USA- Roaring 20s Women in the 1920s Key Words SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Chaperone Flapper Anti-Flirt League Conservative Today you will learn to… • Explain the role of women in the 1920’s and how their lives changed Learning Skills Writing Speaking D target pupils can Describe 3 ways in which life changed for women in the 1920’s C target pupils can Be able to compare a 1920’s woman with a 1910 woman B target pupils can Evaluate how the role of women changed during the 1920’s Today you will learn to… • Explain the role of women in the 1920’s and how their lives changed Key Words SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Watch the following clip and write down as many things you can that you see the women doing Chaperone Flapper Anti-Flirt League Conservative Learning Skills Writing Speaking D target pupils can Describe 3 ways in which life changed for women in the 1920’s C target pupils can Be able to compare a 1920’s woman with a 1910 woman B target pupils can Evaluate how the role of women changed during the 1920’s Today you will learn to… • Explain the role of women in the 1920’s and how their lives changed Women before the 1920s SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... • Before WW1 women in America were expected to lead restricted lives. Few women worked. Key Words Chaperone Flapper Anti-Flirt League Conservative • They were expected to dress conservatively and were expected to behave politely Learning Skills Writing Speaking D target pupils can Describe 3 ways in which life changed for women in the 1920’s C target pupils can Be able to compare a 1920’s woman with a 1910 woman B target pupils can Evaluate how the role of women changed during the 1920’s Today you will learn to… • Explain the role of women in the 1920’s and how their lives changed Flappers SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... With the outbreak of war life changed for many women, especially urban middle and working class women Key Words Chaperone Flapper Anti-Flirt League Conservative • War allowed women to work as skilled workers for the first time • In 1920 all women could vote • Shared liberating effect of the car • Housework made easier by new electrical appliances Learning Skills Writing • Traditional rules of behaviour eased and changed • Took on jobs in new industries Speaking • Less likely to stay in unhappy marriages as they could now file for divorce D target pupils can Describe 3 ways in which life changed for women in the 1920’s C target pupils can Be able to compare a 1920’s woman with a 1910 woman B target pupils can Evaluate how the role of women changed during the 1920’s Women before the 1920s Flappers Today you will learn to… • Explain the role of women in the 1920’s and how their lives changed Opposition to the Flappers SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... It wasn’t all positive for women. The Anti-Flirt league made life difficult for flappers as they disapproved of their behaviour. They distributed badges and organised speeches in response to the actions of the Flappers. Wages for women also remained lower than they did for men, equalities still existed. “The low-cut dresses, the stockings and short skirts are born of the devil and are carrying the present and future generations of this country to destruction.” Key Words Chaperone Flapper Anti-Flirt League Conservative Learning Skills Writing President of Florida University What does this source tell you about attitudes to women in the 1920s? Speaking D target pupils can Describe 3 ways in which life changed for women in the 1920’s C target pupils can Be able to compare a 1920’s woman with a 1910 woman B target pupils can Evaluate how the role of women changed during the 1920’s Today you will learn to… • Explain the role of women in the 1920’s and how their lives changed Opposition to the Flappers SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Imagine you are a member of the Anti-Flirt League. In the diamond 9 write down, in order, all the things that you would have disapproved a young woman doing Worst Smoking, dancing, holding hands without gloves, short skirts, make up, flesh coloured tights, unchaperoned dates, sunbathing, working in male industries Key Words Chaperone Flapper Anti-Flirt League Conservative Learning Skills Writing Speaking D target pupils can Describe 3 ways in which life changed for women in the 1920’s C target pupils can Be able to compare a 1920’s woman with a 1910 woman B target pupils can Evaluate how the role of women changed during the 1920’s Opposition to the Flappers It wasn’t all positive for women. The Anti-Flirt league made life difficult for flappers as they disapproved of their behaviour. They distributed badges and organised speeches in response to the actions of the Flappers. Wages for women also remained lower than they did for men, equalities still existed. “The low-cut dresses, the stockings and short skirts are born of the devil and are carrying the present and future generations of this country to destruction.” President of Florida University