Literacy – This half-term, we will be linking the majority of our literacy work to our topic on Ancient Greece. We will be reading and exploring the content and structure of Greek myths, giving us the tools and understanding to be able to write our own. We will also be looking at journalistic styles of writing and non-fiction texts. Alongside this, our handwriting, spelling and grammar work will continue. Art and Design Technology – Through our topic, we will be looking closely at the art and architecture of Ancient Greece. We will look closely at the patterns and pictures used on Greek vases and vessels and use the ideas to design and create our own. Numeracy – This half term we will be consolidating and building on last term’s understanding, developing our knowledge of times tables and working hard to develop our ability to use written multiplication methods. We will also learn about the Ancient Greek mathematicians and what knowledge they gave us. SPRING TERM 1 CHESTNUT CLASS PE and Games – In Games on a Monday, the children will be working on their fitness and multi-skills (speed, agility and balance). On a Tuesday in PE, we will be exploring different styles of dance from around the World, drawing on the expertise of Kathy Wilson, a local dance instructor. Please ensure full kit is in school on these days. History and Geography - We will be considering life in Ancient Greek times, great wars and battles, mythology, art and architecture, gods and goddesses….. such a wide and varied topic, we will no doubt run out of time before we cover all that we would like to do! Research will lead us into having a better understanding of the past and the rich cultures that sprung from Ancient times. ANCIENT GREECE Homework – A new list of possible homework tasks has been sent home in their books. Once again the children can choose which activities suit and interest them. Many are linked to our new topic, to help extend their learning and interest in the subject. The list is not exhaustive and if you wish to do something that is not on it, please do, as long as it done to a high standard. Science – this term our topic is biology based, mainly looking at plants. We will explore their structure, the function of their parts and how they grow and survive in different conditions. MFL – We will continue building Music – The unit covered will develop the on our Spanish vocabulary and children’s ability to create simple rhythmic understanding of other cultures. patterns and perform them rhythmically using notation as support. R.E. – With Mrs Nicholson, the children will be exploring Hinduism; the gods, temples, beliefs and stories. Computing - We will be exploring programming through the use of Scratch, making our own animations come alive on the screen.