Children, 2003. After the exercise, discuss the relationship between the “religion” of Buddhism and Yoga as well as how we use Yoga today. Work in cooperative groups and read copies of children’s Vedas and summarize and prepare a short statement on the plot and moral and how it relates to the religion of Hinduism Review Egyptian building techniques and compare them to the kinds of building the Harappa building techniques. Demonstrate to students how performing mathematical functions with IndianArabic numerals is simpler than with Roman numeral because the former system is a base-ten system that uses place value. Review with students the values of MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Essential Content Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path o Jainism Mahavira Ahimsa Mauryan Empire o India’s First Empire o Leader: Ashoka Influence of Buddhism o Accomplishments o Decline Gupta Empire o Leader: Gupta o Religion o Trade o Pilgrims Indian Culture o Literature Bhagavad Gita o Art o Architecture o Math Algebra o Science o Medicine Department of Social Sciences Second Nine Weeks NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Skill Benchmarks: SS.6.W.2.3 Identify the characteristics of civilization. SS.6.G.1.7 Use maps to identify characteristics and boundaries of ancient civilizations that have shaped the world today. SS.6.G.4.2 Use maps to trace significant migrations, and analyze their results. SS.6.G.4.4 Map and analyze the impact of the spread of various belief systems in the ancient world. SS.6.E.3.2 Categorize products that were traded among civilizations, and give examples of barriers to trade of those products. SS.6.W.4.5 Summarize the important achievements and contributions of ancient Indian civilization. Instructional Tools these Roman numerals: I = 1 V = 5 X = 10. Create a virtual timeline of the development of Hinduism and the emergence of Buddhism. Additional activities under technology at: Assessment: Develop rubrics and share with students for each of the above mentioned projects in order to increase opportunities for mastery of content and historical thinking skills. Each project or assignment should be assessed for content accuracy and skill development in terms of writing and reading comprehension. ELL: Use visual depictions of historical events in order to increase ELL students’ mastery of related content. This ELL website offers free blank printable graphic organizers and semantic webs. Have students create a picture geographic dictionary of key terms in English and their native language using Additional ELL Strategies: Provide students with: Oral and visual cues for directions Pictures, graphs, charts, and videos Oral reading strategies (i.e., read-a-loud, jump in reading) Peer grouping for activities Teacher read-a-loud strategies Audio books Manipulative items (i.e.,3-D objects) Cooperative learning activities (small/large group settings) Structured paragraphs for writing assignments Simplified/shortened reading text Semantic mapping activities to enhance writing Language Experience Approach MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Essential Content Second Nine Weeks NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Instructional Tools Related Programs: State and District Instructional Requirements: Teachers should be aware that State and District policy requires that all teachers K-12 provide instruction to students in the following content areas: African-American History, Character Education, Hispanic Contributions to the United States, Holocaust Education, and Women’s Contributions to the U.S. Detailed lesson plans can be downloaded from the Division of Social Sciences and Life Skills website,, under the headings “Character Education” and “Multicultural Support Documents.” Please note that instruction regarding the aforementioned requirements should take place throughout the entire scope of a given social studies course, not only during the particular month or day when a particular cultural group is celebrated or recognized. SPED: Go the Department of Social Sciences’ website,, and look under “Curricular Documents,” Next Generation Sunshine State Standards” in order to download the PDF of Access Points for Students with Cognitive Disabilities related to this particular grade level. Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Date Pacing Guide Benchmark(s) Traditional: January 7, 2016 -January 22, 2016 Block: January 7, 2016 -January 22, 2016 Florida Standards Focus Standard: LAFS.68.RH.2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. Content Benchmarks: SS.6.W.2.4 Compare the economic, political, social, and religious institutions of ancient river civilizations. SS.6.W.4.1 Discuss the significance of Aryan and other tribal migrations on Indian civilization. SS.6.W.4.2 Explain the major beliefs and practices associated with Hinduism and the social structure of the caste system in ancient India. SS.6.W.4.3 Recognize the political and cultural achievements of the Mauryan and Gupta empires. SS.6.W.4.4 Explain the teachings of Buddha, the importance of Asoka, and how Buddhism spread in India, Ceylon, and other parts of Asia. SS.6.G.2.1 Explain how major physical characteristics, natural resources, climate, and absolute and relative locations have influenced settlement, interactions, and the economies of ancient civilizations of the world. SS.6.G.2.2 Differentiate between continents, regions, countries, and cities in order to understand the complexities of regions created by civilizations. SS.6.G.2.3 Analyze the relationship of physical geography to the development of ancient river valley civilizations. SS.6.G.2.4 Explain how the geographical location of ancient civilizations contributed to the culture and politics of those societies. SS.6.G.2.6 Explain the concept of cultural diffusion, and identify the influences of different ancient cultures on one another. Department of Social Sciences Data Driven Benchmark(s) Activities Assessment(s) Strategies MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Date Pacing Guide Benchmark(s) Traditional: January 7, 2016 -January 22, 2016 Block: January 7, 2016 -January 22, 2016 SS.6.E.1.3 Describe the following economic concepts as they relate to early civilization: scarcity, opportunity cost, supply and demand, barter, trade, productive resources (land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship). SS.6.E.3.1 Identify examples of mediums of exchange (currencies) used for trade (barter) for each civilization, and explain why international trade requires a system for a medium of exchange between trading both inside and among various regions. SS.6.E.3.4 Describe the relationship among civilizations that engage in trade, including the benefits and drawbacks of voluntary trade. Department of Social Sciences Data Driven Benchmark(s) Activities Assessment(s) Strategies (land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship). MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Everfi Program Overview EverFi Financial Literacy™ Student Length: 6 hours (approximate) Meets 53 of the 107 Florida Standards for economics. Topics Covered: •Credit scores, •consumer fraud and protection, •budgeting, •insurance, •credit cards, •student loans, •1040’s, •FAFSA, •mortgages, •taxes, •stocks, •savings, •401k’s EverFi™ - Assist students in learning critical financial literacy skills. The web based program is plug and play ready and assists teachers in efficiently providing critical need financial skills in a fun and engaging digital environment. The system automatically records student progress and reports the unique score of each user back to the teacher. The program is engaging, easy to use, and provides students with a wonderful background on the essential skills that are critical for their future financial success. The resource contains 10 modules covering over 600 topics including banking, credit scores, insurance, credit cards, student loans, mortgages, taxes, stocks, savings, 401k’s and other critical concepts. Video, animations, 3-D gaming, avatars, and social networking – bring complex financial concepts to life for today’s digital generation. Students who successfully complete the course earn certification in financial literacy, which can be a powerful tool for job applications, college search, and internships. Steps to Access I. Activating Administrative Account • Go to • Click “sign up” on the top right of the screen. • Type in your school site registration site code (see list) and click “I’m a teacher”. • Complete the fields, enter your email address, create a • password and fill remaining fields. Click finished! II. Creating Classes and Class Codes 1. Once logged in, select the “classes” tab from the top navigation bar. 2. On the dropdown and select “create class”. Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 3. Select the appropriate curriculum (if applicable). Name the class the and click “add class”. (This will automatically generate a class registration code that will be stored on your dashboard. Students will use this class code in the same manner in which you registered.) III. Activating and Registering for Student Accounts 1. Go to 2. Select “sign up” at the top right of the screen. 3. Enter the class registration code for YOUR class. 4. Select “I’m a student Student” 5. Fill in all the required fields.-You DO NOT have to enter an email address. Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Additional Useful Online Resources for Financial Literacy Instruction: Financial Literacy from Florida’s Chief Financial Officer: The Department of Social Sciences is pleased to provide information regarding Mr. Jeff Atwater, Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, FREE online -DCPS employees can access this FREE online financial literacy learning resource by clicking on the following link: Valuable information is available from this website regarding understanding credit and debt, saving and spending, planning for life’s events, such as saving for college, buying a car, and accessing health care, and even games for students to teach them important mone resources are also available in Spanish by clicking on the “Spanish” tab at the bottom of the page. H & R Block’s Budget Challenge: Everyone knows money doesn't grow on trees. At least they will if H&R Block has any say in it. By learning strong budgeting skills and fiscal discipline early, kids can gain the knowledge and confidence to manage their own financial future. Our free H&R Block Budget Challenge encourages students to learn personal finance in a fun, engaging way while competing against other classrooms and students for $3 million in classroom grants and student scholarships. National Education Association’s Warehouse on Teaching Financial Literacy: Use these resources to supplement your curriculum and help students gain the financial literacy skills they’ll need to manage their financial resources effectively throughout their lives. Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Please log in to Discover Ed through your portal and copy and paste resource name into search function on Discovery Ed website. TOPIC 6: ISRAELITES 1800 B.C.-A.D.70 Video: Mediterranean Religions Judaism Introduces Monotheism (AGL) Judaism: Abraham and His Community The Exodus The Torah Jewish Teachings Project 500: Ancient Israel (AGL) David (AGL) The Phoenicians & Hebrews: The First Alphabets Jerusalem's History Refusing to Assimilate to the Greek Life The Story of Judah Maccabee (BGL) Uprising in Judea Haunts Rome Summary Image: Map: 10c B.C. kingdoms of Israel and Judah. (AGL) A reconstruction of Solomon's temple, Jerusalem. Ancient synagogue at Capernaum, modern-day Israel. Titus's Arch Showing the Menorah Audio: Religions of the World: Judaism: History Stuff You Should Know Podcast: How Hanukkah Works Article: Judaism TOPIC 7: THE ANCIENT GREEKS 2000B.C.-400 B.C. Video: Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Greece The Land and City-States of Ancient Greece Minoan Civilization Mycenae Greek City-States Athens: The Birthplace of Democracy History of Athens (AGL) Democracy Comes to Greece (AGL) Spartan Warriors The Security Systems of Athens and Sparta Horrible Histories: Groovy Greeks The Peloponnesian Wars The Battle of Marathon (AGL) Image: Map of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations The Agora, Athens Map: The Persian Wars 490-479 B.C. The Peloponnesian War, 431-404 B.C. Audio: The Myths & Legends of Ancient Greece: The Trojan War Stuff You Missed in History Class Podcast: The Battle of Marathon Article: Greece: History--Origins, Ancient Greece Zoroaster TOPIC 8: GREEK CIVILIZATION 700B.C.-212B.C. Video: Delphi Greek Mythology Myths and Legends: Ancient Greece Greek Drama: Tragedy & Comedy The Sanctuary of Zeus at Olympia Greek Art and Architecture in the Parthenon Ancient Greek Philosophy Plato and Aristotle Socrates Challenges Society (AGL) Plato and the Olympics (BGL) Math and the Ancient Greeks Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 The Hippocratic Oath Greece: One Out Of Many Alexander the Great The Spread of Hellenism (AGL) Image: The facade of the Parthenon (AGL) Plato and Aristotle by Luca Della Robbia Alexander the Great. Map, Hellenistic Empire under Alexander Audio: The Greek & Roman World: The Mediterranean Greeks: Alexander the Great Stuff You Missed in History Class Podcast: King Porus versus Alexander the Great (AGL) Article: Greek Religion and Mythology Alexander the Great Greece: History--Hellenistic Period Reading Passage: Perseus and Medusa Skill Builder: Greek Tragedy (AGL) TOPIC 9: ANCIENT INDIA 3000B.C.-A.D.500 Video: Geography and Climate of India Civilizations in the Indus Valley Migrants and Aryan Nomads Dravidian Religions and the Mauryan Empire Indo-European India's Place-Value Number System Hindu Beliefs The Caste System India's Faithful Founding Buddhism (AGL) Buddhism Four Noble Truths and Eight-Fold Path of Buddhism India: The Mauryan Empire Department of Social Sciences MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Sixth Grade-World History Course Code: 2109010 2 Elephant Warriors Hindu Scripture India (Architecture) Image: A map of Asoka's empire A Map of King Harsha’s Empire, 606-648 A.D. Audio: Stuff You Should Know Podcast: How Karma Works (AGL) Article: India Department of Social Sciences