Sixth Grade books for Ancient Civilization Social Studies Curriculum:


Sixth Grade books for Ancient Civilization Social Studies Curriculum:

By Linda Campillo – Lane Middle School

Harcourt Brace (Steck-Vaughn- lower reading levels):

Technology in the Time of Ancient Egypt by Judith Crosher

Digging up the Past: Troy and Knossos by Peter Hicks

The Ancient Chinese by Julia Waterlow

The Maya by Peter Chrisp

Country Insights: Mexico by Edward Parker

Other library books:

The First Civilizations by Giovanni Caselli, History or Everyday Things series

(really good)

Album of Prehistoric Man by Tom McGowan

Silver Burdett Picture Histories: Prehistoric Times by Louis-Rene Nougier

Old World Civilizations: The Rise of Cities and States, edited by Goran Burenhult (American

Museum of Natural History)

Eyewitness Visual Dictionaries: Ancient Civilizations pub. By Dorling Kindersley

Eyewitness Books – Early Humans pub. By Knopf

The Making of the Past: Man Before History by John Waechter pub. By Phaidon Press

Capstone Press also has a Graphic History series, but the only one I found that fits with sixth-grade curriculum is:

The Curse of King Tut’s Tomb by Michael Burgan

Perhaps- Lords of the Sea: The Vikings Explore the North Atlantic by Allison Lassieur (7th grade?)

And – The Adventures of Marco Polo by Roger Smalley (7th grade?)
